302 research outputs found

    Stages of development, improvement and application of equipment for welding in space, created with the participation of Ukrainian scientists

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    The article is devoted to the historical analysis of development and improvement of electrotechnical equipment that was developed and applied in the USSR to conduct works on welding and related technologies in space in the period from the 60s to the 90s of the last century and to assess the contribution of Ukrainian scientists in this field.Etapy rozwoju, ulepszania i stosowania sprzętu do spawania w kosmosie, tworzonego z udziałem ukraińskich naukowców Artykuł poświęcono analizie historycznej rozwoju i doskonalenia sprzętu elektrotechnicznego, który tworzono i stosowano w ZSRR do prowadzenia prac nad spawaniem i pokrewnymi technologiami w kosmosie w okresie od lat 60. do 90. Ubiegłego wieku oraz ocenie wkładu ukraińskich naukowców w tej dziedzinie

    In search of driving factors of the social processes. Review of the monograph: L. A. Griffen. Missing link. Communication of productive forces and production relations: monograph. Odesa: Kuprienko SV, 2023. 147 pp. ISBN 978-617-7880-34-8

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    Review of the monograph: L. A. Griffen. Missing link. Communication of productive forces and production relations: monograph. Odesa: Kuprienko SV, 2023. 147 pp. ISBN 978-617-7880-34-8Review of the monograph: L. A. Griffen. Missing link. Communication of productive forces and production relations: monograph. Odesa: Kuprienko SV, 2023. 147 pp. ISBN 978-617-7880-34-8 &nbsp

    Selective removal of heavy metals using novel active carbons

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    Porous carbonaceous adsorbent materials possessing weakly acidic surface functional groups have been evaluated for the selective removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Active carbons derived from both agricultural products (KAU carbons) and polymeric resin (CKC carbon) have been oxidised by hot air or nitric acid to produce samples with different degrees of surface oxidation. A novel phosphorus-containing carbonaceous sorbent (PGP-P) has been prepared by pyrolysis of phosphorylated phenol-formaldehyde resin. Surface modifications have been carried out to introduce various acidic functional groups capable of selective heavy metal binding. The properties of these sorbents have been compared to those of commercially available polymeric carboxylic resin C 104 (Purolite) and oxidised Filtrasorb 400 (Chemviron). Investigation into the physical structure of the adsorbents using microscopy and nitrogen sorption at liquid nitrogen temperatures showed that the porous structure is adversely affected by carbon oxidation. The surface area and pore volume decrease as the degree of surface oxidation increases. The low surface area and pore volume of PGP-P was attributed to the presence of phosphorus-containing functional groups which protect the surface from excessive burn-off. The surface functionality of the sorbcnts was determined by FT-IR, NMR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Relatively high concentrations of different weakly acidic functional groups were detected on the surface of the materials studied. The ion-exchange properties of the sorbents were assessed by acid-base titration techniques and electrophoretic mobility measurements. Oxidation of carbons with hot air resulted in a greater proportion of relatively weaker type surface functionality (i.e. phenolic) whereas nitric acid modification produced a higher concentration of relatively stronger carboxylic groups. Electrophoretic mobility measurements suggested that the carbon surface is negatively charged within the range of pH values studied. pH titration results demonstrated relatively greater surface acidity of active carbons compared to carboxylic resin. Active carbons were successfully applied for the selective removal of radionuclides. The materials showed excellent decontamination factors for a-, b- and y emitters. This was attributed to the presence of mineral admixtures and humic acids in carbons as well as the surface functional groups. Repeated cycles of lead sorption/elution indicated that the metal capacities of the carbon-packed mini-columns were reduced but reached a steady level after 3-4 cycles


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    In the new issue, our scientific journal offers you nine scientific articles. As always, we try to offer a wide variety of topics and areas and follow current trends in the history of science and technology. The issue of the journal opens with an article dedicated to the formation and development of natural history museology in Europe in the 15th–19th centuries. The development of scientific knowledge at that time affects the idea of the world order and the place of man in it, and the combination of knowledge with practical experience leads to the birth of true science. It is shown that one of the most important components of the development of natural sciences, in particular biological sciences, was the collection of naturalia (i.e. objects of natural origin), the rapid surge of interest in which contributed to the Great Geographical Discoveries. In chronological order, the further historical development of museum work from private collections in Italy to the formation of a prototype of a genuine museum, which performs the main museum functions such as amassment, storage and demonstration of collections, is considered. The article by Leonid Griffen and co-authors considers the object and subject of the history of science and technology, its place in the system of sciences. Today, more and more people are turning to the factors that determine the interaction of the society with the environment (productive forces of the society), to study which in the historical aspect and called a special scientific discipline the history of science and technology. The composition and development of the technosphere and noosphere are considered in the article. It is shown that the functioning of the technosphere is based on its interaction with the noosphere, which provides information about the environment and controls the effectiveness of interaction with it. It is formed by combining the mental structures of individuals through sign systems. The production process that ensures the functioning of the society begins with the noosphere, which through individual consciousness controls the actions of each individual, who through the means of production (technosphere) interacts with the natural environment. However, the gradual development of productive forces leads at some point to the fact that the information needed by the individual to perform all necessary actions for the benefit of the society, ceases to fit in his individual consciousness. As a result, there is a new social phenomenon the social division of labor. The cardinal solution to the problem is the prospect of humanity entering infinite space. The article by Jun-Young Oh and Hyesook Han is devoted to the study of what Understanding mathematical abstraction in the formularization of Galileo's law. Galileo's revolution in science introduced an analytical method to science that typifies the overall modern thinking of extracting, abstracting, and grasping only critical aspects of the target phenomena and focusing on “how”, which is a quantitative relationship between variables, instead of “why”. For example, to him, the question of 'why does an object fall' is of no significance; instead, only the quantitative relationship between distance from the falling object and time is important. Yet, the most fundamental aspect of his idea is that he introduced a quantified time t. Because, according to atomic theory, vacuum exists between an atom and an object composed of atoms or between objects – ignoring factors that interfere with motion, such as friction – the space for absolute time, which is a mathematical time, can be geometrically defined. In order to justify this mathematical abstraction strategy, thought experiments were conducted rather than laboratory experiments, which at that time were difficult to perform. The article by Vasyl Andriiashko and co-authors provides a thorough overview of the evolutionary process of the emergence, establishment, and development of the Kyiv school of artistic textiles. It reveals the influence of various factors (ideological, political, economic, and aesthetic) on this process. The historical and factual method allowed us to study socio-economic, as well as historical and cultural factors that contributed to the emergence, establishment, and development of the Kyiv textile school in a chronological sequence. It is established that the very fact of emergence of the Kyiv school of artistic textile, as a community of style, unity of forms, preservation, and continuity of traditions, had unbiased backgrounds since Ukrainian decorative weaving, a part of which is Kyiv weaving, inherited the abundant artistic traditions that were created over the centuries and most vividly manifested through the art of Kyivan Rus. In the next article, the authors Artemii Bernatskyi and Mykola Sokolovskyi is devoted to the study history of military laser technology development in military applications. For better understanding and systematization of knowledge about development of historical applications in the military field, an analysis of publicly known knowledge about their historical applications in the leading world countries was conducted. The study focuses on development that was carried out by the superpowers of the Cold War and the present era, namely the United States, the Soviet Union and the Peoples Republic of China, and were built in metal. Multiple avenues of various applications of laser technology in military applications were studied, namely: military laser rangefinders; ground and aviation target designators; precision ammunition guidance systems; non-lethal anti-personnel systems; systems, designed to disable optoelectronics of military vehicles; as well as strategic and tactical anti-air and missile defense systems.  The issues of ethical use of laser weapons and the risks of their use in armed conflicts, which led to an international consensus in the form of conventions of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, were also considered. As a result of the analysis, a systematic approach to the classification of applications of laser technology in military products by three main areas of development was proposed: ancillary applications, non-lethal direct action on the human body and optical devices of military equipment, and anti-aircraft and anti-missile defensive systems. The author of the following article considered the front line transporter as the embodiment of the USSR military doctrine in the middle of the 20th century. The paper based on a source analysis of the history of creation, design, and production of LuAZ-967, LuAZ-967M, against the background of the processes of implementing projects of small tactical high mobility wheeled vehicles for the armies of European countries, shows that the developing, testing, and commissioning a front line transporter became a deepening of the process of motorization of the Soviet army. The designs of similar vehicles have been analyzed. An attempt to assess the degree of uniqueness of the front line transporter design and its place in the history of technology, as well as its potential as a reminder of science and technology has been made. An analysis of the front line transporter design, its systems, compared with its foreign counterparts, suggests that it is a Soviet refinement of the concept of a small army vehicle, a more specific means directly for the battlefield. At the same time, it was developed taking into account foreign developments and similar designs, imitating individual designs, adapting to the capabilities of the USSR automotive industry. The next article is devoted to the study, generalization and systematization of scientific knowledge about the history of the establishment, development and operation of the regional railway system in Bukovyna in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The authors attempted to analyze the process of creation and operation of railways in Bukovyna during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire based on a wide range of previously unpublished archival documents, periodicals, statistical literature and memoirs. The article studies the development of organizational bases for the construction of railways, the activity of the communication network management, lists a whole range of requirements and tasks set for railway transport in Bukovyna, the progress of their implementation, considers successes and difficulties in this work. The purpose of the article by authors Sana Simou, Khadija Baba and Abderrahman Nounah is to reveal, recreate  as accurately as possible the characteristics of an archaeological site or part of it.  The restoration and conservation of monuments and archaeological sites is a delicate operation. It requires fidelity, delicacy, precision and archaeological authenticity. Research during the last two decades has proved that 3D modeling, or the digital documentation and visualization of archaeological objects in 3D, is valuable for archaeological research. The study has opted for the technique of terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry by 3D surveys of architectural elements, to develop an archetype of the deteriorated Islamic Marinid site (a dynasty between the 13th and 15th centuries), and the Roman site (25 BC), located at the Chellah archaeological site in Rabat and Salé cities. The data acquired build an architectural database to archive and retrieve the entire existing architecture of monuments. This study has been completed by photogrammetrists, architects, and restorers. The issue of the journal ends with an article devoted to the analyzing the prerequisites and conditions for the foundation of an aircraft engine enterprise in Ukraine. Based on the retrospective analysis, the prerequisites and conditions of the foundation of the aircraft engine enterprise in Aleksandrovsk, Ukraine, were considered. There was a severe gap between the Russian Empire and European countries in the development pace of the aviation industry during World War I. This prompted the Russian Empire to raise foreign capital, as well as attract technologies and specialists to develop aircraft engineering and other industries. By 1917, the plant had gained the status of Russia’s largest engine-building enterprise in terms of building area and one of the best in equipment. It is evident that the beginning of aircraft engine production in Aleksandrovsk relates to the establishment of a branch of Petrograd Joint Stock Company of Electromechanical Structures and the plant’s purchase from the Moznaim brothers. We hope that everyone will find interesting useful information in the new issue. And, of course, we welcome your new submissions.In the new issue, our scientific journal offers you nine scientific articles. As always, we try to offer a wide variety of topics and areas and follow current trends in the history of science and technology. The issue of the journal opens with an article dedicated to the formation and development of natural history museology in Europe in the 15th–19th centuries. The development of scientific knowledge at that time affects the idea of the world order and the place of man in it, and the combination of knowledge with practical experience leads to the birth of true science. It is shown that one of the most important components of the development of natural sciences, in particular biological sciences, was the collection of naturalia (i.e. objects of natural origin), the rapid surge of interest in which contributed to the Great Geographical Discoveries. In chronological order, the further historical development of museum work from private collections in Italy to the formation of a prototype of a genuine museum, which performs the main museum functions such as amassment, storage and demonstration of collections, is considered. The article by Leonid Griffen and co-authors considers the object and subject of the history of science and technology, its place in the system of sciences. Today, more and more people are turning to the factors that determine the interaction of the society with the environment (productive forces of the society), to study which in the historical aspect and called a special scientific discipline the history of science and technology. The composition and development of the technosphere and noosphere are considered in the article. It is shown that the functioning of the technosphere is based on its interaction with the noosphere, which provides information about the environment and controls the effectiveness of interaction with it. It is formed by combining the mental structures of individuals through sign systems. The production process that ensures the functioning of the society begins with the noosphere, which through individual consciousness controls the actions of each individual, who through the means of production (technosphere) interacts with the natural environment. However, the gradual development of productive forces leads at some point to the fact that the information needed by the individual to perform all necessary actions for the benefit of the society, ceases to fit in his individual consciousness. As a result, there is a new social phenomenon the social division of labor. The cardinal solution to the problem is the prospect of humanity entering infinite space. The article by Jun-Young Oh and Hyesook Han is devoted to the study of what Understanding mathematical abstraction in the formularization of Galileo's law. Galileo's revolution in science introduced an analytical method to science that typifies the overall modern thinking of extracting, abstracting, and grasping only critical aspects of the target phenomena and focusing on “how”, which is a quantitative relationship between variables, instead of “why”. For example, to him, the question of 'why does an object fall' is of no significance; instead, only the quantitative relationship between distance from the falling object and time is important. Yet, the most fundamental aspect of his idea is that he introduced a quantified time t. Because, according to atomic theory, vacuum exists between an atom and an object composed of atoms or between objects – ignoring factors that interfere with motion, such as friction – the space for absolute time, which is a mathematical time, can be geometrically defined. In order to justify this mathematical abstraction strategy, thought experiments were conducted rather than laboratory experiments, which at that time were difficult to perform. The article by Vasyl Andriiashko and co-authors provides a thorough overview of the evolutionary process of the emergence, establishment, and development of the Kyiv school of artistic textiles. It reveals the influence of various factors (ideological, political, economic, and aesthetic) on this process. The historical and factual method allowed us to study socio-economic, as well as historical and cultural factors that contributed to the emergence, establishment, and development of the Kyiv textile school in a chronological sequence. It is established that the very fact of emergence of the Kyiv school of artistic textile, as a community of style, unity of forms, preservation, and continuity of traditions, had unbiased backgrounds since Ukrainian decorative weaving, a part of which is Kyiv weaving, inherited the abundant artistic traditions that were created over the centuries and most vividly manifested through the art of Kyivan Rus. In the next article, the authors Artemii Bernatskyi and Mykola Sokolovskyi is devoted to the study history of military laser technology development in military applications. For better understanding and systematization of knowledge about development of historical applications in the military field, an analysis of publicly known knowledge about their historical applications in the leading world countries was conducted. The study focuses on development that was carried out by the superpowers of the Cold War and the present era, namely the United States, the Soviet Union and the Peoples Republic of China, and were built in metal. Multiple avenues of various applications of laser technology in military applications were studied, namely: military laser rangefinders; ground and aviation target designators; precision ammunition guidance systems; non-lethal anti-personnel systems; systems, designed to disable optoelectronics of military vehicles; as well as strategic and tactical anti-air and missile defense systems.  The issues of ethical use of laser weapons and the risks of their use in armed conflicts, which led to an international consensus in the form of conventions of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, were also considered. As a result of the analysis, a systematic approach to the classification of applications of laser technology in military products by three main areas of development was proposed: ancillary applications, non-lethal direct action on the human body and optical devices of military equipment, and anti-aircraft and anti-missile defensive systems. The author of the following article considered the front line transporter as the embodiment of the USSR military doctrine in the middle of the 20th century. The paper based on a source analysis of the history of creation, design, and production of LuAZ-967, LuAZ-967M, against the background of the processes of implementing projects of small tactical high mobility wheeled vehicles for the armies of European countries, shows that the developing, testing, and commissioning a front line transporter became a deepening of the process of motorization of the Soviet army. The designs of similar vehicles have been analyzed. An attempt to assess the degree of uniqueness of the front line transporter design and its place in the history of technology, as well as its potential as a reminder of science and technology has been made. An analysis of the front line transporter design, its systems, compared with its foreign counterparts, suggests that it is a Soviet refinement of the concept of a small army vehicle, a more specific means directly for the battlefield. At the same time, it was developed taking into account foreign developments and similar designs, imitating individual designs, adapting to the capabilities of the USSR automotive industry. The next article is devoted to the study, generalization and systematization of scientific knowledge about the history of the establishment, development and operation of the regional railway system in Bukovyna in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. The authors attempted to analyze the process of creation and operation of railways in Bukovyna during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire based on a wide range of previously unpublished archival documents, periodicals, statistical literature and memoirs. The article studies the development of organizational bases for the construction of railways, the activity of the communication network management, lists a whole range of requirements and tasks set for railway transport in Bukovyna, the progress of their implementation, considers successes and difficulties in this work. The purpose of the article by authors Sana Simou, Khadija Baba and Abderrahman Nounah is to reveal, recreate  as accurately as possible the characteristics of an archaeological site or part of it.  The restoration and conservation of monuments and archaeological sites is a delicate operation. It requires fidelity, delicacy, precision and archaeological authenticity. Research during the last two decades has proved that 3D modeling, or the digital documentation and visualization of archaeological objects in 3D, is valuable for archaeological research. The study has opted for the technique of terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry by 3D surveys of architectural elements, to develop an archetype of the deteriorated Islamic Marinid site (a dynasty between the 13th and 15th centuries), and the Roman site (25 BC), located at the Chellah archaeological site in Rabat and Salé cities. The data acquired build an architectural database to archive and retrieve the entire existing architecture of monuments. This study has been completed by photogrammetrists, architects, and restorers. The issue of the journal ends with an article devoted to the analyzing the prerequisites and conditions for the foundation of an aircraft engine enterprise in Ukraine. Based on the retrospective analysis, the prerequisites and conditions of the foundation of the aircraft engine enterprise in Aleksandrovsk, Ukraine, were considered. There was a severe gap between the Russian Empire and European countries in the development pace of the aviation industry during World War I. This prompted the Russian Empire to raise foreign capital, as well as attract technologies and specialists to develop aircraft engineering and other industries. By 1917, the plant had gained the status of Russia’s largest engine-building enterprise in terms of building area and one of the best in equipment. It is evident that the beginning of aircraft engine production in Aleksandrovsk relates to the establishment of a branch of Petrograd Joint Stock Company of Electromechanical Structures and the plant’s purchase from the Moznaim brothers. We hope that everyone will find interesting useful information in the new issue. And, of course, we welcome your new submissions

    Catalytic performance of carbonaceous materials in the esterification of succinic acid

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    Mesoporous carbonaceous materials have outstanding potential in many different applications such as adsorption, medicine and catalysis. We have recently reported the synthesis of a new form of mesoporous carbon, named Starbon((R)), obtained after low temperature carbonization of expanded starch. Such starch-derived mesoporous materials have several tunable properties including surface energies (ranging from hydrophilic to hydrophobic surfaces), which can be easily controlled by the degree of carbonization (from 200 to 700 degrees C). Due to the diversity of surface functional groups, Starbons((R)) can be easily chemically modified. Treatment of Starbon((R)) materials with sulfuric acid gave a solid acid that has promising properties as heterogeneous catalyst. Comparative catalytic studies with some other similar commercial carbonaceous materials such as DARCO((R)) and NORIT (R), as well as phosphorous-containing microporous carbons, are reported. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Железнодорожное строительство в Российской империи (1836-1917): истоки и развитие

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    Історія залізничного будівництва в Російській імперії, в тому числі і в Україні, і цікава, і повчальна. Адже залізничне будівництво — це головний напрямок промислового перевороту в транспортній галузі, вагомий прискорювач економічного розвитку й загальної соціально-економічної модернізації суспільства. У статті висвітлено витоки та розвиток залізничного будівництва в Російській імперії за період 1836—1917 років. Розглянуто етапи формування залізничної мережі. Окреслено внесок в розвиток залізничної галузі видатних інженерів та вчених, багато з яких є вихідцями з українських земель. Висвітлено роль Ф. А. Герстнера та П. П. Мельникова як основоположників залізничного будівництва у нашій державі. Доведено винятково визначальну роль Інституту Корпусу інженерів залізничного транспорту (Санкт-Петербург) у формуванні залізничної політики Російської імперії, описана коротка історія становлення та розвитку мережі залізниць на теренах України.The history of railway construction in the Russian Empire, including Ukraine, is both interesting and enlightening. However, railway construction is the main direction of the industrial revolution in transport, a significant accelerator of economic development and overall socio-economic modernization of society. The article deals with the origins and development of railway construction in the Russian Empire during the 1836—1917. It has been shown the contribution of outstanding engineers and scientists many of whom originate from Ukrainian lands, to the development of railway sector. It has been highlighted the role of F. A. Gerstner and P. P. Melnikov as the founders of railway construction in our country. It has been proved an exceptionally decisive role of the Institute for Railway Transport Engineers Corps (St. Petersburg) in railway policy formation in the Russian Empire. It is described a brief history of the railway network formation and development in Ukraine.История железнодорожного строительства в Российской империи, в том числе и в Украине, и интересная, и поучительна. Ведь железнодорожное строительство – это главное направление промышленного переворота в транспортной отрасли, весомый ускоритель экономического развития и общей социально-экономической модернизации общества. В статье освещены истоки и развитие железнодорожного строительства в Российской империи за период 1836-1917. Рассмотрены этапы формирования железнодорожной сети. Определены вклад в развитие железнодорожной отрасли выдающихся инженеров и ученых, многие из которых являются выходцами из украинских земель. Освещена роль Ф. А. Герстнера и П. П. Мельникова как основоположников железнодорожного строительства в нашей стране. Доказано исключительно определяющую роль Института Корпуса инженеров железнодорожного транспорта (Санкт-Петербург) в формировании железнодорожной политики Российской империи, описана краткая история становления и развития сети железных дорог на территории Украины


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    In the latest issue of the "History of Science and Technology" journal, publications by authors from Canada, Ghana, Indonesia, Romania, Ukraine and Uzbekistan are presented. As always, we try to offer a wide variety of topics and areas and follow current trends in the history of science and technology. In this issue, you will find interesting research that explores various aspects of the development of science and technology in different countries. The authors investigate different periods of history, ranging from ancient times to the present, and delve into both well-known events and lesser-known aspects that are worth studying. We are grateful to all the authors for their work and contribution to the understanding of the history of science and technology. We would also like to express our gratitude to our reviewers and the editorial team for their diligence and professionalism in the selection and preparation of these fascinating articles. We hope that this issue of the journal will serve as a source of new knowledge, discoveries, and insights for our readers. We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful reading experience! And, of course, we welcome your new submissions.In the latest issue of the "History of Science and Technology" journal, publications by authors from Canada, Ghana, Indonesia, Romania, Ukraine and Uzbekistan are presented. As always, we try to offer a wide variety of topics and areas and follow current trends in the history of science and technology. In this issue, you will find interesting research that explores various aspects of the development of science and technology in different countries. The authors investigate different periods of history, ranging from ancient times to the present, and delve into both well-known events and lesser-known aspects that are worth studying. We are grateful to all the authors for their work and contribution to the understanding of the history of science and technology. We would also like to express our gratitude to our reviewers and the editorial team for their diligence and professionalism in the selection and preparation of these fascinating articles. We hope that this issue of the journal will serve as a source of new knowledge, discoveries, and insights for our readers. We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful reading experience! And, of course, we welcome your new submissions

    Концентрация сортировочной работы и конструктивные изменения схем сортировочных железнодорожных станций за рубежом (вторая половина ХХ века)

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    У статті описані основні напрямки в розвитку транспортних вузлів за кордоном у другій половині ХХ століття. Показані концентрація сортувальної роботи та конструктивні зміни схем сортувальних залізничних станцій. Історія свідчить, що велика увага у зарубіжній практиці післявоєнного періоду приділялася питанням раціонального розміщення реконструйованих і споруджуваних сортувальних станцій. У більшості випадків сортувальні станції розвивалися протягом тривалого часу у відповідності з приватними інтересами залізничних товариств. Зміна економіки країн і умов роботи залізниць у другій половині ХХ століття. зумовили більш раціональне розміщення сортувальних станцій на усій мережі залізниць кожної конкретної країни. Історія науки і техніки засвідчує, що сучасні сортувальні станції зарубіжних залізниць в ході реконструкції обладнуються новітніми технічними пристроями, які забезпечують автоматичне встановлення маршрутів, автоматичне гальмування вагонів з допомогою сповільнювачів та ін. Дослідження проблеми концентрації сортувальної роботи і конструктивних схем сортувальних станцій надзвичайно актуальні і в наш час.The article describes basic directions in transport junctions’ abroad in the second half of the XX century. The sorting works’ concentration and structural changes in the schemes for the railway marshalling yards are given in the article as well. The history shows that in the postwar practice abroad much attention was paid to rational distribution of reconstructed and newly erected marshalling railway yards. In most cases for a long period the railway marshalling yards were developing according to private interests of railway societies. In the second half of the XX century changes in the countries’ economies and in the railway operational conditions determined more rational distribution of the railway marshalling yards in the rail network of every country. The history of science and technology testifies that when modern railway marshalling yards abroad were reconstructed, they were equipped with newest technical devices providing self-routing, automatic cars’ braking by means of moderators etc. The research of the sorting works’ concentration and structural changes in the schemes for railway marshalling yards is of extreme topicality nowadays.В статье описанные основные направления в развитии транспортных узлов за рубежом во второй половине ХХ века. Показаны концентрация сортировочной работы и конструктивные изменения схем сортировочных железнодорожных станций. История свидетельствует, что большое внимание в зарубежной практике послевоенного периода уделялось вопросам рационального размещения реконструированных и сооружаемых сортировочных станций. В большинстве случаев сортировочные станции развивались в течение длительного времени в соответствии с частными интересами железнодорожных обществ. Изменение экономики стран и условий работы железных дорог во второй половине ХХ века обусловили более рациональное размещение сортировочных станций на всей сети железных дорог каждой конкретной страны. История науки и техники удостоверяет, что современные сортировочные станции зарубежных железных дорог в ходе реконструкции оборудуются новейшими техническими устройствами, которые обеспечивают автоматическое установление маршрутов, автоматическое торможение вагонов с помощью замедлителей и др. Исследования проблемы концентрации сортировочной работы и конструктивных схем сортировочных станций чрезвычайно актуальны и в наше время


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    The issue of the journal begins with an article on French sinology. French sinology takes a special place in the history of the sinological studies development. It was France that became the first country where the transformation of missionary sinology, which was common among a limited circle of researchers (mainly in a religious sphere), into the academic scientific discipline, which had already been taught and studied at a professional level in academic institutions, occurred. The Parisian type of sinology used to dominate the entire world for a long time, including such powerful centers of Chinese studies as Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and China itself. In order to form a complete picture of sinology development in France, the authors singled out and analyzed three historical periods covering the entire history of Chinese studies development, starting from its birth and flourishment to the process of stagnation. Modern scientific communication traditionally uses visual narratives, such as comics, for education, presentation of scientific achievements to a mass audience, and as an object of research. In the article by Oksana Hudoshnyk and Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, offers a three-level characterization of the interaction of comic culture and science in a diachronic aspect. Attention is focused not only on the chronological stages of these intersections, the expression of the specifics of the interaction is offered against the background of scientific and public discussions that accompany the comics–science dialogue to this day. Emphasis is placed on the unique phenomenon of the simultaneous concordance of various stages of the dialogue between comics and science, on the prolonged replication of successful inventions into modern experience, and the active testing of known narratives at new levels of a scientific presentation. The next paper assesses the topicality of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere, coined over almost twenty years starting in the early 20th century. Emphasizing the uniqueness of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere as the transformation of the biosphere by a man using reason, we concentrate on the assessment of the utopian or realistic nature of his vision of the future of humanity. Based on the philosophical case-studies analysis, it identifies the ideological roots of the noosphere concept, the development of views on the concept in time, the role of reason and scientific thinking, the opinions of its supporters and critics, and Moiseev's related concept of co-evolution. Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva or Of Spring: Explaining the Power of Springing Bodies (1678) is an important book for the history of science. This book is better known for Hooke’s presentation of the law that bears his name. In the article by Isadora Monteiro, seeks to study the Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva once again to better understand Hooke’s thoughts about the rule which bears his name and his conception of gravity, which the author considered a force. Here Hooke’s definitions of body and motion will be presented, as well as his actual objective when he formulated the so-called Hooke’s Law. As we will see, Hooke intended to create a “philosophical scale” to measure the gravitational attraction between bodies. By considering his previous publications, such as An attempt to prove the motion of the Earth from Observations or Micrographia: or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, or even unpublished works such as On the inflection of a direct motion into a curve by supervening Attractive principle, it becomes clear that Hooke was already opening a path toward an understanding of gravity before Newton’s Principia (1687) were published. By taking into account the controversy between Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke, we also intend to strengthen the idea that Hooke was an indispensable contributor to the elaboration of a law of universal gravitation. In 1915, the first occupational therapy school was founded by Jane Addams at Hull House (Chicago, USA). In that process, Addams inspired the first generation of occupational therapists, especially Eleanor Clarke Slagle. Thus, in the article by Rodolfo Morrisonseeks to highlight the contribution of Jane Addams to the development of Occupational Therapy through an in-depth bibliographic review, from primary sources. The next article presents the results of a study of the features of biographical and prosopographic materials about famous mathematicians and natural scientists, published in one of the most authoritative journals “Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics”, which was published in Kyiv and Odesa during 1886–1917. In fact, the journal was an unofficial periodical printed branch of the Mathematical Department of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. The aim of the next research is to study the policy efforts conducted by the Indonesian government since the beginning of independence in 1945 to present, in advancing science and technology and innovation. A content analysis approach is employed to identify each stipulated regulation in Indonesia in the form of Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, Presidential Decrees, and Presidential Instructions. There are 78 regulations in the field of science and technology and innovation that are analyzed. The results of the analysis are described based on the emergence of regulations and institutional implications generated as part of the ecosystem. In the article by Ihor Annienkov, based on the problem-chronological, comparative-historical, historiographical, and source-research methods, as well as the method of actualization, identifies the extent of borrowing foreign design and technological solutions in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for projecting electrical machines in the second half of the 1930s, as well as the reasons for the absence of unambiguous information in historiography regarding the existence of this phenomenon in the republic at this chronological stage. The publication provides a general assessment of the quality of scientific support for the processes of creating electrical machines, establishes the ways of fulfilling the scientific-technical borrowings that were studiedand the dynamics of their development, analyzes their role in the growth of the technical level of products of the Ukrainian electrical machine-building branch. In the article by Mykola Ruban and Andrii Fomin, attempts to investigate the historical circumstances of the mastering and development of the industrial production of rolling stock in Ukraine from 1991 to 2021. In the course of the scientific development of the proposed research, materials from mass-circulation newspapers, industry publications of railway transport, as well as technical studies of employees of manufacturing plants were used. The next discusses the conditions and prerequisites for choosing the location of the plant; considers the stage of the establishment (foundation) of the plant; examines the stage of plant construction and equipping it with technological facilities in detail; analyzes the development and establishment of the plant between 1897 and 1914. A brief analysis of locomotive designs produced by the Kharkiv Locomotive Plant from 1897 to 1914 has been made. The article shows the significance of Consultative Congresses of Traction Engineers for the development of railway machinery both at Kharkiv Locomotive Plant and for the entire railway industry. The purpose of next study is to highlight the peculiarities of the development of the Russian aviation industry during the First World War. The focus is on analyzing production programs and matching their quantitative and qualitative parameters to war requirements. Production plans of leading Russian aviation factories as well as qualitative and quantitative parameters of products have been analyzed in the article.The issue of the journal begins with an article on French sinology. French sinology takes a special place in the history of the sinological studies development. It was France that became the first country where the transformation of missionary sinology, which was common among a limited circle of researchers (mainly in a religious sphere), into the academic scientific discipline, which had already been taught and studied at a professional level in academic institutions, occurred. The Parisian type of sinology used to dominate the entire world for a long time, including such powerful centers of Chinese studies as Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and China itself. In order to form a complete picture of sinology development in France, the authors singled out and analyzed three historical periods covering the entire history of Chinese studies development, starting from its birth and flourishment to the process of stagnation. Modern scientific communication traditionally uses visual narratives, such as comics, for education, presentation of scientific achievements to a mass audience, and as an object of research. In the article by Oksana Hudoshnyk and Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, offers a three-level characterization of the interaction of comic culture and science in a diachronic aspect. Attention is focused not only on the chronological stages of these intersections, the expression of the specifics of the interaction is offered against the background of scientific and public discussions that accompany the comics–science dialogue to this day. Emphasis is placed on the unique phenomenon of the simultaneous concordance of various stages of the dialogue between comics and science, on the prolonged replication of successful inventions into modern experience, and the active testing of known narratives at new levels of a scientific presentation. The next paper assesses the topicality of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere, coined over almost twenty years starting in the early 20th century. Emphasizing the uniqueness of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere as the transformation of the biosphere by a man using reason, we concentrate on the assessment of the utopian or realistic nature of his vision of the future of humanity. Based on the philosophical case-studies analysis, it identifies the ideological roots of the noosphere concept, the development of views on the concept in time, the role of reason and scientific thinking, the opinions of its supporters and critics, and Moiseev's related concept of co-evolution. Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva or Of Spring: Explaining the Power of Springing Bodies (1678) is an important book for the history of science. This book is better known for Hooke’s presentation of the law that bears his name. In the article by Isadora Monteiro, seeks to study the Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva once again to better understand Hooke’s thoughts about the rule which bears his name and his conception of gravity, which the author considered a force. Here Hooke’s definitions of body and motion will be presented, as well as his actual objective when he formulated the so-called Hooke’s Law. As we will see, Hooke intended to create a “philosophical scale” to measure the gravitational attraction between bodies. By considering his previous publications, such as An attempt to prove the motion of the Earth from Observations or Micrographia: or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, or even unpublished works such as On the inflection of a direct motion into a curve by supervening Attractive principle, it becomes clear that Hooke was already opening a path toward an understanding of gravity before Newton’s Principia (1687) were published. By taking into account the controversy between Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke, we also intend to strengthen the idea that Hooke was an indispensable contributor to the elaboration of a law of universal gravitation. In 1915, the first occupational therapy school was founded by Jane Addams at Hull House (Chicago, USA). In that process, Addams inspired the first generation of occupational therapists, especially Eleanor Clarke Slagle. Thus, in the article by Rodolfo Morrisonseeks to highlight the contribution of Jane Addams to the development of Occupational Therapy through an in-depth bibliographic review, from primary sources. The next article presents the results of a study of the features of biographical and prosopographic materials about famous mathematicians and natural scientists, published in one of the most authoritative journals “Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics”, which was published in Kyiv and Odesa during 1886–1917. In fact, the journal was an unofficial periodical printed branch of the Mathematical Department of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. The aim of the next research is to study the policy efforts conducted by the Indonesian government since the beginning of independence in 1945 to present, in advancing science and technology and innovation. A content analysis approach is employed to identify each stipulated regulation in Indonesia in the form of Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, Presidential Decrees, and Presidential Instructions. There are 78 regulations in the field of science and technology and innovation that are analyzed. The results of the analysis are described based on the emergence of regulations and institutional implications generated as part of the ecosystem. In the article by Ihor Annienkov, based on the problem-chronological, comparative-historical, historiographical, and source-research methods, as well as the method of actualization, identifies the extent of borrowing foreign design and technological solutions in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for projecting electrical machines in the second half of the 1930s, as well as the reasons for the absence of unambiguous information in historiography regarding the existence of this phenomenon in the republic at this chronological stage. The publication provides a general assessment of the quality of scientific support for the processes of creating electrical machines, establishes the ways of fulfilling the scientific-technical borrowings that were studiedand the dynamics of their development, analyzes their role in the growth of the technical level of products of the Ukrainian electrical machine-building branch. In the article by Mykola Ruban and Andrii Fomin, attempts to investigate the historical circumstances of the mastering and development of the industrial production of rolling stock in Ukraine from 1991 to 2021. In the course of the scientific development of the proposed research, materials from mass-circulation newspapers, industry publications of railway transport, as well as technical studies of employees of manufacturing plants were used. The next discusses the conditions and prerequisites for choosing the location of the plant; considers the stage of the establishment (foundation) of the plant; examines the stage of plant construction and equipping it with technological facilities in detail; analyzes the development and establishment of the plant between 1897 and 1914. A brief analysis of locomotive designs produced by the Kharkiv Locomotive Plant from 1897 to 1914 has been made. The article shows the significance of Consultative Congresses of Traction Engineers for the development of railway machinery both at Kharkiv Locomotive Plant and for the entire railway industry. The purpose of next study is to highlight the peculiarities of the development of the Russian aviation industry during the First World War. The focus is on analyzing production programs and matching their quantitative and qualitative parameters to war requirements. Production plans of leading Russian aviation factories as well as qualitative and quantitative parameters of products have been analyzed in the article


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    The year 2020, verging to a close, is one of the most difficult and hardest years in the life of mankind over the last century. Unfortunately, it is in the 20th year of each century for the last several hundred years that human civilization has been suffering from another global pandemic (to say nothing of local and regional pandemics)… Several pandemics of plague killed at least 300 million people, and the highest incidence in Europe occurred in 1720‒1722. In 1817‒1824, the First Cholera Pandemic spread across the world. One hundred years later, in 1918‒1920, fifty million lives worldwide were claimed by the Spanish flu (H1N1). For a year now, starting in December 2019 and throughout 2020, the entire world is fighting the 21st century pandemic – the global COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Despite all the difficulties that humanity faces today, life goes on, and the world scientific community is persistently looking for ways to get out of the latest pandemic trap. The world has learned the lessons of pandemics and learned to use the acquired knowledge and scientific legacy of past generations. This led to a quick response to the challenges that life presents us. In December 2020, at this writing, several pharmaceutical companies have already announced the invention of vaccines and the final stages of their trials. We hope that our esteemed authors and readership will witness yet another victory of science over the world's evil.   10 years ago to the day, creation of the History of Science and Technology journal began. Therefore, we would like to summarize some of the work undertaken over the years. The first issue of History of Science and Technology was published in 2011. The founder of the journal was the State Economy and Technology University of Transport. State Economy and Technology University of Transport was one of the three universities in Ukraine that mainly trained specialists for the railway industry. It is the teachers, students and staff of the State Economy and Technology University of Transport who became the primary authors of the first journal issues. Therefore, in the first years after the journal was created, its focus on the study of the history of the development of railway transport and related areas was apparent. Back then the journal was titled History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Printed versions of the journal were regularly distributed in libraries of higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine. The electronic version of the full-text issue of the journal (without division into separate articles) was posted on the University library website. Gradually, the journal began to gain popularity, and as far back as in 2013‒2015 it received a large audience of readers and authors across regions and organizations from all over Ukraine. Accordingly, the themes of the articles changed, being no longer limited to rail transport, but extended to the study of the history of all branches of science and various technologies instead. In 2016, the journal History of Science and Technology replaced its founder. It was the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies which was established through the decree of Ukrainian government dated February 29, 2016 by way of merger of two metropolitan higher educational institutions – Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and State Economy and Technology University of Transport. Accordingly, the name of the journal has changed into History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The next stage in the life of the journal was the creation of its separate website in March 2018. Since then, work has begun on a deeper reform of the journal, which continues to this day. History of Science and Technology journal is constantly changing. Thus, steps have been taken to improve the design of the journal and bring it into line with internationally recognized standards. The composition of the journal's editorial board has undergone significant personnel changes. In April 2019, it underwent state re-registration of the print media and acquired its current name – History of Science and Technology journal. However, fundamental steps have been taken towards filling the journal with original and high-qualty scientific content that would be of interest not only to the Ukrainian reader but also to foreign reader. Strict analysis in the selection of articles, strict plagiarism policy, independent double-blind peer review, as well as numerous other steps and innovations, have affected the number of published articles. If in 2019 approximately 25% of submitted articles were rejected, in 2020 this figure reaches almost 60%. Although hopefully, a change in quality of articles for the better followed the change in their number. They have really become interesting to the international world community, as evidenced by statistics on daily visits to the journal's website by representatives from around the world. The journal generated interest among authors from different countries and continents. In the first issue of History of Science and Technology for the year 2020, articles by authors representing universities and research organizations from Ghana, Canada, USA, Spain, Russia and Ukraine were published. Thus, in the second issue of 2020, History of Science and Technology journal introduces its readers to articles by authors from around the world, namely Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Ukraine. While summing up our 10 years’ work, we would like not to be limited to bare figures. Thus, History of Science and Technology has published 10 volumes and 17 issues over the years, which include more than 400 articles by various authors. And of course, each of these published articles has undergone a great deal of work by authors, editors, reviewers, proof-readers, print workers, etc. All these people primarily have always been trying to make History of Science and Technology journal interesting for you, our Readers! Our team will keep working enthusiastically and persistently on it!The year 2020, verging to a close, is one of the most difficult and hardest years in the life of mankind over the last century. Unfortunately, it is in the 20th year of each century for the last several hundred years that human civilization has been suffering from another global pandemic (to say nothing of local and regional pandemics)… Several pandemics of plague killed at least 300 million people, and the highest incidence in Europe occurred in 1720‒1722. In 1817‒1824, the First Cholera Pandemic spread across the world. One hundred years later, in 1918‒1920, fifty million lives worldwide were claimed by the Spanish flu (H1N1). For a year now, starting in December 2019 and throughout 2020, the entire world is fighting the 21st century pandemic – the global COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Despite all the difficulties that humanity faces today, life goes on, and the world scientific community is persistently looking for ways to get out of the latest pandemic trap. The world has learned the lessons of pandemics and learned to use the acquired knowledge and scientific legacy of past generations. This led to a quick response to the challenges that life presents us. In December 2020, at this writing, several pharmaceutical companies have already announced the invention of vaccines and the final stages of their trials. We hope that our esteemed authors and readership will witness yet another victory of science over the world's evil.   10 years ago to the day, creation of the History of Science and Technology journal began. Therefore, we would like to summarize some of the work undertaken over the years. The first issue of History of Science and Technology was published in 2011. The founder of the journal was the State Economy and Technology University of Transport. State Economy and Technology University of Transport was one of the three universities in Ukraine that mainly trained specialists for the railway industry. It is the teachers, students and staff of the State Economy and Technology University of Transport who became the primary authors of the first journal issues. Therefore, in the first years after the journal was created, its focus on the study of the history of the development of railway transport and related areas was apparent. Back then the journal was titled History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Printed versions of the journal were regularly distributed in libraries of higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine. The electronic version of the full-text issue of the journal (without division into separate articles) was posted on the University library website. Gradually, the journal began to gain popularity, and as far back as in 2013‒2015 it received a large audience of readers and authors across regions and organizations from all over Ukraine. Accordingly, the themes of the articles changed, being no longer limited to rail transport, but extended to the study of the history of all branches of science and various technologies instead. In 2016, the journal History of Science and Technology replaced its founder. It was the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies which was established through the decree of Ukrainian government dated February 29, 2016 by way of merger of two metropolitan higher educational institutions – Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and State Economy and Technology University of Transport. Accordingly, the name of the journal has changed into History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The next stage in the life of the journal was the creation of its separate website in March 2018. Since then, work has begun on a deeper reform of the journal, which continues to this day. History of Science and Technology journal is constantly changing. Thus, steps have been taken to improve the design of the journal and bring it into line with internationally recognized standards. The composition of the journal's editorial board has undergone significant personnel changes. In April 2019, it underwent state re-registration of the print media and acquired its current name – History of Science and Technology journal. However, fundamental steps have been taken towards filling the journal with original and high-qualty scientific content that would be of interest not only to the Ukrainian reader but also to foreign reader. Strict analysis in the selection of articles, strict plagiarism policy, independent double-blind peer review, as well as numerous other steps and innovations, have affected the number of published articles. If in 2019 approximately 25% of submitted articles were rejected, in 2020 this figure reaches almost 60%. Although hopefully, a change in quality of articles for the better followed the change in their number. They have really become interesting to the international world community, as evidenced by statistics on daily visits to the journal's website by representatives from around the world. The journal generated interest among authors from different countries and continents. In the first issue of History of Science and Technology for the year 2020, articles by authors representing universities and research organizations from Ghana, Canada, USA, Spain, Russia and Ukraine were published. Thus, in the second issue of 2020, History of Science and Technology journal introduces its readers to articles by authors from around the world, namely Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Ukraine. While summing up our 10 years’ work, we would like not to be limited to bare figures. Thus, History of Science and Technology has published 10 volumes and 17 issues over the years, which include more than 400 articles by various authors. And of course, each of these published articles has undergone a great deal of work by authors, editors, reviewers, proof-readers, print workers, etc. All these people primarily have always been trying to make History of Science and Technology journal interesting for you, our Readers! Our team will keep working enthusiastically and persistently on it!The year 2020, verging to a close, is one of the most difficult and hardest years in the life of mankind over the last century. Unfortunately, it is in the 20th year of each century for the last several hundred years that human civilization has been suffering from another global pandemic (to say nothing of local and regional pandemics)… Several pandemics of plague killed at least 300 million people, and the highest incidence in Europe occurred in 1720‒1722. In 1817‒1824, the First Cholera Pandemic spread across the world. One hundred years later, in 1918‒1920, fifty million lives worldwide were claimed by the Spanish flu (H1N1). For a year now, starting in December 2019 and throughout 2020, the entire world is fighting the 21st century pandemic – the global COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Despite all the difficulties that humanity faces today, life goes on, and the world scientific community is persistently looking for ways to get out of the latest pandemic trap. The world has learned the lessons of pandemics and learned to use the acquired knowledge and scientific legacy of past generations. This led to a quick response to the challenges that life presents us. In December 2020, at this writing, several pharmaceutical companies have already announced the invention of vaccines and the final stages of their trials. We hope that our esteemed authors and readership will witness yet another victory of science over the world's evil.   10 years ago to the day, creation of the History of Science and Technology journal began. Therefore, we would like to summarize some of the work undertaken over the years. The first issue of History of Science and Technology was published in 2011. The founder of the journal was the State Economy and Technology University of Transport. State Economy and Technology University of Transport was one of the three universities in Ukraine that mainly trained specialists for the railway industry. It is the teachers, students and staff of the State Economy and Technology University of Transport who became the primary authors of the first journal issues. Therefore, in the first years after the journal was created, its focus on the study of the history of the development of railway transport and related areas was apparent. Back then the journal was titled History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Printed versions of the journal were regularly distributed in libraries of higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine. The electronic version of the full-text issue of the journal (without division into separate articles) was posted on the University library website. Gradually, the journal began to gain popularity, and as far back as in 2013‒2015 it received a large audience of readers and authors across regions and organizations from all over Ukraine. Accordingly, the themes of the articles changed, being no longer limited to rail transport, but extended to the study of the history of all branches of science and various technologies instead. In 2016, the journal History of Science and Technology replaced its founder. It was the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies which was established through the decree of Ukrainian government dated February 29, 2016 by way of merger of two metropolitan higher educational institutions – Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and State Economy and Technology University of Transport. Accordingly, the name of the journal has changed into History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The next stage in the life of the journal was the creation of its separate website in March 2018. Since then, work has begun on a deeper reform of the journal, which continues to this day. History of Science and Technology journal is constantly changing. Thus, steps have been taken to improve the design of the journal and bring it into line with internationally recognized standards. The composition of the journal's editorial board has undergone significant personnel changes. In April 2019, it underwent state re-registration of the print media and acquired its current name – History of Science and Technology journal. However, fundamental steps have been taken towards filling the journal with original and high-qualty scientific content that would be of interest not only to the Ukrainian reader but also to foreign reader. Strict analysis in the selection of articles, strict plagiarism policy, independent double-blind peer review, as well as numerous other steps and innovations, have affected the number of published articles. If in 2019 approximately 25% of submitted articles were rejected, in 2020 this figure reaches almost 60%. Although hopefully, a change in quality of articles for the better followed the change in their number. They have really become interesting to the international world community, as evidenced by statistics on daily visits to the journal's website by representatives from around the world. The journal generated interest among authors from different countries and continents. In the first issue of History of Science and Technology for the year 2020, articles by authors representing universities and research organizations from Ghana, Canada, USA, Spain, Russia and Ukraine were published. Thus, in the second issue of 2020, History of Science and Technology journal introduces its readers to articles by authors from around the world, namely Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Ukraine. While summing up our 10 years’ work, we would like not to be limited to bare figures. Thus, History of Science and Technology has published 10 volumes and 17 issues over the years, which include more than 400 articles by various authors. And of course, each of these published articles has undergone a great deal of work by authors, editors, reviewers, proof-readers, print workers, etc. All these people primarily have always been trying to make History of Science and Technology journal interesting for you, our Readers! Our team will keep working enthusiastically and persistently on it