2,293 research outputs found

    Holography for a Non-Inflationary Early Universe

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    We construct a gravitational dual of the pseudo-conformal universe, a proposed alternative to inflation in which a conformal field theory in nearly flat space develops a time dependent vacuum expectation value. Constructing this dual amounts to finding five-dimensional domain-wall spacetimes with anti-de Sitter asymptotics, for which the wall has the symmetries of four-dimensional de Sitter space. This holographically realizes the characteristic symmetry breaking pattern O(2,4) to O(1,4) of the pseudo-conformal universe. We present an explicit example with a massless scalar field, using holographic renormalization to obtain general expressions for the renormalized scalar and stress-tensor one-point functions. We discuss the relationship between these solutions and those of four-dimensional holographic defect conformal field theories which break O(2,4) to O(2,3)Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical Studies of Cosmic Acceleration

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    In this thesis we describe theoretical approaches to the problem of cosmic acceleration in the early and late universe. The first approach we consider relies upon the modification of Einstein gravity by the inclusion of mass terms as well as couplings to higher-derivative scalar fields possessing generalized internal shift symmetries - the Galileons. The second half of the thesis is concerned with the quantum-mechanical consistency of a theory of the early universe known as the pseudo-conformal mechanism which, in contrast to inflation, relies not on the effects of gravity but on conformal field theory (CFT) dynamics. It is possible to couple Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) scalars possessing generalized Galilean internal shift symmetries (Galileons) to nonlinear massive gravity in four dimensions, in such a manner that the interactions maintain the Galilean symmetry. Such a construction is of interest because it is not possible to couple such fields to massless General Relativity in the same way. Using tetrad techniques we show that this massive gravity-Galileon theory possesses a primary constraint necessary to ensure propagation with the correct number of degrees of freedom. We study the background cosmology of this theory around cosmologically relevant spacetimes and find that, as in pure massive gravity, spatially flat solutions do not exist. Spatially open solutions do exist - consisting of a branch of self-accelerating solutions that are identical to those of pure massive gravity, and a new second branch of solutions which do not appear without the inclusion of Galileons. We study the propagating degrees of freedom of the massive gravity-Galileon theory around the self-accelerating solutions and identify the conditions necessary for the theory to remain free of ghost-like instabilities. We show that on the self-accelerating branch the kinetic terms for the vector and scalar modes of the massive graviton vanish, as in the case of pure massive gravity. We conclude our exploration of massive gravity by considering the possibility of variable-mass massive gravity, where the fixed graviton mass is replaced by the expectation value of a rolling scalar field. We ask whether self-inflation can be driven by the self-accelerated branch of this theory, and we find that, while such solutions can exist for a short period, they cannot be sustained for a cosmologically useful time. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there generally exist future curvature singularities of the ``big brake form in cosmological solutions to these theories. In the second half of the thesis we construct the gravitational dual of the pseudo-conformal universe, a proposed alternative to inflation in which a CFT in nearly flat space develops a time dependent vacuum expectation value. Constructing this dual amounts to finding five-dimensional domain-wall spacetimes with anti-de Sitter asymptotics, for which the wall has the symmetries of four-dimensional de Sitter space. This holographically realizes the characteristic symmetry breaking pattern O(2,4) to O(1,4) of the pseudo-conformal universe. We present an explicit example with a massless scalar field, using holographic renormalization to obtain general expressions for the renormalized scalar and stress-tensor one-point functions. We discuss the relationship between these solutions and those of four-dimensional holographic CFTs with boundaries, which break O(2,4) to O(2,3). Finally, we undertake a systematic study of one and two point functions of CFTs on spaces of maximal symmetry with and without boundaries and investigate their spectral representations. Integral transforms are found, relating the spectral decomposition to renormalized position space correlators. Several applications are presented, including the holographic boundary CFTs as well as spacelike boundary CFTs, which provide realizations of the pseudo-conformal universe

    Natural evolution strategies and variational Monte Carlo

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    A notion of quantum natural evolution strategies is introduced, which provides a geometric synthesis of a number of known quantum/classical algorithms for performing classical black-box optimization. Recent work of Gomes et al. [2019] on heuristic combinatorial optimization using neural quantum states is pedagogically reviewed in this context, emphasizing the connection with natural evolution strategies. The algorithmic framework is illustrated for approximate combinatorial optimization problems, and a systematic strategy is found for improving the approximation ratios. In particular it is found that natural evolution strategies can achieve approximation ratios competitive with widely used heuristic algorithms for Max-Cut, at the expense of increased computation time

    Application of expert systems in project management decision aiding

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    The feasibility of developing an expert systems-based project management decision aid to enhance the performance of NASA project managers was assessed. The research effort included extensive literature reviews in the areas of project management, project management decision aiding, expert systems technology, and human-computer interface engineering. Literature reviews were augmented by focused interviews with NASA managers. Time estimation for project scheduling was identified as the target activity for decision augmentation, and a design was developed for an Integrated NASA System for Intelligent Time Estimation (INSITE). The proposed INSITE design was judged feasible with a low level of risk. A partial proof-of-concept experiment was performed and was successful. Specific conclusions drawn from the research and analyses are included. The INSITE concept is potentially applicable in any management sphere, commercial or government, where time estimation is required for project scheduling. As project scheduling is a nearly universal management activity, the range of possibilities is considerable. The INSITE concept also holds potential for enhancing other management tasks, especially in areas such as cost estimation, where estimation-by-analogy is already a proven method


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    Farmers need information about the expected value and variability of net revenues for alternative crop insurance and futures hedging strategies to manage risk. Specifically, the model will determine which risk management strategies are most desirable under various levels of risk aversion. The unstable futures basis relation in the data used in the simulation model contributed to increased variability of net revenues. In general, none of the crop insurance or hedging strategies markedly reduced variability of net revenue and relative riskiness when compared with the cash strategy. Revenue Assurance strategies were the most effective at setting a floor on net revenues. As a result, Revenue Assurance products may perform well for extremely risk averse producers.Marketing, Risk and Uncertainty,

    A REST Model for High Throughput Scheduling in Computational Grids

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    Current grid computing architectures have been based on cluster management and batch queuing systems, extended to a distributed, federated domain. These have shown shortcomings in terms of scalability, stability, and modularity. To address these problems, this dissertation applies architectural styles from the Internet and Web to the domain of generic computational grids. Using the REST style, a flexible model for grid resource interaction is developed which removes the need for any centralised services or specific protocols, thereby allowing a range of implementations and layering of further functionality. The context for resource interaction is a generalisation and formalisation of the Condor ClassAd match-making mechanism. This set theoretic model is described in depth, including the advantages and features which it realises. This RESTful style is also motivated by operational experience with existing grid infrastructures, and the design, operation, and performance of a proto-RESTful grid middleware package named DIRAC. This package was designed to provide for the LHCb particle physics experiment's âワoff-lineâ computational infrastructure, and was first exercised during a 6 month data challenge which utilised over 670 years of CPU time and produced 98 TB of data through 300,000 tasks executed at computing centres around the world. The design of DIRAC and performance measures from the data challenge are reported. The main contribution of this work is the development of a REST model for grid resource interaction. In particular, it allows resource templating for scheduling queues which provide a novel distributed and scalable approach to resource scheduling on the grid
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