3,379 research outputs found

    An improved soft X-ray photoionization detector

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    Photoionization detector with an alumina shell, a beryllium foil window, and a xenon gas fill measures small incident photon fluxes from soft X rays. It has high spectral selectivity and quantum efficiencies, and a long shelf life. It minimizes electrical leakage and recontamination, and will hold a high vacuum

    A soft X-ray photoionization detector

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    Direct current xenon-filled ceramic ionization chamber used as radiation detector in solar and astrophysical observations from rockets and satellite

    Resonance scattering at lyman-alpha by an atomic hydrogen cell

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    Hydrogen cell and ion chamber for obtaining photoelectric data on resonance scattering at lyman alpha lin

    IIaO ultraviolet and nuclear emulsion films responses to orbital flights on STS-3, STS-7, STS-8, and STS-40

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    Two types of film were flown on STS-40 space shuttle mission in June 1991. The IIaO special purpose ultraviolet film showed continued desensitization because of various thermal and cosmic ray interactions. The films were exposed to the space orbital environment for 9 days. There were several built-in launch pad delays of the shuttle mission. However, there was adequate monitoring of the temperature variations on board the shuttle that allowed for adequate knowledge of the thermal film history. This IIaO film was flown on the ASTRO I mission and is currently slated for use with the ASTRO II mission. A 50 micron thick IIIford Nuclear emulsion film was also placed on a 175 micron polyester base. The exposure to space produced several cosmic ray interactions that were analyzed and measured using Digital Image Processing techniques. This same nuclear emulsion film was flown on STS-8 and produced a similar number of cosmic ray and thermal interactions. From previous experiments of film using various laboratory electromagnetic radiation sources (e.g., alpha, beta, and neutron particles), we have been able to infer the possible oribtal interactions of both IIaO and nuclear emulsion films. The characteristic responses of IIaO on STS-40 compared favorably to the results obtained from previous STS-7 and STS-8 gas can experiments. The results indicate sufficient evidence correlating increased density on the film with possible cosmic ray, thermal and shuttle out gassing interactions

    Improved Collective Thomson Scattering measurements of fast ions at ASDEX Upgrade

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    Understanding the behaviour of the confined fast ions is important in both current and future fusion experiments. These ions play a key role in heating the plasma and will be crucial for achieving conditions for burning plasma in next-step fusion devices. Microwave-based Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) is well suited for reactor conditions and offers such an opportunity by providing measurements of the confined fast-ion distribution function resolved in space, time and 1D velocity space. We currently operate a CTS system at ASDEX Upgrade using a gyrotron which generates probing radiation at 105 GHz. A new setup using two independent receiver systems has enabled improved subtraction of the background signal, and hence the first accurate characterization of fast-ion properties. Here we review this new dual-receiver CTS setup and present results on fast-ion measurements based on the improved background characterization. These results have been obtained both with and without NBI heating, and with the measurement volume located close to the centre of the plasma. The measurements agree quantitatively with predictions of numerical simulations. Hence, CTS studies of fast-ion dynamics at ASDEX Upgrade are now feasible. The new background subtraction technique could be important for the design of CTS systems in other fusion experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Proc. of "Fusion Reactor Diagnostics", eds. F. P. Orsitto et al., AIP Conf. Pro

    Spectroscopic variability of two Oe stars

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    The Oe stars HD45314 and HD60848 have recently been found to exhibit very different X-ray properties: whilst HD60848 has an X-ray spectrum and emission level typical of most OB stars, HD45314 features a much harder and brighter X-ray emission, making it a so-called gamma Cas analogue. Monitoring the optical spectra could provide hints towards the origin of these very different behaviours. We analyse a large set of spectroscopic observations of HD45314 and HD60848, extending over 20 years. We further attempt to fit the H-alpha line profiles of both stars with a simple model of emission line formation in a Keplerian disk. Strong variations in the strengths of the H-alpha, H-beta, and He I 5876 emission lines are observed for both stars. In the case of HD60848, we find a time lag between the variations in the equivalent widths of these lines. The emission lines are double peaked with nearly identical strengths of the violet and red peaks. The H-alpha profile of this star can be successfully reproduced by our model of a disk seen under an inclination of 30 degrees. In the case of HD45314, the emission lines are highly asymmetric and display strong line profile variations. We find a major change in behaviour between the 2002 outburst and the one observed in 2013. This concerns both the relationship between the equivalent widths of the various lines and their morphologies at maximum strength (double-peaked in 2002 versus single-peaked in 2013). Our simple disk model fails to reproduce the observed H-alpha line profiles of HD45314. Our results further support the interpretation that Oe stars do have decretion disks similar to those of Be stars. Whilst the emission lines of HD60848 are explained by a disk with a Keplerian velocity field, the disk of HD45314 seems to have a significantly more complex velocity field that could be related to the phenomenon that produces its peculiar X-ray emission.Comment: Accepted for Publication in A&

    Assessment of Climate Variability of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Integration of In Situ and Satellite Data

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    The proposed research involves the application of multispectral satellite data in combination with ground truth measurements to monitor surface properties of the Greenland Ice Sheet which are essential for describing the energy and mass of the ice sheet. Several key components of the energy balance are parameterized using satellite data and in situ measurements. The analysis has been done for a 6 to 17 year time period in order to analyze the seasonal and interannual variations of the surface processes and the climatology. Our goal was to investigate to what accuracy and over what geographic areas large scale snow properties and radiative fluxes can be derived based upon a combination of available remote sensing and meteorological data sets. For the understanding of the surface processes a field program was designed to collect information on spectral albedo, specular reflectance, soot content, grain size and the physical properties of different snow types. Further, the radiative and turbulent fluxes at the ice/snow surface were monitored for the parameterization and interpretation of the satellite data. Highlights include AVHRR time series and surface based radiation measurements, passive microwave time series, and geodetic results from the ETH/CU camp
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