39 research outputs found

    Die enthemmte Serie: Überlegungen zu Hemmung und Enthemmung am Beispiel von Game of Thrones.

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    Zeitgenössische TV-Serien loten zunehmend die Grenzen des Darstellbaren aus und ĂŒberschreiten diese, was das Zeigen von gewaltvollen Szenen angeht. Besonders die erfolgreiche Fantasy-Serie Game of Thrones (im Weiteren: GoT) ist hier zu nennen, die wir in dem vorliegenden Beitrag unter dem Blickwinkel von Hemmung und Enthemmung betrachten wollen. DafĂŒr untersuchen wir diese Begriffe zunĂ€chst in der Freudschen Verwendung, wo wir Hemmung einerseits im Kontext des Über-Ichs, im SekundĂ€rprozess als Hemmung des PrimĂ€rprozesses, und schließlich in der Kultur als Ergebnis eines Triebverzichts finden. Diese Freudschen Überlegungen wollen wir nutzen, um die Rezeption von GoT zu verstehen. Dabei folgen wir der Annahme, dass sich in medialen Produkten immer auch das Sag- und Zeigbare einer Gesellschaft spiegelt und sich somit Aussagen ĂŒber deren Verfasstheit ableiten lassen. Eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung ausgewĂ€hlter Episoden, bei der den Irritationen und freien EinfĂ€llen der Rezipierenden gefolgt wird, verdeutlicht, dass GoT gesellschaftlich virulente GefĂŒhle inszeniert, damit aber auch greifbar und bearbeitbar macht. So wird den Zuschauenden ein GefĂŒhl eines Mangels an Sicherheit vermittelt, das sich als Spiegelung eines in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften verbreiteten LebensgefĂŒhls seit 9/11 verstehen lĂ€sst. Des Weiteren werden Bedingungen zum moralischen Handeln und ethischen Empfinden und dabei auch die Rolle und Bedeutung der Familie hinterfragt. Bei den Zuschauenden fĂŒhrt die Rezeption zu einer interpassiven VerschrĂ€nkung von (abgewehrten) lustvollen und unlustvollen Aspekten angesichts der Ă€ußeren und inhaltlichen Grausamkeit

    Stabilization and Incipient Carbonization of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Fixated on Aluminum Substrates

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    Storck JL, Grothe T, Tuvshinbayar K, et al. Stabilization and Incipient Carbonization of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Fixated on Aluminum Substrates. Fibers. 2020;8(9): 55.Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers, prepared by electrospinning, are often used as a precursor for carbon nanofibers. The thermal carbonization process necessitates a preceding oxidative stabilization, which is usually performed thermally, i.e., by carefully heating the electrospun nanofibers in an oven. One of the typical problems occurring during this process is a strong deformation of the fiber morphologies—the fibers become thicker and shorter, and show partly undesired conglutinations. This problem can be solved by stretching the nanofiber mat during thermal treatment, which, on the other hand, can lead to breakage of the nanofiber mat. In a previous study, we have shown that the electrospinning of PAN on aluminum foils and the subsequent stabilization of this substrate is a simple method for retaining the fiber morphology without breaking the nanofiber mat. Here, we report on the impact of different aluminum foils on the physical and chemical properties of stabilized PAN nanofibers mats, and on the following incipient carbonization process at a temperature of max. 600 °C, i.e., below the melting temperature of aluminum

    “Trust me, do not trust anyone”: how epistemic mistrust and credulity are associated with conspiracy mentality

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    Previous research shows that the propensity to endorse conspiracy theories is associated with disrupted forms of epistemic trust, i.e., the appropriate openness towards interpersonally communicated information. There are associations, first, with an increased mistrust in several actors and institutions responsible for the communication of information in society, and second, with a pronounced credulity in unreliable sources and implausible phenomena (e.g., superstition, astrology). This study aims to investigate whether these phenomena are associated with specific personality-related disruptions of epistemic trust. Based on selfreported data of 417 individuals (mean = 33.28; standard deviation = 11.11) from a UK population sampled online, the potential relationships between disruptions in epistemic trust and the endorsement of a conspiracy mentality are explored. The epistemic stances characterized by mistrust and credulity (independent variables) are measured with the epistemic trust, mistrust, and credulity questionnaire (ETMCQ), and conspiracy mentality (dependent variable) is measured with the conspiracy mentality questionnaire. In a multiple linear regression model, mistrust is associated with the endorsement of a conspiracy mentality, even when accounting for other contributing factors (e.g., individual narcissism, attachment avoidance and anxiety, authoritarianism, loneliness). In a bootstrapped mediation model controlling for other relevant predictors, the association between credulity and conspiracy mentality is fully mediated by mistrust. In future research, the impact of disrupted epistemic trust on conspiracy beliefs should be investigated in terms of the specific epistemic stances of mistrust and credulity. In this respect, the ETMCQ represents a highly promising instrument to assess individual differences in factors underpinning aspects of conspiracy endorsement

    Depression and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic in a student population: the effects of establishing and relaxing social restrictions

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    IntroductionIn a quasi-naturalistic study design, we evaluate the change in psychopathological syndromes and general well-being after the alleviation of social restrictions. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific relationship between social isolation and depressive syndromes.MethodsAt two timepoints, the first during maximal social restrictions, the second after social restrictions had widely ended for 9 months, depressive and other syndromes were measured in an online survey addressing the total cohort of students registered at Heidelberg University, Germany via e-mail (n = 27,162). The complete Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) was used with nine items for depressive syndromes. In addition, well-being was measured by the Well-Being Index WHO-5. In the quantitative and qualitative part of the study psychopathological syndromes and well-being were related to social isolation and feelings of loneliness.ResultsAfter 1.5 years of pandemic-related social restrictions, “major” depressive syndromes were reported by 40.16% of the respondents to the PHQ in a sample of 2,318 university students. 72.52% showed a severely reduced Well-Being-Index. Nine months after the end of social restrictions, “major” depressive syndromes were reported by 28.50% of the participants. Well-being improved after the alleviation of social restrictions, as well: 53.96% showed a Well-Being Index of below 50 vs. 72.52% in the first study. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the free texts of the respondents suggest that a significant amount of depressive syndromes and reduced well-being are related to social isolation and loneliness. While in the times of the pandemic restrictions the participants mostly reported “loneliness and social isolation” (24.2%) as their main problem, only 7.7% described these as their main problem after social restrictions had been loosened for 9 months. The qualitative analysis hints that at t2 participants were more likely to mention possible ways to actively deal with loneliness than at t1, which might be interpreted along the lines of the decrease in depressive syndromes.DiscussionKeeping the self-selection bias in mind our study results suggest that one third of “major” depressive syndromes and one quarter of severely reduced well-being accompany social restrictions or are even caused by them, with loneliness being an important factor. These results should be taken into account by health policies when coping with future pandemics

    Necessary Parameters of Vertically Mounted Textile Substrates for Successful Cultivation of Cress for Low-Budget Vertical Farming

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    A growing population needs an expansion of agriculture to ensure a reliable supply of nutritious food. As a variable concept, vertical farming, becoming increasingly popular, can allow plant growth for local food produc­tion in the vertical sense on, e.g. facades in addition to the classical layered structure in buildings. As substrates, textile fabrics can be used as a sustainable approach in terms of reusability. In our experiment, we investigated which properties a textile should possess in order to be suitable for an application in vertical farming by the example of cress seeds. To determine the best-fitted fabric, four different textiles were mounted vertically, and were provided with controlled irrigation and illumination. Our results showed that a hairy textile surface as provided by weft-knitted plush is advantageous. There, the rooting of cress plants used in this experiment is easier and less complicated than along tightly meshed, flat surfaces, as for woven linen fabrics

    Die enthemmte Serie: Überlegungen zu Hemmung und Enthemmung am Beispiel von Game of Thrones.

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    Zeitgenössische TV-Serien loten zunehmend die Grenzen des Darstellbaren aus und ĂŒberschreiten diese, was das Zeigen von gewaltvollen Szenen angeht. Besonders die erfolgreiche Fantasy-Serie Game of Thrones (im Weiteren: GoT) ist hier zu nennen, die wir in dem vorliegenden Beitrag unter dem Blickwinkel von Hemmung und Enthemmung betrachten wollen. DafĂŒr untersuchen wir diese Begriffe zunĂ€chst in der Freudschen Verwendung, wo wir Hemmung einerseits im Kontext des Über-Ichs, im SekundĂ€rprozess als Hemmung des PrimĂ€rprozesses, und schließlich in der Kultur als Ergebnis eines Triebverzichts finden. Diese Freudschen Überlegungen wollen wir nutzen, um die Rezeption von GoT zu verstehen. Dabei folgen wir der Annahme, dass sich in medialen Produkten immer auch das Sag- und Zeigbare einer Gesellschaft spiegelt und sich somit Aussagen ĂŒber deren Verfasstheit ableiten lassen. Eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung ausgewĂ€hlter Episoden, bei der den Irritationen und freien EinfĂ€llen der Rezipierenden gefolgt wird, verdeutlicht, dass GoT gesellschaftlich virulente GefĂŒhle inszeniert, damit aber auch greifbar und bearbeitbar macht. So wird den Zuschauenden ein GefĂŒhl eines Mangels an Sicherheit vermittelt, das sich als Spiegelung eines in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften verbreiteten LebensgefĂŒhls seit 9/11 verstehen lĂ€sst. Des Weiteren werden Bedingungen zum moralischen Handeln und ethischen Empfinden und dabei auch die Rolle und Bedeutung der Familie hinterfragt. Bei den Zuschauenden fĂŒhrt die Rezeption zu einer interpassiven VerschrĂ€nkung von (abgewehrten) lustvollen und unlustvollen Aspekten angesichts der Ă€ußeren und inhaltlichen Grausamkeit

    Evaluation of Novel Glycerol/PEO Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Non-Toxic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Natural Dyes Regarding Long-Term Stability and Reproducibility

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    Alongside efficiency, long-term stability of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) is a key factor regarding their commercialization. One suitable and cost-effective method to increase the long-term stability is to prevent leakage and evaporation of the electrolyte by gelling it with polymers such as poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and gaining a gel polymer electrolyte (GPE). In this study, a GPE based on PEO and glycerol is investigated for the first time as electrolyte for environmentally friendly DSSCs with natural dyes. To evaluate the novel glycerol/PEO GPE, the ionic conductivity and resulting efficiency progressions of DSSCs were measured for 75 days. Different molecular weights (MWs) of PEO and blending with poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) had negligible impact on efficiencies. 17 wt% PEO was found to be more suitable than lower concentrations and resulted in a relatively high efficiency over 75 days. A glycerol electrolyte without PEO had higher ionic conductivity and achieved higher efficiencies as well but leaked from the unsealed DSSCs. In addition, the reproducibility was examined especially, which appeared to be reduced by considerable differences between identical DSSCs and between measurements of the same DSSC at different times. This emphasizes the relevance of studying multiple DSSC per sample to ensure reliable results

    The reinforcement of xenophobia by limited mentalizing capacities

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    Recent mentalization theory has given greater attention to the social contexts of mentalizing, whereupon it has been hypothesized that limited mentalizing on societal levels (e.g. when psychic equivalence becomes institutional) may lead to the reinforcement of prejudices against individuals perceived as "the other", especially in contexts of threat (Asen et al., 2019). Along with this hypothesis, a representative population survey in Germany has revealed, by using a screening instrument, that limited mentalizing is associated with increased group-focused enmity (e.g., xenophobia, racism) (Krott & Reininger, 2021). Besides, empirical hints to potential links between mentalizing and outgroup-related attitudes can also be derived from other studies: In several fMRI studies, neuronal networks associated with mentalizing (e.g. VMPFC, DMPFC, OFC) are found to influence race-related assumptions (Mattan et al., 2018). In several cross-sectional studies, low levels of perspective-taking abilities are associated with prejudices against racial or ethnic outgroup members (Todd & Galinsky 2014); longitudinal and experimental designs also show reinforcing effects of limited perspective-taking on anti-immigrant attitudes (e.g. Miklikowska et al., 2017; Shih et al., 2009). Within a mentalization-based framework, perspective-taking can be understood as a crucial subdimension of mentalizing (Luyten et al. 2020). Building on these previous findings, the aim of our study is to investigate whether limited mentalizing capacities can contribute to the reinforcement of xenophobia

    Long-Term Stability Improvement of Non-Toxic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells via Poly(ethylene oxide) Gel Electrolytes for Future Textile-Based Solar Cells

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    To overcome the long-term stability problems of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) due to solvent evaporation and leakage, gelling the electrolyte with polymers is an appropriate option. Especially for future applications of textile-based DSSCs, which require cost-effective and environmentally friendly materials, such an improvement of the electrolyte is necessary. Therefore, the temporal progressions of efficiencies and fill factors of non-toxic glass-based DSSCs resulting from different gel electrolytes with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) are investigated over 52 days comparatively. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) proved to be a suitable non-toxic solvent for the proposed gel electrolyte without ionic liquids. A PEO concentration of 17.4 wt% resulted in an optimal compromise with a relatively high efficiency over the entire period. Lower concentrations resulted in higher efficiencies during the first days but in a poorer long-term stability, whereas a higher PEO concentration resulted in an overall lower efficiency. Solvent remaining in the gel electrolyte during application was found advantageous compared to previous solvent evaporation. In contrast to a commercial liquid electrolyte, the long-term stability regarding the efficiency was improved successfully with a similar fill factor and thus equal quality