396 research outputs found

    Volume Comparison for Hypersurfaces in Lorentzian Manifolds and Singularity Theorems

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    We develop area and volume comparison theorems for the evolution of spacelike, acausal, causally complete hypersurfaces in Lorentzian manifolds, where one has a lower bound on the Ricci tensor along timelike curves, and an upper bound on the mean curvature of the hypersurface. Using these results, we give a new proof of Hawking's singularity theorem.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Seventy-Five Years (1940-2015) of Lehigh University\u27s Chemistry Department

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    The 75-years 1940 to 2015 have been exciting ones for the Department of Chemistry; new buildings, new programs, energetic young faculty, enhanced research image, and a far broader coverage of Chemistry than our ancestors ever presumed. Five chairs guided the department through its first 75-years but it took 11 chairs (with two of them serving twice) to manage the second 75-years. As one of the Lehigh founding departments in 1865 our first 75-years have already been covered. The reader is directed to a history written by Robert D. Billinger, A History of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1866-1941) which is available in original in the Lehigh Archives and as an on-line document. This sesquicentennial volume is also available in hardcopy with original illustrations in the archives or on-line

    The First Spatially Resolved Mid-IR Spectra of NGC 1068 Obtained at Diffraction-limited Resolution with LWS at Keck I Telescope

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    We present spatially resolved mid-IR spectra of NGC 1068 with a diffraction-limited resolution of 0.25\arcsec using the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) at the Keck I telescope. The mid-infrared image of NGC 1068 is extended along the N-S direction. Previous imaging studies have shown the extended regions are located inside the ionization cones indicating that the mid-infrared emission arises perhaps from the inner regions of the narrow-line clouds instead of the proposed dusty torus itself. The spatially resolved mid-IR spectra were obtained at two different slit position angles, +8.0 and -13.0 degrees across the elongated regions in the mid-IR. From these spectra, we found only weak silicate absorption toward the northern extended regions but strong in the nucleus and the southern extended regions. This is consistent with a model of a slightly inclined cold obscuring torus which covers much of the southern regions but is behind the northern extension. While a detailed analysis of the spectra requires a radiative transfer model, the lack of silicate emission from the northern extended regions prompts us to consider a dual dust population model as one of the possible explanations in which a different dust population exists in the ionization cones compared to that in the dusty torus. Dust inside the ionization cones may lack small silicate grains giving rise to only a featureless continuum in the northern extended regions while dust in the dusty torus has plenty of small silicate grains to produce the strong silicate absorption lines towards the nucleus and the southern extended regions.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Genomic analysis of the carboxylesterase family in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    The pyrethroid deltamethrin and the macrocyclic lactone emamectin benzoate (EMB) are used to treat infestations of farmed salmon by parasitic salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis. While the efficacy of both compounds against Atlantic populations of the parasite has decreased as a result of the evolution of resistance, the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in L. salmonis are currently not fully understood. The functionally diverse carboxylesterases (CaE) family includes members involved in pesticide resistance phenotypes of terrestrial arthropods. The present study had the objective to characterize the CaE family in L. salmonis and assess its role in drug resistance. L. salmonis CaE homologues were identified by homology searches in the parasite's transcriptome and genome. The transcript expression of CaEs predicted to be catalytically competent was studied using quantitative reverse-transcription PCR in drug susceptible and multi-resistant L. salmonis. The above strategy led to the identification of 21 CaEs genes/pseudogenes. Phylogenetic analyses assigned 13 CaEs to clades involved in neurodevelopmental signaling and cell adhesion, while three sequences were predicted to encode secreted enzymes. Ten CaEs were identified as being potentially catalytically competent. Transcript expression of acetylcholinesterase (ace1b) was significantly increased in multi-resistant lice compared to drug-susceptible L. salmonis, with transcript abundance further increased in preadult-II females following EMB exposure. In summary, results from the present study demonstrate that L. salmonis possesses fewer CaE gene family members than most arthropods characterized so far. Drug resistance in L. salmonis was associated with overexpression of ace1b

    Genome-wide survey of cytochrome P450 genes in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (KrĂžyer, 1837)

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    Background The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infests farmed and wild salmonid fishes, causing considerable economic damage to the salmon farming industry. Infestations of farmed salmon are controlled using a combination of non-medicinal approaches and veterinary drug treatments. While L. salmonis has developed resistance to most available salmon delousing agents, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved. Members of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily are typically monooxygenases, some of which are involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of endogenous compounds, while others have central roles in the detoxification of xenobiotics. In terrestrial arthropods, insecticide resistance can be based on the enhanced expression of CYPs. The reported research aimed to characterise the CYP superfamily in L. salmonis and assess its potential roles in drug resistance. Methods Lepeophtheirus salmonis CYPs were identified by homology searches of the genome and transcriptome of the parasite. CYP transcript abundance in drug susceptible and multi-resistant L. salmonis was assessed by quantitative reverse transcription PCR, taking into account both constitutive expression and expression in parasites exposed to sublethal levels of salmon delousing agents, ecdysteroids and environmental chemicals. Results The above strategy led to the identification of 25 CYP genes/pseudogenes in L. salmonis, making its CYP superfamily the most compact characterised for any arthropod to date. Lepeophtheirus salmonis possesses homologues of a number of arthropod CYP genes with roles in ecdysteroid metabolism, such as the fruit fly genes disembodied, shadow, shade, spook and Cyp18a1. CYP transcript expression did not differ between one drug susceptible and one multi-resistant strain of L. salmonis. Exposure of L. salmonis to emamectin benzoate or deltamethrin caused the transcriptional upregulation of certain CYPs. In contrast, neither ecdysteroid nor benzo[a]pyrene exposure affected CYP transcription significantly. Conclusions The parasite L. salmonis is demonstrated to possess the most compact CYP superfamily characterised for any arthropod to date. The complement of CYP genes in L. salmonis includes conserved CYP genes involved in ecdysteroid biosynthesis and metabolism, as well as drug-inducible CYP genes. The present study does not provide evidence for a role of CYP genes in the decreased susceptibility of the multiresistant parasite strain studied

    Mutations in voltage-gated sodium channels from pyrethroid resistant salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    Background Parasitic salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) cause high economic losses in Atlantic salmon farming. Pyrethroids, which block arthropod voltage‐gated sodium channels (Nav1), are used for salmon delousing. However, pyrethroid resistance is common in L. salmonis. The present study characterised Nav1 homologues in L. salmonis in order to identify channel mutations associated to resistance, called kdr (knockdown) mutations. Results Genome scans identified three L. salmonis Nav1 homologues, LsNav1.1, LsNav1.2 and LsNav1.3. Arthropod kdr mutations map to specific Nav1 regions within domains DI‐III, namely segments S5 and S6 and the linker helix connecting S4 and S5. The above channel regions were amplified by RT‐PCR and sequenced in deltamethrin‐susceptible and deltamethrin‐resistant L. salmonis. While LsNav1.1 and LsNav1.2 lacked nucleotide polymorphisms showing association to resistance, LsNav1.3 showed a non‐synonymous mutation in S5 of DII occurring in deltamethrin‐resistant parasites. The mutation is homologous to a previously described kdr mutation (I936V, numbering according to Musca domestica Vssc1) and was present in two pyrethroid‐resistant L. salmonis strains (allele frequencies of 0.800 and 0.357), but absent in two pyrethroid‐susceptible strains. Conclusions The present study indicates that a kdr‐mutation in LsNaV 1.3 may contribute to deltamethrin resistance in L. salmonis

    Key role of mitochondrial mutation Leu107Ser (COX1) in deltamethrin resistance in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    The pyrethroid deltamethrin (DTM) is used to treat Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) against salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestations. However, DTM resistance has evolved in L. salmonis and is currently common in the North Atlantic. This study aimed to re-assess the association between DTM resistance and mitochondrial (mtDNA) mutations demonstrated in previous reports. Among 218 L. salmonis collected in Scotland in 2018–2019, 89.4% showed DTM resistance in bioassays, while 93.6% expressed at least one of four mtDNA single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously shown to be resistance associated. Genotyping at further 14 SNP loci allowed to define three resistance-associated mtDNA haplotypes, named 2, 3 and 4, occurring in 72.0%, 14.2% and 7.3% of samples, respectively. L. salmonis strains IoA-02 (haplotype 2) and IoA-10 (haplotype 3) both showed high levels (~ 100-fold) of DTM resistance, which was inherited maternally in crossing experiments. MtDNA haplotypes 2 and 3 differed in genotype for 17 of 18 studied SNPs, but shared one mutation that causes an amino acid change (Leu107Ser) in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COX1) and was present in all DTM resistant while lacking in all susceptible parasites. We conclude that Leu107Ser (COX1) is a main genetic determinant of DTM resistance in L. salmonis

    Time-to-response toxicity analysis as a method for drug susceptibility assessment in salmon lice

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    The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) is an ectoparasite causing infections ofwild and farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Northern hemisphere.While L. salmonis control at commercial mariculture sites increasingly employs non-medicinal approaches, such as cage designs reducing infection rates and biological control through cleaner fish, anti-parasitic drugs are still a requirement for effective fish health care. With only a limited range of salmon delousing agents available, all of which have been in use for more than a decade, drug resistance formation has been reported for different products. Successful resistance management requires reliable susceptibility assessment, which is usually achieved through L. salmonis bioassays. These tests involve the exposure of parasites to different drug concentrations and require significant numbers of suitable L. salmonis stages. The present study reports an alternative bioassay that is based on time-to-response toxicity analyses and can be carried outwith limited parasite numbers. The assay determines the median effective time (ET50), i.e., the time required until impaired swimming and/or attachment behaviour becomes apparent in 50% of parasites, by conducting repeated examinations of test animals starting at the timepointwhere exposure to a set drug concentration commences. This experimental approach further allows the estimation of the apparent drug susceptibility of individual L. salmonis by determining their time to response, which may prove useful in experiments designed to elucidate associations between genetic factors and the drug susceptibility phenotype of parasites. Three laboratory strains of L. salmonis differing in susceptibility to emamectin benzoate were characterised using standard 24 h bioassays and time-to-response toxicity assays. While both the median effective concentration (EC50) and the ET50 showed variability between experimental repeats, both types of bioassay consistently discriminated susceptible and drug-resistant L. salmonis laboratory strains. Statement of relevance: Infections by sea lice cause significant costs to the global salmon farming industry, which have been estimated to exceed €300 million per year worldwide. Control of sea lice still relies to a significant extent on chemical delousing; however, chemical control is threatened by resistance formation. Resistance can be combated by rotation between different drugs and strategic implementation of non-medicinal strategies. However, resistance management requires reliable and feasible methods of susceptibility assessment. The present study is a technical note introducing a novel approach to susceptibility assessments in sea lice. The method can be applied in susceptibility assessments on farms,where it offers the advantage of a reduced requirement of parasites for testing. In addition, the novel method allows deriving the times of parasite require to showa response after drug treatment has started, thus providing a variable characterizing the drug susceptibility phenotype of individual parasites. Accordingly, the bioassay approach presented here will be useful for studies aiming at unravelling the genetic determinants of drug resistance
