615 research outputs found

    The formation of an infection-related membrane domain is controlled by the sequential recruitment of scaffold and receptor proteins

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    Cooperation between general practitioners, occupational health physicians, and rehabilitation physicians in Germany: what are barriers to cooperation and how can these be overcome? A qualitative study

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    Introduction: Rehabilitation measures for patients in the working age primarily aim at maintaining employability, restoring fitness for work and timely return to work. General practitioners (GPs), occupational health physicians (OPs), and rehabilitation physicians (RPs) fulfill different functions in the rehabilitation process, which need to be interlinked effectively to achieve a successful medical and occupational rehabilitation. In Germany, this cooperation at the interfaces is regarded as often working suboptimal. On this background, this qualitative study had two main aims: the first was to record the experiences and attitudes of OPs, RPs and GPs, as well as of rehabilitation patients, to indicate barriers to and obstacles in the cooperation and communication between medical professionals at the intersection of workplace and rehabilitation institutions. The second aim of the publication was to identify, present and discuss suggestions proposed by physicians and patients on how these barriers and obstacles can be overcome and thereby how communication and cooperation between the medical protagonists may be improved. A special focus of the study was a supposed exclusion of OPs from the rehabilitation process, as reported in the literature. Methods and analysis: As previous literature reviews have shown, insufficient data on the experiences and attitudes of the stakeholders are available. Therefore, an exploratory qualitative approach was chosen. In total, 8 Focus Group Discussions with occupational physicians, rehabilitation physicians, general practitioners and rehabilitation patients (2 Focus Groups with 4–10 interviewees per category) were conducted. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: A number of barriers to and obstacles in cooperation and communication were reported by the participants, including: (1) organizational (e.g. missing contact details, low reachability, schedule restrictions), (2) interpersonal (e.g. rehabilitants level of trust in OPs, low perceived need to cooperate with OPs, low motivation to cooperate), and (3) structural barriers (e.g. data privacy regulations, regulations concerning rehabilitation reports). In regards to these barriers, options for improvement were identified and characterized by the author in the following categories: (1) regulatory interventions (e.g. formalized role and obligatory input of occupational physicians), (2) financial interventions (e.g. financial incentives for physicians based on the quality of the application), (3) technological interventions (e.g. communication by E-Mail), (4) changes in organizational procedures (e.g. provision of workplace descriptions to RPs on a routine basis), (5) educational and informational interventions (e.g. joint educational programs, measures to improve the image of OPs), and (6) the promotion of cooperation (e.g. between OPs and GPs in regards to the application process). Ethics and dissemination: The research was undertaken with the approval of the ethics committee of the medical faculty and university hospital of Tübingen. The study participants’ gave their written consent prior to participating in the interviews. As set out in the study protocol, the results were published in international, peer-reviewed medical journals. Conclusion: The data on barriers as well as on options for improvements presented in this study are in line with studies and expert opinions from Germany and other countries in Western Europe. While some of the proposed solutions could be implemented by the participants themselves by changing behavior and practice in the everyday routine, a multi-level stakeholder approach might be necessary for implementing others. The evidence for the proposed suggestion is limited and mostly based on studies not conducted in the context of the German health care setting. Future quantitative research is needed to assess the relative weight of the findings and controlled interventional studies are necessary to assess feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed suggestions

    Can't read my broker face?—Tracing a motif and metaphor of expert knowledge through audiovisual images of the financial crisis

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    Based on the question of the representability of economy and economics in audiovisual media, developments on the financial markets have often been discussed as a depiction problem. The abstractness and complexity of economic interrelations seem to defy classical modes of storytelling and dramatization. Nevertheless, public opinion about economic changes and dependencies crucially relies on audiovisual media. But how can the public communicate in images, sounds, and words about forces that are out of sight and out of reach, and can supposedly only be adequately grasped by experts? In a case study on audiovisual images of the global financial crisis (2007–), this paper tracks and analyzes a recurring motif: the staging of expert knowledge as close-ups of expressive faces vis-à-vis computer screens in television news, documentaries, as well as feature films. It draws on the use of digital tools for corpus exploration (reverse image search) and the visualization of video annotations. By relating and comparing different staging strategies by which these “broker faces” become embodiments of turbulent market dynamics, the paper proposes to not regard them as repeated instantiations of the same metaphor, but as a developing web of cinematic metaphors. Different perspectives (news of market developments or historical accounts of crisis developments) and affective stances toward the global financial crisis are expressed in these variations of the face-screen constellation. The paper thus presents a selection of different appearances of “broker faces” as a medium for an audiovisual discourse of the global financial crisis. A concluding analysis of a scene from Margin Call focuses on its specific intertwining of expert and screen as an ambivalent movement figuration of staging insight. Between the feeling of discovery (of a potential future threat) and the sense of being haunted (by a menacing force), the film stages the emergence of a “broker face” in an atmospheric tension between suspense and melancholy. We argue that the film thereby reframes the motif and poses questions of agency, temporality, and expert knowledge

    Instrumental genesis through interdisciplinary collaboration -- reflections on the emergence of a visualisation framework for video annotation data

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    Instrumental genesis through interdisciplinary collaboration-reflections on the emergence of a visualisation framework for video annotation data XML This paper presents, discusses and reflects on the development of a visualization framework for the analysis of the temporal dynamics of audiovisual expressivity. The main focus lies on the instrumental genesis process (Rabardel 1995; Longchamp 2012)-a concept trying to express and analyze the co-evolution of instruments and the practices they make possible-underlying this development. It is described through the collaboration and communication processes between computer science scholars and humanities scholars in finding new ways of visualizing complex datasets for exploration and presentation in the realm of film-studies research. It draws on the outcome and concrete usage of the visualizations in publications and presentations of a research group, the AdAproject, that investigates the audiovisual rhetorics of affect in audiovisual media on the financial crisis (2007-). These film analyses are based on theoretical assumptions on the process of film-viewing, the relation of the viewer's perception and the temporally unfolding audiovisual images, and a methodical approach that draws on 'steps' in the research process such as segmentation, description and qualification, called eMAEX (Kappelhoff et al. 2011-2016) to reconstruct these experiential figurations (Bakels et al. 2020a, 2020b). The main focus of this paper is the process of iterative development of visualizations as interactive interfaces generated with the open-source software Advene, that were an integral part of the research process. In this regard, the timeline visualization is not only of interest for visual argumentation in (digital) humanities publications, but also for the creation of annotations as well as the exploration of this data. In the first part of the paper we describe this interdisciplinary collaboration as instrumental genesis on a general level-as an evolving and iterative process. In the second part we focus on the specific challenge of designing a visualization framework for the temporal dynamics of audiovisual aesthetics. Lastly we zoom out by reflecting on experiences and insights that might be of interest for the wider digital humanities community

    WICID framework version 1.0: criteria and considerations to guide evidence-informed decision-making on non-pharmacological interventions targeting COVID-19

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    Introduction: Public health decision-making requires the balancing of numerous, often conflicting factors. However, participatory, evidence-informed decision-making processes to identify and weigh these factors are often not possible- especially, in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. While evidence-to-decision frameworks are not able or intended to replace stakeholder participation, they can serve as a tool to approach relevancy and comprehensiveness of the criteria considered. Objective: To develop a decision-making framework adapted to the challenges of decision-making on non-pharmacological interventions to contain the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods We employed the 'best fit' framework synthesis technique and used the WHO-INTEGRATE framework as a starting point. First, we adapted the framework through brainstorming exercises and application to case studies. Next, we conducted a content analysis of comprehensive strategy documents intended to guide policymakers on the phasing out of applied lockdown measures in Germany. Based on factors and criteria identified in this process, we developed the WICID (WHO-INTEGRATE COVID-19) framework version 1.0. Results: Twelve comprehensive strategy documents were analysed. The revised framework consists of 11+1 criteria, supported by 48 aspects, and embraces a complex systems perspective. The criteria cover implications for the health of individuals and populations due to and beyond COVID-19, infringement on liberties and fundamental human rights, acceptability and equity considerations, societal, environmental and economic implications, as well as implementation, resource and feasibility considerations. Discussion: The proposed framework will be expanded through a comprehensive document analysis focusing on key stakeholder groups across the society. The WICID framework can be a tool to support comprehensive evidence-informed decision-making processes

    Planning study of land use disposition of the lokality „Dúbrava“in Strážnice

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    Import 07/02/2011Úkolem diplomové práce je navrhnout vhodné využití území dané lokality pro funkci bydlení a vytvořit urbanistický návrh zástavby. Návrh bude řešit začlenění řešeného území a navrhované zástavby do návazného prostředí, vztahy na veřejnou infrastrukturu města. Součástí návrhu bude rozbor současného stavu, problémů a limit v území. Územní studie bude zahrnovat urbanistické řešení, návrh dopravní obsluhy, statické dopravy, pěšího provozu a návrh řešení inženýrských sítí. Pozornost bude věnována tvorbě obytného prostředí a uplatnění prvků zeleně. Součástí práce bude propočet nákladů, textová dokumentace a příslušné výkresy.The subject of this Diploma thesis is to design project use of the locality for housing and create urban project of development. The project will solve integration of this land and proposed building to the neighbourhood, relations to the public infrastructure of the town. The project will contain an analysis of current situation, problems and limits in the area. The territorial study will be include an urban solution, proposal of traffic, static traffic, pedestrian traffic, and design utilities. The attention will be given to creation of livingl environments and application of the green features. The part of diploma thesis deal with calculation of charges, text documentation and the relevant drawings.PrezenčníNeuvedenovýborn

    Modulation Format and Link Code for Visible Light Communication

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou komunikace viditelným světlem (VLC), konkrétněji modulačními technikami. V teorii popisuji principy, problémy a dosažené výsledky výzkumů v oblasti VLC. Také zde popisuji modulační techniky, jejich parametry, srovnání a možnosti vyhodnocování. V práci je popsáno originální řešení optického vysílače pro komunikaci viditelným světlem. Pro tento optický vysílač je navržen a popsán řídící systém pro modulování. Pomocí navrženého řídícího systému jsou následně změřeny komunikační parametry optického vysílače.This thesis describes visible light communication (VLC), specifically modulation techniques. Describes the principles, problems and achievements in the field of research VLC. Herein describe modulation techniques, their parameters, and comparison options evaluation also. Thesis describe the original solution of the optical transmitter for communicating with visible light. For this optical transmitter is designed and describe a control system for modulating. By using this control system are measure communication parameters of the optical transmitter.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Resistor Grid as a Tool in Resistivity Modelling

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    The main aim of this thesis is a concise overview of geoelectrical resistivity methods and modelling in these methods. In the first part of the thesis the theoretical basis of resistivity methods is presented together with a brief description of particular examples of realization of field survey, namely the resistivity profiling, vertical electrical sounding and multielectrode resistivity method. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to description of forward and inverse problems in resistivity methods. The last chapter is focused on the resistor network model and contains several examples of practical calculations of this model. Key words - electrical resistivity method, resistor network, Kirchhoff's lawHlavním cílem této práce je stručná rešerše geoelektrických odporových metod a modelování v těchto metodách. V první části práce jsou představeny teoretické základy odporových metod a velmi stručně jsou popsány jednotlivé způsoby realizace terénního průzkumu, jmenovitě odporové profilování, vertikální elektrické sondování a multielektrodová odporová metoda. Druhá část práce je věnována popisu přímých a obrácených úloh v odporových metodách. Poslední kapitola se zabývá modelem rezistorové sítě a obsahuje několik příkladů praktických výpočtů tohoto modelu. Klíčová slova - geoelektrické metody, odporová síť, Kirchhoffův zákonÚstav hydrogeologie, inženýrské geologie a užité geofyzikyInstitute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied GeophysicsFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult