128 research outputs found

    β2-Adrenergic receptor stimulation improves endothelial progenitor cell-mediated ischemic neoangiogenesis

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    Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are present in the systemic circulation and home to sites of ischemic injury where they promote neoangiogenesis. β2-Adrenergic receptor (β2AR) plays a critical role in vascular tone regulation and neoangiogenesis

    Co-existence of Phenylketonuria and Fabry disease on a 3 year-old boy: case report

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    Background: The co-existence of two genetically distinct metabolic disorders in the same patient has rarely been reported. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of the metabolism resulting from a phenylalanine hydroxylase defi ciency. Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder due to a defi ciency of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Case presentation: We report a case of a 3-year-old boy affected by classic PKU and FD, both confi rmed by molecular data. The FD was suspected at the age of 21 months on the presence of non-specifi c GI symptoms (severe abdominal pain and periodically appearance of not specifi c episodes of gastroenteritis) apparently non related to PKU. Conclusion: This is the fi rst report of co-existence of FD and PKU, two different congenital inborn of metabolism and in consideration of the prevalence of each disease this chance association is a very unusual event. The co-existence of these diseases made very diffi cult the correct interpretation of clinical symptoms as lack of appetite, severe abdominal pain and non-specifi c gastroenteritis episodes. Furthermore, this case report helps to defi ne the early clinical phenotype of FD

    Management of infants with brief resolved unexplained events (Brue) and apparent life-threatening events (alte): A rand/ucla appropriateness approach

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    Unexpected events of breath, tone, and skin color change in infants are a cause of consider-able distress to the caregiver and there is still debate on their appropriate management. The aim of this study is to survey the trend in prevention, decision-making, and management of brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE)/apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) and to develop a shared proto-col among hospitals and primary care pediatricians regarding hospital admission criteria, work-up and post-discharge monitoring of patients with BRUE/ALTE. For the study purpose, a panel of 54 experts was selected to achieve consensus using the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method. Twelve scenarios were developed: one addressed to primary prevention of ALTE and BRUE, and 11 focused on hospital management of BRUE and ALTE. For each scenario, participants were asked to rank each option from ‘1’ (extremely inappropriate) to ‘9’ (extremely appropriate). Results derived from panel meeting and discussion showed several points of agreement but also disagreement with different opinion emerged and the need of focused education on some areas. However, by combining previous recommendations with expert opinion, the application of the RAND/UCLA appropriateness permit-ted us to drive pediatricians to reasoned and informed decisions in term of evaluation, treatment and follow-up of infants with BRUE/ALTE, reducing inappropriate exams and hospitalisation and highlighting priorities for educational interventions

    The association between environmental exposures during childhood and the subsequent development of Crohn's Disease: A score analysis approach

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    Background Environmental factors during childhood are thought to play a role in the aetiology of Crohn's Disease (CD). In South Africa, recently published work based on an investigation of 14 childhood environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) has provided insight into the role of timing of exposure in the future development of CD. The 'overlapping' contribution of the investigated variables however, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to perform a post hoc analysis using this data and investigate the extent to which each variable contributes to the subsequent development of CD relative to each aforementioned age interval, based on a score analysis approach. Methods Three methods were used for the score analysis. Two methods employed the subgrouping of one or more (similar) variables (methods A and B), with each subgroup assigned a score value weighting equal to one. For comparison, the third approach (method 0) involved no grouping of the 14 variables. Thus, each variable held a score value of one. Results Results of the score analysis (Method 0) for the environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) revealed no significant difference between the case and control groups. By contrast, results from Method A and Method B revealed a significant difference during all 3 age intervals between the case and control groups, with cases having significantly lower exposure scores (approximately 30% and 40% lower, respectively). Conclusion Results from the score analysis provide insight into the 'compound' effects from multiple environmental exposures in the aetiology of CD.IS

    Cardioneuroablation: the known and the unknown

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    Cardioneuroablation (CNA) is a novel interventional procedure for the treatment of recurrent vasovagal syncope (VVS) and advanced atrioventricular block secondary to hyperactivation of vagal tone in young patients. By damaging the cardiac parasympathetic ganglia, CNA seems to be able to mitigate and/or abolish the excessive vagal activity and improve patients’ outcome. This review is intended to give a detailed and comprehensive overview of the current evidences regarding (1) the clinical applications of CNA (2) the identification of ablation targets and procedural endpoints (3) the medium-long term effect of the procedure and its future perspectives. However, clinical data are still limited, and expert consensus or recommendations in the guidelines regarding this technique are still lacking

    Evaluation of Directed Graph-Mapping in Complex Atrial Tachycardias

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    Objectives: Directed graph-mapping (DGM) is a novel operator-independent automatic tool that can be applied to the identification of the atrial tachycardia (AT) mechanism. In the present study, for the first time, DGM was applied in complex AT cases, and diagnostic accuracy was evaluated. Background: Catheter ablation of ATs still represents a challenge, as the identification of the correct mechanism can be difficult. New algorithms for high-density activation mapping (HDAM) render an easier acquisition of more detailed maps; however, understanding of the mechanism and, thus, identification of the ablation targets, especially in complex cases, remains strongly operator-dependent. Methods: HDAMs acquired with the latest algorithm (COHERENT version 7, Biosense Webster, Irvine, California) were interpreted offline by 4 expert electrophysiologists, and the acquired electrode recordings with corresponding local activation times (LATs) were analyzed by DGM (also offline). Entrainment maneuvers (EM) were performed to understand the correct mechanism, which was then confirmed by successful ablation (13 cases were centrifugal, 10 cases were localized re-entry, 22 cases were macro–re-entry, and 6 were double-loops). In total, 51 ATs were retrospectively analyzed. We compared the diagnoses made by DGM were compared with those of the experts and with additional EM results. Results: In total, 51 ATs were retrospectively analyzed. Experts diagnosed the correct AT mechanism and location in 33 cases versus DGM in 38 cases. Diagnostic accuracy varied according to different AT mechanisms. The 13 centrifugal activation patterns were always correctly identified by both methods; 2 of 10 localized reentries were identified by the experts, whereas DGM diagnosed 7 of 10. For the macro–re-entries, 12 of 22 were correctly identified using HDAM versus 13 of 22 for DGM. Finally, 6 of 6 double-loops were correctly identified by the experts, versus 5 of 6 for DGM. Conclusions: Even in complex cases, DGM provides an automatic, fast, and operator-independent tool to identify the AT mechanism and location and could be a valuable addition to current mapping technologies. © 2021 The Authors.Dr. Lorenzo is an employee of Biosense Webster. Dr. Goedgebeur is funded with a research grant of the Research Foundation Flanders/Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO). Dr. Strisciuglio is supported by a research grant from the Cardiopath PhD program. Dr. el Haddad is a consultant for Biosense Webster. Dr. Duytschaever is a consultant for Biosense Webster. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose

    Primrose syndrome: Characterization of the phenotype in 42 patients

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    Primrose syndrome (PS; MIM# 259050) is characterized by intellectual disability (ID), macrocephaly, unusual facial features (frontal bossing, deeply set eyes, down-slanting palpebral fissures), calcified external ears, sparse body hair and distal muscle wasting. The syndrome is caused by de novo heterozygous missense variants in ZBTB20. Most of the 29 published patients are adults as characteristics appear more recognizable with age. We present 13 hitherto unpublished individuals and summarize the clinical and molecular findings in all 42 patients. Several signs and symptoms of PS develop during childhood, but the cardinal features, such as calcification of the external ears, cystic bone lesions, muscle wasting, and contractures typically develop between 10 and 16 years of age. Biochemically, anemia and increased alpha-fetoprotein levels are often present. Two adult males with PS developed a testicular tumor. Although PS should be regarded as a progressive entity, there are no indications that cognition becomes more impaired with age. No obvious genotype-phenotype correlation is present. A subgroup of patients with ZBTB20 variants may be associated with mild, nonspecific ID. Metabolic investigations suggest a disturbed mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. We suggest a regular surveillance in all adult males with PS until it is clear whether or not there is a truly elevated risk of testicular cancer.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site.published version, accepted version (12 month embargo) submitted versio

    A generic emergency protocol for patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance: A retrospective, single-center study and the generation of www.emergencyprotocol.net

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    Patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance can experience acute metabolic decompensations. Long-term data on outcomes using emergency letters are lacking. This is a retrospective, observational, single-center study of the use of emergency letters based on a generic emergency protocol in patients with hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSD) or fatty acid oxidation disorders (FAOD). Data on hospital admissions, initial laboratory results, and serious adverse events were collected. Subsequently, the website www.emergencyprotocol.net was generated in the context of the CONNECT MetabERN eHealth project following multiple meetings, protocol revisions, and translations. Representing 470 emergency protocol years, 127 hospital admissions were documented in 54/128 (42%) patients who made use of emergency letters generated based on the generic emergency protocol. Hypoglycemia (here defined as glucose concentration 5 years. Convulsions, coma, or death was not documented. By providing basic information, emergency letters for individual patients with hepatic GSD or the main FAOD can be generated at www.emergencyprotocol.net, in nine different languages. Generic emergency protocols are safe and easy for home management by the caregivers and the first hour in-hospital management to prevent metabolic emergencies in patients with hepatic GSD and medium-chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. The website www.emergencyprotocol.net is designed to support families and healthcare providers to generate personalized emergency letters for patients with hepatic GSD and the main FAOD