515 research outputs found

    Isolation of Bacteria with Potential Plant-Promoting Traits and Optimization of Their Growth Conditions

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    This research aimed at investigating the isolation and identification of bacterial strains with biological nitrogen-fixing capability and phosphate, potassium, and zinc solubilization activities from a durum wheat field under two different tillage practices including 10 years of conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) practices. Attempts were also extended to estimate their relative abundances in the soil as well as to develop accurate mathematical models in determining the effect of different temperatures, NaCl concentrations and pH on the growth, and activity of selected isolates. Twelve effective bacterial strains, including Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Comamonas genera, were identified with a great potential to solubilize the insoluble forms of phosphate (from 11.1 to 115.5 mg l−1 at pH 8), potassium (from 32.2 to 35.6 mg l−1 at pH 7), and zinc (from 1.11 to 389.90 mg l−1 at pH 9) as well as to fix N2 gas (from 19.9 to 25.2 mg l−1). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the ability of Comamonas testosteroni and Acinetobacter pittii to fix nitrogen and to solubilize insoluble potassium compound, respectively. Three families, Moraxellaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Comamonadaceae, showed a higher percentage of abundance in the NT samples as compared to the CT, but only significant difference was observed in the relative abundance of Pseudomonadaceae (P < 0.01). These strains could be definitively recommended as inoculants to promote plant growth in the wide ranges of pH, salinity levels (with maximum growth and complete inhibition of growth from 0.67–0.92% to 3.5–9.3% NaCl, respectively), and temperatures (2.1–45.1 °C)

    The infrared emission of carbonaceous particles around C-rich IRAS sources

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    The IRAS spectra of 23 carbon-rich sources have been fitted by means of an improved theoretical model based on the Leung-Spagna radiative transfer code and using extinction data obtained in our laboratory for different types of amorphous carbon and silicon carbide submicron particles. The agreement between observations and theoretical spectra is rather good. However, a comparison between the IRAS spectrum of the object 1244710425 (RU Vir) and that recently obtained at UKIRT, for the same object but with higher resolution, seems to open new problems

    Measuring Polarization in microlensing events

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    We re-consider the polarization of the star light that may arise during microlensing events due to the high gradient of magnification across the atmosphere of the source star, by exploring the full range of microlensing and stellar physical parameters. Since it is already known that only cool evolved giant stars give rise to the highest polarization signals, we follow the model by Simmons et al. (2002) to compute the polarization as due to the photon scattering on dust grains in the stellar wind. Motivated by the possibility to perform a polarization measurement during an ongoing microlensing event, we consider the recently reported event catalog by the OGLE collaboration covering the 2001-2009 campaigns (OGLE-III events), that makes available the largest and more comprehensive set of single lens microlensing events towards the Galactic bulge. The study of these events, integrated by a Monte Carlo analysis, allows us to estimate the expected polarization profiles and to predict for which source stars and at which time is most convenient to perform a polarization measurement in an ongoing event. We find that about two dozens of OGLE-III events (about 1 percent of the total) have maximum polarization degree in the range 0.1 < P_{\rm max} <1 percent, corresponding to source stars with apparent magnitude I < 14.5, being very cool red giants.This signal is measurable by using the FORS2 polarimeter at VLT telescope with about 1 hour integration time.Comment: Originally submitted to MNRAS on 01/07/2014. Present version with minor changes as required by the Refere

    Measuring polarization in microlensing events

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    We reconsider the polarization of the star light that may arise during microlensing events due to the high gradient of magnification across the atmosphere of the source star, by exploring the full range of microlensing and stellar physical parameters. Since it is already known that only cool evolved giant stars give rise to the highest polarization signals, we follow the model by Simmons etal. to compute the polarization as due to the photon scattering on dust grains in the stellar wind. Motivated by the possibility to perform a polarization measurement during an ongoing microlensing event, we consider the recently reported event catalogue by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) collaboration covering the 2001-2009 campaigns (OGLE-III events), that makes available the largest and more comprehensive set of single-lens microlensing events towards the Galactic bulge. The study of these events, integrated by a Monte Carlo analysis, allows us to estimate the expected polarization profiles and to predict for which source stars and at which time is most convenient to perform a polarization measurement in an ongoing event. We find that about two dozens of OGLE-III events (about 1 per cent of the total) have maximum polarization degree in the range 0.1<Pmax<1 per cent, corresponding to source stars with apparent magnitude Iâ‰Č14.5, being very cool red giants. This signal is measurable by using the FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS2) polarimeter at Very Large Telescope (VLT) telescope with about 1h integration tim

    Discovery of a bright microlensing event with planetary features towards the Taurus region: a super Earth planet

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    The transient event labeled as TCP J05074264+2447555 recently discovered towards the Taurus region was quickly recognized to be an ongoing microlensing event on a source located at distance of only 700−800700-800 pc from Earth. Here, we show that observations with high sampling rate close to the time of maximum magnification revealed features that imply the presence of a binary lens system with very low mass ratio components. We present a complete description of the binary lens system which hosts an Earth-like planet with most likely mass of 9.2±6.69.2\pm 6.6 M⊕_{\oplus}. Furthermore, the source estimated location and detailed Monte Carlo simulations allowed us to classify the event as due to the closest lens system, being at a distance of ≃380\simeq 380 pc and mass ≃0.25\simeq 0.25 M⊙_{\odot}.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS, 2018. 6 Pages, 5 Figures. References update

    The YSO Population in the Vela-D Molecular Cloud

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    We investigate the young stellar population in the Vela Molecular Ridge, Cloud-D (VMR-D), a star forming (SF) region observed by both Spitzer/NASA and Herschel/ESA space telescope. The point source, band-merged, Spitzer-IRAC catalog complemented with MIPS photometry previously obtained is used to search for candidate young stellar objects (YSO), also including sources detected in less than four IRAC bands. Bona fide YSO are selected by using appropriate color-color and color-magnitude criteria aimed to exclude both Galatic and extragalactic contaminants. The derived star formation rate and efficiency are compared with the same quantities characterizing other SF clouds. Additional photometric data, spanning from the near-IR to the submillimeter, are used to evaluate both bolometric luminosity and temperature for 33 YSOs located in a region of the cloud observed by both Spitzer and Herschel. The luminosity-temperature diagram suggests that some of these sources are representative of Class 0 objects with bolometric temperatures below 70 K and luminosities of the order of the solar luminosity. Far IR observations from the Herschel/Hi-GAL key project for a survey of the Galactic plane are also used to obtain a band-merged photometric catalog of Herschel sources aimed to independently search for protostars. We find 122 Herschel cores located on the molecular cloud, 30 of which are protostellar and 92 starless. The global protostellar luminosity function is obtained by merging the Spitzer and Herschel protostars. Considering that 10 protostars are found in both Spitzer and Herschel list it follows that in the investigated region we find 53 protostars and that the Spitzer selected protostars account for approximately two-thirds of the total.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Characterizing the structure of diffuse emission in Hi-GAL maps

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    We present a study of the structure of the Galactic interstellar medium through the Delta-variance technique, related to the power spectrum and the fractal properties of infrared/sub-mm maps. Through this method, it is possible to provide quantitative parameters which are useful to characterize different morphological and physical conditions, and to better constrain the theoretical models. In this respect, the Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey carried out at five photometric bands from 70 to 500 \mu m constitutes an unique database for applying statistical tools to a variety of regions across the Milky Way. In this paper, we derive a robust estimate of the power-law portion of the power spectrum of four contiguous 2{\deg}x2{\deg} Hi-GAL tiles located in the third Galactic quadrant (217{\deg} < l < 225{\deg}, -2{\deg} < b < 0{\deg}). The low level of confusion along the line of sight testified by CO observations makes this region an ideal case. We find very different values of the power spectrum slope from tile to tile but also from wavelength to wavelength (2 < \beta < 3), with similarities between fields attributable to components located at the same distance. Thanks to the comparison with models of turbulence, an explanation of the determined slopes in terms of the fractal geometry is also provided, and possible relations with the underlying physics are investigated. In particular, an anti-correlation between ISM fractal dimension and star formation efficiency is found for the two main distance components observed in these fields. A possible link between the fractal properties of the diffuse emission and the resulting clump mass function is discussed.Comment: Accepted by Ap
