3,227 research outputs found

    Using the Δ3\Delta_3 statistic to test for missed levels in mixed sequence neutron resonance data

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    The Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) statistic is studied as a tool to detect missing levels in the neutron resonance data where 2 sequences are present. These systems are problematic because there is no level repulsion, and the resonances can be too close to resolve. Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) is a measure of the fluctuations in the number of levels in an interval of length LL on the energy axis. The method used is tested on ensembles of mixed Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) spectra, with a known fraction of levels (xx%) randomly depleted, and can accurately return xx. The accuracy of the method as a function of spectrum size is established. The method is used on neutron resonance data for 11 isotopes with either s-wave neutrons on odd-A, or p-wave neutrons on even-A. The method compares favorably with a maximum likelihood method applied to the level spacing distribution. Nuclear Data Ensembles were made from 20 isotopes in total, and their Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) statistic are discussed in the context of Random Matrix Theory.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 table

    Black and White: Attending the Games Convention 2007

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    Agronomic strategies to reduce potential precursors of acrylamide formation in cereals

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    Paracelsus postulierte Alle Dinge sind Gift, und nichts ist ohne Gift. Allein die Dosis macht, daß ein Ding kein Gift ist. Dies ist für Acrylamid (AA) in Frage zu stellen, da es hier keine Dosis gibt, unter der eine Gesundheitsgefährdung auszuschließen ist. Daher sollte AA in Nahrungsmitteln (NM) so niedrig wie möglich sein. Das AA in NM vorkommt, wurde erstmals im Jahr 2002 bewiesen. Am stärksten betroffen sind erhitzte, stärkereiche NM auf Getreide- oder Kartoffelbasis. Es reagieren reduzierende Zucker und die Aminosäure Asparagin (Asn) innerhalb der Maillard Reaktion und bilden AA. Bei der NM Produktion gibt es viele Eingriffsmöglichkeiten, AA zu senken (u.a. Höhe & Dauer der Hitzeeinwirkung, Austausch von Backtriebmitteln, Verlängerung der Teigstandzeit, Einsatz von Zusatzstoffen & Enzymen). Solche Maßnahmen sind aber teilweise begrenzt, da unerwünschte Auswirkungen auf die Qualität der NM auftreten können oder sie sind schlicht zu teuer zur Umsetzung im Großindustriellen Maßstab. Außerdem schwanken die AA-Gehalte in NM seit 2011 jahresbedingt. Dies zeigt, dass vor allem der Rohstoff (z. B. Mehl) die AA Gehalte beeinflusst. Somit wäre ein wichtiger Schritt, schon vor der NM Herstellung, auf dem Feld, Rohstoffe zu produzieren, die geringe Gehalte an AA-Vorstufen aufweisen. Die Hauptvorstufe von AA ist bei Getreide das freie Asn. Die Reduktion der Aminosäure erfordert jedoch geeignete ackerbauliche Anbaumaßnahmen, um Getreide mit wenig Asn zu produzieren. Somit war das Hauptziel der Arbeit den Einfluss folgender Maßnahmen auf den Gehalt an freiem Asn bei Getreide zu untersuchen. 1. Welche Rolle spielt das Produktionssystem (ökologisch vs. konventionell)? 2. Welche Stickstoff Düngestrategie ist beim Getreideanbau zu wählen, im Vergleich der Produktionssysteme? 3. Welchen Einfluss hat die Schwefeldüngung, bzgl. der Schwefelmenge und der Art des Düngers? 4. Können weitere Reihenabstände und eine reduzierte Saatmenge in Low Input Systemen die Backqualität von Mehlen verbessern ohne den Asn-Gehalt zu erhöhen? 5. Welche Rolle spielen Getreidearten und Sorten inkl. der Urgetreide Einkorn & Emmer im ökologischen Landbau? 6. Sollte Asn als Züchtungsziel eingeführt werden, wenn eine hohe genetische Fixierung vorliegt, also der Asn-Gehalt stark sortengebunden ist? 7. Hat der Erntezeitpunkt einen signifikanten Einfluss? Ergebnisse von Feldversuchen: Das Produktionssystem hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Asn-Gehalt. Im Mittel über die Getreidearten lag der Asn-Gehalt bei den ökologisch erzeugten Proben 26 % niedriger vgl. zu den Konventionellen. Bei Weizen war im ökologischen Sortiment bis zu 50 % weniger Asn. Bei Dinkel und Roggen war der Effekt mit max. 33 % geringer und nur in einzelnen Jahren gegeben. Die Stickstoffdüngung wirkte sich signifikant auf den Kornertrag und die Backqualität in beiden Produktionssystemen aus. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten sich bis zu einer Stickstoffdüngung von 180 kg N ha-1 keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Asn-Gehalt zur ungedüngten Variante. Die Weizensorte hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss. Die Sorte Capo zeigte die geringsten Asn-Gehalte bei 180 kg N ha-1 jedoch hohe Rohproteingehalte von > 15 % (konventionell) und > 12 % (ökologisch). Somit scheint die Reduzierung von Asn über die Stickstoffdüngung nicht auf Kosten der Backqualität zu gehen. Die Schwefeldüngung hatte, unabhängig von Menge und Düngerform, keinen signifikanten Effekt auf den Asn-Gehalt. Weite Reihenabstände können bei Winterweizen die Backqualität unter ökologischen Anbaubedingungen positiv beeinflussen. Die Saatdichte war signifikant verknüpft mit höheren Kornerträgen und Hektolitergewichten. Der Effekt beider Maßnahmen auf den Asn-Gehalt war gering. Der Asn-Gehalt scheint mit der Anzahl der Getreidekörner pro Ähre zusammenzuhängen (R2=0.72). Das eröffnet neue Einblicke in die Asn-Synthese, während der Kornreifung und ermöglicht eine einfache Vorhersage von Asn ohne aufwendige Laboranalysen. Zwischen dem Asn-Gehalt und dem Rohprotein wurde keine Beziehung gefunden. Ein deutlicher Zusammenhang lag zwischen dem AA-Gehalt und dem Rohproteingehalt vor. Wenn der Rohproteingehalt stieg sank die AA-Bildung in erhitzen Mehlen. Der Gehalt an Asn variierte signifikant zwischen ökologisch erzeugten Getreidearten und Sorten bei sehr marginaler Stickstoffversorgung. Wird Roggen mit Dinkel ersetzt ergibt sich eine Reduktion im Asn-Gehalt von 85 %. Die Urgetreidearten Einkorn und Emmer erreichten sehr hohe Asn-Mengen. Vor allem Einkorn lag in Höhen, die sonst nur bei Roggen gemessen wurden. Das freie Asn kann auch in ökologischen Produktionssystemen als Indikator für die AA-Bildung dienen (R2=0,69). Die Heritabilität war im Vergleich der Standorte sehr hoch für Weizen und Dinkel. Im Jahreseinfluss war die Heritabilität niedrig für Weizen aber hoch für Dinkel und Roggen. Der Erntezeitpunkt hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Asn-Bildung. Eine Vorverlegung der Kornernte um ein bis zwei Wochen führte, abhängig von Produktionssystem und Getreideart, zu einer Abnahme im Asn-Gehalt von bis zu 60 %. Zusammenfassend können agronomische Strategien einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten, um die AA-Vorstufe freies Asn deutlich zu minimieren. Ableitungen für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis und die Entwicklung eines pflanzenbauliches Vorhersage-models können den Asn-Gehalt nachhaltig zu senken. Die Zukunft der agronomischen Minimierungsstrategien liegt in der Lösung der Frage: Warum unterscheiden sich Getreidearten und Sorten im Asn-Bildungs- und Akkumulierungspotenzial im Korn? Wird diese Frage gelöst sind weitaus effizientere Maßnahmen möglich Asn im Getreidekorn zu senken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Erklärungen angedeutet und weitere Puzzleteile zur Senkung von Asn bei Getreide beigetragen.Food safety is of great importance as harmful substances formed during food processing can negatively affect human health. When the carcinogenic food ingredient acrylamide (AA) accidentally appeared in 2002, it was not expected that AA would take this much attention during the next years. Yet, after around 15 years of research, AA has finally been recognized as being harmful. In a first step, research focussed on food processing implications on AA formation. The impact of heat treatment, time of heating, baking agents, fermentation time, additives and enzymes were reported in several studies. Nevertheless, since 2011 food AA levels seem to stagnate or even increase in some years. Thus, the food industry did not show sufficient progress in reducing AA. Reducing sugars and amino acid free asparagine (Asn) are the main AA precursors. They can fluctuate in their content for instance in grain flour or potatoes shifting the focus of AA origin to the raw material. Thus, the production of raw material low in AA precursors seems important. However, lowering precursors of AA in the raw material necessitates suitable agronomic strategies to grow cereal species and cultivars low, especially in free Asn. Hence, the major goal of this thesis was to investigate the following questions concerning their impact on free Asn formation in cereals: 1. Which role does the management system plays, as organic vs. conventional farming systems highly differ in their cropping strategies? 2. What is the best nitrogen fertilization strategy when comparing organic vs. conventionally cropping systems? 3. Is there an impact of sulphur fertilization concerning sulphur amount and sulphur type? 4. Can expanding row distance and lowering seed density in low-input farming systems positively influence baking quality while keeping free Asn amounts low? 5. For organically grown cereals no level of free Asn was available. Thus, the question came up to which extent organically grown cereal species and cultivars including ancient grains like einkorn and emmer differ in free Asn. 6. Should free Asn be implemented in breeding programs if heritability is high? 7. Is there an impact of harvest timing on free Asn formation? Out of several field trials the following results were obtained: The cropping system had a significant impact on grain yield, the level of free Asn and quality traits. Across all species, free Asn contents in flour were 26% lower under organic conditions compared to conventional farming. For wheat a maximum reduction of 50% in free Asn content was possible if organically produced. Spelt and rye were affected to a minor extend as only in single years organically grown cultivars showed up to 33% lower Asn contents. Nitrogen (N) fertilization significantly influenced grain yield and baking quality in both cropping systems. In contrast, up to a certain amount of N free Asn was only affected to a minor extend. In particular, within the organic farming samples no significantly higher free Asn amounts were determined even if N fertilizer was raised or the N form was changed. A late N fertilization within the conventional cropping system increased crude protein content, while no clear effect was found on free Asn. Also, cultivars affected free Asn level significantly. Wheat cultivar Capo exhibited the lowest AA formation potential at a N supply of 180 kg N ha−1 while simultaneously reaching a crude protein content > 15% (conventional) and > 12% (organic). Thus, lowering free Asn by adjusting N treatments should not necessarily affect baking quality. In general, free Asn amounts in wheat varied widely both within cultivars and between cropping systems. Besides N, neither type nor amount of sulphur fertilization influenced free Asn significantly. Extending row distance can increase quality traits protein and sedimentation value. Seed density was highly related to grain yield and test weight. Most importantly, free Asn was only minor affected by both treatments. Thus, larger row distances can be recommended to raise baking quality in organic farming systems without simultaneously affecting free Asn. Number of grains spike-1 seems to be related to free Asn (R2=0.72). This provides new insights on Asn synthesis during grain development and offers the opportunity to predict free Asn formation without expensive chemical analyzes. In contrast Asn and protein content did not show any relation while high protein contents in grain seem to lower AA amount in heated flour samples. The impact of organically grown cereal species and cultivars in combination with marginal N supply on free Asn was clearly shown. A reduction potential of 85% was reached if rye was replaced by spelt. Surprisingly, the ancient species einkorn and emmer reached a very high free Asn content similar to rye. Heritability was high for wheat and spelt concerning locations, while regarding years, heritability was low for wheat but high for spelt and rye. For organically grown cereals, the relation between free Asn and AA formation was proven. Across species and years free Asn can serve as an indicator for AA formation (R2 of 0.69). Harvest timing affects free Asn levels. In this context a delayed harvest can increase Asn significantly while shifting harvest 1-2 weeks earlier decreased Asn by up to 60% depending on cereal species and cropping system. After summarizing and stating the most promising steps in the frame of agronomic strategies to lower free Asn, a prediction tool for free Asn should be implemented that classifies the impact of agronomic strategies and leads to recommendations to farmers. Finally, the main riddle, that should be solved during the next studies is the question, why cereal species and cultivars differ in their Asn formation. This thesis gives some preliminary ideas but a much deeper insight is essential to establish long-term strategies to lower free Asn content

    Xeno-assistance of the failing liver

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    Drawing on the Constitution: An Empirical Inquiry into the Constitutionality of Warrantless and Nonconsensual DWI Blood Draws

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    This Note assesses how courts have interpreted the text of Schmerber to justify conclusions while determining whether policy justifications support any particular interpretation. It then considers whether empirical data may favor one interpretation of Schmerber by examining the dissipation rate of alcohol from an individual’s bloodstream, the average time it takes a law enforcement officer to obtain a warrant for a blood draw on an alleged intoxicated driver, and the reliability of retrograde extrapolation. This Note confirms that neither the text of Schmerber nor the policy underlying its holding clearly favors a particular interpretation on the constitutionality of warrantless and nonconsensual blood draws on an alleged drunk driver. It then concludes that empirical data supports the position that the rapid dissipation of an individual’s BAC by itself is a “special fact” justifying a warrantless and nonconsensual blood draw

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThroughout much of history, safe and effective drug doses have been discovered through trial-and-error and validated via anecdote. Such approaches are limited in their ability to define how a drug's safety and effectiveness are influenced by the addition of other co-administered medications and the presence of other acute and/or chronic diseases. Consideration of all these pharmacological and pathophysiological factors is impractical given the complexity of the many interactions that may occur. To further advance clinical pharmacology, it has become necessary to leverage the increasing speed and storage capacity of computers. Developments in mathematics, statistics, and computer science have revolutionized the field of clinical pharmacology by making computers far more than glorified calculators. Today, sophisticated algorithms can be used to interrogate and learn from pharmacological datasets and make informed predictions about the safety and effectiveness of drug dosing regimens. The goal of these population pharmacokinetic analyses is to yield accurate predictions of clinically-relevant pharmacokinetic parameters and improve our understanding of the biological processes that mediate drug disposition. In this dissertation, we present the results of three pharmacokinetic studies that demonstrate the clinical utility of population pharmacokinetic modelling, along the way challenging conventional dosing strategies for vancomycin in preterm neonates and zolpidem among severely burned children. Additionally, we developed a simulation-based iv parameter estimation algorithms. This work lays the foundation for a transparent dialogue regarding the relative strengths and weaknesses of individual algorithms, which heretofore has not been possible. We conclude with a discussion of the additional unanswered questions that may now be investigated using the benchmarking framework developed here. The results of the studies described in this dissertation underscore the importance of enhancing the clinical adoption of population pharmacokinetic models. However, these models must be rigorously evaluated to ensure that they are unbiased and precise. In simulations, three of the most commonly used pharmacokinetic parameter estimation algorithms differentiated themselves when they were applied in different clinical scenarios. This finding highlights an intriguing practical fact that algorithm selection should be guided by the clinical question at hand

    Xeno-assistance of the failing liver

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    Neuro- and immunotoxic effects of fumonisin B1 in cells

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    Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium verticillioides, which commonly infects corn and other agricultural products. Fusarium species can also be found in moisture-damaged buildings, and therefore there may also be human exposure to Fusarium mycotoxins, including FB1. FB1 affects the metabolism of sphingolipids by inhibiting the enzyme ceramide synthase. It is neuro-, hepato- and nephrotoxic, and it is classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. This study aimed to clarify the mechanisms behind FB1-induced neuro- and immunotoxicity. Four neural and glial cell lines of human, rat and mouse origin were exposed to graded doses of FB1 and the effects on the production of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, intracellular glutathione levels, cell viability and apoptosis were investigated. Furthermore, the effects of FB1, alone or together with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), on the mRNA and protein expression levels of different cytokines and chemokines were studied in human dendritic cells (DC). FB1 induced oxidative stress and cell death in all cell lines studied. Generally, the effects were only seen after prolonged exposure at 10 and 100 µM of FB1. Signs of apoptosis were also seen in all four cell lines. The sensitivities of the cell lines used in this study towards FB1 may be classified as human U-118MG glioblastoma > mouse GT1-7 hypothalamic > rat C6 glioblastoma > human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. When comparing cell lines of human origin, it can be concluded that glial cells seem to be more sensitive towards FB1 toxicity than those of neural origin. After exposure to FB1, significantly increased levels of the cytokine interferon-γ (IFNγ) were detected in human DC. This observation was further confirmed by FB1-induced levels of the chemokine CXCL9, which is known to be regulated by IFNγ. During co-exposure of DC to both LPS and FB1, significant inhibitions of the LPS-induced levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-1β, and their regulatory chemokines CCL3 and CCL5 were observed. FB1 can thus affect immune responses in DC, and therefore, it is rather likely that it also affects other types of cells participating in the immune defence system. When evaluating the toxicity potential of FB1, it is important to consider the effects on different cell types and cell-cell interactions. The results of this study represent new information, especially about the mechanisms behind FB1-induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and immunotoxicity, as well as the varying sensitivities of different cell types towards FB1.Hyötykasvien hometartunnat ovat maanviljelijöiden ongelma ympäri maailmaa. Viime aikoina on kiinnitetty paljon huomiota myös kosteusvauriorakennusten homelöydöksiin. Mykotoksiinit ovat homeiden tuottamia yhdisteitä, jotka jo pieninä määrinä ovat ihmisille tai eläimille myrkyllisiä. Fumonisiini B1 (FB1) on Fusarium verticillioides nimisen homelajin tuottama toksiini. Sitä on löydetty enimmäkseen homehtuneesta maissista, mutta myös muista viljoista. Fusarium homeita esiintyy myös rakennuksissa, ja näin ollen kyseisten rakennusten asukkaat tai niissä työskentelevät henkilöt saattavat altistua Fusariumin tuottamille mykotoksiineille, kuten FB1:lle. FB1 vaikuttaa soluihin estämällä eräiden solun lipiden, sfingolipidien, normaalia aineenvaihduntaa. FB1 aiheuttaa vakavia hermosto- ja keuhkotauteja, ja on maksa- ja munuaistoksinen sekä -karsinogeeninen eläimissä. FB1 on luokiteltu ihmiselle mahdollisesti syöpää aiheuttavaksi yhdisteeksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin mekanismeja, joilla FB1 vaikuttaa ihmisestä, hiirestä ja rotasta peräisin oleviin hermo- ja gliasolulinjoihin sekä ihmisen immuunipuolustuksen kannalta tärkeisiin dendriittisoluihin. Hermo- ja gliasoluja altistettiin FB1:lle, jonka jälkeen tutkittiin aiheuttaako tämä ns. oksidatiivista stressiä tai ohjelmoitua solukuolemaa soluissa. Pitkien altistusaikojen jälkeen soluissa voitiin havaita merkkejä oksidatiivisesta stressistä ja osa soluista kuoli. Eri solulinjojen herkkyys FB1:tä vastaan vaihteli kuitenkin selvästi. Ihmisestä peräisin olevien solulinjojen vertailussa ilmeni, että gliasolulinjat (hermotukisoluja) olivat paljon herkempiä FB1:n toksisille vaikutuksille kuin hermosolulinjat. Altistettaessa ihmisen dendriittisoluja FB1:lle yksin tai yhdessä lipopolysakkaridin (LPS; yleinen gram-negatiivisten bakteerien tuottama yhdiste) kanssa nähtiin, että sillä on vaikutusta tärkeiden välittäjäaineiden, sytokiinien ja kemokiinien, esiintymiseen. Immunologisten reaktioiden käynnistyksessä tärkeässä asemassa olevan interferoni-γ:n pitoisuudet soluissa nousivat, kuten myös sen säätelemän kemokiinin pitoisuudet. Toisaalta FB1 vähensi LPS:n nostamia tulehdusta edistävien sytokiinien ja kemokiinien pitoisuuksia. FB1:tä voidaan pitää neuro- ja immunotoksisena yhdisteenä, mutta kattavan kuvan luominen FB1:n toksisista vaikutuksista esimerkiksi riskinarviointia varten vaatii lisätutkimuksia erityyppisillä soluilla. Väittelijä on syntynyt Helsingissä, on opiskellut proviisoriksi Helsingin yliopistossa ja työskentelee tutkijana Työterveyslaitoksella