25 research outputs found

    The low-redshift circumgalactic medium in SIMBA

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    We examine the properties of the low-redshift circumgalactic medium (CGM) around star-forming and quenched galaxies in the Simba cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, focusing on comparing HI and metal line absorption to observations from the COS-Halos and COS-Dwarfs surveys. Halo baryon fractions are always well below the cosmic fraction due to stellar feedback at low masses, and jet-mode AGN feedback at high masses. Baryons and metals in the CGM of quenched galaxies are mostly in hot gas, while the CGM of star-forming galaxies is more multiphase. Hot CGM gas has low metallicity, while warm and cool CGM gas have metallicity close to that of galactic gas. Equivalent widths, covering fractions and total path absorption of HI and selected metal lines (MgII, SiIII, CIV and OVI) around a matched sample of Simba galaxies are broadly consistent with COS-Halos and COS-Dwarfs observations. Absorption is higher around star forming galaxies, and drops with radius. HI absorption around Simba star-forming galaxies is in good agreement with observations, however around quenched galaxies HI absorption is under-predicted. Metal-line absorption is sensitive to choice of photo-ionising background; assuming recent backgrounds, Simba matches OVI but under-predicts low ions, while an older background matches low ions but under-predicts OVI. Simba reproduces the observed dichotomy of OVI absorption around star forming and quenched galaxies. CGM metals primarily come from stellar feedback, while jet-mode AGN feedback reduces absorption particularly for lower ions.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    The Aemulus Project VI: Emulation of beyond-standard galaxy clustering statistics to improve cosmological constraints

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    There is untapped cosmological information in galaxy redshift surveys in the non-linear regime. In this work, we use the AEMULUS suite of cosmological NN-body simulations to construct Gaussian process emulators of galaxy clustering statistics at small scales (0.150h1Mpc0.1-50 \: h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc}) in order to constrain cosmological and galaxy bias parameters. In addition to standard statistics -- the projected correlation function wp(rp)w_\mathrm{p}(r_\mathrm{p}), the redshift-space monopole of the correlation function ξ0(s)\xi_0(s), and the quadrupole ξ2(s)\xi_2(s) -- we emulate statistics that include information about the local environment, namely the underdensity probability function PU(s)P_\mathrm{U}(s) and the density-marked correlation function M(s)M(s). This extends the model of AEMULUS III for redshift-space distortions by including new statistics sensitive to galaxy assembly bias. In recovery tests, we find that the beyond-standard statistics significantly increase the constraining power on cosmological parameters of interest: including PU(s)P_\mathrm{U}(s) and M(s)M(s) improves the precision of our constraints on σ8\sigma_8 by 33%, Ωm\Omega_m by 28%, and the growth of structure parameter, fσ8f \sigma_8, by 18% compared to standard statistics. We additionally find that scales below 4h1Mpc4 \: h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc} contain as much information as larger scales. The density-sensitive statistics also contribute to constraining halo occupation distribution parameters and a flexible environment-dependent assembly bias model, which is important for extracting the small-scale cosmological information as well as understanding the galaxy-halo connection. This analysis demonstrates the potential of emulating beyond-standard clustering statistics at small scales to constrain the growth of structure as a test of cosmic acceleration. Our emulator is publicly available at https://github.com/kstoreyf/aemulator.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal; comments welcom

    Aemulus ν\nu: Precise Predictions for Matter and Biased Tracer Power Spectra in the Presence of Neutrinos

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    We present the Aemulus ν\nu simulations: a suite of 150 (1.05h1Gpc)3(1.05 h^{-1}\rm Gpc)^3 NN-body simulations with a mass resolution of 3.51×1010Ωcb0.3 h1M3.51\times 10^{10} \frac{\Omega_{cb}}{0.3} ~ h^{-1} M_{\odot} in a wνw\nuCDM cosmological parameter space. The simulations have been explicitly designed to span a broad range in σ8\sigma_8 to facilitate investigations of tension between large scale structure and cosmic microwave background cosmological probes. Neutrinos are treated as a second particle species to ensure accuracy to 0.5eV0.5\, \rm eV, the maximum neutrino mass that we have simulated. By employing Zel'dovich control variates, we increase the effective volume of our simulations by factors of 1010510-10^5 depending on the statistic in question. As a first application of these simulations, we build new hybrid effective field theory and matter power spectrum surrogate models, demonstrating that they achieve 1%\le 1\% accuracy for k1hMpc1k\le 1\, h\,\rm Mpc^{-1} and 0z30\le z \le 3, and 2%\le 2\% accuracy for k4hMpc1k\le 4\, h\,\rm Mpc^{-1} for the matter power spectrum. We publicly release the trained surrogate models, and estimates of the surrogate model errors in the hope that they will be broadly applicable to a range of cosmological analyses for many years to come.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, matching version accepted by JCA

    Detecting outliers in astronomical images with deep generative networks

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    With the advent of future big-data surveys, automated tools for unsupervised discovery are becoming ever more necessary. In this work, we explore the ability of deep generative networks for detecting outliers in astronomical imaging datasets. The main advantage of such generative models is that they are able to learn complex representations directly from the pixel space. Therefore, these methods enable us to look for subtle morphological deviations which are typically missed by more traditional moment-based approaches. We use a generative model to learn a representation of expected data defined by the training set and then look for deviations from the learned representation by looking for the best reconstruction of a given object. In this first proof-of-concept work, we apply our method to two different test cases. We first show that from a set of simulated galaxies, we are able to detect 90%\sim90\% of merging galaxies if we train our network only with a sample of isolated ones. We then explore how the presented approach can be used to compare observations and hydrodynamic simulations by identifying observed galaxies not well represented in the models

    Constraining cosmology with the Gaia - unWISE Quasar Catalog and CMB lensing: structure growth

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    We study the angular clustering of Quaia, a Gaia- and unWISE-based catalog of over a million quasars with an exceptionally well-defined selection function. With it, we derive cosmology constraints from the amplitude and growth of structure across cosmic time. We divide the sample into two redshift bins, centered at z = 1.0 and z = 2.1, and measure both overdensity auto-correlations and cross-correlations with maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background convergence measured by Planck. From these data, and including a prior from measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillations scale, we place constraints on the amplitude of the matter power spectrum σ 8 = 0.766 ± 0.034, and on the matter density parameter Ω m = 0.343+0.017 -0.019. These measurements are in reasonable agreement with Planck at the ∼ 1.4σ level, and are found to be robust with respect to observational and theoretical uncertainties. We find that our slightly lower value of σ 8 is driven by the higher-redshift sample, which favours a low amplitude of matter fluctuations. We present plausible arguments showing that this could be driven by contamination of the CMB lensing map by high-redshift extragalactic foregrounds, which should also affect other cross-correlations with tracers of large-scale structure beyond z ∼ 1.5. Our constraints are competitive with those from state-of-the-art 3×2-point analyses, but arise from a range of scales and redshifts that is highly complementary to those covered by cosmic shear data and most galaxy clustering samples. This, coupled with the unprecedented combination of volume and redshift precision achieved by Quaia, allows us to break the usual degeneracy between Ω m and σ 8

    Quaia, the Gaia-unWISE quasar catalog: an all-sky spectroscopic quasar sample

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    We present a new, all-sky quasar catalog, Quaia, that samples the largest comoving volume of any existing spectroscopic quasar sample. The catalog draws on the 6,649,162 quasar candidates identified by the Gaia mission that have redshift estimates from the space observatory’s low-resolution blue photometer/red photometer spectra. This initial sample is highly homogeneous and complete, but has low purity, and 18% of even the bright (G 0.2) compared to those from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In this work, we combine the Gaia candidates with unWISE infrared data (based on the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer survey) to construct a catalog useful for cosmological and astrophysical quasar studies. We apply cuts based on proper motions and colors, reducing the number of contaminants by approximately four times. We improve the redshifts by training a k-Nearest Neighbor model on SDSS redshifts, and achieve estimates on the G 0.2 (0.1), a reduction of approximately three times (approximately two times) compared to the Gaia redshifts. The final catalog has 1,295,502 quasars with G < 20.5, and 755,850 candidates in an even cleaner G < 20.0 sample, with accompanying rigorous selection function models. We compare Quaia to existing quasar catalogs, showing that its large effective volume makes it a highly competitive sample for cosmological large-scale structure analyses. The catalog is publicly available at 10.5281/zenodo.10403370

    Astrobites as a Community-led Model for Education, Science Communication, and Accessibility in Astrophysics

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    Support for early career astronomers who are just beginning to explore astronomy research is imperative to increase retention of diverse practitioners in the field. Since 2010, Astrobites has played an instrumental role in engaging members of the community -- particularly undergraduate and graduate students -- in research. In this white paper, the Astrobites collaboration outlines our multi-faceted online education platform that both eases the transition into astronomy research and promotes inclusive professional development opportunities. We additionally offer recommendations for how the astronomy community can reduce barriers to entry to astronomy research in the coming decade

    From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST

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    The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) dataset will dramatically alter our understanding of the Universe, from the origins of the Solar System to the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Much of this research will depend on the existence of robust, tested, and scalable algorithms, software, and services. Identifying and developing such tools ahead of time has the potential to significantly accelerate the delivery of early science from LSST. Developing these collaboratively, and making them broadly available, can enable more inclusive and equitable collaboration on LSST science. To facilitate such opportunities, a community workshop entitled "From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST" was organized by the LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing (LINCC) and partners, and held at the Flatiron Institute in New York, March 28-30th 2022. The workshop included over 50 in-person attendees invited from over 300 applications. It identified seven key software areas of need: (i) scalable cross-matching and distributed joining of catalogs, (ii) robust photometric redshift determination, (iii) software for determination of selection functions, (iv) frameworks for scalable time-series analyses, (v) services for image access and reprocessing at scale, (vi) object image access (cutouts) and analysis at scale, and (vii) scalable job execution systems. This white paper summarizes the discussions of this workshop. It considers the motivating science use cases, identified cross-cutting algorithms, software, and services, their high-level technical specifications, and the principles of inclusive collaborations needed to develop them. We provide it as a useful roadmap of needs, as well as to spur action and collaboration between groups and individuals looking to develop reusable software for early LSST science.Comment: White paper from "From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST" worksho

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead