245 research outputs found

    Criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) with respect to anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction

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    Using a sample of 200 participants, this study seeks to establish criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB), a newly developed, purely cognitive measure of irrational beliefs. As predicted by Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, scores on the MSIB are correlated highly and positively with scores on Beck’s Depression Inventory and the trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety Inventory. Moreover, analyses revealed medium-sized negative correlations with life satisfaction. Each of these relations is shown to be unaffected by age, sex, and social desirability. Differential associations between subdimensions of the MSIB with criteria are discussed regarding the separability of irrationality concepts

    Networks in Nigeria: A pilot study on network characteristics and their relation with life satisfaction in a Nigerian sample

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    Social relationships are a central determinant of life satisfaction. The collectivity of individual social relationships form a social network. This study examines such networks in a Nigerian sample (N = 108). Network size, proportions of positive and negative relationships within those networks, and structural characteristics (e.g., network centrality) were assessed. Furthermore, network characteristics were examined concerning their association with life satisfaction. Results indicate differential relations of network characteristics with life satisfaction. Results are discussed in terms of (1) cross-cultural assessment of network characteristics, (2) life satisfaction as related to social structural characteristics, and (3) differential associations between network types and different aspects of life satisfaction

    Development of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB)

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    The Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) is a brief and theoretically founded measure of irrational thinking as conceptualized by Albert Ellis in his most recent works on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (e.g., Ellis, 2003). With a total of 18 items, it captures demandingness, negative self-evaluation, and low frustration tolerance as the three core aspects of irrationality. Unlike previous irrationality instruments, it is a highly reliable, purely cognitive measure and avoids measuring aspects which are consequences or correlates of irrational thinking (e.g., emotions). Three studies (N = 757) are reported that repeatedly indicate high internal consistency of all subscales (Cronbach’s alpha: .85-.90), factorial validity, and convergent validity with earlier measures

    Electrochemical lithium intercalation in nanosized manganese oxides

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    X-ray amorphous manganese oxides were prepared by reduction of sodium permanganate by lithium iodide in aqueous medium (MnOx-I) and by decomposition of manganese carbonate at moderate temperature (MnOx-C). TEM showed that these materials are not amorphous, but nanostructured, with a prominent spinel substructure in MnOx-C. These materials intercalate lithium with capacities up to 200 mAh/g at first cycle (potential window 1.8-4.3 V) and 175 mAh/g at 100th cycle. Best performances for MnOx-C are obtained with cobalt doping. Potential electrochemical spectroscopy shows that the initial discharge induces a 2-phase transformation in MnOx-C phases, but not in MnOx-I ones. EXAFS and XANES confirm the participation of manganese in the redox process, with variations in local structure much smaller than in known long-range crystallized manganese oxides. X-ray absorption spectroscopy also shows that cobalt in MnOx-C is divalent and does not participate in the electrochemical reaction

    Irrationale Ăśberzeugungen und emotionale Intelligenz als Determinanten individueller Lebenszufriedenheit und GlĂĽcklichkeit

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    Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Rolle irrationaler Kognitionen (Ellis, 1994) und emotionaler Intelligenz (Wong & Law, 2002) für die Vorhersage individueller Lebenszufriedenheit und Glücklichkeit. Erste empirische Untersuchungen hierzu (Spörrle & Welpe, 2006) bestätigen den prädiktiven Wert beider Konstrukte. Nicht in diese Untersuchungen miteinbezogen wurden allerdings globalere Persönlichkeitsfaktoren, die sich ebenfalls als relevante Determinanten der Lebenszufriedenheit erwiesen haben (Diener, Oishi & Lucas, 2003) und möglicherweise in hoher Weise Varianz der beiden Prädiktoren enthalten. Zur Prüfung dieser Überlegungen wurden an einer überwiegend studentischen Stichprobe (N =199) Irrationalität, emotionale Intelligenz sowie die Big Five erfasst. Die Messgenauigkeit der verwendeten Instrumente kann hierbei mit Ausnahme der Irrationalitätsskala als zufriedenstellend angesehen werden. In einer schrittweisen Regression zeigt sich, dass emotionale Intelligenz (Emotionsregulation) und Irrationalität individuelle Lebenszufriedenheit vorhersagen, dass allerdings emotionale Intelligenz ihren Vorhersagewert verliert, wenn die Persönlichkeitsfaktoren miteinbezogen werden. Dies spricht dafür, dass insbesondere emotionale Intelligenz in der hier gewählten Operationalisierung eine hohe Überlappung mit den Big Five aufweist, wohingegen Irrationalität noch Eigenvarianz aufweist. Auch bei Vorhersage individueller Glücklichkeit (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999) zeigt sich, dass emotionale Intelligenz ihren Vorhersagewert bei Einschluss der Persönlichkeitsvariablen verliert

    Reduktion postoperativer Wundinfektionen durch Antiseptika? (RECIPE)

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    Hintergrund Die postoperative Wundinfektion ist eine häufige Komplikation nach viszeralchirurgischen Operationen, die zu erhöhter Morbidität und postoperativen Schmerzen führt. Viele chirurgische Kliniken führen eine subkutane Wundspülung vor Hautverschluss durch, obwohl die Datenlage bezüglich der Wirksamkeit und den Nebenwirkungen von Wundspülungen als Präventionsmaßnahme unzureichend ist. Methode Die RECIPE-Studie war eine Investigator-initiierte monozentrische, prospektive, randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie mit zwei Parallelgruppen und einfacher Verblindung. Der Vergleich fand zwischen der intraoperativen subkutanen Wundspülung mit 0,9% Natriumchlorid (NaCl) und der antiseptischen 0,04% Polihexanid-Lösung statt. Eingeschlossen werden konnten Patienten mit Laparotomien inklusive Mini-Laparotomien bei laparoskopisch-assistierten Eingriffen bei elektiven viszeralchirurgischen Operationen. Der primäre Endpunkt war die Rate an postoperativen Wundinfektionen nach 30 Tagen gemäß den Kriterien des Center for Disease Control. Sekundäre Endpunkte umfassten die Kolonisation der Bauchdecke mit Erregern, die Krankenhausverweildauer, die postoperativen Schmerzen an der Narbe und die Zufriedenheit mit dem kosmetischen Ergebnis nach 30 Tagen. Ergebnisse Zwischen 02.02.2015 und 23.05.2018 wurden 456 Patienten in die NaCl- (n = 228) oder Polihexanid-Gruppe (n = 228) randomisiert, wovon 393 (202 in der NaCl- und 191 in der Polihexanid-Gruppe) in die per-protocol-Analyse eingingen. Insgesamt gab es 111 (28,2%) postoperative Wundinfektionen. In der einfachen Auswertung mit Kreuztabelle zeigten sich signifikant weniger postoperative Wundinfektionen in der Polihexanid-Gruppe: n = 70 (34,7%) (NaCl) vs. n = 41 (21,5%) (Polihexanid); p = 0,004. In einer multiplen logistischen Regression war der Faktor Spülung mit Polihexanid (OR 0,44; 95% KI 0,27 – 0,72; p = 0,001) mit einer Verringerung postoperativer Wundinfektionen assoziiert. Eine präoperative Anämie (OR 2,08; 95% KI 1,27 – 3,40; p = 0,004) und mehr als fünf abdominelle Voroperationen verglichen mit keiner Voroperation (OR 8,51; 95% KI 2,57 – 28,21; p < 0,001) waren ebenfalls unabhängige Einflussfaktoren für eine Wundinfektion. Es gab signifikant weniger positive intraoperative Abstriche der Bauchdecke nach Spülung mit Polihexanid: n = 107 (67,7%) (NaCl) vs. n = 35 (21,6%) (Polihexanid); p < 0,001. Fazit Die intraoperative subkutane Wundspülung mit der antiseptischen 0,04% Polihexanid-Lösung reduziert die Rate an postoperativen Wundinfektionen im Vergleich zu einer Spülung mit 0,9% NaCl bei elektiven Laparotomien.Objective To evaluate whether intraoperative subcutaneous wound irrigation with 0.04% polyhexanide can reduce surgical site infection (SSI) in elective laparotomies compared to 0.9% saline. Background SSI is a common complication after visceral surgery causing increased morbidity and postoperative pain. Many surgical departments conduct subcutaneous wound irrigation before skin closure to reduce SSI although there is a lack of high-level evidence on its benefit. Methods The RECIPE trial was an investigator initiated single centre, single blind, prospective, randomized controlled trial with two parallel treatment groups, comparing intraoperative subcutaneous wound irrigation with 0.9% saline to antiseptic 0.04% polyhexanide solution in elective laparotomies. The primary endpoint was the rate of SSI within 30 days postoperatively according to Center for Disease Control (CDC) criteria. Secondary endpoints were colonization of abdominal wall with pathogens, length of hospital stay, postoperative pain and cosmetic result. Results Between Feb 02, 2015, and May 23, 2018, 456 patients were randomly assigned to saline (n = 228) or polyhexanide (n = 228), of whom 393 patients (202 in the saline and 191 in the polyhexanide group) were analyzed per-protocol. Overall, we detected 111 (28.2%) SSIs. Simple analysis with cross tabulation revealed that significantly fewer SSIs occurred in the polyhexanide group: n = 70 (34.7%) vs. n = 41 (21.5%); p = 0.004. In a multiple logistic regression model the factor subcutaneous wound irrigation with polyhexanide (OR 0.44; 95% CI 0.27 – 0.72; p = 0.001) was associated with risk reduction of SSI. Preoperative anaemia (OR 2.08; 95% CI 1.27 – 3.40; p = 0.004) and more than five prior abdominal operations compared to zero (OR 8.51; 95% CI 2.57 – 28.21; p < 0.001) were also associated with SSI. There were significantly fewer positive intraoperative swabs of the subcutaneous tissue after irrigation with polyhexanide: n= 107 (67.7%) vs. n = 35 (21.6%); p < 0.001. Conclusion Intraoperative subcutaneous wound irrigation with antiseptic 0.04% polyhexanide solution reduces SSIs after elective laparotomies for visceral surgery compared to 0.9% saline

    Excitonic Magnetism at the intersection of Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting

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    Excitonic magnetism involving superpositions of singlet and triplet states is expected to arise for two holes in strongly correlated and spin-orbit coupled t2gt_{2g} orbitals. However, uncontested material examples for its realization are rare. Applying the Variational Cluster Approach to the square lattice, we find conventional spin antiferromagnetism combined with orbital order at weak and excitonic order at strong spin-orbit coupling. We address the specific example of Ca2_2RuO4_4 using ab-initio modeling and conclude it to realize excitonic magnetism despite its pronounced orbital polarization.Comment: some material added, e.g. phase diagra

    Networks in Nigeria: A pilot study on network characteristics and their relation with life satisfaction in a Nigerian sample

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    Social relationships are a central determinant of life satisfaction. The collectivity of individual social relationships form a social network. This study examines such networks in a Nigerian sample (N = 108). Network size, proportions of positive and negative relationships within those networks, and structural characteristics (e.g., network centrality) were assessed. Furthermore, network characteristics were examined concerning their association with life satisfaction. Results indicate differential relations of network characteristics with life satisfaction. Results are discussed in terms of (1) cross-cultural assessment of network characteristics, (2) life satisfaction as related to social structural characteristics, and (3) differential associations between network types and different aspects of life satisfaction
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