853 research outputs found

    Moral reasoning in sport:validation of the Portuguese version of the RSBH value-judgement inventory in adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the Rudd Stoll Beller Hahm Value-judgement Inventory (RSBHVI) in a sample of adolescents. The RSBHVI, which measures moral and social reasoning, was translated using a back translation method. A sample of 238 10th to 12th grade high school students (age mean value 16.93 years, s = 1.34) completed the Portuguese versions of RSBH, and the Task and Ego-orientation Questionnaire. Partial support for the original structure of the moral reasoning scale, but not the social reasoning scale, was found. Females, and non-athletes and individual sport athletes scored significantly higher than males and team sport athletes in moral reasoning, respectively. Moral reasoning was negatively correlated with ego-orientation (r = −30; p <. 001) and uncorrelated with task-orientation (r = .10, p > .05). Participants who were low-ego scored higher in moral reasoning than those who were high-ego. It is suggested that decreasing levels of ego-orientation may be necessary to improve athletes’ moral reasoning

    Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: signs that encourage sustained recycling

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    Journal ArticleThree field experiments coupled the clinical psychology concept of validation with Elaboration Likelihood Model-Heuristic-Systematic Model theorizing to increase the influence of persuasive messages on aluminum can recycling. Signs that validated students' complaints that aluminum can recycling was inconvenient, but persuaded them to recycle anyhow (validate-persuade) were expected to reduce reactance, increase scrutiny and cognitive elaboration, and result in longer term behavior change. Across these 3 experiments, signs influenced recycling relative to baseline; a persuasive message was more influential than convenience; and clinical validation received support as a way to increase message scrutiny, cognitive elaboration, and sustained behavior change. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR

    Correlation of Kondo effect and molecular conformation of the acceptor molecule in the TTF-TCNE charge transfer complex

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    A Kondo resonance has been observed on purely organic molecules in several combinations of charge transfer complexes on a metal surface. It has been regarded as a fingerprint of the transfer of one electron from the donor to the extended π orbital of the acceptor's LUMO. Here, we investigate the stoichiometric checkerboard structure of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) on a Au(1 1 1) surface using scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy at 4.8 K. We find a bistable state of the TCNE molecules with distinct structural and electronic properties. The two states represent different conformations of the TCNE within the structure. One of them exhibits a Kondo resonance, whereas the other one does not, despite of both TCNE types being singly charged

    Verhuellia is a segregate lineage in Piperaceae: more evidence from flower, fruit and pollen morphology, anatomy and development

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    Background and Aims The perianthless Piperales, i.e. Saururaceae and Piperaceae, have simple reduced flowers strikingly different from the other families of the order (e.g. Aristolochiaceae). Recent molecular phylogenies proved Verhuellia to be the first branch in Piperaceae, making it a promising object to study the detailed structure and development of the flowers. Based on recently collected material, the first detailed study since 1872 was conducted with respect to morphology, anatomy and development of the inflorescence, pollen ultrastructure and fruit anatomy. Methods Original Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Light Microscopy (LM) observations on Verhuellia lunaria were compared with Piperaceae, Saururaceae and fossils. Key results The inflorescence is an indeterminate spike with sessile flowers, each in the axil of a bract, developing in acropetal, helical succession. Flowers consist of two (occasionally three) stamens with basifixed tetrasporangiate anthers and latrorse dehiscence by a longitudinal slit. The gynoecium lacks a style but has three to four stigma branches and a single, basal orthotropous, and unitegmic ovule. The fruit is a drupe with large multicellular epidermal protuberances. The pollen is very small, inaperturate, and areolate with hemispherical microechinate exine elements. Conclusions Despite the superficial similarities with different genera of Piperaceae and Saururaceae, the segregate position of Verhuellia revealed by molecular phylogenetics is supported by morphological, developmental and anatomical data presented here. Unitegmic ovules and inaperturate pollen, which are synapomorphies for the genus Peperomia, are also present in Verhuellia

    Vertical snow structures from local to regional scale

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    Snow on sea ice alters the properties of the underlying ice cover as well as associated exchange processes at the interfaces between atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean. As Antarctic snow cover persists during most of the year, it contributes significantly to the sea-ice mass budget due to comprehensive physical (seasonal) transition processes within the snowpack. It is therefore necessary to locate and quantify internal snowmelt, snow metamorphism, and snow-ice formation in the Antarctic snowpack on different spatial scales. Doing so, we present here in-situ observations of physical snow properties from point measurements and transect lines during recent expeditions in the Weddell Sea from 2013 to 2018, covering summer and winter conditions. Analysis of snow pit measurements on both small (<100m) and floe-size (<2km) scales reveal significant variations in the horizontal snowpack structure. In order to describe internal snow processes on regional scales, we grouped the observed snow conditions, differentiating for snow conditions between eastern (seasonal sea ice) and western Weddell Sea (perennial sea ice). While the thick perennial snowpack is highly metamorphous with a large number of internal layers, the seasonal snowpack is less stratified. Results of the study will improve our understanding on processes and interactions in the snowpack as well as at the snow/ice interface associated with seasonal and inter-annual variations in the sea-ice mass budget of the Southern Ocean