1,924 research outputs found

    Identification of individual enzymes in crude extracts by acrylamide gel electrophoresis

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    Identification of enzymes by acrylamide gel electrophoresi

    Some characteristics of adaptation in am1

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    Adaptation in am

    Scalable iterative methods for sampling from massive Gaussian random vectors

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    Sampling from Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs), that is multivariate Gaussian ran- dom vectors that are parameterised by the inverse of their covariance matrix, is a fundamental problem in computational statistics. In this paper, we show how we can exploit arbitrarily accu- rate approximations to a GMRF to speed up Krylov subspace sampling methods. We also show that these methods can be used when computing the normalising constant of a large multivariate Gaussian distribution, which is needed for both any likelihood-based inference method. The method we derive is also applicable to other structured Gaussian random vectors and, in particu- lar, we show that when the precision matrix is a perturbation of a (block) circulant matrix, it is still possible to derive O(n log n) sampling schemes.Comment: 17 Pages, 4 Figure

    Rehydrating ascospores to improve germination

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    Rehydrating ascospores to improve germinatio

    Feedback in the local LBG Analog Haro 11 as probed by far-UV and X-ray observations

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    We have re-analyzed FUSE data and obtained new Chandra observations of Haro 11, a local (D_L=88 Mpc) UV luminous galaxy. Haro 11 has a similar far-UV luminosity (10^10.3 L_\odot), UV surface brightness (10^9.4 L_\odot kpc^-2), SFR, and metallicity to that observed in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We show that Haro 11 has extended, soft thermal (kT~0.68 keV) X-ray emission with a luminosity and size which scales with the physical properties (e.g. SFR, stellar mass) of the host galaxy. An enhanced alpha/Fe, ratio of ~4 relative to solar abundance suggests significant supernovae enrichment. These results are consistent with the X-ray emission being produced in a shock between a supernovae driven outflow and the ambient material. The FUV spectra show strong absorption lines similar to those observed in LBG spectra. A blueshifted absorption component is identified as a wind outflowing at ~200-280 km/s. OVI\lambda\lambda1032,1038 emission, the dominant cooling mechanism for coronal gas at T~10^5.5 K is also observed. If associated with the outflow, the luminosity of the OVI emission suggests that <20% of the total mechanical energy from the supernovae and solar winds is being radiated away. This implies that radiative cooling through OVI is not significantly inhibiting the growth of the outflowing gas. In contradiction to the findings of Bergvall et al 2006, we find no convincing evidence of Lyman continuum leakage in Haro 11. We conclude that the wind has not created a `tunnel' allowing the escape of a significant fraction of Lyman continuum photons and place a limit on the escape fraction of f_{esc}<2%. Overall, both Haro 11 and a previously observed LBG analogue VV 114, provide an invaluable insight into the X-ray and FUV properties of high redshift LBGs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 40 pages, 17 figure

    Ferromagnetic redshift of the optical gap in GdN

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    We report measurements of the optical gap in a GdN film at temperatures from 300 to 6K, covering both the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases. The gap is 1.31eV in the paramagnetic phase and red-shifts to 0.9eV in the spin-split bands below the Curie temperature. The paramagnetic gap is larger than was suggested by very early experiments, and has permitted us to refine a (LSDA+U)-computed band structure. The band structure was computed in the full translation symmetry of the ferromagnetic ground state, assigning the paramagnetic-state gap as the average of the majority- and minority-spin gaps in the ferromagnetic state. That procedure has been further tested by a band structure in a 32-atom supercell with randomly-oriented spins. After fitting only the paramagnetic gap the refined band structure then reproduces our measured gaps in both phases by direct transitions at the X point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Development of targeted messages to promote smoking cessation among construction trade workers

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    Blue-collar workers, particularly those in the construction trades, are more likely to smoke and have less success in quitting when compared with white-collar workers. Little is known about health communication strategies that might influence this priority population. This article describes our formative work to develop targeted messages to increase participation in an existing smoking cessation program among construction workers. Using an iterative and sequential mixed-methods approach, we explored the culture, health attitudes and smoking behaviors of unionized construction workers. We used focus group and survey data to inform message development, and applied audience segmentation methods to identify potential subgroups. Among 144 current smokers, 65% reported wanting to quit smoking in the next 6 months and only 15% had heard of a union-sponsored smoking cessation program, despite widespread advertising. We tested 12 message concepts and 26 images with the target audience to evaluate perceived relevance and effectiveness. Participants responded most favorably to messages and images that emphasized family and work, although responses varied by audience segments based on age and parental status. This study is an important step towards integrating the culture of a high-risk group into targeted messages to increase participation in smoking cessation activities

    Molecular Gas in M82: Resolving the Outflow and Streamers

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    We present a high-resolution (3.6'', 70pc) CO(1-0) mosaic of the molecular gas in M 82 covering an area of 2.5' x 3.5' (2.8kpc x 3.9kpc) obtained with the OVRO millimeter interferometer. The observations reveal the presence of huge amounts of molecular gas (> 70% of the total molecular mass, M_tot=1.3 x 10^9 M_sun) outside the central 1 kpc disk. Molecular streamers are detected in and below M82's disk out to distances from the center of 1.7 kpc. Some of these streamers are well correlated with optical absorption features; they form the basis of some of the prominent tidal HI features around M 82. This provides evidence that the molecular gas within M 82's optical disk is disrupted by the interaction with M 81. Molecular gas is found in M 82's outflow/halo, reaching distances up to 1.2 kpc below the plane; CO line-splitting has been detected for the first time in the outflow. The maximum outflow velocity is 230 km/s; we derive an opening angle of 55 deg for the molecular outflow cone. The total amount of gas in the outflow is >3 x 10^8 M_sun and its kinetic energy is of order 10^55 erg, about one percent of the estimated total mechanical energy input of M 82's starburst. Our study implies that extreme starburst environments can move significant amounts of molecular gas in to a galaxy's halo (and even to the intergalactic medium).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ Letters full PS file @ http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~fwalter/walter_m82.p

    Spatially Resolved Spitzer-IRS Spectroscopy of the Central Region of M82

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    We present high spatial resolution (~ 35 parsec) 5-38 um spectra of the central region of M82, taken with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. From these spectra we determined the fluxes and equivalent widths of key diagnostic features, such as the [NeII]12.8um, [NeIII]15.5um, and H_2 S(1)17.03um lines, and the broad mid-IR polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features in six representative regions and analysed the spatial distribution of these lines and their ratios across the central region. We find a good correlation of the dust extinction with the CO 1-0 emission. The PAH emission follows closely the ionization structure along the galactic disk. The observed variations of the diagnostic PAH ratios across M82 can be explained by extinction effects, within systematic uncertainties. The 16-18um PAH complex is very prominent, and its equivalent width is enhanced outwards from the galactic plane. We interpret this as a consequence of the variation of the UV radiation field. The EWs of the 11.3um PAH feature and the H_2 S(1) line correlate closely, and we conclude that shocks in the outflow regions have no measurable influence on the H_2 emission. The [NeIII]/[NeII] ratio is on average low at ~0.18, and shows little variations across the plane, indicating that the dominant stellar population is evolved (5 - 6 Myr) and well distributed. There is a slight increase of the ratio with distance from the galactic plane of M82 which we attribute to a decrease in gas density. Our observations indicate that the star formation rate has decreased significantly in the last 5 Myr. The quantities of dust and molecular gas in the central area of the galaxy argue against starvation and for negative feedback processes, observable through the strong extra-planar outflows.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, ApJ, emulateap