120 research outputs found

    A perturbed lepton-specific two-Higgs-doublet model facing experimental hints for physics beyond the Standard Model

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    The BaBar, Belle, and LHCb collaborations have reported evidence for new physics in B→DτνB\to D\tau\nu and B→D∗τνB\to D^*\tau\nu of approximately 3.8σ3.8\sigma. There is also the long lasting discrepancy of about 3σ3\sigma in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, and the branching ratio for τ→μνν\tau\to\mu\nu\nu is 1.8σ1.8\sigma (2.4σ2.4\sigma) above the Standard Model expectation using the HFAG (PDG) values. Furthermore, CMS found hints for a non-zero decay rate of h→μτh\to\mu\tau. Interestingly, all these observations can be explained by introducing new scalars. In this article we consider these processes within a lepton-specific two-Higgs doublet model (i.e. of type X) with additional non-standard Yukawa couplings. It is found that one can accommodate τ→μνν\tau\to\mu\nu\nu with modified Higgs--τ\tau couplings. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be explained if the additional neutral CP-even Higgs HH is light (below 100 GeV). Also R(D)R(D) and R(D∗)R(D^*) can be easily explained by additional tt--cc--Higgs couplings. Combining these tt--cc couplings with a light HH the decay rate for t→Hct\to H c can be in a testable range for the LHC. Effects in h→μτh\to\mu\tau are also possible, but in this case a simultaneous explanation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon is difficult due to the unavoidable τ→μγ\tau\to\mu\gamma decay.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Two-pion contribution to hadronic vacuum polarization

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    We present a detailed analysis of e+e−→π+π−e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^- data up to s=1 GeV\sqrt{s}=1\,\text{GeV} in the framework of dispersion relations. Starting from a family of ππ\pi\pi PP-wave phase shifts, as derived from a previous Roy-equation analysis of ππ\pi\pi scattering, we write down an extended Omn\`es representation of the pion vector form factor in terms of a few free parameters and study to which extent the modern high-statistics data sets can be described by the resulting fit function that follows from general principles of QCD. We find that statistically acceptable fits do become possible as soon as potential uncertainties in the energy calibration are taken into account, providing a strong cross check on the internal consistency of the data sets, but preferring a mass of the ω\omega meson significantly lower than the current PDG average. In addition to a complete treatment of statistical and systematic errors propagated from the data, we perform a comprehensive analysis of the systematic errors in the dispersive representation and derive the consequences for the two-pion contribution to hadronic vacuum polarization. In a global fit to both time- and space-like data sets we find aμππ∣≤1 GeV=495.0(1.5)(2.1)×10−10a_\mu^{\pi\pi}|_{\leq 1\,\text{GeV}}=495.0(1.5)(2.1)\times 10^{-10} and aμππ∣≤0.63 GeV=132.8(0.4)(1.0)×10−10a_\mu^{\pi\pi}|_{\leq 0.63\,\text{GeV}}=132.8(0.4)(1.0)\times 10^{-10}. While the constraints are thus most stringent for low energies, we obtain uncertainty estimates throughout the whole energy range that should prove valuable in corroborating the corresponding contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. As side products, we obtain improved constraints on the ππ\pi\pi PP-wave, valuable input for future global analyses of low-energy ππ\pi\pi scattering, as well as a determination of the pion charge radius, ⟨rπ2⟩=0.429(1)(4) fm2\langle r_\pi^2 \rangle = 0.429(1)(4)\,\text{fm}^2.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figures, 13 tables; version published in JHE

    A Dispersive Treatment of Kâ„“4K_{\ell4} Decays

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    Kℓ4K_{\ell4} decays offer several reasons of interest: they allow an accurate measurement of ππ\pi\pi-scattering lengths; they provide the best source for the determination of some low-energy constants of ChPT; one form factor is directly related to the chiral anomaly, which can be measured here. We present a dispersive treatment of Kℓ4K_{\ell4} decays that provides a resummation of ππ\pi\pi- and KπK\pi-rescattering effects. The free parameters of the dispersion relation are fitted to the data of the high-statistics experiments E865 and NA48/2. The matching to ChPT at NLO and NNLO enables us to determine the LECs L1rL_1^r, L2rL_2^r and L3rL_3^r. With recently published data from NA48/2, the LEC L9rL_9^r can be determined as well. In contrast to a pure chiral treatment, the dispersion relation describes the observed curvature of one of the form factors, which we understand as a rescattering effect beyond NNLO.Comment: 86 pages, 21 figures. Draws on and extends arXiv:1412.5171 [hep-ph] and arXiv:1209.0755 [hep-ph

    Isospin Breaking Effects in Kâ„“4K_{\ell4} Decays

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    In the framework of chiral perturbation theory with photons and leptons, the one-loop isospin breaking effects in Kâ„“4K_{\ell4} decays due to both the photonic contribution and the quark and meson mass differences are computed. A comparison with the isospin breaking corrections applied by recent high statistics Ke4K_{e4} experiments is performed. The calculation can be used to correct the existing form factor measurements by isospin breaking effects that have not yet been taken into account in the experimental analysis. Based on the present work, possible forthcoming experiments on Ke4K_{e4} decays could correct the isospin breaking effects in a more consistent way.Comment: 62 pages, 18 figure

    Low-Energy Effective Field Theory below the Electroweak Scale: Operators and Matching

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    The gauge-invariant operators up to dimension six in the low-energy effective field theory below the electroweak scale are classified. There are 70 Hermitian dimension-five and 3631 Hermitian dimension-six operators that conserve baryon and lepton number, as well as ΔB=±ΔL=±1\Delta B= \pm \Delta L = \pm 1, ΔL=±2\Delta L=\pm 2, and ΔL=±4\Delta L=\pm 4 operators. The matching onto these operators from the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) up to order 1/Λ21/\Lambda^2 is computed at tree level. SMEFT imposes constraints on the coefficients of the low-energy effective theory, which can be checked experimentally to determine whether the electroweak gauge symmetry is broken by a single fundamental scalar doublet as in SMEFT. Our results, when combined with the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy theory and the one-loop anomalous dimensions of SMEFT, allow one to compute the low-energy implications of new physics to leading-log accuracy, and combine them consistently with high-energy LHC constraints.Comment: 44 pages, 22 tables; version published in JHE

    Dispersive approach to hadronic light-by-light scattering

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    Based on dispersion theory, we present a formalism for a model-independent evaluation of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. In particular, we comment on the definition of the pion pole in this framework and provide a master formula that relates the effect from pi pi intermediate states to the partial waves for the process gamma^* gamma^* --> pi pi. All contributions are expressed in terms of on-shell form factors and scattering amplitudes, and as such amenable to an experimental determination.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in JHEP, improved presentation, including non-diagonal kernels for the S-wave

    Rescattering effects in the hadronic-light-by-light contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

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    We present a first model-independent calculation of ππ\pi\pi intermediate states in the hadronic-light-by-light (HLbL) contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g−2)μ(g-2)_\mu that goes beyond the scalar QED pion loop. To this end we combine a recently developed dispersive description of the HLbL tensor with a partial-wave expansion and demonstrate that the known scalar-QED result is recovered after partial-wave resummation. Using dispersive fits to high-statistics data for the pion vector form factor, we provide an evaluation of the full pion box, aμπ-box=−15.9(2)×10−11a_\mu^{\pi\text{-box}}=-15.9(2)\times 10^{-11}. We then construct suitable input for the γ∗γ∗→ππ\gamma^*\gamma^*\to\pi\pi helicity partial waves based on a pion-pole left-hand cut and show that for the dominant charged-pion contribution this representation is consistent with the two-loop chiral prediction and the COMPASS measurement for the pion polarizability. This allows us to reliably estimate SS-wave rescattering effects to the full pion box and leads to our final estimate for the sum of these two contributions: aμπ-box+aμ,J=0ππ,π-pole LHC=−24(1)×10−11a_\mu^{\pi\text{-box}} + a_{\mu,J=0}^{\pi\pi,\pi\text{-pole LHC}}=-24(1)\times 10^{-11}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in PR

    Virtual photon-photon scattering

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    Based on analyticity, unitarity, and Lorentz invariance the contribution from hadronic vacuum polarization to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon is directly related to the cross section of e^+e^- --> hadrons. We review the main difficulties that impede such an approach for light-by-light scattering and identify the required ingredients from experiment. Amongst those, the most critical one is the scattering of two virtual photons into meson pairs. We analyze the analytic structure of the process gamma^* gamma^* --> pi pi and show that the usual Muskhelishvili-Omnes representation can be amended in such a way as to remain valid even in the presence of anomalous thresholds.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings for the International Workshop on e^+e^- collisions from phi to psi 2013, Rome, Italy, September 9-12, 201

    Dispersion relation for hadronic light-by-light scattering: two-pion contributions

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    In this third paper of a series dedicated to a dispersive treatment of the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) tensor, we derive a partial-wave formulation for two-pion intermediate states in the HLbL contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g−2)μ(g-2)_\mu, including a detailed discussion of the unitarity relation for arbitrary partial waves. We show that obtaining a final expression free from unphysical helicity partial waves is a subtle issue, which we thoroughly clarify. As a by-product, we obtain a set of sum rules that could be used to constrain future calculations of γ∗γ∗→ππ\gamma^*\gamma^*\to\pi\pi. We validate the formalism extensively using the pion-box contribution, defined by two-pion intermediate states with a pion-pole left-hand cut, and demonstrate how the full known result is reproduced when resumming the partial waves. Using dispersive fits to high-statistics data for the pion vector form factor, we provide an evaluation of the full pion box, aμπ-box=−15.9(2)×10−11a_\mu^{\pi\text{-box}}=-15.9(2)\times 10^{-11}. As an application of the partial-wave formalism, we present a first calculation of ππ\pi\pi-rescattering effects in HLbL scattering, with γ∗γ∗→ππ\gamma^*\gamma^*\to\pi\pi helicity partial waves constructed dispersively using ππ\pi\pi phase shifts derived from the inverse-amplitude method. In this way, the isospin-00 part of our calculation can be interpreted as the contribution of the f0(500)f_0(500) to HLbL scattering in (g−2)μ(g-2)_\mu. We argue that the contribution due to charged-pion rescattering implements corrections related to the corresponding pion polarizability and show that these are moderate. Our final result for the sum of pion-box contribution and its SS-wave rescattering corrections reads aμπ-box+aμ,J=0ππ,π-pole LHC=−24(1)×10−11a_\mu^{\pi\text{-box}} + a_{\mu,J=0}^{\pi\pi,\pi\text{-pole LHC}}=-24(1)\times 10^{-11}.Comment: 70 pages, 14 figures, Mathematica notebook with full expressions for the basis change included as supplementary material. Version accepted for publication in JHE
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