666 research outputs found

    Distinct patterns of outcome valuation and amygdala-prefrontal cortex synaptic remodeling in adolescence and adulthood.

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    Adolescent behavior is typified by increased risk-taking, reward- and novelty-seeking, as well as an augmented need for social and environmental stimulation. This behavioral phenotype may result from alterations in outcome valuation or reward learning. In the present set of experiments, we directly compared adult and adolescent animals on tasks measuring both of these processes. Additionally, we examined developmental differences in dopamine D1-like receptor (D1R), dopamine D2-like receptor (D2R), and polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) expression in animals that were trained on an effortful reward valuation task, given that these proteins play an important role in the functional development of the amygdala-prefrontocortical (PFC) circuit and mesocorticolimbic dopamine system. We found that adolescent animals were not different from adults in appetitive associative learning, but exhibited distinct pattern of responses to differences in outcome values, which was paralleled by an enhanced motivation to invest effort to obtain larger rewards. There were no differences in D2 receptor expression, but D1 receptor expression was significantly reduced in the striatum of animals that had experiences with reward learning during adolescence compared to animals that went through the same experiences in adulthood. We observed increased levels of PSA-NCAM expression in both PFC and amygdala of late adolescents compared to adults that were previously trained on an effortful reward valuation task. PSA-NCAM levels in PFC were strongly and positively associated with high effort/reward (HER) choices in adolescents, but not in adult animals. Increased levels of PSA-NCAM expression in adolescents may index increased structural plasticity and represent a neural correlate of a reward sensitive endophenotype

    Post-training depletions of basolateral amygdala serotonin fail to disrupt discrimination, retention, or reversal learning.

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    In goal-directed pursuits, the basolateral amygdala (BLA) is critical in learning about changes in the value of rewards. BLA-lesioned rats show enhanced reversal learning, a task employed to measure the flexibility of response to changes in reward. Similarly, there is a trend for enhanced discrimination learning, suggesting that BLA may modulate formation of stimulus-reward associations. There is a parallel literature on the importance of serotonin (5HT) in new stimulus-reward and reversal learning. Recent postulations implicate 5HT in learning from punishment. Whereas, dopaminergic involvement is critical in behavioral activation and reinforcement, 5HT may be most critical for aversive processing and behavioral inhibition, complementary cognitive processes. Given these findings, a 5HT-mediated mechanism in BLA may mediate the facilitated learning observed previously. The present study investigated the effects of selective 5HT lesions in BLA using 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) vs. infusions of saline (Sham) on discrimination, retention, and deterministic reversal learning. Rats were required to reach an 85% correct pairwise discrimination and single reversal criterion prior to surgery. Postoperatively, rats were then tested on the (1) retention of the pretreatment discrimination pair, (2) discrimination of a novel pair, and (3) reversal learning performance. We found statistically comparable preoperative learning rates between groups, intact postoperative retention, and unaltered novel discrimination and reversal learning in 5,7-DHT rats. These findings suggest that 5HT in BLA is not required for formation and flexible adjustment of new stimulus-reward associations when the strategy to efficiently solve the task has already been learned. Given the complementary role of orbitofrontal cortex in reward learning and its interconnectivity with BLA, these findings add to the list of dissociable mechanisms for BLA and orbitofrontal cortex in reward learning

    Bilingualism as an integral part of the translator

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    This article will focus on the modern achievements of science in the field of the theory of bilingualism, which grew up on the basis of language contacts. The main aspects of bilingualism are considered: linguistic, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, literary and artisti

    Conceptual Рrovisions of Budget Federalism in the Unitary State Ukraine

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    The article defines the initial conceptual provisions of budget federalism in interaction with budgetary centralism in the order of the problem statement. The main ideas and plans of pilot project «State regulation of regional human development in the administrative region» (on the example of Khmelnitsky region) are revealed. The rights and responsibilities (main powers) of the regional state administrations and the regional councils in regulating the volume and structure of local budgets for financing the components of the Regional Human Development Index are considered. The financial self-sufficiency of regional and local authorities, local governments and united territorial communities is regulated by expenditure powers within the limits of fiscal revenues to local budgets. The ratios of budget funds of local and state levels in the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine, which are built on the basis of harmonious proportions of the «Golden Intersection», are considered. It is proposed that direct budget transfers should be carried out in accordance with the norms of financial provision of social standards for human development. Budgetary federalism in a unitary state is to regulate such scales of the financial self-sufficiency of regional authorities and local governments to assess and forecast the sources and volumes of local finances on the basis of budget and fiscal decentralization of revenues, which are determined based on expenditure powers in socio-economic development.У статті в порядку постановки проблеми визначено вихідні концептуальні положення бюджетного федералізму у взаємодії з бюджетним централізмом. Розкрито основні ідеї й задуми проведення пілотного проекту «Державне регулювання регіонального людського розвитку в адміністративній області» (на прикладі Хмельниччини). Розглянуто права та відповідальність (основні повноваження) обласних державних адміністрацій та обласних рад у регулюванні обсягів і структури місцевих бюджетів на фінансування складових Індексу регіонального людського розвитку. Фінансову самодостатність регіональних та місцевих органів влади, органів місцевого самоврядування та об’єднаних територіальних громад регламентовано видатковими повноваженнями в межах фіскальних надходжень до місцевих бюджетів. Розглянуто співвідношення бюджетних коштів місцевого і державного рівнів у Зведеному бюджеті України, які будуються на основі гармонійних пропорцій «Золотого перетину». Прямі бюджетні трансферти пропонується здійснювати за нормативами фінансового забезпечення соціальних стандартів на людський розвиток. Бюджетний федералізм в унітарній державі полягає в регламентації таких масштабів фінансової самодостатності органів регіональної влади та місцевого самоврядування щодо оцінки та прогнозних розрахунків джерел і обсягів місцевих фінансів на основі бюджетно-фіскальної децентралізації за доходами, які визначено, виходячи з видаткових повноважень у соціально-економічному розвитку.В статье в порядке постановки проблемы определены исходные концептуальные положения бюджетного федерализма во взаимодействии с бюджетным централизмом. Раскрыты основные идеи и замыслы проведения пилотного проекта «Государственное регулирование регионального человеческого развития в административной области» (в примере Хмельницкой). Рассмотрены права и ответственность (основные полномочия) областных государственных администраций и областных советов в регулировании объемов и структуры местных бюджетов на финансирование составляющих Индекса регионального человеческого развития. Финансовая самодостаточность региональных и местных органов власти, органов местного самоуправления и объединенных территориальных общин регламентирована расходными полномочиями в пределах фискальных поступлений в местные бюджеты. Рассмотрены соотношения бюджетных средств местного и государственного уровней в сводном бюджете Украины, которые строятся на основе гармоничных пропорций «Золотого сечения». Прямые бюджетные трансферты предлагается осуществлять по нормативам финансового обеспечения социальных стандартов на развитие общества. Бюджетный федерализм в унитарном государстве заключается в регламентации таких масштабов финансовой самодостаточности органов региональной власти и местного самоуправления по оценке и прогнозным расчетам источников и объемов местных финансов на основе бюджетно-фискальной децентрализации по доходам, которые определены, исходя из расходных полномочий в социально-экономическом развитии


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    Los anlálisis dieron Si02 23,50, TiO2 2,50, Nb2 05 47,00, A1208 1,00, Fe208 1,50, MnO 5,00, CaO 4.70, Na2O 0,85, K2O 0,30, H2O 12,00, F 1,21, total 99,56 - (O = F2) 0,51 = 99,05 %.(...

    A Model of the Effects of River Flow Regulation on the Spawning Efficiency of Diadromous Fish

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    A dynamic control model has been developed to describe the effect of the hydrological regime in a regulated river on the development of diadromous fish populations. Factors taken into account include finiteness of velocity of fish upstream and water downstream movements, nonuniformity of spawning area distribution along the river, riverbed profile, and the influence of water temperature on the spawning process. The model can help to obtain an optimal hydrograph of water outflow through the dam during the spawning period

    Survival analysis of A. C. machines in the diamond industry using the Kaplan-Meier estimator

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    The article deals with the survival analysis of a. c. machines operating under the conditions of the underground mine "Mir" (Yakutia). The estimation of their survival is carried out using the Kaplan-Meier estimator. The main advantage of this method is in the opportunity to process censored (incomplete) data, which in turn leads to the accuracy of results. The statistical data used in this article were obtained from maintenance books and reports made by a repair team working in the considered mine. This analysis allows not only identifying faulty electric machines and their fault-free operation but also the faulty components of a certain electric motor


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    Los anlálisis dieron Si02 23,50, TiO2 2,50, Nb2 05 47,00, A1208 1,00, Fe208 1,50, MnO 5,00, CaO 4.70, Na2O 0,85, K2O 0,30, H2O 12,00, F 1,21, total 99,56 - (O = F2) 0,51 = 99,05 %.(...

    Ethnocultural Behaviour of Migrants in Polyethnic City (Example of the Tajiks of Kazan)

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    Basing on the analysis of various sources (statistical, written, and author’s field materials), the features of ethnocultural processes among the Tajik migrants in a large Russian city (Kazan) are considered. The Tajik diaspora in the Republic of Tatarstan is a young and rapidly growing one. They are attracted to the Republic mainly due to its economic stability and availability of jobs, as well as by the large percentage of Muslims in the population (50%). The main adaptation problems are related to the insufficient language competencies (poor knowledge of the Tatarstan official languages − Tatar and Russian), and the tendency to live in rather closed community. At the same time, a certain part of the Tajik migrants is socially active; they participate in various events, both municipal and organised within the Tajik community. An important ethnocultural characteristic of the Tajiks is a high level of religiousness, which determines the main aspects of their lives. This factor is reflected in many aspects of their food culture, which we interpret as a combination of nourishment system with various manifestations of social interaction. In general, the obtained data make it possible to assert that, under the dominance of closed/lock-in cultural environment, the Tajik migrants tend to preserve the traditions brought from the previous place of residence