22 research outputs found

    The symmetric eigenvalue problem: stochastic perturbation theory and some network applications.

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    This thesis is concerned with stochastic perturbation theory of the symmetric eigen-value problem. In particular, we provide results about the probability of interchanges in the ordering of the eigenvalues and changes in the eigenvectors of symmetric matrices subject to stochastic perturbations. In this analysis we use a novel combination of traditional Numerical Linear Algebra, Perturbation Theory and Probability Theory. The motivation for this study arises from reliability of spectral clustering of networks, when network data is subject to noise. As far as we are aware, there is nothing comparable in the literature. Further, we make conjectures from which we derive an asymptotic relation between the distributions of the largest eigenvalue and the 2-norm of random symmetric ma- trices, whose entries above the main diagonal are independent, identically distributed random variables with probability density functions being symmetric with respect to zero, including matrices from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). As far as we know, some of these conjectures are not new (possibly only as conjectures) but we are not aware of any proofs. Also, we consider networks of coupled oscillators. In their analysis we use both, knowledge of dynamical systems and spectral properties of non-negative matrices. As a result, we present an algorithm, which uncovers the \master-slave" structure of the network. With its help, the analysis of the dynamics and the entrainment of the entire network can be reduced to considering only few of the oscillators, those whose dynamics determine the behaviour of the rest. This can be helpful in large networks exhibiting the \master-slave" structure. Finally, we consider similarities of spectral clustering with respect to di®erent matrices which can be associated with a given network. In particular, we compare clustering of products of Path graphs with respect to two di®erent matrices: the Laplacian and the Normalised Laplacian matrices of the graph. We make the comparison by constructing a Homotopy between two eigenvalue problems and, using some Linear Algebra techniques, we show that the two matrices give similar spectral clusterings when applied to products of Path graphs.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Analytical determination of the structure of the outer crust of a cold nonaccreted neutron star: extension to strongly quantizing magnetic fields

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    The iterative method recently proposed for determining the internal constitution of the outer crust of a nonaccreted neutron star is extended to magnetars by taking into account the Landau-Rabi quantization of electron motion induced by the presence of a very high magnetic field. It is shown that in the strongly quantizing regime, the method can be efficiently implemented using new analytical solutions for the transitions between adjacent crustal layers. Detailed numerical computations are performed to assess the performance and precision of the method.Comment: 13 pages. Typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review C. A computer code is available on Zenodo at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3839787 arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.0098

    The symmetric eigenvalue problem : stochastic perturbation theory and some network applications

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    This thesis is concerned with stochastic perturbation theory of the symmetric eigen-value problem. In particular, we provide results about the probability of interchanges in the ordering of the eigenvalues and changes in the eigenvectors of symmetric matrices subject to stochastic perturbations. In this analysis we use a novel combination of traditional Numerical Linear Algebra, Perturbation Theory and Probability Theory. The motivation for this study arises from reliability of spectral clustering of networks, when network data is subject to noise. As far as we are aware, there is nothing comparable in the literature. Further, we make conjectures from which we derive an asymptotic relation between the distributions of the largest eigenvalue and the 2-norm of random symmetric ma- trices, whose entries above the main diagonal are independent, identically distributed random variables with probability density functions being symmetric with respect to zero, including matrices from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). As far as we know, some of these conjectures are not new (possibly only as conjectures) but we are not aware of any proofs. Also, we consider networks of coupled oscillators. In their analysis we use both, knowledge of dynamical systems and spectral properties of non-negative matrices. As a result, we present an algorithm, which uncovers the \master-slave" structure of the network. With its help, the analysis of the dynamics and the entrainment of the entire network can be reduced to considering only few of the oscillators, those whose dynamics determine the behaviour of the rest. This can be helpful in large networks exhibiting the \master-slave" structure. Finally, we consider similarities of spectral clustering with respect to di®erent matrices which can be associated with a given network. In particular, we compare clustering of products of Path graphs with respect to two di®erent matrices: the Laplacian and the Normalised Laplacian matrices of the graph. We make the comparison by constructing a Homotopy between two eigenvalue problems and, using some Linear Algebra techniques, we show that the two matrices give similar spectral clusterings when applied to products of Path graphs.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    DNA meets the SVD

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    This paper introduces an important area of computational cell biology where complex, publicly available genomic data is being examined by linear algebra methods, with the aim of revealing biological and medical insights

    The effect of high energy milling and high-thermal treatment on the structure and thermal decomposition of minerals from natural CaO-SiO2-P2O5 ceramic system

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    The major issue studied in this paper is a natural mineral aggregate of quartz, calcite, and fluorapatite (the raw material originated from Bulgaria) before and after high energy milling and thermal treatment, in the order to investigate the properties of natural CaO-SiO2-P2O5 ceramic system. The activation effects are monitored by chemical analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, and Thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The activation effect study shows: (i) change of chemical bond strength; (ii) deformation of structural polyhedrons with the formation of new isomorphic phases; (iii) the prolonged time of HEM activation leads to lower raw mineral stability and to the formation of new phases; iv) increased SiO2 reactivity resulting in solid-phase crystallization. The obtained results can be used in the study of ceramic and cement materials (ancient and modern), soil conditioners, etc