495 research outputs found

    New kingdom.

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    "New Kingdom occurs in ancient Egypt and is loosely based upon historical figures and events involving the rulers Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III circa 1480-1479 B.C."--Abstract, leaf vi

    Improving Nursing Teamwork through TeamSTEPPS

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    Nursing teamwork is a critical element of patient care delivery. The willingness to work cross-functionally is imperative to ensure patients’ progression through the health care continuum in a safe manner. TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention that encompasses tools and strategies to enhance teamwork. In this EBP change project, a TeamSTEPPS tool called huddle, was used to improve teamwork of nurses in three subgroups (pre-op, block room, and postop) in a Same Day Surgery (SDS) unit. Teamwork climate scores from Culture Pulse Surveys were used to determine project success. Huddle compliance was another success determinant. The results revealed high participation percentages in TeamSTEPPS Essentials training and the charge nurse huddles, which contributed to an improvement in SDS nursing teamwork.D.N.P

    Chapel Changed My Life

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    Perceptions of senior re-entry registered nurse students in baccalaureate nursing programs

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how RNs who were seniors in academic programs leading to a baccalaureate nursing education perceived their programs. These perceptions were determined by assessing: (1) the educational and experiential characteristics of senior re-entry registered nurses, (2) reasons for returning to college for a baccalaureate education, (3) perceptions of the relevancy of nursing course work, and (4) personal, professional and academic difficulties encountered in the program of study. The study also investigated specific demographic data with relationship to perceptions.;Participants attended nursing programs at seven Virginia state supported colleges and universities. A sample of convenience was used with a total of 78 participants (75% return rate). Participants were in their last semester of study at their respective universities.;The five research questions were: (1) What are the educational and experiential characteristics of the senior re-entry registered nurses who return to college for a baccalaureate nursing education, (2) What are the reasons senior re-entry registered nurses cite for their return to college for a baccalaureate nursing education, (3) How do senior re-entry registered nurses rate the relevancy of their nursing course work, (4) Is there a difference between the work experience of senior re-entry registered nurse students and their perceptions of the academic, professional and personal difficulties experienced while in college? (5) Is there a difference between the educational level of senior re-entry registered nurse students and their perceptions of the academic, professional and personal difficulties experienced while in college?;It was concluded that: The average re-entry RN is 31 to 40 years of age, female, married, with children, white and employed 1-10 years in staff nurse positions in hospitals. (1) Registered nurses return to college for personal reasons, because it is the trend in nursing, and for credibility/prestige, (2) nursing education material is current and reflects new research from a variety of sources, and is appropriate for their backgrounds, (3) the cost of education requires RNs to work in order to afford college, (4) and (5) there was no difference between AD graduates and diploma graduates based on experience and education

    Characteristics of leadership of selected historical leaders in music education in the United States with an exploratory study of the explicability of these characteristics to modern music education leadership in elementary schools

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    The purpose of this multicase, qualitative study dissertation was to describe how the leadership characteristics of the founders of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) inform today’s music educators’ leadership abilities. During the 1907 Keokuk conference the founding members discussed the first set of guiding principles for various subjects within the music discipline including chorus, band, and piano. For this study, the research questions are focused on the similarities in leadership styles of music education leaders past and present. Suggestions for improvement of teacher and administrator leadership characteristics were revealed by the leaders themselves. Eight public elementary school music teachers and administrators who worked in their capacity between the years of 2000 to 2021 were interviewed by phone and email. The interviews included 15 questions concerning lesson design, leader title, and daily job duties, as well as advocacy work on behalf of the students. The findings are that each teacher and administrator has similar leadership styles to at least one MENC founder. The teachers and administrators largely relied on the Orff and Kodály methods of teaching music. The founders also borrowed many of their techniques from the Orff and Kodály methods of teaching music. To increase student retention of musical concepts I recommend that districts implement program designs similar to the Congolese National Radio, a program in which students hear their lessons from home through the radio. U.S. students enjoy watching television. Sharing music lessons as extra credit through public broadcast television would promote musical learning for a nation that continues to see a decline in arts funding. Lastly, it is also strongly recommended that online learning is utilized only in crisis occurrences, such as a pandemic

    Population Distribution and Abundance of the Blackfin Sucker (Thoburnia atripinnis) in the Upper Barren River System, Kentucky and Tennessee.

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    The blackfin sucker (Thoburnia atripinnis) is a relatively small species of fish (~155mm) endemic to the headwaters of the Barren River System (UBR) in Kentucky and Tennessee. Due to its isolated distribution and relatively small geographic inhabitance, the blackfin sucker is considered a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Kentucky by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. In addition, it is included in Tennessee\u27s list of rare wildlife as a Species of Special Concern. This study focused on determining the distribution and abundance of the blackfin sucker in those tributaries that comprise the UBR system, as well as key habitat characteristics that may play a role in their inhabitance of these streams. Fish communities were sampled between August 2011 and September 2012 using backpack electro-fishing techniques at each of 41 sampling sites throughout Kentucky and Tennessee. A species list with abundances of all fish captured was completed for each site. Habitat variables were measured including stream depth, water velocity, stream width, and substrate type. Overall, 328 individual blackfin suckers were captured at 28 of 41 sampling sites; with Tennessee sites having slightly higher abundances than those located in Kentucky. Results show that those sites sampled in Tennessee have more developed riparian zones and less agricultural influence than sites located in Kentucky. In addition, the Tennessee sites sampled in this study tended to have more rocky outcroppings and large bedrock ledges, which are prime habitats for the blackfin sucker. Because of this species endemism to the upper Barren River system, efforts should be made to conserve and maintain its population

    The Ohio corn performance tests, 1945 and 1946

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    Ground water in Florida

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    lGround water in Florida is the principal source of supply for industrial, municipal, agricultural, and domestic uses. During the last half century large developments of ground water have been made, and new developments are currently being addedi However, although problems of supply, some of them critical, have arisen in certain areas, vast quantities of ground water are:yet available for development over a major part of the State. It is quite conceivable that the availability of large developed water resources in Florida, in contrast with the shortages of supply in many other parts of the country, may play a dominant role in the agricultural and industrial growth of the State. (PDF has 15 pages.
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