38 research outputs found

    The influence of a Mediterranean Diet with and without Red Wine on the Haemostatic and Inflammatory Parameters of Subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome

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    This 8 week study examined whether a Mediterranean diet supplemented with red wine, had an acute impact onsubjects diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome. Twelve non-smoking subjects with diagnostic criteria of themetabolic syndrome on minimal medication, consumed a Mediterranean-like diet for 4 weeks respectively withoutand with red wine. The amount of red wine consumed was 250 ml (26 grams of alcohol) per day for male and 180ml (19 grams) per day for female participants. A nutrigenetic profile for cardiovascular risk factors was performedon each participant. Fasting blood specimens were taken at baseline, after the diet and after the diet with wineinterventions for platelet function, procoagulants FVII and FVIII, von Willebrand’s factor, fibrinogen, tissueplasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, highly sensitive C-reactive protein and oxygen radicalabsorbance capacity (ORAC). After both periods of diet without wine and with wine, ORAC increased significantlycompared to baseline levels. Except for platelet H2O2 fluxes and FVII concentration, none of the haemostatic orinflammatory parameters changed significantly after the intervention periods compared with baseline levels.Genetic risk factors for cardiovascular disease were identified in all study participants and the potential genotypiceffects relevant to this study were generally in agreement with expected phenotypic response following the dietaryintervention. Our conclusions are that the period of intervention was too short for substantial changes inhaemostatic or in inflammatory parameters in subjects who already manifest some changes in their cardiovascularsystem and who showed diverse genetic profiles underlying increased cardiovascular risk

    Opties voor een klimaatbestendige zoetwatervoorziening in Laag Nederland, tussentijds integratierapport

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    Dit rapport geeft een tussentijds overzicht van ‘state of the art’ kennis uit lopend onderzoek van het consortium ‘Climate Proof Fresh Water Supply’ (CPFWS) dat in het kader van het onderzoeksprogramma Kennis voor Klimaat wordt uitgevoerd. De focus van dit onderzoek naar een klimaatbestendige zoetwatervoorziening ligt op lokale en regionale oplossingen in Laag Nederland voor land- en tuinbouw en natuur. De zoetwatervoorziening van dit gebied wordt naast droogte vooral bedreigd door verzilting van grond- en oppervlaktewater. In zes samenhangende werkpakketten wordt geanalyseerd hoe dit gebied meer zelfvoorzienend kan worden én hoe aanpassingen in het (hoofd)watersysteem kunnen bijdragen aan de watervoorziening van het gebied. Centraal in de aanpak zijn een 3-tal casestudies in de Hotspots Haaglanden, Rotterdam Regio en Zuidwestelijke delta


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    Graduates’ experiences in interdisciplinary research studies

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    3rd Biennial Postgraduate Supervision Conferenc