4,885 research outputs found

    Investigation of relationships between linears, total and hazy areas, and petroleum production in the Williston Basin: An ERTS approach

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 imagery in a variety of formats was used to locate linear, tonal, and hazy features and to relate them to areas of hydrocarbon production in the Williston Basin of North Dakota, eastern Montana, and northern South Dakota. Derivative maps of rectilinear, curvilinear, tonal, and hazy features were made using standard laboratory techniques. Mapping of rectilinears on both bands 5 and 7 over the entire region indicated the presence of a northeast-southwest and a northwest-southeast regional trend which is indicative of the bedrock fracture pattern in the basin. Curved lines generally bound areas of unique tone, maps of tonal patterns repeat many of the boundaries seen on curvilinear maps. Tones were best analyzed on spring and fall imagery in the Williston Basin. It is postulated that hazy areas are caused by atmospheric phenomena. The ability to use ERTS imagery as an exploration tool was examined where petroleum and gas are presently produced (Bottineau Field, Nesson and Antelope anticlines, Redwing Creek, and Cedar Creek anticline). It is determined that some tonal and linear features coincide with location of present production in Redwing and Cedar Creeks. In the remaining cases, targets could not be sufficiently well defined to justify this method

    Ultrafast harmonic mode-locking of monolithic compound-cavity laser diodes incorporating photonic-bandgap reflectors

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    We present the first demonstration of reproducible harmonic mode-locked operation from a novel design of monolithic semiconductor laser comprising a compound cavity formed by a 1-D photonic-bandgap (PBG) mirror. Mode-locking (ML) is achieved at a harmonic of the fundamental round-trip frequency with pulse repetition rates from 131 GHz up to a record high frequency of 2.1 THz. The devices are fabricated from GaAs-Al-GaAs material emitting at a wavelength of 860 nm and incorporate two gain sections with an etched PBG reflector between them, and a saturable absorber section. Autocorrelation studies are reported which allow the device behavior for different ML frequencies, compound cavity ratios, and type and number of intra-cavity reflectors to be analyzed. The highly reflective PBG microstructures are shown to be essential for subharmonic-free ML operation of the high-frequency devices. We have also demonstrated that the single PBG reflector can be replaced by two separate features with lower optical loss. These lasers may find applications in terahertz; imaging, medicine, ultrafast optical links, and atmospheric sensing

    Hydrogen dynamics and light-induced structural changes in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We use accurate first principles methods to study the network dynamics of hydrogenated amorphous silicon, including the motion of hydrogen. In addition to studies of atomic dynamics in the electronic ground state, we also adopt a simple procedure to track the H dynamics in light-excited states. Consistent with recent experiments and computer simulations, we find that dihydride structures are formed for dynamics in the light-excited states, and we give explicit examples of pathways to these states. Our simulations appear to be consistent with aspects of the Staebler-Wronski effect, such as the light-induced creation of well separated dangling bonds.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    The Value of Literacy Practices

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    The concepts of literacy events and practices have received considerable attention in educational research and policy. In comparison, the question of value, that is, ‘which literacy practices do people most value?’ has been neglected. With the current trend of cross-cultural adult literacy assessment, it is increasingly important to recognise locally valued literacy practices. In this paper we argue that measuring preferences and weighting of literacy practices provides an empirical and democratic basis for decisions in literacy assessment and curriculum development and could inform rapid educational adaptation to changes in the literacy environment. The paper examines the methodological basis for investigating literacy values and its potential to inform cross-cultural literacy assessments. The argument is illustrated with primary data from Mozambique. The correlation between individual values and respondents’ socio-economic and demographic characteristics is explored

    Used-habitat calibration plots: a new procedure for validating species distribution, resource selection, and step-selection models

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    “Species distribution modeling” was recently ranked as one of the top five “research fronts” in ecology and the environmental sciences by ISI's Essential Science Indicators (Renner and Warton 2013), reflecting the importance of predicting how species distributions will respond to anthropogenic change. Unfortunately, species distribution models (SDMs) often perform poorly when applied to novel environments. Compounding on this problem is the shortage of methods for evaluating SDMs (hence, we may be getting our predictions wrong and not even know it). Traditional methods for validating SDMs quantify a model's ability to classify locations as used or unused. Instead, we propose to focus on how well SDMs can predict the characteristics of used locations. This subtle shift in viewpoint leads to a more natural and informative evaluation and validation of models across the entire spectrum of SDMs. Through a series of examples, we show how simple graphical methods can help with three fundamental challenges of habitat modeling: identifying missing covariates, non-linearity, and multicollinearity. Identifying habitat characteristics that are not well-predicted by the model can provide insights into variables affecting the distribution of species, suggest appropriate model modifications, and ultimately improve the reliability and generality of conservation and management recommendations

    Construction and Measurements of an Improved Vacuum-Swing-Adsorption Radon-Mitigation System

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    In order to reduce backgrounds from radon-daughter plate-out onto detector surfaces, an ultra-low-radon cleanroom is being commissioned at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. An improved vacuum-swing-adsorption radon mitigation system and cleanroom build upon a previous design implemented at Syracuse University that achieved radon levels of \sim0.2\,Bq\,m3^{-3}. This improved system will employ a better pump and larger carbon beds feeding a redesigned cleanroom with an internal HVAC unit and aged water for humidification. With the rebuilt (original) radon mitigation system, the new low-radon cleanroom has already achieved a >>\,300×\times reduction from an input activity of 58.6±0.758.6\pm0.7\,Bq\,m3^{-3} to a cleanroom activity of 0.13±0.060.13\pm0.06\,Bq\,m3^{-3}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2015, Seattle, WA, March 18-20, 201

    Thermally stimulated H emission and diffusion in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We report first principles ab initio density functional calculations of hydrogen dynam- ics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Thermal motion of the host Si atoms drives H diffusion, as we demonstrate by direct simulation and explain with simple models. Si-Si bond centers and Si ring centers are local energy minima as expected. We also describe a new mechanism for break- ing Si-H bonds to release free atomic H into the network: a fluctuation bond center detachment (FBCD) assisted diffusion. H dynamics in a-Si:H is dominated by structural fluctuations intrinsic to the amorphous phase not present in the crystal.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, In press EPL (Jun. 2007

    Ab initio estimate of temperature dependence of electrical conductivity in a model amorphous material: hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We present an ab initio calculation of the DC conductivity of amorphous silicon and hydrogenated amorphous silicon. The Kubo-Greenwood formula is used to obtain the DC conductivity, by thermal averaging over extended dynamical simulation. Its application to disordered solids is discussed. The conductivity is computed for a wide range of temperatures and doping is explored in a naive way by shifting the Fermi level. We observed the Meyer-Neldel rule for the electrical conductivity with E_MNR = 0.06 eV and a temperature coefficient of resistance, TCR ~ -2.0% K^-1 for a-Si:H. In general, experimental trends are reproduced by these calculations, and this suggests the possible utility of the approach for modeling carrier transport in other disordered systems.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRB Comments: corrected typos, referee's comments include