108 research outputs found

    Children with emotional and behavioral disorders in special education: Placement, progress, and family functioning

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    The studies described in this dissertation focus on children with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) in special education. It was found that poor academic performance, relational problems between children and caregivers, and the age at which youth care was involved for the first time predicted placement in a more restrictive special educational setting over placement in a regular school. No differences in progress outcomes regarding behavioral functioning and academic performance of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in special schools and regular schools were found. Providing emotional support to children with ADHD and ASD proved to be related to positive behavioral outcomes. Poor family functioning was associated with continuity of internalizing problem behavior of children with EBD in the classroom. On the other hand, externalizing problem beh avior in the classroom was associated with continuity of poor family functioningStichting Horizon, RotterdamDevelopment Psychopathology in context: clinical setting

    Discussions and Replies Session 3

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    ABSTRAK   Efendi, Syaiful. 2016. Perbedaan Kompetensi Produktif antara Siswa Kelas Industri dengan Kelas Reguler Paket Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan di SMKN 10 Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Syarif Suhartadi, M.Pd., (II) Drs. H. Agus Sholah, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: kompetensi produktif, kelas industri, kelas reguler   Tujuan SMK adalah menyiapkan siswa untuk memasuki lapangan kerja dan  mengembangkan sikap profesionalis. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan melalui kerjasama internal dengan membuka kelas kerjasama atau kelas industri pada SMK. SMKN 10 Malang adalah salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan kelas kerjasama dengan pihak Honda di jurusan teknik kendaraan ringan. Kelas tersebut bernama kelas HTEC (Honda Technician Education Class) yang dirilis sejak tanggal 10 Desember 2014. Tujuan dengan adanya kelas HTEC ini mampu meningkatkan kompetensi produktif siswa pada kelas XII agar  mempunyai kompetensi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kompetensi produktif antara siswa kelas industri dengan kelas reguler. Desain penelitian ini termasuk dalam desain eksperimen dengan post-test only control design. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelompokkan kelas yang terdiri dari kelas industri dan kelas reguler sedangkan kompetensi produktif merupakan variabel terikat. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan pada kelas industri dan kelas reguler menggunakancluster sampling dan proportional sample sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik uji t (Independent Sample t-Test). Rata-rata nilai post-test kompetensi produktif siswa kelas industri adalah 83.8 dan rata-rata nilai post-test kompetensi produktif siswa kelas reguler adalah 76.94. Hasil uji t diperoleh nilai sig. (2 tailed

    Midline fascial plication under continuous digital transrectal control: which factors determine anatomic outcome?

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    Contains fulltext : 88897.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The aim of the study was to report anatomic and functional outcome of midline fascial plication under continuous digital transrectal control and to identify predictors of anatomic failure. METHODS: Prospective observational cohort. Anatomic success defined as POP-Q stage or= II underwent midline fascial plication under continuous digital transrectal control. Median follow-up was 14 months (12-35 months), and anatomic success was 80.3% (95% CI 75-86). Independent predictors of failure were posterior compartment POP stage >or= III [OR 8.7 (95% CI 2.7-28.1)] and prior colposuspension [OR 5.6 (95% CI 1.1-27.8)]. Sixty-three percent of patients bothered by obstructed defaecation experienced relief after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomic and functional outcomes were good. Risk factors for anatomic failure were initial size of posterior POP (stage >or= III) and prior colposuspension.1 juni 201

    Beyond climate envelopes: effects of weather on regional population trends in butterflies

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    Although the effects of climate change on biodiversity are increasingly evident by the shifts in species ranges across taxonomical groups, the underlying mechanisms affecting individual species are still poorly understood. The power of climate envelopes to predict future ranges has been seriously questioned in recent studies. Amongst others, an improved understanding of the effects of current weather on population trends is required. We analysed the relation between butterfly abundance and the weather experienced during the life cycle for successive years using data collected within the framework of the Dutch Butterfly Monitoring Scheme for 40 species over a 15-year period and corresponding climate data. Both average and extreme temperature and precipitation events were identified, and multiple regression was applied to explain annual changes in population indices. Significant weather effects were obtained for 39 species, with the most frequent effects associated with temperature. However, positive density-dependence suggested climatic independent trends in at least 12 species. Validation of the short-term predictions revealed a good potential for climate-based predictions of population trends in 20 species. Nevertheless, data from the warm and dry year of 2003 indicate that negative effects of climatic extremes are generally underestimated for habitat specialists in drought-susceptible habitats, whereas generalists remain unaffected. Further climatic warming is expected to influence the trends of 13 species, leading to an improvement for nine species, but a continued decline in the majority of species. Expectations from climate envelope models overestimate the positive effects of climate change in northwestern Europe. Our results underline the challenge to include population trends in predicting range shifts in response to climate change

    Interpopulation Variation in Contour Feather Structure Is Environmentally Determined in Great Tits

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    Background: The plumage of birds is important for flying, insulation and social communication. Contour feathers cover most of the avian body and among other functions they provide a critical insulation layer against heat loss. Feather structure and composition are known to vary among individuals, which in turn determines variation in the insulation properties of the feather. However, the extent and the proximate mechanisms underlying this variation remain unexplored. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed contour feather structure from two different great tit populations adapted to different winter regimes, one northern population in Oulu (Finland) and one southern population in Lund (Sweden). Great tits from the two populations differed significantly in feather structure. Birds from the northern population had a denser plumage but consisting of shorter feathers with a smaller proportion containing plumulaceous barbs, compared with conspecifics from the southern population. However, differences disappeared when birds originating from the two populations were raised and moulted in identical conditions in a common-garden experiment located in Oulu, under ad libitum nutritional conditions. All birds raised in the aviaries, including adult foster parents moulting in the same captive conditions, developed a similar feather structure. These feathers were different from that of wild birds in Oulu but similar to wild birds in Lund, the latter moulting in more benign conditions than those of Oulu. Conclusions/Significance: Wild populations exposed to different conditions develop contour feather differences either due to plastic responses or constraints. Environmental conditions, such as nutrient availability during feather growth play a crucial role in determining such differences in plumage structure among populations

    Impact of screening for breast cancer in high-risk women on health-related quality of life

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    The effectiveness of intensive surveillance in women at high risk for breast cancer due to a familial or genetic predisposition is uncertain and is currently being evaluated in a Dutch magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening (MRISC) study, in which annual imaging consists of mammography and MRI. Unfavourable side effects on health-related quality of life may arise from this screening process. We examined the short-term effects of screening for breast cancer in high-risk women on generic health-related quality of life and distress. A total of 519 participants in the MRISC study were asked to complete generic health-status questionnaires (SF-36, EQ-5D) as well as additional questionnaires for distress and items relating to breast cancer screening, at three different time points around screening. The study population showed significantly better generic health-related quality of life scores compared to age-/sex-adjusted reference scores from the general population. Neither generic health-related quality of life scores nor distress scores among the study sample (n = 334) showed significant changes over time. The impact of the screening process on generic health status did not differ between risk categories. Relatively more women reported mammography as quite to very painful (30.1%) compared to MRI. Anxiety was experienced by 37% of the women undergoing MRI. We conclude that screening for breast cancer in high-risk women does not have an unfavourable impact on short-term generic health-related quality of life and general distress. In this study, high-risk women who opted for regular breast cancer screening had a better health status than women from the general population

    Intervention mapping for development of a participatory return-to-work intervention for temporary agency workers and unemployed workers sick-listed due to musculoskeletal disorders

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    BACKGROUND: In the past decade in activities aiming at return-to-work (RTW), there has been a growing awareness to change the focus from sickness and work disability to recovery and work ability. To date, this process in occupational health care (OHC) has mainly been directed towards employees. However, within the working population there are two vulnerable groups: temporary agency workers and unemployed workers, since they have no workplace/employer to return to, when sick-listed. For this group there is a need for tailored RTW strategies and interventions. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the structured and stepwise process of development, implementation and evaluation of a theory- and practise-based participatory RTW program for temporary agency workers and unemployed workers, sick-listed due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). This program is based on the already developed and cost-effective RTW program for employees, sick-listed due to low back pain. METHODS: The Intervention Mapping (IM) protocol was used to develop a tailor-made RTW program for temporary agency workers and unemployed workers, sick-listed due to MSD. The Attitude-Social influence-self-Efficacy (ASE) model was used as a theoretical framework for determinants of behaviour regarding RTW of the sick-listed worker and development of the intervention. To ensure participation and facilitate successful adoption and implementation, important stakeholders were involved in all steps of program development and implementation. Results of semi-structured interviews and 'fine-tuning' meetings were used to design the final participatory RTW program. RESULTS: A structured stepwise RTW program was developed, aimed at making a consensus-based RTW implementation plan. The new program starts with identifying obstacles for RTW, followed by a brainstorm session in which the sick-listed worker and the labour expert of the Social Security Agency (SSA) formulate solutions/possibilities for suitable (therapeutic) work. This process is guided by an independent RTW coordinator to achieve consensus. Based on the resulting RTW implementation plan, to create an actual RTW perspective, a vocational rehabilitation agency is assigned to find a matching (therapeutic) workplace. The cost-effectiveness of this participatory RTW program will be evaluated in a randomised controlled trial. CONCLUSION: IM is a promising tool for the development of tailor-made OHC interventions for the vulnerable working populatio

    Breast cancer screening in women at increased risk according to different family histories: an update of the Modena Study Group experience

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) detection in women with a genetic susceptibility or strong family history is considered mandatory compared with BC screening in the general population. However, screening modalities depend on the level of risk. Here we present an update of our screening programs based on risk classification. METHODS: We defined different risk categories and surveillance strategies to identify early BC in 1325 healthy women recruited by the Modena Study Group for familial breast and ovarian cancer. Four BC risk categories included BRCA1/2 carriers, increased, intermediate, and slightly increased risk. Women who developed BC from January 1, 1994, through December 31, 2005 (N = 44) were compared with the number of expected cases matched for age and period. BRCA1/2 carriers were identified by mutational analysis. Other risk groups were defined by different levels of family history for breast or ovarian cancer (OC). The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) was used to evaluate the observed and expected ratio among groups. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 55 months, there was a statistically significant difference between observed and expected incidence [SIR = 4.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.6 to 7.6; p < 0.001]. The incidence observed among BRCA carriers (SIR = 20.3; 95% CI = 3.1 to 83.9; P < 0.001), women at increased (SIR = 4.5; 95% CI = 1.5 to 8.3; P < 0.001) or intermediate risk (SIR = 7.0, 95% CI = 2.0 to 17.1; P = 0.0018) was higher than expected, while the difference between observed and expected among women at slightly increased risk was not statistically significant (SIR = 2.4, 95% CI = 0.9 to 8.3; P = .74). CONCLUSION: The rate of cancers detected in women at high risk according to BRCA status or strong family history, as defined according to our operational criteria, was significantly higher than expected in an age-matched general population. However, we failed to identify a greater incidence of BC in the slightly increased risk group. These results support the effectiveness of the proposed program to identify and monitor individuals at high risk, whereas prospective trials are needed for women belonging to families with sporadic BC or OC
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