20 research outputs found

    Venus Evolution Through Time: Key Science Questions, Selected Mission Concepts and Future Investigations

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    In this work we discuss various selected mission concepts addressing Venus evolution through time. More specifically, we address investigations and payload instrument concepts supporting scientific goals and open questions presented in the companion articles of this volume. Also included are their related investigations (observations & modeling) and discussion of which measurements and future data products are needed to better constrain Venus’ atmosphere, climate, surface, interior and habitability evolution through time. A new fleet of Venus missions has been selected, and new mission concepts will continue to be considered for future selections. Missions under development include radar-equipped ESA-led EnVision M5 orbiter mission (European Space Agency 2021), NASA-JPL’s VERITAS orbiter mission (Smrekar et al. 2022a), NASA-GSFC’s DAVINCI entry probe/flyby mission (Garvin et al. 2022a). The data acquired with the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision from the end of this decade will fundamentally improve our understanding of the planet’s long term history, current activity and evolutionary path. We further describe future mission concepts and measurements beyond the current framework of selected missions, as well as the synergies between these mission concepts, ground-based and space-based observatories and facilities, laboratory measurements, and future algorithmic or modeling activities that pave the way for the development of a Venus program that extends into the 2040s (Wilson et al. 2022)

    Noise Suppression in AEOLUS Optical Properties Retrieval by Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    International audience<p>The Aladin instrument on-board the ESA Earth Explorer satellite Aeolus is a UV high spectral resolution Doppler Wind Lidar. The main mission product is profiles of horizontally projected line-of-sight winds, and the instrument design is therefore optimized to measure Doppler shifts of the atmospheric backscatter signals compared to the UV light emitted at ~355 nm (ESA, 2008; Stoffelen, 2005). Since the lidar backscatter contains information on the location of optically thin aerosol and cloud layers and cloud tops, spin-off products have been developed to retrieve aerosol and cloud backscatter and extinction coefficient and lidar ratio profile products (ESA, 2008; Flamant, 2008; Flamant, 2017). The advantage of a high spectral resolution lidar is that it measures molecular and particle backscatter separately in two dedicated channels. Still, some contributions from molecular backscatter exists in the measurements from the Fizeau channel and vice versa. This channel cross-talk requires correction during the product retrieval.</p><p>The Aeolus L2A operational aerosol and cloud retrieval algorithm is applying the so-called high spectral resolution retrieval method for the calculation of the particle and extinction backscatter coefficient products. The algorithm, developed at IPSL and Météo-France, is called the Standard Correct Algorithm (SCA) (Flamant, 2008; Flamant, 2017). High signal noise is obtained due to ever-decreasing laser energies and instrument receive path transmission. As a result, the Aeolus SCA optical properties retrieval is hampered. Particularly the ill-posed particle extinction coefficient retrieval is severely affected. In the past, attempts were made to mitigate nonphysical optical properties by measures like zero-flooring or signal accumulation in even coarser range gates (Flamant, 2017). Their success was limited.</p><p>An alternative noise suppression approach by Maximum Likelihood Estimation has therefore been prototyped that permits the retrieval of extinction coefficients and lidar ratios solely within pre-defined physical bounds. The optical properties are fitted to the 24 Aeolus atmospheric range gates within single atmospheric columns, minimizing the corresponding distance to the observed L1B useful signals measured by both spectrometers. This up to 48-dimensional non-linear regression problem is solved by means of the L-BFGS-B algorithm (Zhu, 1997). The method has proven its usefulness in noise suppression with astonishing efficiency. Particularly, the retrieved extinction coefficient profiles are less noisy, clearly revealing atmospheric layers also visible in the L1B useful signal profiles. The method is validated on end-to-end simulations and in-orbit observations.</p><p><strong>References<br></strong></p><p>ESA, ADM-Aeolus Science Report. ESA SP-1311, ESA Communication Production Office, 121 pp., 2008, available on http://www.esa.int/aeolus.</p><p>Flamant, P. H., Cuesta, J., Denneulin, M.-L., Dabas, A., Huber, D. ADM-Aeolus retrieval algorithms for aerosol and cloud products, Tellus, 60A, 273-286, 2008, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0870.2007.00287.x.</p><p>Flamant, P. et al. ADM-Aeolus L2A Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document, 2017, available on https://earth.esa.int/aos/AeolusCalVal.</p><p>Stoffelen, A. et al. The atmospheric dynamics mission for global wind field measurement, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86, 73-88, 2005, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-86-1-73.</p><p>Zhu, C., Byrd R. H. and Nocedal, J. L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 23 (4), 550-560, 1997, https://doi.org/10.1145/279232.279236. <br><br></p&gt

    Retrieval of atmospheric backscatter and extinction profiles with the aladin airborne demonstrator (A2D)

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    By the end of 2017, the European Space Agency (ESA) will launch the Atmospheric laser Doppler instrument (ALADIN), a direct detection Doppler wind lidar operating at 355 nm. An important tool for the validation and optimization of ALADIN’s hardware and data processors for wind retrievals with real atmospheric signals is the ALADIN airborne demonstrator A2D. In order to be able to validate and test aerosol retrieval algorithms from ALADIN, an algorithm for the retrieval of atmospheric backscatter and extinction profiles from A2D is necessary. The A2D is utilizing a direct detection scheme by using a dual Fabry-PĂ©rot interferometer to measure molecular Rayleigh signals and a Fizeau interferometer to measure aerosol Mie returns. Signals are captured by accumulation charge coupled devices (ACCD). These specifications make different steps in the signal preprocessing necessary. In this paper, the required steps to retrieve aerosol optical products, i. e. particle backscatter coefficient ÎČp, particle extinction coefficient αp and lidar ratio Sp from A2D raw signals are described

    Retrieval of atmospheric backscatter and extinction profiles with the ALADIN airborne demonstrator (A2D)

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    The launch of the Aeolus mission by the European Space Agency (ESA) is planned for end of 2017. The satellite will carry the first wind lidar in space, ALADIN (Atmospheric Laser Doppler INstrument). Its prototype instrument, the ALADIN Airborne Demonstrator (A2D), was deployed during several airborne campaigns aiming at the validation of the measurement principle and optimization of algorithms. In 2015, flights of two aircraft from DLR & NASA provided the chance to compare parallel wind measurements from four airborne wind lidars for the first time

    Optimization of Aeolus' aerosol optical properties by maximum-likelihood estimation

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    International audienceAbstract. The European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Explorer Mission Aeolus was launched in August 2018, carrying the first Doppler wind lidar in space. Its primary payload, the Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument (ALADIN), is an ultraviolet (UV) high-spectral-resolution lidar (HSRL) measuring atmospheric backscatter from air molecules and particles in two separate channels. The primary mission product is globally distributed line-of-sight wind profile observations in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Atmospheric optical properties are provided as a spin-off product. Being an HSRL, Aeolus is able to independently measure the particle extinction coefficients, co-polarized particle backscatter coefficients and the co-polarized lidar ratio (the cross-polarized return signal is not measured). This way, the retrieval is independent of a priori lidar ratio information. The optical properties are retrieved using the standard correct algorithm (SCA), which is an algebraic inversion scheme and therefore sensitive to measurement noise. In this work, we reformulate the SCA into a physically constrained maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) problem and demonstrate a predominantly positive impact and considerable noise suppression capabilities. These improvements originate from the use of all available information by the MLE in conjunction with the expected physical bounds concerning positivity and the expected range of the lidar ratio. To consolidate and to illustrate the improvements, the new MLE algorithm is evaluated against the SCA on end-to-end simulations of two homogeneous scenes and for real Aeolus data collocated with measurements by a ground-based lidar and the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) satellite. The largest improvements were seen in the retrieval precision of the extinction coefficients and lidar ratio ranging up to 1 order of magnitude or more in some cases due to effective noise dampening. In real data cases, the increased precision of MLE with respect to the SCA is demonstrated by increased horizontal homogeneity and better agreement with the ground truth, though proper uncertainty estimation of MLE results is challenged by the constraints, and the accuracy of MLE and SCA retrievals can depend on calibration errors, which have not been considered

    EnVision: a Nominal Science Phase Spanning Six Venus Sidereal Days (Four Earth Years)

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    International audienceEnVision was selected as ESA's 5th M-class mission, targeting a launch in the early 2030s. The mission is a partnership between ESA and NASA, where NASA provides the Synthetic Aperture Radar payload. The scientific objective of EnVision is to provide a holistic view of the planet from its inner core to its upper atmosphere.The mission phase B1 started in December 2021 to complete trade-offs, consolidate requirements, interfaces and system specifications. Phase B1 will be concluded with the Mission Adoption Review planned for 2023, followed by Mission Adoption in 2024. To meet its science objectives, the EnVision mission needs to return a significant volume of science data to Earth, with a large distance-to-Earth dynamic range (from 0.3 to 1.7 AU), from a low Venus polar orbit, in the hot Venus environment (exacerbated by the operation of highly dissipative units), while operating three spectrometers in an almost cryogenic level environment. This needs to be achieved within constraints on the spacecraft mass as well as programmatic boundaries. Achieving the science objectives under these multiple constraints without oversizing the spacecraft calls for a careful planning of science operations, making the science planning strategy a critical driver in the design of the whole mission, against which the spacecraft and ground segment are then sized.The payload reference operations scenario simulation demonstrates that all identified surface targets can be imaged with VenSAR, with a performance fully compliant with the science requirements. The first two cycles allow imaging once 80% of the identified Regions of Interest (RoIs) at 30 m resolution. The following two cycles are mostly devoted to 2nd observations of these areas for stereo-topography mapping and the two last cycles to 3rd observations of the "activity" type. Dual polarization and high resolution SAR observations can be performed at any longitude at least once across the 6 cycles. Our strategy is to obtain the widest range of data types that enables us to put the highest resolution datasets into regional and global context. Similarly, understanding atmospheric processes requires a combination of global-scale mapping with targeted observations resolving smaller-scale processes

    EnVision: a Nominal Science Phase Spanning Six Venus Sidereal Days (Four Earth Years)

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    International audienceEnVision was selected as ESA's 5th M-class mission, targeting a launch in the early 2030s. The mission is a partnership between ESA and NASA, where NASA provides the Synthetic Aperture Radar payload. The scientific objective of EnVision is to provide a holistic view of the planet from its inner core to its upper atmosphere.The mission phase B1 started in December 2021 to complete trade-offs, consolidate requirements, interfaces and system specifications. Phase B1 will be concluded with the Mission Adoption Review planned for 2023, followed by Mission Adoption in 2024. To meet its science objectives, the EnVision mission needs to return a significant volume of science data to Earth, with a large distance-to-Earth dynamic range (from 0.3 to 1.7 AU), from a low Venus polar orbit, in the hot Venus environment (exacerbated by the operation of highly dissipative units), while operating three spectrometers in an almost cryogenic level environment. This needs to be achieved within constraints on the spacecraft mass as well as programmatic boundaries. Achieving the science objectives under these multiple constraints without oversizing the spacecraft calls for a careful planning of science operations, making the science planning strategy a critical driver in the design of the whole mission, against which the spacecraft and ground segment are then sized.The payload reference operations scenario simulation demonstrates that all identified surface targets can be imaged with VenSAR, with a performance fully compliant with the science requirements. The first two cycles allow imaging once 80% of the identified Regions of Interest (RoIs) at 30 m resolution. The following two cycles are mostly devoted to 2nd observations of these areas for stereo-topography mapping and the two last cycles to 3rd observations of the "activity" type. Dual polarization and high resolution SAR observations can be performed at any longitude at least once across the 6 cycles. Our strategy is to obtain the widest range of data types that enables us to put the highest resolution datasets into regional and global context. Similarly, understanding atmospheric processes requires a combination of global-scale mapping with targeted observations resolving smaller-scale processes

    Aeolus Level 1 data processing and instrument calibration

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    The first wind lidar in space ALADIN will be deployed on ESAÂŽs Aeolus mission and will be operational in 2018. It is not only the first time that the space hardware of a high power UV laser and a Doppler wind lidar was developed, but also the on-ground processors for wind retrieval, calibration and bias correction schemes are novel, i.e. without heritage from earlier space missions. In order to assess the performance of ALADIN and to optimize the wind retrieval and calibration algorithms an end-to-end simulator was developed. This allows realistic simulations of data downlinked by Aeolus. Together with operational processors this setup is used to assess random and systematic error sources and perform sensitivity studies about the influence of atmospheric and instrument parameters. The wind retrieval algorithms up to Level 1 will be introduced as well as the related bias correction schemes for harmonic and range-dependent bias sources. Both Level 1 and 2 wind retrieval algorithms rely on the instrument calibration modes using internal and atmospheric signals in nadir-pointing mode of the satellite. These instrument calibration modes and the relevant correction schemes for atmospheric temperature and pressure influence on wind retrievals from the Rayleigh channel will be discussed

    Science objective and status of the EnVision Mission to Venus

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    International audienceEnVision was selected in 2021 as ESA's fifth Medium-class mission to Venus, in partnership NASA, where NASA provides the Synthetic Aperture Radar instrument. The ESA mission adoption is scheduled for January 2024, and the launch for 2031. EnVision's scientific goal is to provide a holistic view of the planet, from its inner core to its upper atmosphere, studying the planet's history, activity, and climate. EnVision aims to establish the nature and current state of Venus' geological evolution and its relationship with the atmosphere. EnVision's overall science objectives are to: (i) characterize the sequence of events that formed the regional and global surface features of Venus, as well as the geodynamic framework that has controlled the release of internal heat over Venus history; (ii) determine how geologically active the planet is today; (iii) establish the interactions between the planet and its atmosphere at present and through time. Furthermore, EnVision will look for evidence of past liquid water on its surface. The nominal EnVision science phase of the mission will last about four Earth years. The science objectives will be addressed by its five instruments and one experiment, provided by European and US research institutes and space agencies. The VenSAR S-band radar will perform targeted surface imaging as well as polarimetric and stereo imaging, radiometry, and altimetry. The high-frequency Subsurface Radar Sounder (SRS) will sound the upper crust in search of material boundaries. Three spectrometers, VenSpec-U, VenSpec-H and VenSpec-M, operating in the UV and Near- and Short Wave-IR, respectively, will map trace gases, search for volcanic gas plumes above and below the clouds, and map surface emissivity and composition. A Radio Science Experiment (RSE) investigation will exploit the spacecraft Telemetry Tracking and Command (TT&C in Ka-/X bands) system to determine the planet's gravity field and to sound the structure and composition of the middle atmosphere and the cloud layer in radio occultation. All instruments have substantial heritage and robust requirement margins, with designs suitable for operation in the Venus environment. The EnVision science teams will adopt an open data policy, with public release of the scientific data after validation and verification. In this presentation, the scientific objectives and status of the EnVision Phase B1 activities will be presented, including an overview of ongoing work by the EnVision science team on the mission consolidation