485 research outputs found

    Dynamical van der Waals atom -surface interaction

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    We obtained new nonrelativistic expression for the dynamical van der Waals atom -surface interaction energy of very convenient form for different applications. It is shown that classical result (Ferrell and Ritchie, 1980) holds only for a very slowly moving atom. In general case, the van der Waals atom -surface interaction energy manifests strong nonlinear dependence on velocity and distance. In close vicinity of metal and dielectric surfaces and velocities from 1 to 10 Bohr units the dynamical van der Waals potential proves to be significantly lower that in static case and goes to the static values with increasing distance and (or) decreasing velocity.Comment: 15 pages,4 figures; corrected abstract,numerical calculations and conclusion

    Регіональні осередки

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    The aim of the thesis was to investigate which physical, chemical or oxidative characteristics of ambient PM have the most consistent associations with acute cardio-respiratory effects in human volunteers. During the first phase of the RAPTES project (“Risk of Airborne Particles: a Toxicological-Epidemiological hybrid Study”) eight sites in the Netherlands that differed in local PM emission sources were chosen for extensive air pollution characterization. The measured air pollutants included PM10, PM2.5, PM2.5-10, particle number concentrations (PNC, a proxy for ultrafine particles), PM absorbance, elemental (EC) and organic carbon (OC), trace metals (Fe, Cu, Ni, V), secondary inorganic components (nitrate and sulfate), endotoxin content, OP, and the gaseous air pollutants – ozone and nitrogen oxides (O3, NO2, NOX). The selected sites were: an underground train station, three different road traffic sites, a livestock farm, a sea harbor, a site located in the vicinity of a large steelworks, and an urban background site. Chapter 2 presents a detailed characterization of air pollution at these sites. The underground train station had substantially higher concentrations of nearly every PM characteristic, especially Fe, Cu and OP. PNC showed the highest concentrations at the continuous traffic site. Substantially increased levels of endotoxin were measured at the farm. These results showed that it was possible to identify real-world locations where several PM characteristics had high contrast and correlations sufficiently low to investigate their independent health effects. In the second, semi-experimental phase, healthy, non-smoking, young adults were repeatedly exposed for five hours at each of the sites. Measurements took place on 30 days between March and October 2009, resulting in 170 observations in 31 volunteers. Markers of respiratory and cardiovascular health were measured prior to exposure, directly after, two hours after and in the following morning. Two-pollutant linear regression models were used to investigate which air pollution component(s) were most consistently associated with health effects. Chapter 3 investigated which ambient air pollutants had the most consistent associations with acute respiratory effects. An increase in PNC was associated with acute airway inflammation (FENO). The association was robust and insensitive to adjustment for other pollutants. Similarly consistent associations were seen between impaired lung function (FVC and FEV1) and PNC and NO2. PM mass concentration and OP were not predictive of the observed acute responses, neither were other measured PM characteristics. Associations with acute cardiovascular effects were studied in chapter 4. OC, sulfate and nitrate were most consistently associated with different blood biomarkers predictive of the risk of cardiovascular events – C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, platelet counts and von Willebrand Factor. Associations for PM mass concentrations and OP were less consistent, whereas PNC, EC, trace metals and NO2, were not associated with the biomarkers after adjustment for other pollutants. In chapter 5 thrombin generation ex vivo was measured using blood samples collected during the study. Increases in thrombin generation in the intrinsic (FXII-dependent) blood coagulation pathway were associated with exposure to NO2, nitrate and sulfate, but not PM mass, OP or other measured air pollutants

    Farm Animal Welfare: Some Economic Considerations

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    Farmers, just like other businessmen, attempt to produce a saleable product at the least possible cost to themselves. In this way they hope to assure themselves of some profit, and hence to earn a living. In itself this profit motive cannot be criticized, but in attempting to maintain their profits, farmers have adopted more intensive systems of animal production. In turn, the benefits from farmers using these new techniques have accrued to consumers in the form of relatively less expensive food. Clearly, by restricting the use of factory farming methods (which are associated with lower unit costs of production) there may be significant effects on the cost of producing food and, ultimately, on the price paid for food by the consumer

    Farm Animal Welfare: Some Economic Considerations

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    There has been increasing public concern in the U.K. and other European countries about some of the intensive methods of livestock production used in modern agriculture. The battery system of egg production, which produces almost all of the eggs consumed in Britain, has aroused particular opposition, but there is also strong feeling about housing systems that effectively immobilize their inhabitants, such as certain types of veal calf and pig rearing units. In a recent test case in West Germany, an egg producer was charged with continuous cruelty to his 60,000-strong battery flock. A high court decided it was cruel to deprive the birds of the ability to follow their behavioral instincts to scratch, preen and stretch their wings. This ruling cannot, however, be regarded as final. The effects of such production techniques on the quality of life of the animals involved have led some interest groups to campaign for changes in the British Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Codes of Practice relating to animal welfare. More restrictive codes are sought to limit the methods of production available to the farmer by preventing the use of specific currently popular intensive systems. It is generally agreed that the costs of producing livestock products affected by these proposed restrictions would rise, although it is unclear how much. It is not difficult to understand how this cost increase might come about

    Untersuchung der Energiebilanz von österreichischen Erwachsenen (18-64 Jahre) mittels IPAQ, Accelerometer, Aktivitäts- und Ernährungsprotokoll

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurde mittels 7- Tage- Aktivitätsprotokoll, Beschleunigungsmesser (eine Woche) und IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, am Ende der Woche) überprüft, welche dieser Methoden am besten zur Darstellung des Energieverbrauchs von österreichischen Erwachsenen geeignet ist. Hierzu wurden die oben genannten Fragebögen sowie ein 3- Tages- Ernährungsprotokoll zur Erhebung der Energieaufnahme von 76 Personen (18- 64 Jahre) ausgefüllt bzw. getragen (Beschleunigungsmesser). Zur Feststellung der Eignung der Methoden wurde der berechnete bzw. gemessene Energieverbrauch mit der Energieaufnahme sowohl in Kilokalorien als auch als mit dem PAL (Physical Activity Level) verglichen. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass sich der Energieverbrauch in Kilokalorien sowohl mittels Accelerometer (p=0,01) als auch mittels Aktivitätsprotokoll (p=0,01) darstellen lässt. Die Erhebung mittels IPAQ konnte keine derartigen (signifikanten) Ergebnisse zeigen. Die Berechnung über den PAL zeigt ebenfalls eine Darstellbarkeit des Energieverbrauches durch Accelerometer (p=0,05) und Aktivitätsprotokoll (p=0,05). Auf Grund ähnlich guter Ergebnisse bei Accelerometer und dem weniger aufwändigen Aktivitätsprotokoll sind Überlegungen anzustellen, letzteres in zukünftige Energieerhebungen mit einzubeziehen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zur Erstellung einer Energiebilanz ein gewisser Aufwand in Form von täglicher Protokollführung bzw. das Tragen von Geräten zur Messung des Energieverbrauches notwendig, aber sinnvoll ist.The aim of this study was to find out which of the 3 different methods: a 7-dayactivity protocol, an acceleration measurement instrument (accelerometer, 1 week) or an IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, on the last day), is most suitable to display the energy use of Austrian adults. For this purpose the listed questionnaires and a 3-day-dietary record for measuring the food intake were answered and the accelerometer was worn by 76 persons (18 to 64 years old). In order to declare the adequacy of the methods the calculated and measured energy use was compared with the energy intake (in kilocalories) and the PAL (Physical Activity Level). These measurements showed, that the energy use (in kcal) can be measured by the accelerometer (p=0,01) and the activity protocol (p=0,01). However, the investigation with the IPAQ did not show significant results like the other methods. In addition, the PAL calculation also showed a presentability of the energy use by the accelerometer (p=0,05) and the activity protocol (p=0,05). Due to the good results for the accelerometer and the less extensive activity protocol, it could maybe be possible to use the protocol frequently for energy measurements in the future. In summary the study showed, that in order to create a representative energy balance it is necessary to do a daily protocol or wear a device for measuring the energy use