148 research outputs found

    Subcompartments of the macrophage recycling endosome direct the differential secretion of IL-6 and TNFα

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    Activated macrophages secrete an array of proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (IL-6), that are temporally secreted for sequential roles in inflammation. We have previously characterized aspects of the intracellular trafficking of membrane-bound TNFα and its delivery to the cell surface at the site of phagocytic cups for secretion (Murray, R.Z., J.G. Kay, D.G. Sangermani, and J.L. Stow. 2005. Science. 310:1492–1495). The trafficking pathway and surface delivery of IL-6, a soluble cytokine, were studied here using approaches such as live cell imaging of fluorescently tagged IL-6 and immunoelectron microscopy. Newly synthesized IL-6 accumulates in the Golgi complex and exits in tubulovesicular carriers either as the sole labeled cargo or together with TNFα, utilizing specific soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins to fuse with the recycling endosome. Within recycling endosomes, we demonstrate the compartmentalization of cargo proteins, wherein IL-6 is dynamically segregated from TNFα and from surface recycling transferrin. Thereafter, these cytokines are independently secreted, with TNFα delivered to phagocytic cups but not IL-6. Therefore, the recycling endosome has a central role in orchestrating the differential secretion of cytokines during inflammation

    Measuring older people’s socioeconomic position: a scoping review of studies of self-rated health, health service and social care use

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    Background The challenges of measuring socioeconomic position in older populations were first set out two decades ago. However, the question of how best to measure older people’s socioeconomic position remains pertinent as populations age and health inequalities widen. Methods A scoping review aimed to identify and appraise measures of socioeconomic position used in studies of health inequalities in older populations in high-income countries. Medline, Scopus, EMBASE, HMIC and references lists of systematic reviews were searched for observational studies of socioeconomic health inequalities in adults aged 60 years and over, published between 2000 and 2020. A narrative synthesis was conducted. Findings One-hundred and thirty-eight studies were included; 20 approaches to measuring socioeconomic position were identified. Few studies considered which pathways the chosen measures of socioeconomic position intended to capture. The validity of subjective socioeconomic position measures, and measures that assume shared income and educational capital, should be verified in older populations. Incomplete financial data risk under-representation of some older groups when missing data are socially patterned. Older study samples were largely homogeneous on measures of housing tenure, and to a lesser extent, measures of educational attainment. Measures that use only two response categories risk missing subtle differences in older people’s socioeconomic circumstances. Conclusion Poor choice of measures of socioeconomic position risk underestimating the size of health inequalities in older populations. Choice of measures should be shaped by considerations of theory, context and response categories that detect subtle, yet important, inequalities. Further evidence is required to ascertain the validity of some measures identified in this review

    Regulation of the G-protein αi-2 subunit gene in LLC-PK1 renal cells and isolation of porcine genomic clones encoding the gene promoter

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    Heterotrimeric G-proteins function as signal transducers for a variety of hormone-coupled enzyme and ion transport systems in eukaryotic cells. We have studied G-protein-coupled processes that appear to be developmentally regulated in polarized pig kidney cells (LLC-PK1). Following trypsinization, LLC-PK1 cells differentiate from a rounded cell type to a fully polarized epithelium by 7 days of culture. During this differentiation, the expression of G-protein alpha-i-2 subunit mRNA was not detected until day 4 of culture, it peaked at day 6, and declined thereafter. In contrast, G-protein alpha-(s) subunit mRNA which peaked on day 4 was easily detected on all culture days. The presence of the alpha-i-2 protein on epithelial cell basolateral membranes followed the same pattern of mRNA expression during culture. To understand the developmental expression of the alpha-i-2 subunit in non-polarized cells and its potential regulation by hormones and second messengers in polarized cells at the transcriptional level, genomic DNA segments encoding the alpha-i-2 gene promoter were isolated from an EMBL-3 porcine genomic library. S1 nuclease analysis of LLC-PK1 mRNA with cRNA probes derived from these DNA segments revealed major and a minor transcriptional start sites 131 and 171 base pairs upstream of the translation initiation site. The porcine and human alpha-i-2 subunit genes shared a 78% sequence identity in their 5' flanks which suggested an evolutionary conversation of cis elements required to influence their transcription. The porcine alpha-i-2 gene promoter was identified by fusing DNA segments encoding putative 5'-flanking areas of the gene to a plasmid that contained a firefly luciferase reporter gene but lacked a promoter. The minimal promoter was found between -130 and -60 base pairs from the major transcription start site. No typical "TATA-like" sequences were found. However, a "GC" box and a "TGTGG" sequence were two potential cis elements required for basal transcription of the porcine gene promoter which shared a 76% sequence identity to the promoter of another GTP-binding protein, the human c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene. Transcription of the gene was inhibited following treatment of renal cells with 10(-8) M dexamethasone. These studies suggest that alpha-i-2 gene expression is regulated in LLC-PK1 cells. Identification of the gene's promoter and 5'-flanking sequences provide a basis for elucidating "cis-acting" DNA sequences and "trans-acting" protein factors that act in concert to control the transcriptional regulation of the alpha-i-2 gene which may modulate G-protein coupled effector responses in vasopressin-sensitive renal epithelia

    RORα and 25-Hydroxycholesterol Crosstalk Regulates Lipid Droplet Homeostasis in Macrophages.

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    Nuclear hormone receptors have important roles in the regulation of metabolic and inflammatory pathways. The retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha (Rorα)-deficient staggerer (sg/sg) mice display several phenotypes indicative of aberrant lipid metabolism, including dyslipidemia, and increased susceptibility to atherosclerosis. In this study we demonstrate that macrophages from sg/sg mice have increased ability to accumulate lipids and accordingly exhibit larger lipid droplets (LD). We have previously shown that BMMs from sg/sg mice have significantly decreased expression of cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (Ch25h) mRNA, the enzyme that produces the oxysterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC), and now confirm this at the protein level. 25HC functions as an inverse agonist for RORα. siRNA knockdown of Ch25h in macrophages up-regulates Vldlr mRNA expression and causes increased accumulation of LDs. Treatment with physiological concentrations of 25HC in sg/sg macrophages restored lipid accumulation back to normal levels. Thus, 25HC and RORα signify a new pathway involved in the regulation of lipid homeostasis in macrophages, potentially via increased uptake of lipid which is suggested by mRNA expression changes in Vldlr and other related genes

    Cavin-1/PTRF alters prostate cancer cell-derived extracellular vesicle content and internalization to attenuate extracellular vesicle-mediated osteoclastogenesis and osteoblast proliferation

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    Background: Tumour-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a role in tumour progression; however, the spectrum of molecular mechanisms regulating EV secretion and cargo selection remain to be fully elucidated. We have reported that cavin-1 expression in prostate cancer PC3 cells reduced the abundance of a subset of EV proteins, concomitant with reduced xenograft tumour growth and metastasis. Methods: We examined the functional outcomes and mechanisms of cavin-1 expression on PC3-derived EVs (PC3-EVs). Results: PC3-EVs were internalized by osteoclast precursor RAW264.7 cells and primary human osteoblasts (hOBs) in vitro, stimulating osteoclastogenesis 37-fold and hOB proliferation 1.5-fold, respectively. Strikingly, EVs derived from cavin-1-expressing PC3 cells (cavin-1-PC3-EVs) failed to induce multinucleate osteoblasts or hOB proliferation. Cavin-1 was not detected in EVs, indicating an indirect mechanism of action. EV morphology, size and quantity were also not affected by cavin-1 expression, suggesting that cavin-1 modulated EV cargo recruitment rather than release. While cavin-1-EVs had no osteoclastogenic function, they were internalized by RAW264.7 cells but at a reduced efficiency compared to control EVs. EV surface proteins are required for internalization of PC3-EVs by RAW264.7 cells, as proteinase K treatment abolished uptake of both control and cavin-1-PC3-EVs. Removal of sialic acid modifications by neuraminidase treatment increased the amount of control PC3-EVs internalized by RAW264.7 cells, without affecting cavin-1-PC3-EVs. This suggests that cavin-1 expression altered the glycosylation modifications on PC3-EV surface. Finally, cavin-1 expression did not affect EV in vivo tissue targeting as both control and cavin-1-PC3-EVs were predominantly retained in the lung and bone 24 hours after injection into mice. Discussion: Taken together, our results reveal a novel pathway for EV cargo sorting, and highlight the potential of utilizing cavin-1-mediated pathways to attenuate metastatic prostate cancer

    Purified epithelial Na+ channel complex contains the pertussis toxin-sensitive Gαi-3 protein

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    We have recently demonstrated that the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel in the apical membrane of the renal epithelial cell line, A6, is modulated by the alpha(i-3) subunit of the G(i-3) protein. We also showed that a 700-kDa protein complex can be purified from the membranes of A6 epithelia which (a) can reconstitute the amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx in liposomes and planar bilayer membranes and (b) consists of six major protein bands observed on reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels with molecular masses ranging from 35 to 320 kDa. The present study was undertaken to determine if the alpha(i-3) subunit was a member of this Na+ channel complex. G-alpha(i) structure and function were identified by Western blotting with specific G-alpha(i) subunit antibodies and Na+ channel antibodies, through ADP-ribosylation with pertussis toxin, and by immunocytochemical localization of the Na+ channel and G-alpha(i) proteins. We demonstrate that two protein substrates are ADP-ribosylated in the 700-kDa complex in the presence of pertussis toxin and are specifically immunoprecipitated with an anti-Na+ channel polyclonal antibody. One of these substrates, a 41-kDa protein, was identified as the alpha(i-3) subunit of the G(i-3) protein on Western blots with specific antibodies. Na+ channel antibodies do not recognize G-alpha(i-3) on Western blots of Golgi membranes which contain alpha(i-3) but not Na+ channel proteins, nor do they immunoprecipitate alpha(i-3) from solubilized Golgi membranes; however, alpha(i-3) is coprecipitated as part of the Na+ channel complex from A6 cell membranes by polyclonal Na+ channel antibodies. Both alpha(i-3) and the Na+ channel have been localized in A6 cells by confocal imaging and immunofluorescence with specific antibodies and are found to be in distinct but adjacent domains of the apical cell surface. In functional studies, alpha(i-3), but not alpha(i-2), stimulates Na+ channel activity. These data are therefore consistent with the localization of Na+ channel activity and modulatory alpha(i-3) protein at the apical plasma membrane, which together represent a specific signal transduction pathway for ion channel regulation

    Interleukin-1β Maturation Triggers Its Relocation to the Plasma Membrane for Gasdermin-D-Dependent and -Independent Secretion

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    IL-1β requires processing by caspase-1 to generate the active, pro-inflammatory cytokine. Acute IL-1β secretion from inflammasome-activated macrophages requires caspase-1-dependent GSDMD cleavage, which also induces pyroptosis. Mechanisms of IL-1β secretion by pyroptotic and non-pyroptotic cells, and the precise functions of caspase-1 and GSDMD therein, are unresolved. Here, we show that, while efficient early secretion of endogenous IL-1β from primary non-pyroptotic myeloid cells in vitro requires GSDMD, later IL-1β release in vitro and in vivo proceeds independently of GSDMD. IL-1β maturation is sufficient for slow, caspase-1/GSDMD-independent secretion of ectopic IL-1β from resting, non-pyroptotic macrophages, but the speed of IL-1β release is boosted by inflammasome activation, via caspase-1 and GSDMD. IL-1β cleavage induces IL-1β enrichment at PIP2-enriched plasma membrane ruffles, and this is a prerequisite for IL-1β secretion and is mediated by a polybasic motif within the cytokine. We thus reveal a mechanism in which maturation-induced IL-1β trafficking facilitates its unconventional secretion

    Identification of human intestinal trefoil factor: goblet cell-specific expression of a peptide targeted for apical secretion

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    Trefoil peptides are a recently recognized group of small peptides abundantly produced at mucosal surfaces that offer the opportunity to define mechanisms of mucosal cell-specific differentiation and to illuminate new mechanisms for the preservation of mucosal integrity. We report the cDNA cloning of a 75-amino acid human trefoil factor expressed in small and large intestinal mucosas that is highly homologous to the intestinal trefoil factor, with 70% identity at the amino acid level of the predicted mature protein. This human intestinal trefoil factor is also homologous, although to a lesser extent, to trefoil peptides expressed at other sites in the gastrointestinal tract in man, exhibiting absolute conservation of the P domain motif (CX9CX9CX4CCX9WCF) that defines this family of peptides. These findings indicate a high degree of evolutionary conservation of organ/region-specific members of this peptide family