46 research outputs found


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    Use of hemp fibre is rapidly increasing in Europe. This tendency is related to carbon and glass fibre substitution with recycled and biodegradable raw materials for use in car production. Scientists and manufacturers work to obtain new composite materials where hemp fibre will be as reinforcement. Hemp fibres are light and with high tensile strength comparing with other technical fibres. Advantage ā€“ ecoā€“friendly utilization possibilities. The research work to determine hemp fibre efficiency was carried out for two years at the Latgale Agricultural Research Centre. In this work different hemp fibre varieties were used. To determine the most suitable varieties for Latvian climatic conditions all the varieties were tested at the laboratories of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile Material Technologies and Design. We are looking for new possibilities to make technical textile samples from different hemp fibre varieties. In cooperation with Laboratories of the Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment ā€œBIORā€ the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in different variety cannabis plants were determined. It was concluded that amount of THC of different openā€“air cultivation varieties grown in Latvia is different but anyway this amount is much below the acceptable norm

    Comparative Technological And Commercial Evaluation of Flax Varieties For The Revival of Flax Growing In Latvia

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    As renewable raw material flax increasingly gain more importance as the range of its use is spreading more and more. Besides the conventional uses in home textiles, clothing and sails products, demand of flax raw materials for technical uses increases rapidly as flax fibers have high specific properties, become components of biodegradable composites, environmental friendly isolation materials, besides flax shives pay attention as well as components of environment friendly building materials. Unfortunately in Latvia during last decades flax crop production had decreased rapidly and nowadays reintroduction of flax growing traditions and conditions are become more and more actual. In spite of depression in sector, in Agriculture Science Centre of Latgale are not interrupted experiments on development of local flax lines. Field trials were sown at the Centre in 2010 and 98 flax lines investigated. In this article reflected analysis results of one perspective local fibers flax line from different aspects and its properties comparison with the standard fibers flax variety Vega 2

    Learning to Perform Tasks in Interactive Textual Environments

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    InteraktÄ«vas tekstuālas piedzÄ«vojumu spēles var izmantot, lai pārbaudÄ«tu maŔīnmācÄ«Å”anās aÄ£entu spējas tikt galā ar dažādiem izaicinājumiem, kas saistÄ«ti ar dabiskās valodas izpratni, problēmu risināŔanu un atbilžu meklÄ“Å”anu, vai tādas darbÄ«bas izvēles stratēģiju apgÅ«Å”ana, kas vispārinās uz iepriekÅ” nesastaptām vidēm. TextWorld platforma ir Ŕādiem pētÄ«jumiem domāts ietvars un palÄ«grÄ«ki, ar kuru palÄ«dzÄ«bu var darbināt daudzas iepriekÅ”publicētas teksta piedzÄ«vojumu spēles, vai arÄ« definēt un Ä£enerēt jaunas spēles, dažādās sarežģītÄ«bas pakāpēs un gandrÄ«z bezgalÄ«gās variācijās. Å ajā darbā aprakstÄ«ta tāda algoritmiska orākula (oracle) ievieÅ”ana, kas var veiksmÄ«gi atrisināt spēles no 3 dažādām iepriekÅ”publicētām spēļu kopām TextWorld platformā, kā arÄ« orākula izmantoÅ”ana kā apmācÄ«bas datu avotu eksperimentiem, lai pārbaudÄ«tu maŔīnmācÄ«Å”anās modeļa, kas balstÄ«ts uz GPTĀ­2, spēju iemācÄ«ties atrisināt Ŕīs spēles. Ir iegÅ«ti daudzsoloÅ”i sākotnēji rezultāti, kas liek domāt, ka GPTĀ­2 arhitektÅ«ra var iemācÄ«ties ā€“vismaz daļējiā€“ atdarināt orākula darbÄ«bu. ApmācÄ«tā modeļa snieguma lÄ«meņa atŔķirÄ«bas to parbaudot uz divām dažādām testa spēļu kopām rada dažus interesantus jautājumus par to, kādi faktori varētu veicināt tā spēju vai nespēju vispārināties uz iepriekÅ” neredzētām spēļu vidēm, un norāda uz dažiem interesantiem virzieniem turpmākiem eksperimentiem.Learning to Perform Tasks in Interactive Textual Environments Interactive textĀ­adventure games can be used as a versatile proving ground to test the abilities of machineĀ­learning agents to deal with various challenges related to natural language understanding, exploration and problem solving, or learning action selection policies that generalize across a range of new environments. The TextWorld platform is a research platform that can run many existing textĀ­adventure games, and can also be used to generate new games of varying degrees of difficulty and in almost endless variations. This thesis describes the implementation of an algorithmic oracle that can successfully solve games from 3 different previously published datasets of TextWorld games, and its use as a source of training data for experiments testing the ability of a machineĀ­learning model based on GPTĀ­2 to learn to to do the same. Some promising initial results are obtained, suggesting that the GPTĀ­2 architecture can learn to imitate the behavior of the oracle to at least some extent. Differences between the success rate of the trained model on two different datasets of test games raise some interesting questions about what factors might contribute to its success or failure to generalize to previously unseen game environments, and suggest some interesting directions for follow up experiments

    Development of new methods of optimizing technological process of producing fabrics on looms

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Flame Retardant Coating of Linen Fabrics

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    Woven Structures from Natural Fibres for Reinforcing Composites

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    The increase of production of woven structures from natural fibres for reinforced composites can be noticed in different sectors of economy. This can be explained by limited sources of raw materials and different environmental issues, as well as European Union guidelines for car manufacture [4]. This research produced 2D textile structures of hemp yarn and polypropylene yarn and tested the impact of added glass fibre yarn on the mechanical properties of the woven structures and the composites produced from them. The woven structures were manufactured using hand looms or industrial looms (CŠ¢Š‘-175) using one layer technique. The mechanical testing of the reinforcements showed that the parameters of the looms had significant impact on the properties of the reinforcements. However, the desired improvement of strength by adding glass fibre to the fabric was not achieved. The one, two, three and four layer composites were produced in a hydraulic press using reinforcements woven from hemp yarn and polypropylene yarn. The mechanical testing of composites showed that the tensile strength of the composites and the tensile stress at maximum load depends on number of the reinforcement layers, but the tensile extension of the composites and the modulus of elasticity are not closely related to the number of reinforcement layers, but rather on elasticity of yarn used in weaving. Swelling of composites in water was detected

    Woven Structures from Natural Fibres for Reinforcing Composites

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    The increase of production of woven structures from natural fibres for reinforced composites can be noticed in different sectors of economy. This can be explained by limited sources of raw materials and different environmental issues, as well as European Union guidelines for car manufacture [4]. This research produced 2D textile structures of hemp yarn and polypropylene yarn and tested the impact of added glass fibre yarn on the mechanical properties of the woven structures and the composites produced from them. The woven structures were manufactured using hand looms or industrial looms (CŠ¢Š‘-175) using one layer technique. The mechanical testing of the reinforcements showed that the parameters of the looms had significant impact on the properties of the reinforcements. However, the desired improvement of strength by adding glass fibre to the fabric was not achieved. The one, two, three and four layer composites were produced in a hydraulic press using reinforcements woven from hemp yarn and polypropylene yarn. The mechanical testing of composites showed that the tensile strength of the composites and the tensile stress at maximum load depends on number of the reinforcement layers, but the tensile extension of the composites and the modulus of elasticity are not closely related to the number of reinforcement layers, but rather on elasticity of yarn used in weaving. Swelling of composites in water was detected