90 research outputs found

    Energy optimization in the adaptation of industrial buildings

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    Рад испитује потенцијал индустријских објеката изграђених на територији Београда пре Другог светског рата за пренамену у пословне. Преглед досадашњих студија промене функције индустријског наслеђа даје ограничене смернице о томе која грана индустрије има објекте најпогодније за функцију пословања. Такође, пракса квалитетне заштите и енергетске оптимизације у процесима адаптације индустријских објеката у Србији још увек није установљена. Основном хипотезом рада је постављено да се одабиром одговарајућих мера унапређења омотача и унутрашњости индустријских објеката могу створити адекватни услови визуелног и топлотног комфора за функцију пословања уз ниске енергетске захтеве. Кроз у раду успостављену методологију и критеријуме оцене подобности адаптације могуће је установити који типови индустријских објеката су најподобнији са становишта промене функциje у пословање. Прегледом анализа може се установити које мере енергетске оптимизације би могле створити адекватне услове унутрашње климе, као и задовољити термичке стандарде нове функције. У теоријском делу рада анализом функционалних захтева пословних зграда, прегледом актуелних закона и правилника, као и захтева система сертификације објеката, установљене су референтне вредности потрошње енергије и услова комфора канцеларијског простора. Према овим смерницама и захтевима успостављени су критеријуми оцене подобности индустријских објеката за пренамену у фукцију пословања. Анализом адаптираних објеката у Лондону, оцењен је потенцијал различитих типологија индустријских објеката за пренамену у енергетски ефикасне и еколошки одрживе пословне објекте. Преглед индустријског наслеђа Београда дат је по гранама индустрије за коју су оригинално грађени. Објекти су класификовани према тренутној функцији и карактеристикама значајним за енергетску оптимизацију. Након класификације, усвојена су два референтна модела, са репрезентативним карактеристикама београдског индустријског наслеђа, на којима су тестиране мере енергетске оптимизције...The research behind the thesis is focused on establishing the potential for industrial buildings built in Belgrade prior to World War II to be reused as offices. Current literature on the topic provides only limited information on which type of industrial buildings is most suited for adaptation into offices. In addition, in Serbia, the practice of building preservation, which would include energy optimisation, is yet to be established. The main research hypothesis states that, with the adequate improvement of the fabric and the interior of existing industrial buildings, it is possible to create comfortable internal conditions with a low energy demand. Through the selected methodology and assessment criteria, it is possible to establish which types of industrial building are best suited for office use. And, through analyses, it could be established which energy optimization measures are likely to create most comfortable internal conditions, as well as meet the current regulations for the new function. Energy and internal comfort requirements of office buildings have been established through the analyses of functional requirements of office buildings, and through a thorough review of the current regulations and the criteria of building certification systems. According to the above requirements, the adaptation potential of industrial buildings has been established. Through the analyses of London case studies, the thesis assesses the potential of different industrial typologies to be reused as energy efficient offices. Belgrade’s industrial heritage has been classified according to the type of industry it originally belonged to, as well as its potential eligibility for adaptation into offices. Two reference models, with representative characteristics of Belgrade’s industrial heritage, have been adopted for further analysis. Through computer simulations, the impact of individual envelope-improvement strategies, natural ventilation and the reduction of artificial lighting due to daylighting availability, have been assessed. The analyses covered different ways of integration of renewable energy systems, and their potential impact on building’s total energy demand. Thermal analyses have been conducted using IES-VE software. DIVA for Rhino was used for daylighting simulations. Renewable energy simulations were conducted using RETScreen software..

    Značaj kontrola za modifikaciju unutrašnje klime dostupnih korisnicima poslovnih zgrada

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    This paper aims to discuss the importance of occupant control systems, pointing out their influence on comfort and productivity in office environments. Through examples from practice it gives advice on how to establish the right balance between actions performed by the building management system and users. Finally, it looks at how different space organizations determine the choice of control systems and gives advice for the design of energy efficient and comfortable office environments.U ovom radu razmatra se uloga sistema za kontrolu unutrašnje klime i njihov uticaj na komfor i produktivnost u kancelarijskom okruženju. Kroz pregled literature i primere iz prakse, rad pokušava da ustanovi koji je najpovoljniji odnos akcija sistema za upravljanje i samih korisnika prostora. Razmatraju se oblik i organizacija prostorije i njihov uticaj na izbor kontrola i daju saveti za projektovanje energetski efikasnih i komfornih kancelarijskih okruženja

    Prirodno osvetljenje u adaptiranim industrijskim objektima

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    This paper assesses the potential of historical industrial buildings to be reused as office spaces. Belgrade’s industrial heritage has been classified according to the criteria that influence visual comfort, including glazing area, floor depth, and orientation. Daylight performance of two representative buildings has been analyzed using daylight factor, point in time illuminance and spatial daylight autonomy. Potential improvement strategies that would not have a negative impact on the historical character of buildings have then been discussed. Further studies include increased internal surface reflectance and introduction of roof-lights. The impact of roof-lights on the annual cooling and heating load has been addressed in parallel. Since LEED is the dominant sustainability assessment tool in Serbia, preliminary compliance with LEED v4 Daylight credit has been assessed for all options. The methodology and findings can be applied to a wide range of industrial buildings in similar climatic conditions.U radu je analizirana prenamena industrijskih objekata izgrađenih pre Drugog svetskog rata u poslovne. Industrijsko nasleđe Beograda je klasifikovano prema kriterijuma koji utiču na vizuelni komfor, uključujući veličinu prozora, dubinu osnove i orijentaciju objekata. Količina prirodne svetlosti je analizirana korišćenjem faktora dnevne osvetljenosti (daylight factor), nivoa osvetljenosti (point in time illuminance) i prostorne autonomije dnevne svetlosti (spatial daylight autonomy). Nakon analiza, razmatrane su potencijalne strategije za unapređenje nivoa osvetljenosti koje ne bi imale negativan uticaj na istorijski karakter zgrada. Dalje analize uključuju povećanje vrednosti refleksije površina prostorije i uvođenje krovnih prozora. Uticaj krovnih prozora na godišnju potrebnu energiju za grejanje i hlađenje objekata je takođe razmatrano. LEED je dominantan program za sertifikaciju poslovnih zgrada u Srbiji. Stoga, rad uključuje preliminarane analize svih opcija za usklađenost sa zahtevima LEED v4 kredita “Prirodno osvetljenje”. Metodologija i zaključci ovog istraživanja mogu se primeniti na širok spektar industrijskih objekata u sličnim klimatskim uslovima

    The ‘Twilight’ of Health, Safety, and Well-being of Workers in the Digital Era –Shaping the Right to Disconnect

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    The paper examines the theoretical foundations and conceptual framework of the right to disconnect, taking a comprehensive and integrated approach grounded in human rights principles. It explores the impact of psychosocial risks and challenges in the digital era, particularly in relation to occupational mental health, while also acknowledging the specific relevance of the education sector where digitally related burnout is prevalent and the need to ensure the well-being of educators in order to effectively mentor and educate the upcoming cohort of young individuals venturing into the workforce. The objective is to determine whether there is a need for the introduction of new rights or the adaptation of traditional ones in response to the significant transformations brought about by information and communication technologies in the workplace. This raises the question of whether we are witnessing the emergence of a new field of digital labour law, characterised by entirely novel rights and institutions, or if it remains rooted in the same ideological and conceptual foundations, requiring only normative adjustments to address the realities of the digitised worl

    The social, cultural and legal aspects of labour migrations from Serbia to Canada

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    The aim of this paper is to explore social, economic and cultural challenges of migrations to Canada by providing the Canadian policy framework regarding employment and working conditions of migrant workers. The labour status of those with high-professional capac- ities (teachers, artists, health care professionals, IT professionals, scientists, etc.) will be particularly addressed in this paper, taking into account a recent Serbian policy of “brain drain” management. The positive potential of migration expressed in development-friendly migration policy needs to Ьe considered since migrant policies also affect Ьoth countries' socioeconomic and cultural development. Serbian Diaspora Act (2009) and the National Strategy for Preserving and Strengthening the Relations between the Homeland and the Diaspora and the Homeland and Serbs in the Region (2011) will be used as basic referential legal documents

    Cities adaptation to the climate change by using green building principles

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    The paper will analyse some of the concepts and principles of green building in the context of cities adaptation to climate change, which could be applied more in Serbia in the future. Having in mind the problem and their impact on the adaptation, mitigation and resilience of cities to the new changes two different approaches have being considered. The first approach considers the city area as an environment defined through plans on a different level that integrates defining rules and tools for adapting to climate change. The second direction is focused on the impact of independent projects, which can be the initiators of adaptation to climate change on a wider scale. The paper will present two case studies from Belgrade, Serbia. The first one is the “Study of the possibility of installing solar photovoltaic panels on a flat roof of the market in Blok 44 in New Belgrade", whose investor is “JKP Gradske pijace” (PE City markets), The second study analyses the competition entry for the former Beobanka building in Zeleni venac, Belgrade. The project’s aim was to determine the possible ways of integrating the principles of green building in the processes of adaptation of existing buildings to new uses

    Merenje protoka pomoću mernih blendi - poređenje rezultata proračuna protoka prema standardima ISO 5167:1989 i ISO 5167:2007

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    Merenje protoka fluida je jedno od osnovnih merenja koje se obavlja u procesnoj tehnici, termotehnici, energetici i mnogim drugim oblastima tehnike. Zavisno od potreba potrebno je odabrati odgovarajući metod, kojim može da se sprovede merenje na najjednostavniji način, uz dovoljnu tačnost, i uz najmanje ometanje tehnološkog postupka. Merenje protoka pomoću mernih blendi se svodi na ugradnju merne blende u cevovod kružnog preseka i posredno utvrđivanje protoka merenjem razlike pritisaka ispred i iza blende. Ovaj metod je veoma čest u industrijskoj praksi, jer je normiran kroz standarde kao što su npr. SRPS EN ISO 5167:2012 „Merenje protoka fluida pomoću uređaja sa diferencijalnim pritiskom ugrađenih u cevovode kružnog poprečnog preseka - Deo 1: Opšti principi i zahtevi“ koji je identičan sa EN ISO 5167-1:2003 ili ASME MFC-14M-2001 „Measurement of fluid flow using small bore precision orifice meters”. Proračunska procedura pomoću koje se izračunava protok fluida je u važećem standardu SRPS EN ISO 5167:2012 drugačija nego u prethodnim izdanjima istog standarda 1980., 1989., 1993., kao i iz 1998. Imajući ovo u vidu postavlja se pitanje da li se i za koliko razlikuju izračunati protoci fluida, pa je u ovom radu analizirano nekoliko konkretnih slučajeva. U pitanju su merenja na industrijskim instalacijama, kao i merenja obavljena u Laboratoriji za procesnu tehniku na Mašinskom fakultetu u Beogradu


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    U radu je data termodinamička analiza ciklusa apsorpcionog rashladnog uređaja sa smesom litijumbromid-voda kao radnim fluidom namenjenom za prethlađivanje svežeg voća hladnom raspršenom vodom. Dati su osnovni tehnološki podaci vezani za proces rashlađivanja hladnom vodom, kao i šema i opis sistema sa procedurom proračuna apsorpcionog rashladnog uređaja sa priloženom tabelom sa izračunatim veličinama stanja. Date su karakteristike uporednog levokretnog ciklusa sa kompenzacionim procesom zasnovanim na dovođenju rada. Zaključeno je da apsorpcioni uređaj, pod određenim uslovima, može da bude uporediv sa kompresorskom ako se preduzmu sve mere za poboljšanje levokretnog ciklusa apsorpcione mašine


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    An analysis of basic heat and thermochemical operations in wine production and recommendations for the relevant parameters estimation are given in this paper. The analysis and optimization of energy flows for a typical Serbian winery with 5 hectares of vineyards during an annual production cycle is also presented. Values of the required power of the heat exchanger and capacity of refrigeration systems to meet all cooling needs are determined

    EuReCa Serbia One 2014 - Research center Subotica: Witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiac arrest is one of the main death causes all over the world. Many studies have led to the identification of the main predictors that can positively affect the survival rate of these patients, who were eventually incorporated into a single chain of survival. By involving the Republic of Serbia in an international, multicenter project EuReCa One 2014, of European Resuscitation Council (ERC) organized by Resuscitation Council of Serbia and Section of emergency medicine, the first time we get relevant information in this area and for our country which allows us to further work on improving measures implemented in the treatment of these patients. AIM: analysis of providing of basic life support measures (BLS) by bystander to the patients with out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) according to prospective research EuReCa One 2014 for Subotica, in relation to the total number of affirmed OHCA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective collection of data via unique questionnaire for OHCA in the municipality of Subotica in the period from 01.10.2014. to 31.03.2015. Data are presented in absolute values as well as the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants. RESULTS: In the period from 01.10.2014 to 31.03.2015. in the municipality of Subotica there were 47 (33.2 / 100,000 inhabitants) OHCA's. In 44 (31.09 / 100.000, 93.62%) of these patients Emergency medicine service (EMS) reacted by providing measures of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Of these 47 patients with OHCA as 35 (24.73 / 100000) were witnessed, of which 24 (16.95 / 100.000) by bystander, and 11 (7.77 / 100.000) by members of the EMS. The results show that the highest percentage of initial rhythm as ventricular fibrillation (VF), as well as the largest number of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) were in the group of patients whose OHCA was witnessed by the EMS (VF, 63.5%, ROSC 54.5%) even though the group was the oldest (average 69 years), while the lowest percentage of VF and ROSC was in a group of unwitnessed OHCA's which was the youngest group of patients with an average age of 58 years. Telephone assisted CPR was conducted in only 4 cases, while the measures of basic life support (BLS) were provided by the bystander in only 5 cases (20.5% of witnessed OHCA's) CONCLUSION: This study showed that systematic work on increasing the number of provided BLS measures by bystander to the patients with OHCA must be conducted, because it can positively affect survival rate of these patients