51 research outputs found

    Synergy effect in innovative activities and its accounting in the technological competencies of an enterprise

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    The article deals with the interdependence of competitiveness, innovation, as well as levels of entrepreneurial and technological competencies leading to synergetic effects in the development of high-tech companies. The authors describe a synergetic approach which allows finding effective ways of management of the economic systems functioning according to market conjuncture laws, as well as synergetic innovation strategy management. The article analyzes the effect of synergy in innovative activities and highlights the importance of its accounting in the management of technological competencies of the enterprisepeer-reviewe

    Анализ технико-экономических показателей источников собственной генерации энергии на железных дорогах

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The stages of the system analysis of technical and economic indicators allowing to compare the efficiency of renewable solar energy equipment are described. It is shown that the introduction of solar installations as an additional source for a power supply system for non-traction and non-transport consumers (for equipment of information and computer complexes of railways) will make it possible to reduce energy costs and reduce construction of power transmission lines. The authors of the article are sure that the situation in the energy pricing policy makes an objective assessment of the energy payback of the solar installation construction particularly important. Keywords: railway, system analysis, solar energy, solar installations, energy payback.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Описаны этапы системного анализа технико-экономических показателей, позволяющих сравнивать эффективность оборудования возобновляемых источников солнечной энергии. Показано, что внедрение гелиоустановок как дополнительного источника для системы электроснабжения нетяговых и нетранспортных потребителей (для оборудования информационно- вычислительных комплексов железных дорог) даст возможность уменьшить затраты на энергообеспечение, сократить объёмы строительства линий электропередач. Авторы статьи уверены, что ситуация в ценовой политике по энергоносителям делает особенно важной объективную оценку энергетической окупаемости сооружения гелиоустановок

    Synergy effect in innovative activities and its accounting in the technological competencies of an enterprise

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    The article deals with the interdependence of competitiveness, innovation, as well as levels of entrepreneurial and technological competencies leading to synergetic effects in the development of high-tech companies. The authors describe a synergetic approach which allows finding effective ways of management of the economic systems functioning according to market conjuncture laws, as well as synergetic innovation strategy management. The article analyzes the effect of synergy in innovative activities and highlights the importance of its accounting in the management of technological competencies of the enterprise. © 2018 International Strategic Management Association. All Rights Reserved

    A historical example of the formation of unique technical competencies in military affairs. The establishment of aeronautical intelligence in the XIX - Early XX centuries

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    The article discusses the history of the formation of the aeronautic reconnaissance using the tethered balloons in the XIX - early XX centuries. The article is paid attention to the first experience of introduction of innovative technologies of sensing the time - of-reconnaissance from balloons, and also focused on the psycho-physical state of aeronauts during operation at high altitudes. In addition, the article reflects the activities of military departments around the world to create the first aeronautical departments. There were involved as materials the pre-revolutionary historiography devoted to the aeronautics and also reference and special literature. In solving research problems, the general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, concretization, generalization) and traditional methods of historical analysis were used. In conclusion, the authors showed that in the XVIII - early XX centuries the ballooning in balloons passed the dynamic development. At the end of the XVIII century, the balloons were used for reconnaissance, and in the 1860s the photographic reconnaissance from balloons was first used. They were used as an additional or main source of intelligence information in many military conflicts in Europe and America, their relevance remained during the First world war. In fact, this experience laid the foundations for remote sensing of the earth's surface. Copyright © 2018 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o

    A historical example of the formation of unique technical competencies in military affairs. The establishment of aeronautical intelligence in the XIX - Early XX centuries

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    The article discusses the history of the formation of the aeronautic reconnaissance using the tethered balloons in the XIX - early XX centuries. The article is paid attention to the first experience of introduction of innovative technologies of sensing the time - of-reconnaissance from balloons, and also focused on the psycho-physical state of aeronauts during operation at high altitudes. In addition, the article reflects the activities of military departments around the world to create the first aeronautical departments. There were involved as materials the pre-revolutionary historiography devoted to the aeronautics and also reference and special literature. In solving research problems, the general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, concretization, generalization) and traditional methods of historical analysis were used. In conclusion, the authors showed that in the XVIII - early XX centuries the ballooning in balloons passed the dynamic development. At the end of the XVIII century, the balloons were used for reconnaissance, and in the 1860s the photographic reconnaissance from balloons was first used. They were used as an additional or main source of intelligence information in many military conflicts in Europe and America, their relevance remained during the First world war. In fact, this experience laid the foundations for remote sensing of the earth's surface. Copyright © 2018 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o

    Разработка методических рекомендаций по выбору вариантов коммерциализации результатов научно-технической деятельности организаций холдинга на основе УТК

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    The main goal of corporate knowledge bases is to transform the knowledge and experience of employees into the intellectual capital of the enterprise. A knowledge base is an effectively handled centralized electronic archive of documents, reference books, classifiers and other formalized information materials of the enterprise. The paper outlines an algorithm of choosing the commercialization form of the scientific and technical performance results and setting it into the corporate knowledge bases on the form of competences card.Основной целью корпоративных баз знаний является преобразование знаний и опыта сотрудников в интеллектуальный капитал предприятия. База знаний представляет собой эффективно обрабатываемый централизованный электронный архив документов, справочников, классификаторов и других формализованных информационных материалов предприятия. В настоящей статье предлагается алгоритм выбора формы коммерциализации результатов научно-технической деятельности и размещения его в корпоративной базе знаний в форме карточек компетенций

    On new mechanisms for the formation of technological superiority in modern conditions of innovative development

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    The study of trends in the development of the world economy showed the importance of innovations. In modern conditions of increasing competition in the high-tech markets, the role of management approaches and mechanisms used by players in these markets for a successful competitive struggle is increasing. The methods and approaches developed in the framework of strategic marketing have not lost their relevance at the present time. This paper shows the principal approach to reach the excellence in innovation development. World experience is presented in this work in the way to search the solution. Outsourcing approach is shown as a primary method of technology advance achievement

    The Formation of Innovative Leadership on Key Product Features Based on the Unique Technological Competencies

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    Market leadership is achieved through the development and launch of globally competitive products and technologies with superior key competitors. The creation of such products is provided based on setting ambitious tasks that meet global challenges. This is accompanied by the formation of the UTC development teams that form the basis for the sustainable excellence of new products and technologies. The authors of the paper critically discuss the formation of innovative leadership on key product features based on the unique technological competencies. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020