67 research outputs found

    Mass fluxes of xenobiotics below cities: challenges in urban hydrogeology

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    Urban areas are the focus of major ecological, social and economical activity. They are thus also prime locations of increasing conflict with regard to water use and water protection. As a direct and/or indirect consequence of urban land use and human activity, urban water systems are frequently polluted with organic contaminants including waste water-born xenobiotics such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products (collectively known as PPCPs) and endocrine-active substances. This study reviews new integrated methodologies including flux calculations as well as chemical investigations for determining the impact of human activities on urban water systems and on processes within the urban watershed. The use of indicator substances, representing different contaminant sources and pathways, integral pumping tests and mass balance approaches are suitable alternatives within these environments. The issues are explored using contaminant mass balance examples from Halle/Saale and Leipzig, German

    Water quality and water-rock interaction in the Harz Mountains (Germany)

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    The Harz Mountains, known for ancient silver and base metal mining, are an important drinking water supply region for northern Germany today. The water quality of the Harz Mountains is mainly influenced by atmospheric depositions, water-rock inter- actions and biological activities. Anthropogenic influences are minor. Springs, creeks, lakes and reservoirs have relatively low mineralisation. Measured as specific electrical conductivity, the mineralisation of the different water bodies ranges from about 15 to 650 µS/cm. Only deep springs and mine waters reach higher values. Despite dilution effects due to different rainwater amounts, water-rock interaction can be retraced by the chemical water composition, especially by trace metals and rare earth element concentrations. Examples of water-rock interaction are discussed for granite, greywacke and limestone

    Frequency and Nature of Incidental Extra-Enteric Lesions Found on Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MR-E) in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of extra-enteric findings in a large cohort of patients undergoing magnetic resonance enterography (MR-E) and to classify the clinical significance of these findings.We retrospectively analyzed 1154 MR-E performed in 1006 patients referred to our radiological department between 1999-2005. The reasons for referral were suspected or proven inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) (n = 710), further diagnostic work-up for small bowel disease because of non-specific abdominal symptoms (SBD; n = 182) or suspected small bowel malignancies (SBM; n = 114). All extra-enteric findings were reviewed by a radiologist and a gastroenterologist and were classified as having high, moderate, or low significance for further diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.The average age of all patients was 40+/-16 (Mean+/-SD) years (y) (IBD 35+/-13 y; SBD 49+/-16 y; SBM 57+/-15 y). A total of 1113 extra-enteric findings were detected in 600 of 1006 patients (59.6%). Of these findings 180 (16.2%) were judged as having a high, 212 (19.0%) a moderate and 721 (64.8%) a low significance. On a per group basis in patients with IBD 12.0% of the findings were of major clinical significance compared to 13.7% and 33.3% in patients with SBD and SBM, respectively. The most common major findings were abscesses (69.9%) in the IBD group and extraintestinal tumors, metastases or masses in the SBD and SBM groups (41.9% and 74.2%, respectively).MR-E reveals a substantial number of extra-enteric findings, supporting the role of a cross-sectional imaging method for the evaluation of the small bowel

    Application of isotopes in the investigation of particulate matter (PM)

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    Tribute to Professor José Simões Redinha on the occasion of his 80th birthday

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    Quarry lakes as part of a fractured rock aquifer

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    Synthesis of ( s

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