2 research outputs found

    The state and prospects of development of national higher pharmaseutical education

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    The paper considers the materials of the Pharmacists Summit and International Pharmaceutical Congresses, in particular, the issue of achieving quality pharmaceutical education. It shows cause of the proper training process of pharmacy sector specialists in accordance with current state and requirements of the society and suggests a model of professional pharmaceutical education. According to the authors of the paper, the implementation of education quality in Ukraine calls for, first, professionally educated personnel in the pharmacy sector of healthcare; second, proper academic and university infrastructure for training future specialists within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; third, ensuring the high quality of higher pharmaceutical education on the basis of implementing the competence approach and taking into account international experience on pharmacy development. Increasing significance of the pharmacy branch in Ukraine is directly linked to the quality of training of pharmacy specialists, continuous improvement of the content of their education, implementation of new educational technologies, adapting higher pharmaceutical education to European standards. According to the authors, an important condition of ensuring effective professional training of future pharmacy specialists within the national system of higher pharmaceutical education is the following: firstly, considering public demand to the level of healthcare services, disease prevention; secondly, implementing the productive global experience on introducing customer service standards. The established prospects of the development of national higher pharmaceutical education include: 1) the adoption of ethical principles of training Masters of Pharmacy within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; 2) focus on European pharmacy standards which are based on high customer service standards; 3) improvement of the content of pharmacy specialist education taking into account the development of national pharmaceutical production; 4) ensuring the development of the clinical direction within the system of general pharmacist training

    Formation of Subject Competencies in Physics and Chemistry in the Study of Surface Phenomena and their Role in Biological Processes

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    Робота присвячена проблемі інтеграції знань з фізики та хімії у процесі вивчення поверхневих явищ у системі медичної освіти. Визначені основні змістові лінії теми та показана їх роль у процесі формування фахових компетентностей майбутнього лікаря. Проаналізовані підходи до забезпечення цілісності знань майбутніх спеціалістів, єдності інтерпретації основних положень, узгодження категоріально-понятійного апарату та збалансованості навчального плану.Work is devoted to the integration of knowledge of physics and chemistry during the study of surface phenomena in medical education. The main concepts of topics and their role in the formation of professional competencies of a future doctor are defined in this work. Also, the approaches to ensure the integrity of the knowledge of future specialists, unity of the interpretation of main concepts, concordance of the categorical-conceptual apparatus and balanced curriculum are analyzed