20 research outputs found

    Čimbenici koji utječu na sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku krava hranjenih konzerviranim krmivima TMR sustavom tijekom godine

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the cholesterol content in the milk of high yielding cows fed a uniform diet composed of conserved feeds over the whole year. The investigations were conducted on 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, selected fromherd yielding 8457 kg milk with 4,58 % and 3,56 % of fat and protein content, respectively. The cows were maintained in a loose barn and fed ad libitum with TMR (total mixed ration) throughout the year. The diets consisted of corn silage and grass silage (at 50:50 ration on dry matter basis) and concentrates with mineral-vitamin mixture additives. Samples of milk were collected individually from each cow at monthly intervals during the whole year. The cholesterol content in milk (mg/dL) and in milk fat (mg/g) was related to the stage of lactation, season of the year, somatic cell count and fat content, but was not affected by the parity. The cholesterol content in daily milk yield (mg/cow/day) depended also on parity. Even though the cows were fed a uniform diet throughout the year according to the TMR system the cholesterol content in milk differed among seasons.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati promjene udjela kolesterola u visokomliječnih krava hranjenih obrokom sastavljenim od konzerviranih krmiva tijekom cijele godine. Istraživanja su provedena na 124 holstein-frizijske krave, odabrane iz stada koje proizvode 8457 kg mlijeka s 4,58 % mliječne masti i 3,56 % proteina, respektivno. Krave su držane u otvorenom tipu staja i hranjene ad libitum s potpuno izmiješanim obrokom (TMR, total mixed ration) tijekom cijele godine. Obrok se sastojao od kukuruzne i travne silaže (50:50, na bazi suhe tvari) i koncentrata s mineralno-vitaminskim dodacima. Uzorci mlijeka prikupljani su pojedinačno od svake krave u mjesečnim intervalima tijekom cijele godine. Sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku (mg/dL) i mliječnoj masti (mg/g) u vezi je sa stadijem laktacije, godišnjim dobom, brojem somatskih stanica i udjelom masti, ali nije bio pod utjecajem redoslijeda laktacije. Sadržaj kolesterola u dnevnoj količini mlijeka (mg/kravi/dan) ovisi također o redoslijedu laktacije. Unatoč hranidbi krava uniformnom prehranom tijekom cijele godine TMR sustavom, sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku mijenjao se pod utjecajem sezone

    Nutrients composition in fit snacks made from ostrich, beef and chicken dried meat

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    The aim of the study was to compare three types of meat snacks made from ostrich, beef, and chicken meat in relation to their nutrients content including fat, fatty acids, heme iron, and peptides, like anserine and carnosine, from which human health may potentially benefit. Dry meat samples were produced, from one type of muscle, obtained from ostrich (m. ambiens), beef (m. semimembranosus), and broiler chicken meat (m. pectoralis major). The composition of dried ostrich, beef, and chicken meat, with and without spices was compared. We show that meat snacks made from ostrich, beef, and chicken meat were characterized by high concentration of nutrients including proteins, minerals (heme iron especially in ostrich, than in beef), biologically active peptides (carnosine-in beef, anserine-in ostrich then in chicken meat). The, beneficial to human health, n-3 fatty acids levels differed significantly between species. Moreover, ostrich jerky contained four times less fat as compared to beef and half of that in chicken. In conclusion we can say that dried ostrich, beef, and chicken meat could be a good source of nutritional components

    Lycopene: total-scale literature landscape analysis of a valuable nutraceutical with numerous potential applications in the promotion of human and animal health

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    Lycopene intake from tomatoes and other food sources has multiple potential health benefits. This report aimed to evaluate the current research literature on lycopene concerning human and animal health. The electronic Web of Science Core Collection database was searched with (lycopene*) AND (health* OR illness* OR disease* OR medic* OR pharma* OR drug* OR therap*). The resulted 3972 papers were analyzed with the aid of bibliometric software. Besides the United States, the lycopene papers received global contributions, particularly from China, Italy, India, and Spain. Examples of frequently mentioned chemicals/chemical classes were carotenoid, beta carotene, alpha carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, and alpha tocopherol. Examples of frequently mentioned medical conditions were prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Published scientific articles reveal the diverse potential of lycopene in prompting human and animal health, and the knowledge on the bioactivities of this phytoche(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expression and polymorphism of defensins in farm animals

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    Due to their activity against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, antimicrobial peptides are important factors in the innate resistance system of humans and animals. They are called "new generation antibiotics" for their potential use in preventive and therapeutic medicine. The most numerous group of antimicrobial peptides is a family of cationic peptides which include defensins and cathelicidins. Among them the most common are peptides with a beta-sheet structure containing three intra-molecular disulphide bonds, called defensins, comprising three classes: alpha, beta, and theta. The class of beta-defensins is the largest one. Their transcripts have been found in many tissues of humans and animals. The aim of this paper is to present the current knowledge about antimicrobial peptides from the defensin family in farm animals, their expression, polymorphism, as well as the potential of their use as genetic markers of health and production traits

    Factors affecting the cholesterol content of milk of cows fed conserved feeds in a TMR system throughout the year

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the cholesterol content in the milk of high yielding cows fed a uniform diet composed of conserved feeds over the whole year. The investigationswere conducted on 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, selected fromherd yielding 8457 kg milk with 4,58 % and 3,56 % of fat and protein content, respectively. The cows were maintained in a loose barn and fed ad libitum with TMR (total mixed ration) throughout the year. The diets consisted of corn silage and grass silage (at 50:50 ration on dry matter basis) and concentrates with mineral-vitaminmixture additives. Samples of milk were collected individually from each cow at monthly intervals during the whole year. The cholesterol content in milk (mg/dL) and in milk fat (mg/g) was related to the stage of lactation, season of the year, somatic cell count and fat content, but was not affected by the parity. The cholesterol content in daily milk yield (mg/cow/day) depended also on parity. Even though the cows were fed a uniform diet throughout the year according to the TMR system the cholesterol content in milk differed among seasons

    Effect of dietary linseed and rapeseed supplementation on fatty acids profiles in the ostriches. Part 2. Fat

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of linseed and rapeseed dietary supplementation on the fatty acids profiles of two ostrich fat depots: breast and subcutaneous (above the leg). The study was carried out on 40 ostriches raised in five groups - control (C) or with 4% (L4) or 8% (L8) linseed, or 5% (R5) or 10% (R10) rapeseed in the diet, from hatching to 12 months of age. Fat samples of breast (BF) and leg fat (LF) were taken for fatty acids analysis. Generally ostrich fat has high contents of PUFA (BF - 23.9, LF - 20.2 g/100 g FAME), especially linoleic acid (BF - 16.4, LF - 12.5 g/100 g FAME) and linolenic acid (BF - 5.7 and LF - 6.2 g/100 g FAME). Ostrich BF had a higher content of n-6 FA and total PUFA and lower n-3 FA than the LF. Both fat depots had desired PUFA/SFA ratios above 0.4, but not desirable n-6/n-3 ratios. BF had significantly higher (0.69) PUFA/SFA ratio than LF (0.55). Both L4 and L8 caused higher total PUFA content (27.8, 25.6 g/100 g