271 research outputs found

    Photo-lability of deep ocean dissolved black carbon

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    Dissolved black carbon (DBC), defined here as condensed aromatics isolated from seawater via PPL solid phase extraction and quantified as benzenepolycarboxylic acid (BPCA) oxidation products, is a significant component of the oceanic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool. These condensed aromatics are widely distributed in the open ocean and appear to be tens of thousands of years old. As such DBC is regarded as highly refractory. In the current study, the photo-lability of DBC, DOC and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM; ultraviolet-visible absorbance) were determined over the course of a 28 day irradiation of North Atlantic Deep Water under a solar simulator. During the irradiation DBC fell from 1044 ± 164 nM-C to 55 ± 15 nM-C, a 20-fold decrease in concentration. Dissolved black carbon photo-degradation was more rapid and more extensive than for bulk CDOM and DOC. The concentration of DBC correlated with CDOM absorbance and the quality of DBC indicated by the ratios of different BPCAs correlated with CDOM absorbance spectral slope, suggesting the optical properties of CDOM may provide a proxy for both DBC concentrations and quality in natural waters. Further, the photo-lability of components of the DBC pool increased with their degree of aromatic condensation. These trends indicate that a continuum of compounds of varying photo-lability exists within the marine DOC pool. In this continuum, photo-lability scales with aromatic character, specifically the degree of condensation. Scaling the rapid photo-degradation of DBC to rates of DOC photo-mineralisation for the global ocean leads to an estimated photo-chemical half-life for oceanic DBC of less than 800 years. This is more than an order of magnitude shorter than the apparent age of DBC in the ocean. Consequently, photo-degradation is posited as the primary sink for oceanic DBC and the apparent survival of DBC molecules in the oceans for millennia appears to be facilitated not by their inherent inertness but by the rate at which they are cycled through the surface ocean's photic zone

    Characterization and Photodegradation of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) From a Tropical Lake and Its Dominant Primary Producer, the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa

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    This study investigates optical and high-resolution molecular signatures and photochemical degradation of DOM from the Barra Bonita Reservoir (BB-DOM), a tropical eutrophic lake, as well as from its dominant phytoplankton species, the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa (Microcystis-DOM). Consistent with a predominantly autotrophic source, BB-DOM and Microcystis-DOM exhibited high protein-like fluorescence and contained a large number of aliphatics. Microcystis-DOM was enriched in peptide-like formulae, while BB-DOM had higher chromophoric and fluorescent DOM(CDOM and FDOM) and was enriched in moderately unsaturated formulae, indicating additions of terrigenous DOM and/or in situ processing of autochthonous material in the lake. Consistent with its higher CDOM content, BB-DOM was more photoreactive than Microcystis-DOM. For both types of DOM, photodegradation resulted in loss of CDOM, FDOM, moderately unsaturated structures, high O/C and low H/C formulae, and preservation of aliphatics. The majority of photoproducts of 0.5 d irradiation were subsequently removed by day 7, and photoproducts represented a minor fraction of the photo-irradiated DOM. For BB-DOM, molecular formula photolability increased with increasing aromaticity index values, while for Microcystis-DOM, molecular formula photolability increased with molecular mass. Photodegradation increased the proportion of molecular formulae containing N (CHO + N) in BB-DOM, while the molecular mass and the proportion of CHO + N formulae decreased upon photo-irradiation of Microcystis-DOM. In concert, these molecular shifts due to photodegradation decreased the diversity of and increased the similarity between BB-DOM and Microcystis-DOM, suggesting the selective pressure exerted by photochemistry selects for the survival of similar compounds in both samples

    Contextualizing Wetlands Within a River Network to Assess Nitrate Removal and Inform Watershed Management

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    Aquatic nitrate removal depends on interactions throughout an interconnected network of lakes, wetlands, and river channels. Herein, we present a network‐based model that quantifies nitrate‐nitrogen and organic carbon concentrations through a wetland‐river network and estimates nitrate export from the watershed. This model dynamically accounts for multiple competing limitations on nitrate removal, explicitly incorporates wetlands in the network, and captures hierarchical network effects and spatial interactions. We apply the model to the Le Sueur Basin, a data‐rich 2,880 km2 agricultural landscape in southern Minnesota and validate the model using synoptic field measurements during June for years 2013–2015. Using the model, we show that the overall limits to nitrate removal rate via denitrification shift between nitrate concentration, organic carbon availability, and residence time depending on discharge, characteristics of the waterbody, and location in the network. Our model results show that the spatial context of wetland restorations is an important but often overlooked factor because nonlinearities in the system, e.g., deriving from switching of resource limitation on denitrification rate, can lead to unexpected changes in downstream biogeochemistry. Our results demonstrate that reduction of watershed‐scale nitrate concentrations and downstream loads in the Le Sueur Basin can be most effectively achieved by increasing water residence time (by slowing the flow) rather than by increasing organic carbon concentrations (which may limit denitrification). This framework can be used toward assessing where and how to restore wetlands for reducing nitrate concentrations and loads from agricultural watersheds.This research was funded by NSF grant EAR-1209402 under the Water Sustainability and Climate Program (WSC): REACH (REsilience under Accelerated CHange)NSF grant EAR-1242458 under Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI): LIFE (Linked Institutions for Future EarthA.T.H. acknowledges support provided by NSF grant EAR- 1415206 under the Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES

    Does Photomineralization of Dissolved Organics Matter in Temperate Rivers?

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    Sunlight can oxidize dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in freshwaters. The importance of complete photooxidation, or photomineralization, as a sink for DOC remains unclear in temperate rivers, as most estimates are restricted to lakes, high latitude rivers, and coastal river plumes. In this study, we construct a model representing over 75,000 river reaches in the Connecticut River Watershed (CRW), USA, to calculate spectrally resolved photomineralization. We test the hypothesis that photomineralization is a negligible DOC sink across all reaches and flow conditions relative to DOC fluxes. Our model quantifies reaction rates and transport drivers within the river reaches for the ranges of flow conditions, incoming solar irradiance, and canopy cover shading observed throughout the year. Our model predicts average daily areal photomineralization rates ranging from 1.16 mg-C m−2 day−1 in low flow river reaches in the winter, to 18.33 mg-C m−2 day−1 in high flow river reaches during the summer. Even for high photomineralization fluxes, corresponding photomineralization uptake velocities are typically at least an order of magnitude smaller than those reported for other instream processes. We calculate DOC elimination by photomineralization relative to DOC fluxes through individual stream reaches as well as the entire riverine portion of the CRW. We find that relative photomineralization fluxes are highest in summer drought conditions in low order streams. In median flows and mean light intensities, for an average watershed travel distance, 3%–5% of the DOC fluxes are eliminated, indicating that photomineralization is a minor DOC sink in temperate rivers
