16 research outputs found

    Overview of recent physics results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)

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    Midplane neutral density profiles in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

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    Atomic and molecular density data in the outer midplane of NSTX [Ono et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000)] are inferred from tangential camera data via a forward modeling procedure using the DEGAS 2 Monte Carlo neutral transport code. The observed Balmer-b light emission data from 17 shots during the 2010 NSTX campaign display no obvious trends with discharge parameters such as the divertor Balmer-a emission level or edge deuterium ion density. Simulations of 12 time slices in 7 of these discharges produce molecular densities near the vacuum vessel wall of 2–8 10^17 m3 and atomic densities ranging from 1 to 7 10^16 m3; neither has a clear correlation with other parameters. Validation of the technique, begun in an earlier publication, is continued with an assessment of the sensitivity of the simulated camera image and neutral densities to uncertainties in the data input to the model. The simulated camera image is sensitive to the plasma profiles and virtually nothing else. The neutral densities at the vessel wall depend most strongly on the spatial distribution of the source; simulations with a localized neutral source yield densities within a factor of two of the baseline, uniform source, case. The uncertainties in the neutral densities associated with other model inputs and assumptions are 50%.readme.txt (table of contents), Stotler_PoP.zi

    Liverworts of Alagoas State, Brazil

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    A list of liverworts from Alagoas State was compiled and is presented here. The list is based on catalogues and previous papers as well as the results of an unpublished survey carried out at the Murici Ecological Station (EsEc), an important protected area of the Brazilian Northeast (9º11'05" - 9º16'48"S; 35º45'20" - 35º55'12"W). One-hundred and sixteen liverworts have been recorded for the state of Alagoas, of which 106 occur at EsEc Murici. Seventy-eight are new occurrences for Alagoas, and seven of these are also new occurrences for northeastern Brazil. Data on geographic distribution in Brazil and worldwide is given here, in addition to ecological and taxonomic comments on the species that are new occurrences for the Northeast region

    Novas ocorrências de hepáticas (Marchantiophyta) para o estado do Pará, Brasil New occurrences of liverworts for the Pará state, Brazil

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    Durante o inventário das hepáticas da Serra dos Carajás, foram identificadas quatro novas ocorrências para o estado do Pará: Frullania beyrichiana (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb, Frullania kunzei (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb, Symphyogyna aspera Steph. e Lophocolea leptantha (Hook. & Tayl.) Tayl. Esta última espécie, antes somente relacionada para as regiões Sudeste e Sul do Brasil, é nova ocorrência para o eixo Norte-Nordeste brasileiro. Cada espécie é acompanhada de comentários morfológicos, taxonômicos e ecológicos.<br>During the survey of liverworts from the "Serra dos Carajás", four species were identified as new occurrences for the Pará state: Frullania beyrichiana (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb, Frullania kunzei (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb, Symphyogyna aspera Steph. and Lophocolea leptantha (Hook. & Tayl.) Tayl. This last species was reported only for the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, being a new occurrence for the brazilian North-Northeast axle. Each species is followed by morfological, taxonomic and ecological commentaries

    Adições à flora de briófitas de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil Additions to the flora of bryophytes from Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil

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    Nesse levantamento foram encontrados 133 táxons no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, sendo um pertencente à divisão Anthocerotophyta em um gênero e uma família, 83 pertencentes à divisão Bryophyta, distribuídos em 54 gêneros e 27 famílias, e 49 à divisão Hepatophyta, distribuídos em 27 gêneros e 13 famílias. Destes, 100 (1 antócero, 59 musgos e 40 hepáticas) são novas citações para o Estado.<br>In this taxonomic survey 133 taxa were found in Mato Grosso do Sul State, one belonging to Anthocerotophyta, distributed into one genus and one family, 83 belonging to Bryophyta, distributed into 54 genera and 27 families, and 49 belonging to Hepatophyta, distributed into 27 genera and 13 families. Of these, 100 (one hornworts, 59 mosses and 40 hepatics) are new records for the State

    A importância de Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural para a conservação da brioflora da Mata Atlântica: um estudo em El Nagual, Magé, RJ, Brasil The importance of Private Natural Heritage Reserves for conservation of Atlantic rain forest bryoflora: a study at El Nagual, Magé, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Foi realizado o levantamento das briófitas da RPPN El Nagual, uma área de floresta submontana no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram registradas 137 espécies (um antócero, 70 hepáticas e 66 musgos) e duas variedades, distribuídas em 75 gêneros e 37 famílias, sendo cinco novas ocorrências para o estado. Lejeuneaceae (27 spp.), Pilotrichaceae (17 spp.), Aneuraceae (9 spp.) e Calymperaceae (8 spp.) destacam-se pela riqueza de espécies (44% da brioflora). Sete formas de vida foram caracterizadas, predominando trama (37%), tufo (16%) e talosa (15%). Seis tipos de substrato são colonizados na área, predominando espécies corticícolas (52%) e rupícolas (42%). Em relação aos padrões de distribuição, predominaram espécies neotropicais e pantropicais. Foram encontradas quatro espécies caracterizadas como vulneráveis no estado. Os resultados demonstram que a brioflora da RPPN é rica e evidenciam a importância dessa categoria de unidade de conservação na proteção de remanescentes de Mata Atlântica e conservação da brioflora.<br>A floristic survey of the bryophytes was carried out in the El Nagual Private Natural Heritage Reserve, a submontane Atlantic rain forest remnant in Rio de Janeiro state. One hundred and thirty seven species were recorded (one Anthocerotae, 70 hepatics and 66 mosses) plus two varieties, in 75 genera and 37 families. Five species are new records for Rio de Janeiro state. Lejeuneaceae (27 spp.), Pilotrichaceae (17 spp.), Aneuraceae (9 spp.), and Calymperaceae (8 spp.) are especially rich in species (44% of the bryoflora). Seven life-forms were found; the most common are weft (37%), turf (16%), and thallose (15%). Six kinds of substrate were colonized, the most important species types being corticicolous (52%) and rupicolous (42%). The most common distribution patterns were Neotropical and Pantropical. Four species were considered to be vulnerable in the state. The results show that the bryoflora of the El Nagual Reserve is relatively rich and demonstrate the importance of this conservation unit category in the protection of remnant Atlantic rain forests and in the conservation of the bryoflora

    Antóceros e hepáticas dos Estados de Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco e Sergipe, Brasil, depositados no Herbário SP

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