40 research outputs found

    Magnetization Dynamics in Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers:II. Thickness Dependence of the Superconducting Torque

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    In this work, we study magnetization dynamics in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor thin-film structures. Results of the broad-band ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy are reported for a large set of samples with varied thickness of both superconducting and ferromagnetic layers in a wide frequency, field, and temperature ranges. Experimentally the one-dimensional anisotropic action of superconducting torque on magnetization dynamics is established; its dependence on thickness of layers is revealed. It is demonstrated that experimental findings support the recently proposed mechanism of the superconducting torque formation via the interplay between the superconducting imaginary conductance and magnetization precession at superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces. Microwave spectroscopy studies in this work are supplemented by investigations of the crystal structure and the microstructure of studied multilayers.</p

    MoRe/YBCO Josephson junctions and π-loops

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    We have developed Josephson junctions between the d-wave superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) and the s-wave Mo0.6Re0.4 (MoRe) alloy superconductor (ds-JJs). Such ds Josephson junctions are of interest for superconducting electronics making use of incorporated π-phase shifts. The I(V)-characteristics of the ds-JJs demonstrate a twice larger critical current along the [100] axis of the YBCO film compared to similarly-oriented ds-JJs made with a Nb top electrode. The characteristic voltage I c R n of the YBCO-Au-MoRe ds-JJs is 750 μV at 4.2 K. The ds-JJs that are oriented along the [100] or [010] axes of the YBCO film exhibit a 200 times higher critical current than similar ds-JJs oriented along the [110] axis of the same YBCO film. A critical current density J c = 20 kA cm-2 at 4.2 K was achieved. Different layouts of π-loops based on the novel ds-JJs were arranged in various mutual coupling configurations. Spontaneous persistent currents in the π-loops were investigated using scanning SQUID microscopy. Magnetic states of the π-loops were manipulated by currents in integrated bias lines. Higher flux states up to ±2.5Φ0 were induced and stabilized in the π-loops. Crossover temperatures between thermally activated and quantum tunneling switching processes in the ds-JJs were estimated. The demonstrated ability to stabilise and manipulate states of π-loops paves the way towards new computing concepts such as quantum annealing computing.</p

    Interplay of magnetization dynamics with a microwave waveguide at cryogenic temperatures

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    In this work, magnetization dynamics is studied at low temperatures in a hybrid system that consists of a thin epitaxial magnetic film coupled with a superconducting planar microwave waveguide. The resonance spectrum was observed over a wide magnetic field range, including low fields below the saturation magnetization and both polarities. Analysis of the spectrum via a fitting routine we develop allows the derivation of all magnetic parameters of the film at cryogenic temperatures, the detection of waveguide-induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropies of the first and the second order, and the uncovering of a minor misalignment of the magnetic field. A substantial influence of the superconducting critical state on the resonance spectrum is observed and discussed

    The Strength–Grain Size Relationship in Ultrafine-Grained Metals

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    Nonlinear spin waves in ferromagnetic/superconductor hybrids

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    © 2020 Author(s). This work is focused on the numerical investigation of spin waves that propagate in nonlinear ferromagnet/superconductor bilayered films and periodic structures. The nonlinearity in these hybrid structures emerges due to the non-monotonous dependence of magnetization of a superconducting subsystem on the magnetic field, which is characterized by the superconducting critical field. It is shown that at relatively high amplitudes of spin waves in comparison to the superconducting critical field, the spin-wave spectrum changes drastically: the spin-wave spectral line can either bifurcate or stretch continuously depending on the type of considered superconductor. In addition, in the case of propagation of spin waves with relatively high amplitude in periodic magnonic metamaterials, additional zero-group-velocity modes appear that are known as flatbands. Overall, these findings suggest a versatile way for tunability of the spin-wave spectrum in nonlinear ferromagnet/superconductor structures by changing the excitation signal in respect to the superconducting critical field

    Detection of small exchange fields in S/F structures

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    Ferromagnetic materials with exchange fields EexEex smaller or of the order of the superconducting gap ΔΔ are important for applications of corresponding (s-wave) superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor (SFS) junctions. Presently such materials are not known but there are several proposals how to create them. Small exchange fields are in principle difficult to detect. Based on our results we propose reliable detection methods of such small EexEex. For exchange fields smaller than the superconducting gap the subgap differential conductance of the normal metal–ferromagnet–insulator–superconductor (NFIS) junction shows a peak at the voltage bias equal to the exchange field of the ferromagnetic layer, eV=EexeV=Eex. Thus measuring the subgap conductance one can reliably determine small Eex<ΔEex<Δ. In the opposite case Eex>ΔEex>Δ one can determine the exchange field in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiment. The density of states of the FS bilayer measured at the outer border of the ferromagnet shows a peak at the energy equal to the exchange field, E=EexE=Eex. This peak can be only visible for small enough exchange fields of the order of few ΔΔ

    Micromagnetic modeling of critical current oscillations in magnetic Josephson junctions

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    In this work we propose and explore an effective numerical approach for investigation of critical current dependence on applied magnetic field for magnetic Josephson junctions with in-plane magnetization orientation. This approach is based on micromagnetic simulation of the magnetization reversal process in the ferromagnetic layer with introduced internal magnetic stiffness and subsequent reconstruction of the critical current value using total flux or reconstructed actual phase difference distribution. The approach is flexible and shows good agreement with experimental data obtained on Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic barriers. Based on this approach we have obtained a critical current dependence on applied magnetic field for rectangular magnetic Josephson junctions with high size aspect ratio. We have shown that the rectangular magnetic Josephson junctions can be considered for application as an effective Josephson magnetic memory element with the value of critical current defined by the orientation of magnetic moment at zero magnetic field. An impact of shape magnetic anisotropy on critical current is revealed and discussed. Finally, we have considered a curling magnetic state in the ferromagnetic layer and demonstrated its impact on critical current

    Ferromagnetic resonance with long Josephson junction

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    In this work we propose a hybrid device based on a long Josephson junction (JJ) coupled inductively to an external ferromagnetic (FM) layer. The long JJ in a zero-field operation mode induces a localized AC magnetic field in the FM layer and enables a synchronized magnetostatic standing wave. The magnetostatic wave induces additional dissipation for soliton propagation in the junction and also enables a phase locking (resonant soliton synchronization) at a frequency of natural ferromagnetic resonance. The later manifests itself as an additional constant voltage step on the current-voltage characteristics at the corresponding voltage. The proposed device allows to study magnetization dynamics of individual micro-scaled FM samples using just DC technique, and also it provides additional phase locking frequency in the junction, determined exclusively by characteristics of the ferromagnet