225 research outputs found


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    This article reveals the features of the econometric analysis of Russian Federation international competitiveness indicators in the aspect of production justification of the choice of measures of industrial policy and economy regulation. Based on the analysis results of the cross-correlation features were identified development factors competitiveness of the Russian Federation

    On the force acting on a heated spherical drop moving in a gaseous medlum

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    The flow around a heated spherical drop in a viscous non-isothermal gaseous medium with uniformly distributed constant-power heat sources (sinks) acting inside is theoretically described in the Stokes approximationyesBelgorod State Universit

    On the gravitational motion of a nonuniformly heated solid particle in a gaseous medium

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    The steady motion of a nonuniformly heated spherical aerosol particle through a viscous gaseous medium is theoretically studied in the Stokes approximationyesBelgorod State Universit


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    The article covers the following issues: the development and practical application of airborne electro-optic systems in the civil aviation aircraft. They provide flight visual information for the pilot day and night in visual and instrument weather conditions. The legal documents establishing the requirements for the application of this type of electro-optic systems in aircraft are presented. The classification of airborne electro-optic systems, commonly named as electronic visualization systems is analyzed. The ways of implementing the recommendations in their construction are considered. There have been analyzed the possibilities of systems of different classes: enhanced vision systems (EVS), synthetic vision systems (SVS), combine vision systems (CVS) and on-board vision systems with advanced visualization features, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS). It is determined that nowadays EVS systems are considered to be the potential application systems. In order to analyze the possibilities of practical application of such systems in the issues of flight safety at low altitude and landing, flight experiments of the system installed on a light helicopter were conducted. The research introduces the results of flight experiments on the practical work of television and infrared (IR) viewing channels of a promising typical system in simple and complex observation conditions. Based on the results of flight experiments, a conclusion can be made about the relevance of practical application of electronic visualization systems on board the aircraft to ensure flight safety. It is determined that the systems can be used in flight both for land observation tasks and ensuring a safe flight. When flying the helicopter at low altitude and landing procedures the pilot should use visual information from the rear hemisphere of the lower tail unit by electro-optical visualization system. It was elicited that in the infrared (IR) channel and the fast rotation of visualization system camera located there is a corresponding delay of vision direction and the actual direction of flight. The vision is blurred. In the mode of the infrared spectrum information there appears a filtering problem of interference caused by helicopter engine exhaust gases and snow in the sector of observation. It makes it more difficult to obtain the benefits of visualization systems vision in adverse weather conditions. The conclusions indicated that perspective visualization systems for IR channels require additional use of methods and algorithms to ensure high-definition vision.Рассматриваются вопросы по развитию и практическому применению на воздушных судах гражданской авиации бортовых оптико-электронных систем, обеспечивающих получение информации видения пилоту в полете днем и ночью в простых и сложных метеоусловиях. Представлены нормативно-правовые документы, устанавливающие требования по применению подобного типа оптико-электронных систем на воздушных судах. Проанализирована классификация бортовых оптико-электронных систем, объединенных общим названием электронные системы визуализации. Рассмотрены пути реализации рекомендаций по их построению.Проанализированы возможности систем разных классов: систем улучшенного видения (Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS)), систем искусственного видения (Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS)), комбинированных систем искусственного видения (Combine Vision Systems (CVS)) и бортовых систем технического зрения с расширенными возможностями визуализации Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS)). Указано, что в настоящее время к системам перспективного применения относят системы класса EVS. С целью анализа возможностей практического применения таких систем в задачах обеспечения безопасности полета на малых высотах и посадки были проведены летные эксперименты системы, установленной на легком вертолете. Представлены результаты летных экспериментов по практической работе телевизионного и инфракрасного каналов видения типовой перспективной системы визуализации в простых и сложных условиях наблюдения. На основании результатов летных экспериментов сделаны выводы о целесообразности практического применения электронных систем визуализации на воздушных судах для обеспечения безопасности полета. Установлено, что системы можно применять при полете как для задач наблюдения, обследования местности, так и обеспечения безопасного полета. При полете вертолета на малых высотах и выполнении посадки пилоту целесообразно использовать от оптико-электронной системы визуализации информацию видения со стороны задней полусферы нижней хвостовой части. Выявлено, что в работе инфракрасного (ИК) канала и быстрых поворотах камеры системы визуализации проявляется запаздывание соответствия направлений видения и реального полета. Проявляется размытие изображения видения. В режиме регистрации информации ИК-спектра возникает проблема фильтрации помех, вызванных появлением в секторе наблюдения выхлопных газов двигателя вертолета, снега. Это затрудняет получение преимущества видения систем визуализации в сложных метеоусловиях. В выводах указано, что в перспективных системах визуализации для ИК каналов требуется дополнительное использование методов и алгоритмов обеспечения высокой четкости изображения видения

    Total cross sections for the reactions 10,11,12^{10,11,12}Be+28^{28}Si and 14^{14}B+28^{28}Si

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    In this paper, the results of measurements of the total cross sections for the reactions 10,11,12^{10,11,12}Be+28^{28}Si and 14^{14}B+28^{28}Si in the beam energy range 13A13A--47A47A MeV are presented. The experimental cross sections were obtained by detection of the gamma quanta and neutrons accompanying the interaction of the isotopes of Be and B with 28^{28}Si. It was found that the cross sections for 11,12^{11,12}Be are similar, but significantly exceed those for 10^{10}Be. A significant increase in the cross sections for 12^{12}Be with decreasing energy is observed in the entire measured energy range. A theoretical explanation of the obtained experimental data is given based on the microscopic model of deformed nuclei and the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the outer weakly bound neutrons of the projectile nuclei. The calculated total reaction cross sections are in good agreement with the experimental data

    dagLogo: An R/Bioconductor package for identifying and visualizing differential amino acid group usage in proteomics data

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    Sequence logos have been widely used as graphical representations of conserved nucleic acid and protein motifs. Due to the complexity of the amino acid (AA) alphabet, rich post-translational modification, and diverse subcellular localization of proteins, few versatile tools are available for effective identification and visualization of protein motifs. In addition, various reduced AA alphabets based on physicochemical, structural, or functional properties have been valuable in the study of protein alignment, folding, structure prediction, and evolution. However, there is lack of tools for applying reduced AA alphabets to the identification and visualization of statistically significant motifs. To fill this gap, we developed an R/Bioconductor package dagLogo, which has several advantages over existing tools. First, dagLogo allows various formats for input sets and provides comprehensive options to build optimal background models. It implements different reduced AA alphabets to group AAs of similar properties. Furthermore, dagLogo provides statistical and visual solutions for differential AA (or AA group) usage analysis of both large and small data sets. Case studies showed that dagLogo can better identify and visualize conserved protein sequence patterns from different types of inputs and can potentially reveal the biological patterns that could be missed by other logo generators

    The lysine methyltransferase SMYD3 interacts with hepatitis C virus NS5A and is a negative regulator of viral particle production

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a considerable global health and economic burden. The HCV nonstructural protein (NS) 5A is essential for the viral life cycle. The ability of NS5A to interact with different host and viral proteins allow it to manipulate cellular pathways and regulate viral processes, including RNA replication and virus particle assembly. As part of a proteomic screen, we identified several NS5A-binding proteins, including the lysine methyltransferase SET and MYND domain containing protein 3 (SMYD3). We confirmed the interaction in the context of viral replication by co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization studies. Mutational analyses revealed that the MYND-domain of SMYD3 and domain III of NS5A are required for the interaction. Overexpression of SMYD3 resulted in decreased intracellular and extracellular virus titers, whilst viral RNA replication remained unchanged, suggesting that SMYD3 negatively affects HCV particle production in a NS5A-dependent manner. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Home Archive of the Dolinins’ Pomorian Family as a Source for Studying Social Transformations in the 1930–50s

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    В статье анализируются документальные источники, которые впервые вводятся в научный оборот и позволяют судить o повседневной жизни Карельского Поморья в 30–50-е гг. XX в. На основе анализируемых документов сделаны наблюдения о действовавшей в советский период в отношении крестьян-поморов налоговой системе, их взаимодействии с представителями управленческих бюрократических структур и о некоторых особенностях бытовой жизни.The article analyzes documentary sources that were used for the first time. They discover the everyday life of Karelian Pomorie during the 1930s and the 1950s. The focus is on tax issues, organization of economic activities, and the everyday life of one Pomorian household. The analysis of the studied documents leads to certain observations about the tax system that was established during the Soviet period for the Pomorian peasants, about their interaction with representatives of administrative bureaucratic structures, and about some features of their everyday life

    Сравнение эффективности продленной ультразвук-ассистированной блокады в плоскости мышцы разгибателя спины и продленной эпидуральной анестезии при операциях минимально инвазивного коронарного шунтирования

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       The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prolonged ESP-block in comparison with prolonged thoracic epidural anesthesia in MIDCAB surgery.   Materials and methods. We conducted a prospective randomised two centre study with 45 patients who underwent MIDCAB surgery. In addition to general anesthesia, prolonged ESP-block was performed in group 1 (n = 22), and prolonged epidural anesthesia was performed in group 2 (n = 23).   Results. The decrease in blood pressure caused by the development of the regional block at all stages of anesthesia was more pronounced when using epidural anesthesia. In group 2, the dosage of norepinephrine was higher: 0.06 (0.05; 0.0725) mcg/kg–1/min–1 in group 1 and 0.16 (0.16; 0.16) mcg/kg/min in group 2, p < 0.001. The duration of prolonged mechanical ventilation in group 1 was lower and amounted to 102.5 (90; 110) minutes versus 110 (110; 115) minutes in group 2. The duration of surgery did not differ between the groups, the fentanyl consumption for anesthesia was higher in group 1: 0.7 (0.6; 0.8) mg versus 0.6 (0.5; 0.1) mg in group 2 (p < 0.001). Postoperatively, pain was rated as mild to moderate in both groups, with less pain in the group with epidural analgesia at stages 4 to 32 hours at rest and on coughing. After 48 hours, there were no statistical differences between the groups. The score of pain during coughing in both groups did not exceed 3 points, and patients did not need emergency analgesia.   Conclusion. In MIDCAB operations, the prolonged ESP-block is an effective method of regional anesthesia. While providing a sufficiently high level of analgesia, the use of the ESP-block during surgery only slightly increases the fentanyl usage. In the postoperative period, when using the ESP-block, extubation occurs earlier, and analgesia is almost as good as epidural blockade.   Цель – изучение эффективности продленной ультразвук-ассистированной блокады в плоскости мышцы разгибателя спины и продленной торакальной эпидуральной анестезии при операциях MIDCAB.   Материалы и методы. Проведено проспективное двухцентровое рандомизированное исследование с участием 45 пациентов, которым выполнена операция MIDCAB. Помимо общей анестезии, в 1-й группе (n = 22) выполняли продленный ESP-блок, во 2-й группе (n = 23) выполняли продленную эпидуральную анестезию.   Результаты. Снижение артериального давления, вызванное развитием регионарного блока, на всех этапах анестезии было более выраженным при использовании эпидуральной анестезии. Во 2-й группе была выше дозировка норадреналина: 0,06 (0,05; 0,0725) мкг·кг–1·мин–1 в 1-й группе и 0,16 (0,16; 0,16) мкг·кг–1·мин–1 во 2-й группе, p < 0,001. Продолжительность продленной искусственной вентиляции легких в 1-й группе была ниже и составила 102,5 (90; 110) минут против 110 (110; 115) минут во 2-й группе. Продолжительность оперативного вмешательства между группами не различалась, общее потребление фентанила за анестезию было выше в 1-й группе: 0,7 (0,6; 0,8) мг против 0,6 (0,5; 0,1) мг во 2-й группе (p < 0,001). После операции боль расценивали как слабую и умеренную в обеих группах, на этапах от 4 часов до 32 часов в покое и при кашле в группе с эпидуральной анальгезией боль была меньше. Через 48 часов статистических различий между группами не было. Оценка боли при кашле в обеих группах не превышала 3 балла и в экстренной анальгезии пациенты не нуждались.   Вывод. При операциях MIDCAB продленный ESP-блок является эффективным методом регионарной анестезии. Обеспечивая достаточно высокий уровень анальгезии, использование ESP-блока во время операции лишь незначительно увеличивает потребность в применении фентанила. В послеоперационном периоде при использовании ESP-блока экстубация происходит раньше, а анальгезия в целом сравнима с эпидуральной блокадой

    Target profiling of an antimetastatic RAPTA agent by chemical proteomics: relevance to the mode of action.

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    The clinical development of anticancer metallodrugs is often hindered by the elusive nature of their molecular targets. To identify the molecular targets of an antimetastatic ruthenium organometallic complex based on 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (RAPTA), we employed a chemical proteomic approach. The approach combines the design of an affinity probe featuring the pharmacophore with mass-spectrometry-based analysis of interacting proteins found in cancer cell lysates. The comparison of data sets obtained for cell lysates from cancer cells before and after treatment with a competitive binder suggests that RAPTA interacts with a number of cancer-related proteins, which may be responsible for the antiangiogenic and antimetastatic activity of RAPTA complexes. Notably, the proteins identified include the cytokines midkine, pleiotrophin and fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 3. We also detected guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 3 and FAM32A, which is in line with the hypothesis that the antiproliferative activity of RAPTA compounds is due to induction of a G2/M arrest and histone proteins identified earlier as potential targets