35 research outputs found

    Paediatric CT scan usage and referrals of children to computed tomography in Germany-a cross-sectional survey of medical practice and awareness of radiation related health risks among physicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Computed tomography (CT) is a major source of ionizing radiation exposure in medical diagnostic. Compared to adults, children are supposed to be more susceptible to health risks related to radiation. The purpose of a cross-sectional survey among office-based physicians in Germany was the assessment of medical practice in paediatric CT referrals and to investigate physicians' knowledge of radiation doses and potential health risks of radiation exposure from CT in children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A standardized questionnaire was distributed to all paediatricians and surgeons in two defined study areas. Furthermore, the study population included a random sample of general practitioners in the two areas. The questionnaire covered the frequency of referrals for paediatric CT examinations, the medical diagnoses leading to paediatric CT referrals, physicians' knowledge of radiation doses and potential health risks of radiation exposure from CT in children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 295 (36.4%) physicians responded. 59% of the doctors had not referred a child to CT in the past year, and approximately 30% referred only 1-5 children annually. The most frequent indications for a CT examination in children were trauma or a suspected cancer. 42% of the referrals were related to minor diagnoses or unspecific symptoms. The participants underestimated the radiation exposure due to CT and they overestimated the radiation exposure due to conventional X-ray examinations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Germany, the frequency of referrals of children to computed tomography is moderate. The knowledge on the risks from radiation exposure among office-based physicians in our sample varied, but there was a tendency to underestimate potential CT risks. Advanced radiological training might lead to considerable amendments in terms of knowledge and practice of CT referral.</p

    Attributable mortality to radon exposure in Galicia, Spain. Is it necessary to act in the face of this health problem?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Radon is the second risk factor for lung cancer after tobacco consumption and therefore it is necessary to know the burden of disease due to its exposure. The objective of this study is to estimate radon-attributable lung cancer mortality in Galicia, a high emission area located at the Northwest Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prevalence-based attribution method was applied. Prevalence of tobacco use and radon exposure were obtained from a previously published study of the same area. Attributable mortality was calculated for each of six possible risk categories, based on radon exposure and smoking status. Two scenarios were used, with 37 Bq/m<sup>3 </sup>and 148 Bq/m<sup>3 </sup>as the respective radon exposure thresholds. As the observed mortality we used lung cancer mortality for 2001 from the Galician mortality registry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mortality exclusively attributable to radon exposure ranged from 3% to 5% for both exposure thresholds, respectively. Attributable mortality to combined exposure to radon and smoking stood at around 22% for exposures above 148 Bq/m<sup>3</sup>. Applying the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) action level, radon has a role in 25% of all lung cancers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although the estimates have been derived from a study with a relatively limited sample size, these results highlight the importance of radon exposure as a cause of lung cancer and its effect in terms of disease burden. Radon mitigation activities in the study area must therefore be enforced.</p

    Elektromagnetische Felder des Mobilfunks im Zuge des aktuellen 5G-Netzausbaus Technische Aspekte und biologische Wirkungen im unteren Frequenzbereich (FR1, bis ca. 7 GHz) Stellungnahme der Strahlenschutzkommission

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    Als eine Weiterentwicklung der bisherigen Mobilfunksysteme 2G, 3G und 4G wurde in Deutschland im Jahr 2019 mit der EinfĂŒhrung des Mobilfunks der fĂŒnften Generation (5G) begonnen. Der 5G-Mobilkommunikationsstandard wird als Kerntechnologie fĂŒr die Digitalisierung der Industrie, automatisierte und vernetzte Verkehrssysteme, Internet der Dinge und viele andere technische Entwicklungen angesehen. Alle Mobilfunksysteme arbeiten mittels der Aussendung hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder. Vor diesem Hintergrund beurteilte die Strahlenschutzkommission, ob aus aktueller Sicht der Forschung die Grundlagen, auf denen die in Deutschland geltenden Grenzwerte fĂŒr Hochfrequenzimmissionen (Sendeanlagen und EndgerĂ€te) basieren, weiterhin uneingeschrĂ€nkt GĂŒltigkeit besitzen. Dabei befasst sich die vorliegende Stellungnahme nur mit den biologischen und gesundheitlichen Aspekten von Hochfrequenzfeldern im bisher bereits intensiv fĂŒr die Mobilkommunikation genutzten Frequenzbereich bis etwa 7 Gigahertz (Frequency Range 1, FR1), der auch in den aktuellen 5G-Netzen genutzt wird. ZusĂ€tzlich werden besondere technische Aspekte der neuen 5G-Technologie betrachtet und ihre Auswirkungen auf die zu erwartende Hochfrequenzimmission und die Exposition der Bevölkerung beurteilt. Eine Bewertung von 5G-Anwendungen im zukĂŒnftig genutzten Frequenzbereich oberhalb 20 Gigahertz (FR2) wird in einer weiteren Stellungnahme der SSK vorgenommen werden. In Teil I der vorliegenden Stellungnahme nimmt die Strahlenschutzkommission bezĂŒglich der technischen Aspekte der 5G-Technologie Stellung, wĂ€hrend sie in Teil II eine Beurteilung zum Stand der Forschung hinsichtlich biologischer und gesundheitlicher Auswirkungen hochfrequenter Felder im Frequenzbereich FR1 vornimmt

    Taetigkeitsbericht der Schutzkommission beim Bundesminister des Innern fuer das Jahr 1981

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    SIGLETIB: ZB 2659 (1981) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Vortraege auf der Tagung. Schutzkommission beim Bundesministerium des Innern

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    TIB: RN 2438 (28) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Vortraege auf der Tagung der Schutzkommission beim Bundesministerium des Innern

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    TIB: RN 2438 (31) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman


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