8 research outputs found

    Application of Atomic Dielectric Resonance Spectroscopy for the screening of blood samples from patients with clinical variant and sporadic CJD

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sub-clinical variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) infection and reports of vCJD transmission through blood transfusion emphasise the need for blood screening assays to ensure the safety of blood and transplanted tissues. Most assays aim to detect abnormal prion protein (PrP<sup>Sc</sup>), although achieving required sensitivity is a challenge.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have used innovative Atomic Dielectric Resonance Spectroscopy (ADRS), which determines dielectric properties of materials which are established by reflectivity and penetration of radio/micro waves, to analyse blood samples from patients and controls to identify characteristic ADR signatures unique to blood from vCJD and to sCJD patients. Initial sets of blood samples from vCJD, sCJD, non-CJD neurological diseases and normal healthy adults (blood donors) were screened as training samples to determine group-specific ADR characteristics, and provided a basis for classification of blinded sets of samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Blood sample groups from vCJD, sCJD, non-CJD neurological diseases and normal healthy adults (blood donors) screened by ADRS were classified with 100% specificity and sensitivity, discriminating these by a co-variance expert analysis system.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ADRS appears capable of recognising and discriminating serum samples from vCJD, sCJD, non-CJD neurological diseases, and normal healthy adults, and might be developed to provide a system for primary screening or confirmatory assay complementary to other screening systems.</p

    Development and evaluation of uncertainty quantifying machine learning models to predict piperacillin plasma concentrations in critically ill patients

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    Background: Beta-lactam antimicrobial concentrations are frequently suboptimal in critically ill patients. Population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) modeling is the golden standard to predict drug concentrations. However, currently available PopPK models often lack predictive accuracy, making them less suited to guide dosing regimen adaptations. Furthermore, many currently developed models for clinical applications often lack uncertainty quantification. We, therefore, aimed to develop machine learning (ML) models for the prediction of piperacillin plasma concentrations while also providing uncertainty quantification with the aim of clinical practice. Methods: Blood samples for piperacillin analysis were prospectively collected from critically ill patients receiving continuous infusion of piperacillin/tazobactam. Interpretable ML models for the prediction of piperacillin concentrations were designed using CatBoost and Gaussian processes. Distribution-based Uncertainty Quantification was added to the CatBoost model using a proposed Quantile Ensemble method, useable for any model optimizing a quantile function. These models are subsequently evaluated using the distribution coverage error, a proposed interpretable uncertainty quantification calibration metric. Development and internal evaluation of the ML models were performed on the Ghent University Hospital database (752 piperacillin concentrations from 282 patients). Ensuing, ML models were compared with a published PopPK model on a database from the University Medical Centre of Groningen where a different dosing regimen is used (46 piperacillin concentrations from 15 patients.). Results: The best performing model was the Catboost model with an RMSE and R-2 of 31.94-0.64 and 33.53-0.60 for internal evaluation with and without previous concentration. Furthermore, the results prove the added value of the proposed Quantile Ensemble model in providing clinically useful individualized uncertainty predictions and show the limits of homoscedastic methods like Gaussian Processes in clinical applications. Conclusions: Our results show that ML models can consistently estimate piperacillin concentrations with acceptable and high predictive accuracy when identical dosing regimens as in the training data are used while providing highly relevant uncertainty predictions. However, generalization capabilities to other dosing schemes are limited. Notwithstanding, incorporating ML models in therapeutic drug monitoring programs seems definitely promising and the current work provides a basis for validating the model in clinical practice

    Saturable elimination of piperacillin in critically ill patients:implications for continuous infusion

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    The study aimed to evaluate saturation of piperacillin elimination in critically ill adult patients. Seventeen critically ill adult patients received continuous and intermittent infusion of piperacillin/tazobactam. Piperacillin plasma concentrations (n = 217) were analysed using population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) modelling. Post-hoc simulations were performed to evaluate the type I error rate associated with the study. Unseen data were used to validate the final model. The mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE) were calculated as a measure of bias and imprecision, respectively. A PopPK model with parallel linear and non-linear elimination best fitted the data. The median and 95% confidence interval (CI) for the model parameters drug clearance (CL), volume of central compartment (V), volume of peripheral compartment (V-p) and intercompartmental clearance (Q) were 9 (7.69-11) L/h, 6.18 (4.93-11.2) L, 11.17 (7.26-12) L and 15.61 (12.66-23.8) L/h, respectively. The Michaelis-Menten constant (K-m) and the maximum elimination rate for Michaelis-Menten elimination (V-max) were estimated without population variability in the model to avoid overfitting and inflation of the type I error rate. The population estimates for K-m and V-max were 37.09 mg/L and 353.57 mg/h, respectively. The bias (ME) was -20.8 (95% CI -26.2 to -15.4) mg/L, whilst imprecision (RMSE) was 49.2 (95% CI 41.2-56) mg/L. In conclusion, piperacillin elimination is (partially) saturable. Moreover, the population estimate for K-m lies within the therapeutic window and therefore saturation of elimination should be accounted for when defining optimum dosing regimens for piperacillin in critically ill patients. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved

    Application of Atomic Dielectric Resonance Spectroscopy for the screening of blood samples from patients with clinical variant and sporadic CJD-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Application of Atomic Dielectric Resonance Spectroscopy for the screening of blood samples from patients with clinical variant and sporadic CJD"</p><p>http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/5/1/41</p><p>Journal of Translational Medicine 2007;5():41-41.</p><p>Published online 30 Aug 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2008164.</p><p></p>D over sCJD, particularly from 3000 MHz to 25000 MHz and is again a useful diagnostic indicator of differences

    Quality assurance in surgical trials of arteriovenous grafts for haemodialysis: protocol for a systematic review

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    Introduction Decisions regarding the optimal vascular access for haemodialysis patients are becoming increasingly complex, and the provision of vascular access is open to variations in systems of care as well as surgical experience and practice. Two main surgical options are recognised: arteriovenous fistula and arteriovenous graft (AVG). All recommendations regarding AVG are based on a limited number of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). It is essential that when considering an RCT of a surgical procedure, an appropriate definition of quality assurance (QA) is made for both the new approach and the comparator, otherwise replication of results or implementation into clinical practice may differ from published results. The aim of this systematic review will be to assess the methodological quality of RCT involving AVG, and the QA measures implemented in delivering interventions in these trials.Methods and analysis The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines will be followed. A systematic search will be performed of the MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane databases to identify relevant literature. Studies will be selected by title and abstract review, followed by a full-text review using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collected will pertain to generic measures of QA, credentialing of investigators, procedural standardisation and performance monitoring. Trial methodology will be compared against a standardised template developed by a multinational, multispecialty review body with experience in vascular access. A narrative approach will be taken to synthesise and report data.Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval is not required as it is a protocol for a systematic review. Findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, with the ultimate aim of providing recommendations for future RCT of AVG design

    Quality assurance in surgical trials of arteriovenous grafts for haemodialysis: a systematic review, a narrative exploration and expert recommendations

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    Background: Introducing new procedures and challenging established paradigms requires well-designed randomised controlled trials (RCT). However, RCT in surgery present unique challenges with much of treatment tailored to the individual patient circumstances, refined by experience and limited by organisational factors. There has been considerable debate over the outcomes of arteriovenous grafts (AVG) compared to AVF, but any differences may reflect differing practice and potential variability. It is essential, therefore, when considering an RCT of a novel surgical procedure or device that quality assurance (QA) is defined for both the new approach and the comparator. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the QA standards performed in RCT of AVG using a multi-national, multi-disciplinary approach and propose an approach for future RCT. Method: The methods of this have been previously registered (PROSPERO: CRD420234284280) and published. In summary, a four-stage review was performed: identification of RCT of AVG, initial review, multidisciplinary appraisal of QA methods and reconciliation. QA measures were sought in four areas – generic, credentialing, standardisation and monitoring, with data abstracted by a multi-national, multi-speciality review body. Results: QA in RCT involving AVG in all four domains is highly variable, often sub-optimally described and has not improved over the past three decades. Few RCT established or defined a pre-RCT level of experience, none documented a pre-trial education programme, or had minimal standards of peri-operative management, no study had a defined pre-trial monitoring programme, and none assessed technical performance. Conclusion: QA in RCT is a relatively new area that is expanding to ensure evidence is reliable and reproducible. This review demonstrates that QA has not previously been detailed, but can be measured in surgical RCT of vascular access, and that a four-domain approach can easily be implemented into future RCT