23 research outputs found

    Experimental program QUENCH at KIT on core degradation during reflooding under LOCA conditions and in the early phase of a severe accident

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    The most important accident management measure to terminate a severe accident transient in LWR is the injection of water to cool the uncovered degraded core. In order to detailed investigation of the reflood effect on bundle degradation the QUENCH program was initiated in 1996 followed-up the CORA bundle tests and is still on-going. So far, 17 integral bundle QUENCH experiments with 21–31 electrically heated fuel rod simulators of 2.5 m length using zirconia as fuel substitute have been conducted. Influence of following parameters on bundle degradation were investigated: degree of pre-oxidation, temperature at reflood initiation, flooding rate, effect of neutron absorber materials (B4C, Ag-In-Cd), air ingress, influence of the type of cladding alloy, formation of a debris bed in the core. Integral bundle experiments are supported by separate-effects tests. The program provides experimental data for the development of quench-related models and for the validation of SFD code systems. In seven tests, reflooding of the bundle led to a temporary temperature excursion. Considerable formation, relocation, and oxidation of melt were observed in all tests with escalation. The temperature boundary between rapid cool down and temperature escalation was typically 2100–2200 K in tests without absorber. Tests with absorber led to temperature escalations at lower temperatures. Although separate-effects tests have shown some differences in oxidation kinetics of advanced cladding materials, the influence of the various cladding alloys on the integral bundle behaviour during oxidation and reflooding was only limited. The two bundle tests with air ingress phase confirmed the strong effect of air on core degradation especially when pre-oxidation in steam is limited and oxygen starvation occurs during the air ingress phase. Oxidation in a nitrogen-containing atmosphere accelerates the kinetics by the temporary formation of zirconium nitride and causes strongly degraded and non-protective oxide scales. The latest QUENCH-LOCA tests investigated influence of secondary hydriding of ruptured cladding on mechanical properties of cladding tubes

    Results of metallographic analysis of the QUENCH-20 bundle with Bâ‚„C absorber

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    Experiment QUENCH-20 with BWR geometry simulation bundle was conducted at KIT on 9th October 2019 in the framework of the international SAFEST project. The test bundle mock-up represented one quarter of a BWR fuel assembly with 24 electrically heated fuel rod simulators and two B4C control blades. The rod simulators were filled with Kr to inner pressure of 5.5 bar at peak cladding temperature of 900 K. The pre-oxidation stage in the flowing gas mixture of steam and argon (each 3 g/s) and system pressure of 2 bar lasted 4 hours at the peak cladding temperature of 1250 K. During the following transient stage, the bundle was heated to a maximal temperature of 2000 K. The cladding radial extensions and failures due to inner overpressure (about 4 bar) were observed at temperature about 1700 K and lasted about 200 s. During the period of rod failures also the first absorber melt relocation accompanied by shroud failure were registered. The interaction of B4C with steel blade and ZIRLO channel box was observed at elevations 650…950 mm with formation of eutectic melt. The typical components of this melt are (Fe, Cr) borides and ZrB2 precipitated in steel or in Zr-steel eutectic melt. Massive absorber melt relocation was observed 50 s before the end of transition stage. Small fragments of the absorber melt moved down to the elevation of 50 mm. The test was terminated with the quench water injected with a flow rate of 50 g/s from the bundle bottom. Fast temperature escalation from 2000 to 2300 K during 20 s was observed. As result, the metal part (prior β-Zr) of claddings between 550 and 950 mm was melted, partially released into space between rods and partially relocated in the gap between pellet and outer oxide layer to 450 mm. The bundle elevations 850 and 750 mm are mostly oxidized with average cladding ECR 33%

    Results of metallographic analysis of the QUENCH-20 bundle with B4C absorber

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    Experiment QUENCH-20 with BWR geometry simulation bundle was conducted at KIT on 9th October 2019 in the framework of the international SAFEST project. The test bundle mock-up represented one quarter of a BWR fuel assembly with 24 electrically heated fuel rod simulators and two B4C control blades. The rod simulators were filled with Kr to inner pressure of 5.5 bar at peak cladding temperature of 900 K. The pre-oxidation stage in the flowing gas mixture of steam and argon (each 3 g/s) and system pressure of 2 bar lasted 4 hours at the peak cladding temperature of 1250 K. During the following transient stage, the bundle was heated to a maximal temperature of 2000 K. The cladding radial extensions and failures due to inner overpressure (about 4 bar) were observed at temperature about 1700 K and lasted about 200 s. During the period of rod failures also the first absorber melt relocation accompanied by shroud failure were registered. The interaction of B4C with steel blade and ZIRLO channel box was observed at elevations 650…950 mm with formation of eutectic melt. The typical components of this melt are (Fe, Cr) borides and ZrB2 precipitated in steel or in Zr-steel eutectic melt. Massive absorber melt relocation was observed 50 s before the end of transition stage. Small fragments of the absorber melt moved down to the elevation of 50 mm. The test was terminated with the quench water injected with a flow rate of 50 g/s from the bundle bottom. Fast temperature escalation from 2000 to 2300 K during 20 s was observed. As result, the metal part (prior β-Zr) of claddings between 550 and 950 mm was melted, partially released into space between rods and partially relocated in the gap between pellet and outer oxide layer to 450 mm. The bundle elevations 850 and 750 mm are mostly oxidized with average cladding ECR 33%

    Analysis of the QUENCH-12 bundle experiment with the ATHLET-CD2.2A code (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7622)

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    Simulation of the QUENCH-12 experiment (reflood of a VVER test bundle) was performed by means of the computer code ATHLET-CD. The calculated results were compared with the ones measured during the experiment. Sensitivity analysis was performed for such parameters as gas flow rates, electrical parameters, breakaway onset etc. Influence of different nodalization schemes on the simulation results was examined

    Experimental and modelling results of the QUENCH-18 bundle experiment on air ingress, cladding melting and aerosol release

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    The primary aims of the QUENCH-18 bundle test were to examine the oxidation of M5® claddings in air/steam mixture following a limited pre-oxidation in steam, and to achieve a long period of oxygen and steam starvations to promote interaction with the nitrogen. Additionally, the QUENCH-18 experiment investigated the effects of the presence of two Ag-In-Cd control rods, and two pressurized unheated rod simulators (6 MPa, He). The twenty low-pressurized heater rods (0.23 MPa, similar to the system pressure) were Kr-filled. In a first transient, the bundle was heated in an atmosphere of flowing argon and superheated steam by electrical power increase to the peak cladding temperature of 1400 K. During this heat-up, claddings of the two pressurized rods were burst at temperature of 1045 K. The attainment of 1400 K marked the start of the pre-oxidation stage to achieve a maximum cladding oxide layer thickness of about 80 µm. In the air ingress stage, the steam and argon flows were reduced, and air was injected. The first Ag-In-Cd aerosol release was registered at 1350 K and was dominated by Cd bearing aerosols. Later in the transient, a significant release of Ag was observed. A strong temperature escalation started in the middle of the air ingress stage. During the air ingress stage, a period of oxygen starvation occurred, which was followed by almost complete steam consumption and partial consumption of the nitrogen indicating formation of zirconium nitrides under oxygen starvation conditions. The temperatures continued to increase and stabilized at the melting temperature of Zr bearing materials until water injection. Almost immediately after the start of reflood there was a temperature excursion, leading to maximum measured temperatures of about 2430 K. Final quench was achieved after about 800 s. A significant quantity of hydrogen was generated during the reflood (238 g). Nitrogen release (>54 g) due to re-oxidation of nitrides was also registered. Residual zirconium nitrides were observed in the bundle middle. The metallographic investigations of the bundle show strong cladding oxidation and Zr melt formation. The Zr melt relocated downwards to the lower bundle part was strongly oxidized. Partially oxidized Zr-bearing melt was found down to elevation 160 mm; this elevation was the lowest with evidence of relocated pellet material. At the bundle bottom, only frozen metallic melt containing Zr, Ag, In and Cd was observed between several rods. The experiment exhibited a multiplicity of phenomena for which the data will be invaluable for code assessment and for indicating the direction of model improvements. Example of code application with SCDAPSim is given at the end of this paper

    Results of the QUENCH-16 Bundle Experiment on Air Ingress (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7634)

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    The out-of-pile bundle experiment QUENCH-16 on air ingress was conducted in the electrically heated 21-rod QUENCH facility at KIT in July 2011. The oxidation of the Zircaloy-4 claddings in air following a limited pre-oxidation in steam was examined. Three contributors for intensive hydrogen production during the final reflood were identified: 1) re-oxidation of nitrides, 2) secondary oxidation of cladding metal by steam penetrated through the porous re-oxidized scales and 3) melt oxidation

    First Results of the QUENCH-ALISA Bundle Test

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    The bundle experiment QUENCH-18 on air ingress and aerosol release was successfully conducted at KIT in the frame of the EC supported ALISA program. The primary aims were to examine the oxidation of M5® claddings in air/steam mixture following a limited pre-oxidation in steam, and to achieve a long period of oxygen and steam starvations to promote interaction with the nitrogen. Additionally, the QUENCH-18 experiment investigated the effects of the presence of two Ag-In-Cd control rods, and two pressured unheated rod simulators (60 bar, He). The low-pressurized heater rods (2.3 bar, similar to the system pressure) were Kr-filled. In a first transient, the bundle was heated in an atmosphere of flowing argon and superheated steam by electrical power increase to the peak cladding temperature of 1400 K. During this heat-up, claddings of the two pressurized rods were burst at temperature of 1045 K. The attainment of 1400 K marked the start of the pre-oxidation phase to achieve a maximum cladding oxide layer thickness of about 100 µm. In the air ingress phase, the steam and argon flows were reduced, and air was injected. The first Ag-In-Cd aerosol release was registered at 1350 K and was dominated by Cd bearing aerosols. Later in the transient, a significant release of Ag was observed. A strong temperature escalation started in the middle of the air ingress phase. Later a period of oxygen starvation occurred and was followed by almost complete steam consumption and partial consumption of the nitrogen. Following this, the temperatures continued to increase and stabilized at melting temperature of Zr bearing materials until water injection. Almost immediately after the start of reflood there was a temperature excursion, leading to maximum measured temperatures of about 2450 K. Final quench was achieved after about 800 s. A significant quantity of hydrogen was generated during the reflood (238 g). Nitrogen release (>54 g) due to re-oxidation of nitrides was also registered