23 research outputs found

    Methodik zur Bewertung von Flugverfahren hinsichtlich Fluglärm und weiteren Kriterien

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    Geänderte Betriebsverfahren an Flughäfen können für Bewohner von flughafennahen Gebieten verminderten Fluglärm und verbesserte Luftqualität bedeuten, während in anderen Gebieten im Umkreis von Flughäfen gegensätzliche Effekte zu beobachten sind. Folglich ist an Flughäfen, insbesondere jenen in Industrieländern, ein massiver Interessenkonflikt während des Flugbetriebs und in Hinblick auf Änderungen von flugbetrieblichen Verfahren zu beobachten. Während der Luftverkehr kontinuierlich wächst sind positive wirtschaftliche Effekte für Flughäfen unbestritten. Dennoch konzentriert sich der aktuelle öffentliche Streit auf die Lärmbelastung durch abfliegende und ankommende Flugzeuge sowie den Boden- und Rollverkehr. Der vorliegende Artikel analysiert die Interessenlage aller am Flugverfahrensplanungsprozess Beteiligten und untersucht Methoden zur ausschließlichen fluglärmbasierten Bewertung von Flugverfahren. Zurückgegriffen wird dabei auf eine bewährte Methode, um in anderen Themenfeldern gewonnenes methodisches Wissen zu nutzen. Die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse stellt sich dabei als das am besten geeignete Verfahren heraus. Basierend auf der methodischen und fachlichen Analyse des Festsetzungsprozesses von Flugverfahren und der im Prozess vertretenen Interessen werden Kriterien ermittelt, die zur Bewertung eines Flugverfahrens herangezogen werden können und die zuvor ermittelten Interessen umfassend abdecken. Für eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse (KNA) werden für diese Kriterien jeweils monetäre Bewertungsmodelle entwickelt oder vorgestellt. Das anschließende „Proof of Concept“ wendet das entwickelte Bewertungsverfahren auf einen fiktiven Flugverfahrensänderungsfall am Flughafen Berlin-Tegel an.Changed operational flight procedures at airports can mean reduced aircraft noise and improved air quality for inhabitants of areas near airports, while in other areas around airports opposite effects can be observed. Consequently, at airports, especially those in industrialised countries, a massive conflict of interest can be observed during flight operations and with regard to changes of operational flight procedures. While air traffic continues to grow, positive economic effects for airports are undisputed. Nevertheless, the current public dispute focuses on noise pollution from departing and arriving aircraft as well as ground and taxiing traffic. This article analyses the interests of all parties involved in the flight procedure planning process and examines methods for the assessment of aircraft noise based on various flight procedures. A proven method is used in order to make use of methodological knowledge gained in other subject areas. The cost-benefit analysis turns out to be the most suitable procedure. Based on the methodical and technical analysis of the determination process of flight procedures and the interests represented in the process, criteria are identified which can be used to evaluate a flight procedure and which comprehensively cover the previously identified interests. For a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), monetary valuation models are developed or presented for each of these criteria. The subsequent "Proof of Concept" applies the developed evaluation procedure to a fictitious flight procedure change at Berlin-Tegel Airport

    Sleep coaching: nefarmakološko liječenje neokrepljujućeg spavanja u smjenskih radnika na austrijskoj željeznici

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    Sleep coaching by Holzinger & Klösch™ is a new, Gestalt therapy-based holistic approach to non-pharmacological treatment of non-restorative sleep. It includes psychotherapeutic aspects which enable participants to improve their sleep quality by developing their own coping strategies as a daily routine. Dream work and relaxation techniques are also part of the programme. The aim of this study was to measure the effectiveness of a two-day sleep coaching seminar on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and work and life quality in shift workers employed in an Austrian railway company (Österreichische Bundesbahnen, ÖBB). Thirty shift workers (28 male; mean age=24±45.90, age range 24–56 years) answered the same survey before and six months after the seminar (baseline and follow-up) containing items of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), their chronotype, personality factors, and burnout risk factors. The baseline findings in this group were compared with those of non-completers (who did not take the follow-up survey) (N=154) to see if the two groups differed significantly enough to create a bias among completers (who took the follow-up survey as well). Groups differed significantly in burnout levels as well as sleep duration, but not in the distribution of critical PSQI and ESS values. The two-day sleep coaching seminar resulted in a significant improvement in total PSQI score and subjective sleep quality and in a significant reduction in diurnal fatigue, sleep latency, and daytime sleepiness. Nevertheless, more research with a larger sample and a longitudinal design is needed to establish the long-term effects of sleep coaching.Sleep coaching (vođenje spavanja) je novi holistički pristup nefarmakološkom liječenju neokrepljujućega sna koji su osmislili Holzinger & KlöschTM. Obuhvaća psihoterapijske oblike koji korisnicima omogućuju da poprave kvalitetu spavanja tako što će razviti vlastite svakodnevne strategije kako se nositi s tim problemom. Program također obuhvaća rad na snu i tehnike opuštanja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi djelotvornost dvodnevnoga seminara iz spavanja na poboljšanje kvalitete spavanja, dnevnu pospanost te na kvalitetu rada i života smjenskih radnika jedne austrijske željezničke tvrtke (Österreichische Bundesbahnen, ÖBB). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 30 radnika (28 muškaraca i dvije žene, srednja dob 24±45,90 godina, u dobnom rasponu od 24 do 56 godina) koji su odgovorili na upitnik prije seminara te šest mjeseci nakon njega da bi se utvrdile početne vrijednosti i promjene. Upitnik je sadržavao pitanja iz Pittsburgh indeksa kvalitete spavanja (izv. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, krat. PSQI) i iz Epworthove ljestvice pospanosti (izv. Epworth Sleepiness Scale, krat. ESS), zatim kronotip ispitanika, čimbenike osobnosti i rizične čimbenike za izgaranje na poslu (engl. burnout). Početne su vrijednosti u ovoj skupini uspoređene s početnim vrijednostima u skupini koja nije ispunila upitnik nakon seminara (N=154) kako bi se utvrdilo razlikuju li se te dvije skupine dovoljno da se može pretpostaviti otklon (engl. bias) u skupini koja je ispunila upitnik nakon seminara. Dvije su se skupine razlikovale samo razinom izgaranja na poslu i trajanjem spavanja, ali ne i distribucijom vrijednosti iz PSQI i ESS upitnika. Dvodnevni je seminar iz vođenja spavanja u skupini koja je ispunila upitnik nakon seminara doveo do značajnoga poboljšanja u ukupnim bodovima iz PSQI upitnika te do značajnoga smanjenja dnevnoga umora, odgode spavanja i dnevne pospanosti. S obzirom na mali uzorak, potrebno je provesti veće longitudinalno istraživanje s većim uzorkom kako bi se utvrdili dugotrajni učinci vođenja spavanja

    Zum kinematisch erregten Einmassenschwinger

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    Zum Resonanzverhalten drehstarrer Kupplungen

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