14 research outputs found

    Electrically tunable detector of THz-frequency signals based on an antiferromagnet

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    A concept of an electrically tunable resonance detector of THz-frequency signals based on antiferromagnetic/heavy metal (AFM/HM) hetero-structure is proposed. The conversion of a THz-frequency input signal into DC voltage is done using the inverse spin Hall effect in an (AFM/HM) bilayer. An additional bias DC current in the HM layer can be used to vary the effective anisotropy of the AFM, and, therefore, to tune the AFMR frequency. The proposed AFM/HM hetero-structure works as a resonance-type quadratic detector which can be tuned by the bias current in the range of at least 10 percent of the AFMR frequency and our estimations show that the sensitivity of this detector could be comparable to that of modern detectors based on the Schottky, Gunn or graphene-based diodes

    THz generation and frequency manipulation in AFM/HM interfaces

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    Contains fulltext : 227121.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Spintronic terahertz-frequency nonlinear emitter based on the canted antiferromagnet-platinum bilayers

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    Contains fulltext : 205054.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)7 p

    Origin of ellipticity of high-order harmonics generated by a two-color laser field in the cross-polarized configuration

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    International audienceRecently several techniques demonstrated the production of elliptically polarized high harmonics. One of these techniques consists of the interaction in a noble gas of two-color laser beams having orthogonal linear polarizations. Here we present the theoretical explanation of such a result observed in Lambert et al. [Nat. Commun. 6, 6167 (2015)]. Numerical calculations based on the nonperturbative light-atom interaction theory reproduce well the experimental data. The degree of polarization is analyzed for different harmonic orders and found to be high. With the help of a simplified theoretical model it is shown that the degree of harmonic ellipticity depends mainly on the population of atomic state sublevels with different angular momentum projections

    Excitation of Terahertz Magnons in Antiferromagnetic Nanostructures: Theory and Experiment

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    Contains fulltext : 224913.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    Арубендол — β2-агонист в терапии больных бронхиальной астмой

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    The therapeutic effect of arubendol (terbutaline sulfate) was studied in patients with BA of atopic form primarily with moderate currence in degree of moderate exacerbation. The drug was administered in doses of 1—2 mg per day. In most patients (25 among of 30 ones) the positive therapeutic effect was obtained. The undesired side effects noted in 16 patients were not severe and weren't as the cause for ancelling the medication. The betha-2-agonist arubendol medication may be concidered as an effective therapy in patients BA of mild and moderate exacerbation phase.Авторами изучен терапевтический эффект арубендола (тербуталина сульфат) у 30 больных бронхиальной астмой (преимущественно атопической формой, среднетяжелого течения, в фазе обострения средней тяжести). Препарат назначался в дозе 1—2 мг/сут. У большинства больных (25 из 30) был получен положительный терапевтический эффект. Нежелательные побочные явления, отмеченные у 16 больных, не были тяжелыми и не послужили поводом для отмены препарата. Авторы пришли к заключению об эффективности бета-2-агониста арубендола у больных бронхиальной астмой в фазе легкого и среднетяжелого обострения

    Towards enabling femtosecond helicity-dependent spectroscopy with high-harmonic sources

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    International audienceRecent advances in high-harmonic generation gave rise to soft X-ray pulses with higher intensity, shorter duration and higher photon energy. One of the remaining shortages of this source is its restriction to linear polarization, since the yield of generation of elliptically polarized high harmonics has been low so far. We here show how this limitation is overcome by using a cross-polarized two-colour laser field. With this simple technique, we reach high degrees of ellipticity (up to 75%) with efficiencies similar to classically generated linearly polarized harmonics. To demonstrate these features and to prove the capacity of our source for applications, we measure the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) effect of nickel at the M2,3 absorption edge around 67 eV. There results open up the way towards femtosecond time-resolved experiments using high harmonics exploiting the powerful element-sensitive XMCD effect and resolving the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of individual components in complex materials

    The resolution of the Expert Council on Interstitial Lung Diseases in Systemic Scleroderma (Moscow, October 14, 2019)

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    The conclusion of the Expert Council presents the results of discussing the diagnosis and therapy of interstitial lung diseases in systemic scleroderma. The reason for this discussion was the emergence of new data on the use of nintedanib in this category of patients