339 research outputs found

    Raseduse kulu seos lapse tervisega hilisemas eas

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    See, mis toimub ja ümbritseb loodet emaüsas, määrab tema tervise hilisemas elus. Hüpotees, mille kohaselt täiskasvanuea haigused programmeeritakse juba looteeas, on leidnud kinnitust mitmetes viimastel aastakümnetel tehtud uuringutes. Ülevaateartikli eesmärk on koondada nüüdisaegsed andmed erinevate abistavate reproduktiivtehnoloogiate, preeklampsia, raseduseelse ja -aegse diabeedi, ema alatoitumise ja ülekaalu ning rasedusaegse psühholoogilise stressi seoste kohta lapse tervisega hilisemas eas. Abistavat reproduktiivtehnoloogiat on seostatud lapsel kardiovaskulaarsete haiguste (kõrgenenud vererõhk, endoteeli düsfunktsioon) ja astma suurema tekkeriskiga. Emaüsas preeklampsiale eksponeeritud lastel on hilisemas elueas leitud kõrgemaid arteriaalse vererõhu väärtusi ja suuremat kehamassiindeksit, endoteeli düsfunktsiooni, suuremat riski insuldi, epilepsia, tserebraalparalüüsi ja südame-veresoonkonnahaiguste tekkeks. Ema rasedusaegne hüperglükeemia seondub lapsel 2. tüüpi diabeedi ja metaboolse sündroomi olulise tekkeriskiga. Ema rasedusaegse alatoitumise mõju lapsele kirjeldas juba 20 aastat tagasi epidemioloog David Barker. Barkeri hüpoteesi järgi esineb rasedusaegse alatoitumisega emade lastel sagedamini kardiometaboolseid tüsistusi, nagu metaboolne sündroom, ateroskleroos. Emal rasedusaegne tugev emotsionaalne stress võib soodustada lastel kognitiivsete ja käitumuslike häirete, kardiometaboolsete ning neuropsühhiaatriliste haiguste teket

    Epilepsia käsitlus rasedatel

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    Rasedus on oluline periood naise elus. Harvadel juhtudel on see aga keeruline aeg, eriti epilepsiaga naistel, kuna peab mõtlema antikonvulsantidest tingitud riskidele. Arvestama peab ravi teratogeenset toimet loote arengule ja epilepsiahoogudega seotud riski nii tulevasele emale kui ka lootele. Artiklis on kirjeldatud epilepsia käsitlust raseduse ajal ning antikonvulsantidega seotud teratogeensust (väike emakasisene kasv, väärarengud ning vaimne alaareng ja käitumishäireid). Samuti on esitatud infot antikonvulsantide metabolismi muutuste kohta raseduse ajal ja epilepsiahoogude kontrolli kohta selle perioodi jooksul ning antud soovitusi, kuidas oleks parem käsitleda epilepsiaga naist nii raseduse planeerimisel, raseduse ajal kui ka pärast sünnitust. &nbsp

    Kasvajast põhjustatud käärsoole invaginatsioon täiskasvanul

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    Eesti Arst 2024; 103(2):98–9

    Transition from chimera/solitary states to traveling waves

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    We study numerically the spatiotemporal dynamics of a ring network of nonlocally coupled nonlinear oscillators, each represented by a two-dimensional discrete-time model of the classical van der Pol oscillator. It is shown that the discretized oscillator exhibits a richer behavior, combining the peculiarities of both the original system and its own dynamics. Moreover, a large variety of spatiotemporal structures is observed in the network of discrete van der Pol oscillators when the discretization parameter and the coupling strength are varied. Such regimes as the coexistence of multichimera state/traveling wave and solitary state are revealed for the first time and studied in detail. It is established that the majority of the observed chimera/solitary states, including the newly found ones, are transient towards the purely traveling wave mode. The peculiarities of the transition process and the lifetime (transient duration) of the chimera structures and the solitary state are analyzed depending on the system parameters, observation time, initial conditions, and influence of external noise

    Islamic Banks in the Global Economy with Special Reference to in CIS Countries

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    The subject of the article is Islamic banks – a special form of banking business, in which services are provided to customers on an interest-free basis. The article discusses the reasons why Islamic banks emerged and spread, and considers the dynamics and geographical distribution of their assets in the world economy. Particular attention is paid to the theory and practice of Islamic banks performance, their main differences from conventional banks, as well as basic mechanisms of Islamic financing. Problems that make it difficult for Islamic banks to expand in non-Muslim countries have been revealed. The experience of Islamic banks in the post-Soviet space has been analyzed, and the practical experience and success of these financial institutions have been considered

    Етика та онтологiя людського буття у буддизмi

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    The paper elucidates some deep philosophical principles underlying the mechanism of formation of Buddhist ethics. The author demonstrates that the view of ethics in Buddhism is deeply connected with the understanding of the true nature of the being. This is due to the specific, ontological interpretation of the concept of suffering in Buddhism, the only way of overcoming which is the realization of philosophy of «emptiness» or «non-ego».У статтi висвiтлено глибиннi фiлософськi принципи, якi лежать в основi механiзму формування буддiйської етики. Показано, що погляд на етику в буддизмi глибоко вкорiнений в уявлення про iстинну природу буття. Це пов’язано зi специфiчним, онтологiчним тлумаченням поняття страждання в буддизмi, єдино можливим способом подолання якого є реалiзацiя фiлософiї «порожнечi» або «не-я»

    Спiввiдношення буття, небуття та порожнечi в буддiйськiй онтологiї

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    The paper presents an inquiry into the three foundational categories of the Buddhist ontology: being, non-being and emptiness. It is shown that from the standpoint of the highest truth in Buddhism the opposite to being is not non-being, but emptiness as the true, non-conditional and absolute being.У статтi на матерiалi першоджерел дослiджено три базовi категорiї буддiйської онтологiї: буття, небуття i порожнеча. Показано, що в буддизмi з точки зору вищої iстини опозицiєю буття є не небуття, а порожнеча як iстинне, незумовлене, абсолютним буття

    Studies on the optical fluxes attenuation process in optoelectronic systems

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    In this paper, the statistical characteristics of output signals in optoelectronic systems with a limited dynamic range are considered. The experimental results concerning noises probability densities are adduced. It has been shown that the law of output signal distribution depends on attenuation factor of neutral filter used for matching the dynamic range. The output signal distribution law is well approximated by the steady distributions with characterization index 0 < α < 2. Using the stable law as a limiting one allows to avoid the contradiction between experimental data and common mathematical models of signals based on the Poisson and Gaussian statistics and to reduce weak signals detection errors in optoelectronic systems with implementation of neutral filters for matching the dynamic range