782 research outputs found

    Advanced adaptive computational methods for Navier-Stokes simulations in rotorcraft aerodynamics

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    A phase 2 research and development effort was conducted in area transonic, compressible, inviscid flows with an ultimate goal of numerically modeling complex flows inherent in advanced helicopter blade designs. The algorithms and methodologies therefore are classified as adaptive methods, which are error estimation techniques for approximating the local numerical error, and automatically refine or unrefine the mesh so as to deliver a given level of accuracy. The result is a scheme which attempts to produce the best possible results with the least number of grid points, degrees of freedom, and operations. These types of schemes automatically locate and resolve shocks, shear layers, and other flow details to an accuracy level specified by the user of the code. The phase 1 work involved a feasibility study of h-adaptive methods for steady viscous flows, with emphasis on accurate simulation of vortex initiation, migration, and interaction. Phase 2 effort focused on extending these algorithms and methodologies to a three-dimensional topology


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    Rising prices and uncertain supplies of petroleum, together with environmental concerns regarding fossil fuel combustion, has enhanced interest in biobased products and fuels. The work reported here analyzes the feasibility of a multi-product biorefinery using wheat straw as feedstock that produces ethanol, electricity, and cellulose nanofibers. The nanofibers (nanowhiskers) would be used as reinforcements in a biobased nanocomposite material that could substitute for fiberglass in many applications. The analysis indicates that, at 2005 prices and costs, the biorefinery would be marginally profitable. Anticipated advances in bioprocessing technology would enhance profitability. The facility would also make a substantial contribution to the biorefinery site area economy, as a high percentage of operating expenses would be payments to local entities. The growth of a biobased industry could have major economic development implications for the Great Plains/Midwest region.biomass, biomaterials, ethanol, wheat straw, cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW), economic development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Use of Agricultural Residue Feedstock In North Dakota Biorefineries

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    Rising prices and uncertain supplies of petroleum, together with environmental concerns regarding fossil fuel combustion, have enhanced interest in biobased products and fuels. This study analyzes the feasibility of a multi-product biorefinery that uses wheat straw as feedstock to produce ethanol, electricity, and cellulose nanofibers. Nanofibers (nanowhiskers) would be used as reinforcements in a biobased nanocomposite material that could substitute for fiberglass in many applications. The growth of a biobased industry could have major economic development implications for the Great Plains/Midwest region.biomass, biomaterials, cellulose nanofibers (CNFs), economic development, ethanol, wheat straw, Agribusiness, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Development of PARcific Approach: Participatory Action Research Methodology for Collectivist Health Research.

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    This article explores the evolution of a novel approach designed to advance qualitative methods in cross-cultural health research. This methodology was developed by synthesising several research methods and involved in-depth stakeholder consultation with participants of a Pacific-based nursing and midwifery health leadership program. Many of these participants played a crucial role in creating, exploring and evaluating several research methods and implementing and evaluating this co-designed research methodology. Starting with a Participatory Action Research framework, the research methodology evolved as it was informed by the local Pacific methodologies (in particular Talanoa and Kakala frameworks), where researchers, co-researchers and participants alike, working from within their own collectivist/individualist paradigms, negotiated cultural differences. Finally, a methodological framework of 'best practice' for future health research methods was developed for use with capacity building research. The new methodology could provide a foundation for future co-designed cross-cultural research in collectivist cultures
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