32 research outputs found

    Inhibitory effect of coumarin derivatives on apple (cv. Idared) polyphenol oxidase

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    Inhibitory effect of 32 coumarin derivatives (20 Schiff bases, 5 thiosemicarbazides, 5 thiazolidinones, and their precursors, 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin and 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl hydrazine carboxylate) on partially purified apple polyphenol oxidase was investigated. Thirteen coumarin derivatives inhibited polyphenol oxidase (5 Schiff bases, 5 thiosemicarbazides, 1 thiazolidinone, 4-methyl-7-hydroxycoumarin and 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl hydrazine carboxylate), while 19 derivatives showed no effect on enzyme activity. The most effective inhibitors were thiosemicarbazides, with 4-methyl-1-(2-(4-methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-7-yloxy)acetyl) thiosemicarbazide (compound C23) being the most prominent inhibitor (IC50 = 10.45 µM). The importance of thiosemicarbazide moiety as crucial structure element for strong apple PPO inhibition was confirmed by its cyclisation to thiazolidinone bearing the same substituents as corresponding thiosemicarbazide. Capture of the sulphur atom of thiosemicarbazide group within tiazolidinone ring caused significant loss of inhibitory effect against apple PPO

    Scientific Report of the 9th International Congress “Flour-Bread ’17”

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    The scientific programme of the 9th International Congress “Flour-Bread ’17” and the 11th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists “Brašno-Kruh ’17” held from 25 to 27 October in Grand Hotel Adriatic, Opatija, Croatia, included 39 oral and 38 poster presentations. Three plenary lectures, 11 invited lectures, 19 oral presentations, three sponsor advertisement presentations, 3 interactive workshop lectures and 38 poster presentations were within one of five different Congress topics: Cereals and Cereal Product Quality, Cereal Processing Technologies, Cereals and Health, Cereal Food Safety, and Cereal Waste Management

    Consórcio de educação de Barcelona : evidências de gestão compartilhada de serviços educativos via consórcios públicos

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    Aquest article ha estat elaborat durant la pràctica doctoral realitzada pel primer autor a l'Institut de Govern i Politiques Publiques de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​sota la direcció de la Prof.ª. Dra. Raquel Gallego Calderon i del Prof. Dr. Valeriano Mendes Ferreira Costa.Altres ajuts: Projecte "Cooperação intergovernamental para a prestação de serviços educacionais: um estudo do Consórcio de Educação de Barcelona", Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (2015/25354-5).Partiendo de la inexistencia en Brasil de consorcios públicos exclusivamente de educación, bajo la Ley de Consórcios Públicos (Ley nº 11.107/2005), este artículo toma como referencia el Consorcio de Educación de Barcelona, experiencia única en España de gestión compartida de redes públicas de enseñanza entre gobiernos, con el objetivo de comprender su modelo de gestión e identificar sus resultados y desafíos. Por medio de un estudio de caso, se constataron limitaciones para la implementación de programas y desafíos oriundos de las preferencias y de la herencia de los gobiernos, aunque el consorcio haya permitido la superación de problemas en la cobertura de la red de atendimiento y de sobreposiciones en la gestión.Partindo da inexistência no Brasil de consórcios públicos exclusivamente de educação nos termos da Lei de Consórcios Públicos (Lei nº 11.107/2005), este artigo toma como referência o Consórcio de Educación de Barcelona, experiência única na Espanha de gestão compartilhada de redes públicas de ensino entre governos, com o objetivo de compreender seu modelo de gestão e identificar seus resultados e desafios. Por meio de um estudo de caso, constataram-se limitações para a implementação de programas e desafios oriundos das preferências e herança dos governos, embora o consórcio tenha permitido a superação de problemas na cobertura da rede de atendimento e de sobreposições na gestãoBased on the lack of public consortiums under the Public Consortia Law (Law nº 11.107/2005) exclusively of education in Brazil, this article takes as reference the Barcelona Education Consortium, a unique experience in Spain of shared management of public education networks between governments, with the objective of understanding its management model and identifying its results and challenges. Through a case study, limitations were found for the implementation of programs and challenges arising from the preferences and inheritance of the governments, although it allowed the overcoming of problems in the coverage of the service network and overlaps in the management

    Conhecimento sobre hipertensão arterial e fatores associados à não adesão à farmacoterapia

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    OBJECTIVES: to identify the degree of knowledge of people with hypertension concerning the disease and to verify the factors associated with the non-adherence to anti-hypertensive drug therapy. METHOD: Cross sectional study, involving 422 people. Data collection took place at their homes, between December 2011 and March 2012, through interviews using the following instruments: Medication Adherence Questionnaire (MAQ-Q), Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI) and a guide with questions related to sociodemographic profile, satisfaction with healthcare service and knowledge about the disease. RESULTS: 42.6% did not adhere to the drug therapy and 17.7% had poor knowledge about the disease. Factors associated with the non-adherence were: complex drug therapy, poor knowledge about the disease and dissatisfaction with the healthcare service. CONCLUSION: The findings reinforce that the complex drug therapy prescriptions, little knowledge about the disease and dissatisfaction with the healthcare service have influence on the process of non-adherence to anti-hypertensive drug therapy.OBJETIVOS: identificar el nivel de conocimiento de personas con hipertensión arterial acerca de la enfermedad y verificar los factores asociados a la no adhesión a la farmacoterapia antihipertensiva. MÉTODO: estudio transversal realizado en 422 individuos. Los datos fueron recolectados en los domicilios, entre diciembre de 2011 y marzo de 2012, por medio de entrevistas utilizando los instrumentos: Cuestionario de Adhesión a Medicamentos (CAM-Q), Índice de Complejidad de la Farmacoterapia y un guión con preguntas relativas al perfil sociodemográfico, satisfacción con el servicio de salud y conocimiento sobre la enfermedad. RESULTADOS: 42,6% no adherían a la farmacoterapia y 17,7% poseían conocimiento insatisfactorio sobre la enfermedad. Los factores asociados a la no adhesión fueron: farmacoterapia compleja, conocimiento insatisfactorio sobre la enfermedad e insatisfacción con el servicio de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: Los hallazgos refuerzan que prescripciones farmacológicas complejas, poco conocimiento sobre la enfermedad e insatisfacción con el servicio de salud influyen en el proceso de la no adhesión al tratamiento medicamentoso antihipertensivo.OBJETIVOS: identificar o nível de conhecimento de pessoas com hipertensão arterial acerca da doença e verificar os fatores associados à não adesão à farmacoterapia anti-hipertensiva. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, realizado com 422 indivíduos. Os dados foram coletados nos domicílios, entre dezembro de 2011 e março de 2012, por meio de entrevistas, utilizando os instrumentos: Questionário de Adesão a Medicamentos, Índice de Complexidade da Farmacoterapia e um roteiro com questões relativas ao perfil sociodemográfico, satisfação com o serviço de saúde e conhecimento sobre a doença. RESULTADOS: 42,6% não aderiram à farmacoterapia e 17,7% possuíam conhecimento insatisfatório sobre a doença. Os fatores associados à não adesão foram: farmacoterapia complexa, conhecimento insatisfatório sobre a doença e insatisfação com o serviço de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: os achados reforçam que prescrições farmacológicas complexas, pouco conhecimento sobre a doença e insatisfação com o serviço de saúde influenciam no processo de não adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso anti-hipertensivo

    Adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment within a chronic disease management 
program: A longitudinal, retrospective study

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    Objective This study assessed pharmacological treatment adherence using the Morisky-Green Test and identified related variables. Method A longitudinal and retrospective study examined 283 patients with hypertension (62.5% women, 73.4 [10.9] years old) who were being monitored by a chronic disease management program for 17 months between 2011 and 2012. Nurses performed all the actions of the program, which consisted of advice via telephone and periodic home visits based on the risk stratification of the patients. Results A significant increase in treatment adherence (25.1% vs. 85.5%) and a decrease in blood pressure were observed (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension and chronic renal failure as well as those treated using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were the most adherent (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension who received angiotensin receptor blockers were less adherent (p<0.05). Conclusions Strategies such as nurse-performed chronic disease management can increase adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment and therefore contribute to the control of blood pressure, minimizing the morbidity profiles of patients with hypertension

    Produção científica sobre nutrição no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil: uma revisão de literatura

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