26 research outputs found

    Comparative Research for the Influence of Drying Technology on the Chemical Composition of Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) and Porcini Mushrooms (Boletus edulis)

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    The aim of this research was to determine the differences in the chemical composition between fresh and dried chanterelle and porcini mushrooms. The quality properties were determined by determining the mechanical and the chemical properties. The research was done in 2014. Drying was made in ventricular drier with heated air. The principle of drying is accurately performed to obtain characteristic odor and appearance of the mushroom. All of determined components had higher values in both of dried chanterelle and porcini mushrooms, compared with fresh ones. The content of total dry matters was higher in dried porcini mushrooms (93.48%) and chanterelle mushrooms (92.40%) compared with fresh mushrooms (24.70% in porcini mushrooms, and 22.90% in chanterelle mushrooms). The content of total acids in dry porcini mushrooms was 0.40%, but in chanterelle mushrooms was 0.48%. Its value in fresh porcini mushrooms was 0.13% and in chanterelle mushrooms was 0.16 %. The content of vitamin C in dried porcini mushrooms was 12.70 mg/100g, and 13.90 mg/100 g in chanterelle mushrooms. In the fresh porcini mushrooms the value of vitamin C was 9.20 mg/100 g i.e. 9.15 mg/100 g in the fresh chanterelle mushrooms. The value of mineral matters in dried porcini mushrooms was 3.80% and in dried chanterelle mushrooms was 3.50%. The value of mineral matters was 0.75% in fresh porcini mushrooms and 0.90% in fresh chanterelle mushrooms. Drying in ventricular drier is fast method which reduces the necessary water quantity, inactivates the enzymes and reduces microorganism’s metabolism. This is a basic principle in product conserving and storage for a longer period

    The Effect of Foliar Fertilizing on the Yield of Primorski Almond Cultivar Grown in Valandovo

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    The effect of fertilizing on the yield of Primorski almond cultivar grown in Valandovo region in the period of the year from 2012 to 2013 was determined. The experiment was set in four variants and three repetitions. The variants were: Control (untreated); NPK+Ever green with Me (55% organic matter, 2% w/w Mg, 2% w/w Fe, 2% w/w Zn, 2% w/w Mn, 0.5 % w/w Cu, 0.5% w/w B); NPK+Biolinfa (34% organic matter 3% N, 5.80% K2O) and NPK+Oligomix (1.20% B, 0.10% Cu, 4% Fe, 1.50% Mn, 0.10% Mo, 2% Zn). The distance of fruit planting was 4.5 m row by row and 3.5 m in the rows. In each variant and repetition were included 20 plants, and total in all experiment were involved 240 plants. Three foliar treatments were applied with given above fertilizers at a concentration of 0.4%. In the end of the November, soil fertilizing with the fertilizer Polyfeed 11-44-11+ME (Fe, B, Zn, Mn, Co, Mo) in quantity amount of 450 kg ha-1 was done. Before setting up the experiment, soil agrochemical analyses were made, and was concluded good fertility with nitrogen, medium fertility with phosphorus and potassium. The foliar fertilizing has had a positive influence on the yield in all variants, treated with different kinds of fertilizers, compared with the control, untreated variant. The highest average content of almond fruit yield (2781 kg ha-1) and the highest average almond kernels yield (1257.30 kg ha-1) was determined in the variant 2 treated with fertilizer NPK+Ever green with Me (55% organic matter, 2%w/w Mg, 2%w/w Fe, 2%w/w Zn, 2% w/w Mn, 0.5 %w/w Cu, 0.5 %w/w B). The lowest almond fruits yield (1822 kg ha-1) and the lowest almond kernels yield (806.45 kg ha-1) was determined in the control variant

    The Influence of Drying Technology on the Chemical Content of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleuropus Ostreatus E.)

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    In the Republic of Macedonia oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus E. is widespread. In nature it grows arranged side by side and one above the other. They are light brown in color with a characteristic shape as a shell. Many of them are rich in vitamins and have prominent smell and taste. For consummation it is used fresh, as well as processed. From the processed forms, the widely used is dried mushroom. The mushrooms chemical content has an essential importance for human diet and for the technological process, too. The fresh mushrooms chemical content is important for choosing the technological processes and for products quality properties. The aim of this research was to determine the differences of the chemical content of both fresh and dried oyster mushrooms. The quality properties were determined by determining the mechanical and the chemical properties. The research was done in 2013. Drying was made in ventricular drier with heated air. The principle of drying is accurately performed to obtain characteristic odor and appearance of the mushroom. All of determined components have higher values in dried mushrooms, compared with fresh ones. The content of total dry matters is higher in dried mushrooms (93.10%) compared with fresh mushrooms (23.10%). The content of total acids in dry mushrooms is 0.40% and its value in fresh mushrooms is 0.13%. The content of vitamin C in dried mushrooms is 14.10 mg %, but in the fresh ones is 9.20 mg %. The value of mineral matters is 4.50% in dried and 0.90 % in fresh mushrooms. Drying in ventricular drier is fast method which reduces the necessary water quantity, inactivates the enzymes, reduces microorganism’s metabolism. This is a basic principle in product conserving and storage for a longer period


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    Grape as a raw material is very suitable for drying, because of the high content of dry matter and sugars. In this research was used grape variety rali grown in Gevgelija vineyard region. The grape variety rali is seed free and has red color. In Macedonia it is entered in 2003 and still is in the exploratory stage. The grape was harvested at the end of August, in full technological maturity, when the fruits were reached with maximum amount of sugars. The aim of our examination was to determine differences of the chemical composition between fresh and solar dried grapes, depending on pre-treatment. Before drying the grapes were pre-treated (with ascorbic acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate). After drying, chemical analyses was performed of fresh and dried grape. The content of fructose in fresh grape was 9.05 %, and in dried grape the highest content (31.65 %) was in variant M2. The content of glucose in fresh grape was 7.35 %, and in dried grapes the highest content was found in variant M2 (32.945 %). Fresh grape content of vitamin C was 26.42 mg/100g, and in dried grapes the M1 variant had the highest content of vitamin C (42.18 mg/100g). With sensory analysis was found that the smell, taste and color were typical of dried grapes, and it has a good structure. According to the results of performed analysis, the grape variety rali can be recommended for obtaining quality dried grapes


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    Sausages belong to the widest range of meat products available in a wide variety of species and with various commercial names. The aim of this paper is to monitor the influence of two starter cultures on the color and lipid oxidation of industrially produced Macedonian traditional sausage. The research covered three variants: Variant 1: Control variant (conventionally produced Macedonian traditional sausages using nitrite salt and powdered acerola); Variant 2: Macedonian traditional sausages where the basic formulation was enriched by addition of starter culture CS-300 (Staphylococcus carnosus ssp. utilis + Staphylococcus carnosus) in combination with Swiss chard powder and powdered acerola; Variant 3: Macedonian traditional sausages where the basic formulation was enriched by addition of starter cultures CS-300 (Staphylococcus carnosus ssp. utilis + Staphylococcus carnosus) and BLC-78 (Pediococcus acidilactici + Staphylococcus carnosus) in combination with Swiss chard powder and powdered acerola. The lightness of the color (L*) continuously decreases in the control variant, resulting in a loss of color in the specified time interval. This phenomenon is not observed in the samples from variant 2 and variant 3. On the 4th day of production, variant 2 and variant 3 have statistically significantly differences (p<0.05) for redness value, compared to the control variant. From the aspect of retaining the values for redness (a*) and the yellowness (b*), better effect showed the starter culture CS-300. Thus, the samples of this variant showed better values for total color change (ΔE) and color saturation (C). The lowest TBA value was determined in the variant 2, and the highest TBA value was determined in the variant 3. According to the obtained results, with the use of the starter culture CS-300 good quality of the sausages is achieved. At the same time a safe product is obtained where the use of nitrite salt is completely eliminated

    The Influence of Some Starter Cultures on the Texture of Industrially Produced Macedonian Traditional Sausage

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    The aim of this paper is to monitor the influence of two starter cultures on texture of industrial produced Macedonian traditional sausage. The research covered three variants: Variant 1: Control variant (conventionally produced Macedonian traditional sausages using nitrite salt and powdered acerola); Variant 2: Macedonian traditional sausages where the basic formulation was enriched by the addition of starter culture CS-300 in combination with powder Swiss chard and powdered acerola; Variant 3: Macedonian traditional sausages where the basic formulation was enriched by the addition of starter cultures CS-300 and BLC-78 in combination with powdered Swiss chard and powdered acerola. The greatest strength (penetration force) on the surface was determined in the sausages from variant 3 (8.773 N), and the sausages from variant 2 (8.521 N) are characterized with the smallest hardness

    Application of selected edible and medicinal mushrooms extracts in the production of dehydrated soups as functional food

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    Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди утицај лиофилизованих водених и етанолних екстраката јестиве гљиве Suillus granulatus и медицинских гљива Coriolus versicolor и Fuscoporia torulosa гљива, сакупљених из природних станишта, на квалитет и биолошку активност дехидрираних супа, без додавања мононатријум глутамината. У циљу побољшања сензорних својстава, три најбоље супе произведене су уз додатак мононатријум глутамината у 50% мањој количини. Реализација планираних истраживања извршена је кроз десет варијанти дехидрираних супа. Код све три врсте испитиване гљиве, утврђен је повољан хемијски састав у свежем и сушеном стању. Добијени водени и етанолни екстракти испитиваних гљива имали су сложен хемијски састав и високу биолошку активност. Лиофилизовани екстракти показали су високу антиоксидативну и антимикробну активност. Додавање лиофилизованих водених и етанолних екстраката испитиваних гљива у индустријски произведеној дехидрираној супи са поврћем, показало је позитиван ефекат у погледу побољшања хемијског састава и биолошке вредности. Лиофилизовани водени и етанолни екстракти испитиваних гљива су погодни за примену у дехидрираним супама, што резултира производом без примене или са делимичном применом адитива. На овај начин добијен је нови, функционалан производ са повећаном биолошком вредношћу који је поред побољшаних нутритивних својстава потпуно безбедан за конзумирање међу свим врстама потрошачких група, а са друге стране има одређене позитивне ефекте на здравље потрошача. Због великог значаја коришћења гљива из природних станишта, која представљају важан биолошки ресурс природе, као и због чињенице да нису потребни посебни услови за индустријску производњу, овај производ може имати велики потенцијал на тржишту у поређењу са конвенционалним производима. Све то доприноси светским трендовима и технолошким поступцима, где се правилном употребом екстраката гљива могу постићи жељена својства одређеног производа уз потпуну или делимичну замену употребе појединих адитива у одређеним сегментима прехрамбене индустрије.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of lyophilized aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the edible mushroom Suillus granulatus and medicinal mushrooms Coriolus versicolor and Fuscoporia torulosa, collected from natural habitats, on the quality and biological activity of dehydrated soups, without the addition of monosodium glutamate. In order to improve the sensory properties, the three best soups were also produced by adding 50% less monosodium glutamate. The realization of the planned research was done through ten variants of dehydrated soup. In all three types of examined mushrooms, a favorable chemical composition was found in fresh as well as in dried state. The obtained aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the tested mushrooms had a rich chemical composition and high biological activities. Moreover, lyophilized extracts have shown high antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. The addition of both lyophilized aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the tested mushrooms in industrially produced dehydrated vegetable soup showed a positive effect in terms of improving the chemical composition in one hand, and biological activity on the other hand. Lyophilized aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the tested mushrooms were suitable for use in dehydrated soups, resulting in a product without using or partial using of food additives. In this way, a new, functional product with increased biological value was obtained, which, in addition to improved nutritional properties, is completely safe for consumption among all types of consumer groups, and on the other hand has certain positive effects on consumer health. Due to the great importance of using mushrooms from natural habitats that represent an important biological resource of nature, as well as due to the fact that no special conditions are required for industrial production, this product can have great potential in the market compared to conventional products. All this contributes to global trends and technological processes, where with the proper use of mushroom extracts, the desired properties of a particular product can be achieved, which would be a complete or partial replacement of the use of some additives in certain segments of the food industry


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    The apple is a natural resource of vitamins and mineral matters that are essential for development, health and working ability of man. The aim of our study was to monitor the technological process of production of solar dried apples in solar dryer, comparison between the quality features of the fruits of two varieties of apples using various pretreatment and control the quality of solar dried apples. As the material of work, was used fruits of two varieties of apples: zlaten delises and ajdared . These varieties of apples are prevalent in our market. The fruits of apples were taken at random from the market. Quality properties of tasted ap


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    Испитувано е влијанието на плодноста на почвата врз хемискот состав на листовите кај две сорти винова лоза: кардинал и афус али одгледувани во услови на тиквешкото виногорје. Испитувањата се вршени во текот на 2013 година. Во ноември 2012 година за исхрана на двете сорти винова лоза употребено е арско ѓубриво во количина од 20 тони на хектар. Почвените проби беа земени после бербата одделно за секоја сорта. Почвените проби беа земени на длабочина од 0-20cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm и 60-80cm. Лисните проби беа земени пред бербата. За анализа беа користени долните листови наспроти првиот грозд земени од сите страни на виновата лоза. Утврдено е дека со подобра почвена плодност се карактеризираат почвените проби под сортата кардинал. Кај почвените проби под сортата кардинал просечната содржина на испитуваните елементи изнесува: 6,6 mg/100g почва достапен азот, 14,42mg/100g почва достапен фосфор 25,70 mg/100g. почва калиум и 1,41% хумус. Во лисните проби од сортата кардинал констатирана е повисока содржина на макробиогените елементи азот (2,17%), фосфор (1,80%) и калиум (1,30%), а во споредба со лисните проби од сортата афус али. Повисока содржина на калциум (3,50%) и магнезиум (0,70%) утврдена е во лисните проби од сортата афус али во споредба со лисните проби од сортата кардинал

    The influence of microbial inoculums on yield and yield components of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.)

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    The use of microbial inoculums can improve growth and yield of plants without use of agrochemicals which can result in obtaining quality food. Rocket is widely grown for spice and salad in the areas of Mediterranean Sea. Having in mind the importance of rocket in human diet the research was carried out in rocket grown in unheated protected houses. The experiment included four variants as follows: variant 1 control – untreated variant; variant 2 – treated with application of inoculum from the product Uniker into the soil before the sowing of the rocket; variant 3 – treated with application of inoculum from two different products Uniker and Slavol S before sowing of the seeds, whereby Slavol S was applied by immersion of the seeds for five minutes before sowing, and Uniker was applied in the soil before the sowing of the rocket; variant 4 – treated with foliar application of live cells of bacteria Azotobacter sp. (10-6 cfu/ml) every fifteen days during vegetation. During the vegetation total yield (t/ha) and yield components were measured. The results showed that the highest average yield (22.30 t/ha) was achieved by variant 4. Also the highest average value for the weight of the whole plant (4.22 g), root weight (0.50 g), rosette weight (3.73 g) and leaves weight (2.50 g) was obtained by variant 4. The highest average value for the number of leaves was measured in variant 3 (6.13) while the root length was highest in control variant (116.70 mm)