643 research outputs found

    Relativistic formulation of quantum state diffusion?

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    The recently reported relativistic formulation of the well-known non-relativistic quantum state diffusion is seriously mistaken. It predicts, for instance, inconsistent measurement outcomes for the same system when seen by two different inertial observers.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX, submitted to J. Phys.

    Decoherence and the Nature of System-Environment Correlations

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    We investigate system-environment correlations based on the exact dynamics of a qubit and its environment in the framework of pure decoherence (phase damping). We focus on the relation of decoherence and the build-up of system-reservoir entanglement for an arbitrary (possibly mixed) initial qubit state. In the commonly employed regime where the qubit dynamics can be described by a Markov master equation of Lindblad type, we find that for almost all qubit initial states inside the Bloch sphere, decoherence is complete while the total state is still separable - no entanglement is involved. In general, both "separable" and "entangling" decoherence occurs, depending on temperature and initial qubit state. Moreover, we find situations where classical and quantum correlations periodically alternate as a function of time in the regime of low temperatures

    Breakdown of a conservation law in incommensurate systems

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    We show that invariance properties of the Lagrangian of an incommensurate system, as described by the Frenkel Kontorova model, imply the existence of a generalized angular momentum which is an integral of motion if the system remains floating. The behavior of this quantity can therefore monitor the character of the system as floating (when it is conserved) or locked (when it is not). We find that, during the dynamics, the non-linear couplings of our model cause parametric phonon excitations which lead to the appearance of Umklapp terms and to a sudden deviation of the generalized momentum from a constant value, signalling a dynamical transition from a floating to a pinned state. We point out that this transition is related but does not coincide with the onset of sliding friction which can take place when the system is still floating.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, typed with RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev. E Replaced 27-03-2001: changes to text, minor revision of figure

    Electron spin tomography through counting statistics: a quantum trajectory approach

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    We investigate the dynamics of electron spin qubits in quantum dots. Measurement of the qubit state is realized by a charge current through the dot. The dynamics is described in the framework of the quantum trajectory approach, widely used in quantum optics, and we show that it can be applied successfully to problems in condensed matter physics. The relevant master equation dynamics is unravelled to simulate stochastic tunneling events of the current through the dot.Quantum trajectories are then used to extract the counting statistics of the current. We show how, in combination with an electron spin resonance (ESR) field, counting statistics can be employed for quantum state tomography of the qubit state. Further, it is shown how decoherence and relaxation time scales can be estimated with the help of counting statistics, in the time domain. Finally, we discuss a setup for single shot measurement of the qubit state without the need for spin-polarized leads.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to PR

    System-environment correlations and Non-Markovian dynamics

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    We determine the total state dynamics of a dephasing open quantum system using the standard environment of harmonic oscillators. Of particular interest are random unitary approaches to the same reduced dynamics and system-environment correlations in the full model. Concentrating on a model with an at times negative dephasing rate, the issue of "non-Markovianity" will also be addressed. Crucially, given the quantum environment, the appearance of non-Markovian dynamics turns out to be accompanied by a loss of system-environment correlations. Depending on the initial purity of the qubit state, these system-environment correlations may be purely classical over the whole relevant time scale, or there may be intervals of genuine system-environment entanglement. In the latter case, we see no obvious relation between the build-up or decay of these quantum correlations and "Non-Markovianity"

    Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion for absorption spectra of molecular aggregates

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    In many molecular systems one encounters the situation where electronic excitations couple to a quasi-continuum of phonon modes. That continuum may be highly structured e.g. due to some weakly damped high frequency modes. To handle such a situation, an approach combining the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (NMQSD) description of open quantum systems with an efficient but abstract approximation was recently applied to calculate energy transfer and absorption spectra of molecular aggregates [Roden, Eisfeld, Wolff, Strunz, PRL 103 (2009) 058301]. To explore the validity of the used approximation for such complicated systems, in the present work we compare the calculated (approximative) absorption spectra with exact results. These are obtained from the method of pseudomodes, which we show to be capable of determining the exact spectra for small aggregates and a few pseudomodes. It turns out that in the cases considered, the results of the two approaches mostly agree quite well. The advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches are discussed

    Exact c-number Representation of Non-Markovian Quantum Dissipation

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    The reduced dynamics of a quantum system interacting with a linear heat bath finds an exact representation in terms of a stochastic Schr{\"o}dinger equation. All memory effects of the reservoir are transformed into noise correlations and mean-field friction. The classical limit of the resulting stochastic dynamics is shown to be a generalized Langevin equation, and conventional quantum state diffusion is recovered in the Born--Markov approximation. The non-Markovian exact dynamics, valid at arbitrary temperature and damping strength, is exemplified by an application to the dissipative two-state system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum trajectories for Brownian motion

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    We present the stochastic Schroedinger equation for the dynamics of a quantum particle coupled to a high temperature environment and apply it the dynamics of a driven, damped, nonlinear quantum oscillator. Apart from an initial slip on the environmental memory time scale, in the mean, our result recovers the solution of the known non-Lindblad quantum Brownian motion master equation. A remarkable feature of our approach is its localization property: individual quantum trajectories remain localized wave packets for all times, even for the classically chaotic system considered here, the localization being stronger the smaller \hbar.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Non-Markovian Quantum Trajectories of Many-Body Quantum Open Systems

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    A long-standing open problem in non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (QSD) approach to open quantum systems is to establish the non-Markovian QSD equations for multiple qubit systems. In this paper, we settle this important question by explicitly constructing a set of exact time-local QSD equations for NN-qubit systems. Our exact time-local (convolutionless) QSD equations have paved the way towards simulating quantum dynamics of many-body open systems interacting with a common bosonic environment. The applicability of this multiple-qubit stochastic equation is exemplified by numerically solving several quantum open many-body systems concerning quantum coherence dynamics and dynamical control.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. manuscript revised and reference update

    Electronic and phononic properties of the chalcopyrite CuGaS2

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    The availability of ab initio electronic calculations and the concomitant techniques for deriving the corresponding lattice dynamics have been profusely used for calculating thermodynamic and vibrational properties of semiconductors, as well as their dependence on isotopic masses. The latter have been compared with experimental data for elemental and binary semiconductors with different isotopic compositions. Here we present theoretical and experimental data for several vibronic and thermodynamic properties of CuGa2, a canonical ternary semiconductor of the chalcopyrite family. Among these properties are the lattice parameters, the phonon dispersion relations and densities of states (projected on the Cu, Ga, and S constituents), the specific heat and the volume thermal expansion coefficient. The calculations were performed with the ABINIT and VASP codes within the LDA approximation for exchange and correlation and the results are compared with data obtained on samples with the natural isotope composition for Cu, Ga and S, as well as for isotope enriched samples.Comment: 9 pages, 8 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev