28 research outputs found

    Improving the Wholesales Trough Using the Data Mining Techniques

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    Abstract. This paper describes the practical use of data mining techniques in wholesales though concrete steps of developing the distribution network. We are choosing a number of techniques for solving the problem through analyzing the specifics of the market situation, defining the business problem, and setting up its model. The cluster analysis enables us to group the data according to similarities of the market segmentation, product categories, regions and groups by turnover, while with the decision trees we are separating the big data collection into consecutive groups. Using these techniques we gain knowledge and have the opportunity to predict the future trends with high probability and on this basis to make a more precise and trustworthy business decision


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    Deflection routing, where port-contentions in routers are resolved by intentionally misrouting some of packets along unwanted directions instead of storing them, has been proposed as a promising approach for improving power and area efficiency of large-scale networks on chip (NoCs). However, at high network load, when packets are misrouted more frequently, the cost and energy benefits of this simple routing scheme are offset by the performance degradation. To address this problem, we propose a technique that uses small in-channel buffers to capture some of deflected packets before they take a misrouting hop. The captured packets are then looped-back to the routers where they suffered deflection and routed again. To improve the efficiency of this in-channel misrouting suppression scheme we also slightly modify the routing function of the deflection router by restricting the choice of productive directions for misrouted packets. Evaluations on synthetic traffic patterns show that the proposed misrouting suppression mechanism yields an improvement of 36.2% in network saturation throughput when implemented into the conventional deflection-routed network

    The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net): Combining Computer Vision and Language Processing For Advanced Search, Retrieval, Annotation and Description of Visual Data

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    The explosive growth of visual and textual data (both on the World Wide Web and held in private repositories by diverse institutions and companies) has led to urgent requirements in terms of search, processing and management of digital content. Solutions for providing access to or mining such data depend on the semantic gap between vision and language being bridged, which in turn calls for expertise from two so far unconnected fields: Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The central goal of iV&L Net is to build a European CV/NLP research community, targeting 4 focus themes: (i) Integrated Modelling of Vision and Language for CV and NLP Tasks; (ii) Applications of Integrated Models; (iii) Automatic Generation of Image & Video Descriptions; and (iv) Semantic Image & Video Search. iV&L Net will organise annual conferences, technical meetings, partner visits, data/task benchmarking, and industry/end-user liaison. Europe has many of the world’s leading CV and NLP researchers. Tapping into this expertise, and bringing the collaboration, networking and community building enabled by COST Actions to bear, iV&L Net will have substantial impact, in terms of advances in both theory/methodology and real world technologies

    UTAUT and its Application in an Educational Environment: State-of-the-Art

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life. The introduction of ICT in universities as institutions of higher education is clearly changing the way in which education is conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is acceptance of new technologies. For that purpose we’ll use a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) which will explain the user intention to use information systems and subsequently to monitor the behavior of their use. This paper describes the UTAUT model and the factors that affect it, and its modification over time. Further are given examples for the application of UTAUT in different environments. Lastly, in the conclusion we note why the uptake of ICT is mandatory and should be undertaken in order to accept a new technology

    Progressive Wavelet Correlation as a Tool for Recognition of the Images

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    An algorithm for recognition and retrieval of image from image collection is developed. Basis of the algorithm is the progressive wavelet correlation. The final result is the recognition and retrieval of the wanted image, if it is in the image collection. Instructions for the choice of correlation threshold value for obtaining desired results are defined

    Research on UTAUT Application in Higher Education Institutions

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life. The ICT imposes inevitable positive changes upon the modern world. These changes are largely related to education as well. The introduction of ICT in institutions of higher education is clearly changing the way in which education is conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is acceptance of new technologies. For that purpose we shall use a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) created by Venkatesh, which will explain the user intention to use information systems and subsequently to monitor the behavior of their use. This paper describes the UTAUT model and the factors that affect it. Further, examples are given for the application of UTAUT in different educational environments. Then are given initial research for the application of UTAUT in our university "Goce Delcev"-Stip, Macedonia about acceptance and use of e-learning information system and ugd repository. Lastly, in the conclusion we note why the uptake of ICT is mandatory and should be undertaken in order to accept a new technolog

    Model of e-learning acceptance and use for teaching staff in Higher Education Institutions

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    We live in a world where we are exposed to everyday changes that information and communication technologies (ICT) give us impose. These changes are largely related to education, and so the introduction of ICT in universities as institutions of higher education, clearly changing the way it is implemented. The policy of “Goce Delcev” University (UGD) is to fully implement ICT in all segments of management, administration and teaching. For this purpose, several projects for e-learning implementation at UGD have been conducted. But, as much as important introduction is, the more important is the acceptance of new technologies in education. Therefore, we shall use a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the research methodology. The purpose of this paper is understanding teaching staff acceptance and use e-Learning system (ELC) and investigating the influence of seven determinants (four UTAUT determinants, 2 additional determinants and one personal "selfconfidence" determinant). A survey was administered to 92 respondents (teaching staff) to capture their perceptions of elearning. The findings of this research show that among the seven UTAUT factors, the effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have the strongest effect of intention to use new technology. Also according to the survey, social influence and facilitating conditions are in strongest correlation with the behavioral intention and thereby the most influence on the behavior of participants for acceptance and use of the e – learning system

    Модел на прифаќање и употреба на репозиториумот наменет за наставниот кадар при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев" - Штип

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    Секојдневно сме изложени на употребата на интернетот во сите сфери на нашето живеење. Па така, неговата примена е важна и во процесот на образованието. Политиката на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ е да се има највисок степен на користење на интернетот во сите сегменти на управувањето, администрирањето и наставата. За таа цел спроведен е проект за зголемување на веб видливоста на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ со помош на интернетот. Како важен дел од тој проект е воведувањето на репозиториумот во рамките на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“, кој е и тема на нашето истражување. Во трудов е опишан проектот за зголемување на веб видливоста на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ и воведувањето на репозиториумот како важен дел од тој проект. Понатаму во трудот е даден приказ на резултатите од анкетата спроведена за употребата и прифатеноста на репозиториумот од страна на наставниот кадар при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“, со примена на УТАУТ теоријата. И за крај, во заклучокот, ја дефинираме важноста од успешната употреба на репозиториумот

    Speech Quality Measurement in GSM Networks Using Time Encoded Signal Processing

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    In this paper a method for speech quality estimation was evaluated simulating transmission of AMR-NB encoded speech over noisy GSM channel. The proposed system uses comparison of Time Encoded Signal (TES) processing of speech sequences, where one original and one degraded speech signal were transmitted trough GSM simulation system with AWGN noise channel. Several tests have been made on reference speech sample of single speaker with simulated bit-error loss effects on the perceived speech. The achieved results and the similarity measure scores between two TES speech sequences for various levels of noise channel conditions were compared with measured PESQ MOS values of the used channel and the correlation between them was observed

    Application of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix in Image Deblurring

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    This paper presents an image deblurring method that finds application in a broad scientific field such as image deblurring. A method for image deblurring, based on the pseudoinverse matrix is applied for removal of blur in an image caused by linear motion. This method assumes that linear motion corresponds to an integer number of pixels. Compared to other classical methods, this method attains higher values of the Improvement in Signal to Noise Ratio (ISNR) and the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) parameter. The values for the Mean Square Error (MSE) is lower and computational time has been decreased considerably with respect to the other methods. The presented experimental results are implemented in MATLAB