10 research outputs found

    Obsah vzdělávání a kurikulum v péči oborových didaktik

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    Model výkonových cílů ve vztahu k atribučnímu stylu

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    Zvládnutí kompetencí učitele do značné míry ovlivňuje nejen objektivně, ale i jako subjektivní prožitek reálnou úspěšnost pedagogů. Jedním z pedagogickopsychologických přístupů, které lzek těmto otázkám zvolit a který umožňuje zamýšlet se hlouběji nad učebními tendencemi budoucích učitelů, nabízí i posuzování jejich atribučního stylu. Na konferenci Asociace pedagogického výzkumu(CAPV) jsme již referovali o vývoji a předběžné validizaci české verze Dotazníku zjišťování výkonových a učebních cílových tendencí. Na základě faktorové analýzy (EFA) jsme identifikovali tyto tři faktory - F\: Získání souhlasu a vyhnutí se odmítnutí ze strany rodičů a učitelů, F2 : Dosažení pokroku a dobrých známek, F3 : Učební cílové tendence. Tento náš první pokus se ukázal jako zdařilý. To je důvod, proč s touto českou verzí i nadále pracujeme

    Technostress and academic motivation: direct and indirect effects on university students' psychological health

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    Introduction: Research has well demonstrated that the pandemic entailed several implications among university students worldwide in terms of increased use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), technostress, disruptions in academic goals and motivation processes, and growing psychological suffering. Responding to the new research need to go in-depth into the processes linking technostress and motivation dimensions to inform current research/interventions, the present study aimed to explore the direct effects of perceived Technostress dimensions (Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Pace of Change, Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, and Techno-Sociality) and Academic Motivation dimensions (Amotivation, Intrinsic, and Extrinsic Motivation dimensions) on students' perceived levels of Anxiety/Depression and test the potential indirect effect (mediating role) of Academic Motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress and psychological health conditions. Methods: Overall, 1,541 students from five European countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Serbia, United Kingdom) completed a survey comprising a Background Information Form, the Technostress Scale, the Academic Motivation Scale-College, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Hayes' PROCESS tool was used to test direct and indirect (mediating) effects. Results: Data revealed that Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Amotivation, and Extrinsic Motivation-Introjected had a direct negative effect, whereas Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, Techno-Sociality, all Intrinsic Motivation dimensions, and Extrinsic Motivation-Identified had a direct protective role for students' psychological health. The significant indirect role of motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress dimensions and Anxiety/Depression was fully supported. Discussion: Findings allow gaining further insight into the pathways of relationships between technostress, motivation, and psychological health, to be used in the current phase, featured by the complete restoration of face-to-face contacts, to inform the development of tailored research and interventions, which address lights and shadows of the technology use, and which take into account the necessity to enhance its potentials yet without impairing students' motivation and psychological health

    Oborové didaktiky na vzestupu: přehled aktuálních vývojových tendencí

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    Přehledová studie mapuje aktuální vývojové tendence v didaktice. V první části jsou vymezeny pojmy obecná didaktika, mezioborová didaktika, oborová a předmětová didaktika. V návaznosti na to jsou představeny nejvýraznější didaktické tradice a koncepce rozvíjené v různých kulturních oblastech (německé, skandinávské, frankofonní, angloamerické a dalších). V dalším kroku jsou rozebírány dva podstatné impulsy, které přispěly k emancipaci a rozvoji oborových didaktik – impuls profesionalizační a impuls kurikulární. V další části studie je pozornost zaostřena na didaktiky přírodovědných předmětů. Jsou tematizovány trendy v didaktice přírodních věd a zdroje inspirace z jiných oborových didaktik. V závěru studie jsou rozebírány perspektivy dalšího vývoje didaktiky, resp. oborových didaktik v České republice. Kritická analýza vývojových tendencí v celkovém pohledu naznačuje, že didaktika je na vzestupu, a to přinejmenším v kontinentální Evropě, kde má úctyhodnou tradici a vysokou společenskou závažnost

    Motivational structure and alcohol use of university students across four nations

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    OBJECTIVE: The ability of motivational structure and other variables to predict alcohol consumption was assessed in university students (N = 370; 244 women) in the Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Norway and the United States. METHOD: Motivational structure was assessed with the Motivational Structure Questionnaire (MSQ), which inquires about respondents' individual personal concerns in various areas of life and dimensions of their goal strivings related to the resolution of concerns. Alcohol-related problems were measured with the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. RESULTS: Factor analysis of MSQ indices yielded a two-factor solution, one factor of which reflects an adaptive motivational structure marked by elements necessary for attaining psychologically satisfying resolutions of personal concerns. The other factor reflects a more maladaptive motivational structure marked by feelings of indifference about the achievement of personal goals. As hypothesized, MSQ Factor I was a significant inverse predictor of the amount of alcohol that students drank, but only among those who experienced alcohol-related problems. CONCLUSIONS: The similarity in results across culturally varied samples suggests the robustness of the relationships for understanding the motivational bases for alcohol us

    Technostress and academic motivation : direct and indirect effects on university students’ psychological health

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    The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated increased use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among university students. Research in this population shows increased technostress, disruptions in academic goals and motivation processes, and poorer psychological health. Responding to the new research need to go in-depth into the processes linking technostress and motivation dimensions to inform current research/interventions, the present study aimed to explore direct effects of perceived Technostress dimensions (Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Pace of Change, Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, Techno-Sociality) and Academic Motivation dimensions (Amotivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation dimensions) on students’ perceived levels of Anxiety/Depression, and to test the potential indirect effect (mediating role) of Academic Motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress and psychological health conditions. Overall, 1,541 students from five European countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Serbia, United Kingdom) completed a survey comprising demographics, the Technostress Scale, the Academic Motivation Scale-College, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Hayes’ PROCESS tool was used to test direct and indirect (mediating) effects. The findings show that Techno-Overload, Work-Home Conflict, Amotivation, and Extrinsic Motivation-Introjected had a direct negative effect, whereas Techno-Ease, Techno-Reliability, Techno-Sociality, all Intrinsic Motivation dimensions and Extrinsic Motivation-Identified had a direct protective role for students’ psychological health. The significant indirect role of motivation dimensions in the associations between Technostress dimensions and Anxiety/Depression was supported. Findings provide further insight into the pathways of relationships between technostress, motivation, and psychological health in university students and to inform the development of tailored research and interventions which take into account the necessity to enhance ICT potential without impairing students’ motivation and psychological health