63 research outputs found

    The effect of oral administration of organically modified clinoptilolite on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows

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    За здравље и преживљавање новорођене телади од највећег значаја је уношење адекватне количине колострума доброг квалитета одмах после рођења. Поред своје функције као основног извора нутритијената, колострум има есенцијалну функцију у обезбеђивању имунске заштите телета у раним фазама живота. Исхрана колострумом високог квалитета у првим сатима живота обезбеђује теле са довољном количином имуноглобулина неопходних за успостављање пасивног имунитета током првa три месеца живота. Зеолит се већ користи као додатак у храну код животиња, у циљу побољшања производних перформанси и спречавања штетног деловања микотоксина. Дуготрајна суплементација клиноптилолитом има позитивне ефекте на здравље млечних крава међутим утицај зеолита на квалитет и састав колострума крава до сада није изучаван. Поред природних зеолита применом савремених технологија добијена су и нова једињења, и у овој докторској дисертацији коришћен je органски модификован клиноптилолит Мinazel Plus® (Patent Co., Србија). Циљ ове дисертације је био да се испита утицај пероралног давања органски модификованог клиноптилолита на квалитет колострума првотелки на основу резултата анализе физичко-хемијских, биохемијских и имунохемијских карактеристика пуног клострума, колостралног и крвног серума. За оглед је изабрано 36 здравих високо гравидних првотелки холштајн- фризијске расе говеда, 30 дана пре очекиваног термина тељења. Животиње су подељене у две групе, третирану у којој је било 20 јединки и контролну са 16 јединки. Третирана група животиња је почевши од 20±5 дана пре очекиваног термина тељења до два дана после тељења, свакодневно добијала органски модификован клиноптилолит у дози од 150 g дневно, растваран у 1 L воде и даван per os, заливањем из стаклене флаше. Koнтролној групи животиња је свакодневно давана чиста вода у количини од 1 L...characteristics of the full colostrum, colostral and blood serum. The total number of 36 healthy pregnant Holstein heifers was included in this study, starting 30 days before the expected calving date. Animals were divided into two groups: treated heifers (N=20) and control group of heifers (N=16). The treated group of animals has received oral supplementation of organically modified clinoptilolite, in a dose of 150g per day, dissolved in 1L of water and given by a glass bottle, starting from 20±5 days before the expected calving term up to two days after calving. The control group of animals has received pure water in the same amount (1L) and time as treated animals. Samples of colostrum and colostral serum from the first four milkings were collected and analyzed in all experimental animals included in the study..

    Elektroforetske i imunoelektroforetske karakteristike IgG kao konstituenata peg precipitabilnih imunokompleksa seruma kod teladi do četvrtog meseca starosti

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    Preruminant calves encounter numerous antigens, and formation of immune complexes is necessary for antigens elimination. The capability of immunologically immature calves to form immune complexes has not yet been studied in detail. For immune complexes studies, selective precipitation by PEG was performed, in combination with agarose gel electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis, with an aim to determine some properties of IgG, as constituents of immune complexes. In our previous work it was shown that the level of PEG precipitable immune complexes increased in the period from birth to 48-hours of life, decreased at day 10, increased in one month old animals, and after that, stayed unchanged until 4th month of age. Electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic analysis showed that until one month of age, calves' sera and PEG precipitates contained only one part of IgG molecules which corresponded to fast, anionic γ globulins. Although at the age of one month, preruminant calves' sera contained all molecular forms of IgG molecules present in the sera of adult cattle, only one part of serum IgG (fast, anionic IgG) was precipitated by PEG. In older calves, all molecular forms of serum IgG had the capacity to form PEG precipitable immune complexes. Presented data, as well as the results of our previous work, can be used as parameters with reference to physicochemical and immunochemical characteristics of IgG immune complexes of preruminant calves under pathological conditions.Telad od rođenja dolazi u kontakt sa velikim brojem antigena za čije je efikasno uklanjanje neophodno formiranje imunokompleksa. Sposobnost ovih, još uvek imunološki nezrelih, životinja da formiraju iminokomplekse, kao i sastav njihovih konstituenata, nisu detaljno ispitivani. U ovom radu smo imunokomplekse iz seruma teladi izolovali precipitacijom polietilen glikolom (PEGom), a osobine IgG, kao potencijalnih konstituenata imunokompleksa, analizirali metodama elektroforeze i imunoelektroforeze. U našem prethodnom radu dokazali smo da se nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunokompleksa menja sa uzrastom teladi. On raste od rođenja do 48. sata, opada desetog dana, ponovo raste u prvom mesecu, nakon čega ostaje nepromenjen do četvrtog meseca starosti. Elekroforetske i imunoelektroforetske analize su ukazale da se u serumu i PEG precipitatima seruma teladi do mesec dana starosti nalazi samo jedna molekulska frakcija IgG koja odgovara brzim, anjonskim IgG. Iako se u serumima teladi već u prvom mesecu starosti nalaze sve molekulske forme IgG koje se nalaze i u serumu odraslih krava, samo jedan njihov deo (brzi, anjonski γ globulini) ima sposobnost da formira imune komplekse. Kod starijih teladi, kao i kod odraslih krava, sve molekulske forme serumskih IgG mogu da formiraju imune komplekse. Ovi rezultati, zajedno sa rezultatima našeg predhodnog rada, se mogu koristiti za dobijanje referentnog sistema vrednosti nivoa i sastava imunokompleksa kod zdravih teladi, a koji bi se mogao koristiti za određivanje nivoa i sastava imunokompleksa kod teladi u patološkim uslovima

    The determination of the mean value of the non-homogenous background radiation and the measurement uncertainty using welch-satterthwaite equation

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    In this paper, the procedure for determination of the mean value of non-homogenous background radiation and the expression of measurement uncertainty is considered. The background radiation is described using the Student's distribution, and the measurement uncertainty using the Welch-Satterthwaite equation. The proposed algorithm was experimentally verified under well-controlled laboratory conditions and satisfactory results were obtained

    Imunokompleksi u krvnom serumu teladi u neonatalnom periodu i kod odraslih goveda

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    In this work immune complexes (IC) in the sera of healthy calves from birth to four months of age, heifers and cows were investigated. Polyethylen glycol (PEG) precipitation assay was applied after previous standardization. Optical density (OD) of redissolved precipitates, formed after adding PEG to serum samples, was a measure of IC level. The upper-limit values for normal IC levels were established using isolated cattle IgG in different amounts and aggregated by heat as an IC model in vitro, in the same assay. In newborn calves before colostrum intake, OD of 0.047±0.024 was registered in redissolved PEG precipitates, far below the values obtained for native monomeric IgG. Therefore, these values can not be considered to refer to immune complexes. After colostrum intake, OD values for normal IC levels were higher, with significant interindividual differences: in calves at 6 24 and 48 hours after birth the mean OD values of solubilized PEG precipitates were 0.069±0.025, 0.148±0.079, and 0.136±0.062 respectively. In the sera of calves 10 days after birth mean OD value was slightly lower 0.089±0.053, whereas in the serum of 1, 2, 3 and 4 month old calves normal levels of IC rose to 0.165±0.067, 0.157±0.080, 0,231±0,124 and 0.261±0.092 respectively. OD values for IC levels for adult animals were found to be 0,456±0,150 for heifers, and 0,183±0,031 for cows. Together, the obtained data may be included in a reference values system for normal levels of IC at different ages, in relation to which the IC levels under pathological conditions could be estimated.U radu je ispitivan nivo imunokompleksa (IC) u krvnom serumu teladi od rođenja do četiri meseca starosti, kao i kod junica i krava. Za analize je posle predhodne standardizacije korišćen polietilenglikol precipitacioni test (direktan PEG test). Meru nivoa IC predstavljale su vrednosti optičke gustine (OD) rastvorenog precipitata dobijenog nakon taloženja imunokompleksa iz seruma PEG-om. Gornja granica normalnih vrednosti za nivo IC utvrđena je prema vrednostima dobijenim za izolovane i toplotom agregirane kravlje IgG, u istom testu, gde su takvi IgG korišćeni kao modeli IC in vitro. U grupi novorođene teladi pre uzimanja kolostruma vrednosti OD su bile ekstremno niske (OD 0,047±0.024) i nisu mogle biti pripisane imunokompleksima. Vrednosti OD za normalan nivo IC u serumu teladi nakon uzimanja kolostruma su bile više: za telad 6, 24 i 48 sati nakon rođenja taj nivo je iznosio 0,069±0,025, 0,148±0,079 i 0,136±0,062 respektivno. U odnosu na ove vrednosti, nivo IC u serumu teladi 10 dana od rođenja je bio nešto niži i iznosio 0,089±0,053, da bi se, zatim, kontinuirano povećavao kod teladi uzrasta od 1 do 4 meseca i iznosio 0,165±0,067 za telad od 1-og meseca, 0,157±0,080 za telad od 2 meseca, 0,231±0,124 za telad od 3 meseca i 0,261±0,092 za telad od 4 meseca starosti. Nivo imunokompleksa u serumu odraslih goveda iznosio je kod junica 0,456±0,150 i krava 0,183±0,031. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti uključeni u kontrolni sistem vrednosti za normalan nivo IC u raznim starosnim grupama goveda, koji se može koristiti pri određivanju nivoa IC PEG testom pod patološkim uslovima kod teladi junica i krava

    Pore geometry of ceramic device: The key factor of drug release kinetics

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    Release kinetics of tigecycline, a potential antibiotic in treatment of osteomyelitis, from calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA), as one of the most important ceramic materials in bone tissue engineering, was investigated in this study. Tigecycline, in solid state, was mixed with CHA powder and the obtained mixture was compressed into tablets using two different pressures. These tablets were immersed in a phosphate-buffered saline solution and tigecycline release was measured by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The total release time was 5 or 28 days, depending on the pressure applied during compression. It was shown that there is a close relationship between pore sizes and drug release rate. The drug release kinetics was interpreted on the base of pore sizes and pore size distribution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172026

    Influence of external magnetic field on the electrolytic hydrogen evolution on different cathode materials

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    The correlation between magnetic properties of cathodic materials on the evolution of hydrogen and the separation factor was found. The cathodes were pure Ni and cathodes with the electrocatalytic coatings of following compositions: Ni-Mo (70- 30%), Ni-V (70-30%), Co-Mo (70-30%) and Fe-Mo (60-40%), on Ni substrate. The electrolyte is standard electrolyte (30% KOH) and electrolyte activated with Co-complex [1].Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Structural relaxation due to electronic correlations in the paramagnetic insulator KCuF3

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    A computational scheme for the investigation of complex materials with strongly interacting electrons is formulated which is able to treat atomic displacements, and hence structural relaxation, caused by electronic correlations. It combines ab initio band structure and dynamical mean-field theory and is implemented in terms of plane-wave pseudopotentials. The equilibrium Jahn-Teller distortion and antiferro-orbital order found for paramagnetic KCuF3 agree well with experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of the platelet rich plasma on apexogenesis in young monkeys: Radiological and hystologycal evaluation

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    Platelet-reach plasma (PRP) is an attractive tool in regenerative medicine due to its ability to stimulate proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. Since dental pulp derived stem cells are recognized as central in apexogenesis, the aim of the study was to evaluate radiologically and histologically effects of PRP on apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots. The study included eight monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) divided in two equal groups for evaluation 3 and 12 months after treatment. All participants obtained the same treatment including pulpotomy and after-treatment with: hydroxiapatite (HA)-incisor and HA+canine PRP. Radiological evaluation was performed using the long cone paralleling technique for recording of defined parameters and histological evaluation was performed using tissue removed en block for the observation of parameters related to apexogenesis. The results obtained radiologically and histologically have shown increase in bridge formation in HA+PRP (75%) group after 3 months comparing to HA group (50%). Contrary to that, after 12 months there were no significant differences between groups. The root delay was not registered in the HA+PRP group contrary to HA group where it was registered in 25% after 12 months. Results of the study suggest that PRP is a powerful tool for intensive and rapid apexogenesis since it offers clear and comprehensive results (mostly in the first three months) which are early radiologically visible without any failure in the proposed requests

    Dizajn modularnog sutava plastičnih euro paleta

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    Although pallet, as a tool, yields significant and widely recognized economic effects in production and distribution systems, it is still not fully utilized, indicating that it needs to be defined and developed as a specific product. Euro pallet product was designed using PRO/ENGINEER software system CAD module, as one of the most popular Cax systems, yielding a pallet of novel modular design that meets all the operational requirements of the existing range. The chosen material ensures high pallet longevity and durability, in line with the concept of sustainable development.Paleta kao sredstvo za rad ima izuzetan značaj i poznate ekonomske efekte u proizvodnim i distributivnim sustavima. Međutim, odnos prema paleti kao proizvodu, nije proporcionalan njenom ukupnom značaju. Obrazloženi aspekti neizostavno ukazuju na potrebe definiranja i razvoja palete kao specifičnog proizvoda. Dizajn proizvoda plastične euro palete je izveden u CAD modulu programskog sustava PRO/ENGINEER kao jednog od najpoznatijih CAx sustava. Dobijena je paleta novog modularnog koncepta koja ispunjava sve radne zahtjeve postojećih paleta. Izborom materijala je dobijena dugotrajnija paleta koncepta održivog razvoja

    Aging of the geiger-muller counter due to particle conductance in an insulating gas

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    In this paper, the aging effect of commercially available Geiger-Muller counters under working conditions is being considered from both theoretical and experimental point of view. In the experimental part lifetime curves for the commercial Geiger-Muller counter chamber are first recorded. After detection of the aging phenomena, the commercial chamber response to an impulse voltage is tested along with recording of the same response of the Geiger-Muller chamber model with conductive particles included. The law of similarity for the gaseous discharge is fulfilled both by the commercial Geiger-Muller chamber and by the chamber model with conductive particles. The results obtained from the U-test indicate that the aging of the Geiger-Muller chamber is mainly caused by the occurrence of a great number of conductive particles hovering inside the chamber. Some suggestions of how to reduce the aging effect due to conductive particles inside the Geiger-Muller chamber are given in the conclusion