31 research outputs found

    Interaction of Highly Underexpanded Jets with Simulated Lunar Surfaces

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    Pressure distributions and erosion patterns on simulated lunar surfaces (hard and soft) and interference effects between the surface and two representative lunar vehicles (cylindrical and spherical) were obtained with cold-air jets at various descent heights and nozzle total-pressure ratios up to 288,000. Surface pressure distributions were dependent on both nozzle area ratio and, nozzle contour. Peak pressures obtained with a sonic nozzle agreed closely with those predicted theoretically for a near-sonic jet expanding into a vacuum. Short bell-shaped nozzles gave annular pressure distributions; the low center pressure resulted from the coalescence of shocks that originated within the nozzle. The high surface pressures were contained within a circle whose diameter was about 16 throat diameters, regardless of nozzle area ratio or contour. The peak pressure increased rapidly as the vehicle approached the surface; for example, at a descent height of 40 throat diameters the peak pressure was 0.4 percent of the chamber pressure, but increased to 6 percent at 13 throat diameters. The exhaust jet eroded a circular concave hole in white sand at descent heights from about 200 to 600 throat diameters. The hole diameter was about 225 throat diameters, while the depth was approximately 60 throat diameters. The sand particles, which formed a conical sheet at a semivertex angle of 50 deg, appeared to follow a ballistic trajectory and at no time struck the vehicle. An increase in pressure was measured on the base of the cylindrical lunar vehicle when it approached to within 14 throat diameters of the hard, flat surface. No interference effects were noted between the spherical model and the surface to descent heights as low as 8 throat diameters

    Exhaust Nozzles for Propulsion Systems with Emphasis on Supersonic Cruise Aircraft

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    This compendium summarizes the contributions of the NASA-Lewis and its contractors to supersonic exhaust nozzle research from 1963 to 1985. Two major research and technology efforts sponsored this nozzle research work; the U.S. Supersonic Transport (SST) Program and the follow-on Supersonic Cruise Research (SCR) Program. They account for two generations of nozzle technology: the first from 1963 to 1971, and the second from 1971 to 1985. First, the equations used to calculate nozzle thrust are introduced. Then the general types of nozzles are presented, followed by a discussion of those types proposed for supersonic aircraft. Next, the first-generation nozzles designed specifically for the Boeing SST and the second-generation nozzles designed under the SCR program are separately reviewed and then compared. A chapter on throttle-dependent afterbody drag is included, since drag has a major effect on the off-design performance of supersonic nozzles. A chapter on the performance of supersonic dash nozzles follows, since these nozzles have similar design problems, Finally, the nozzle test facilities used at NASA-Lewis during this nozzle research effort are identified and discussed. These facilities include static test stands, a transonic wind tunnel, and a flying testbed aircraft. A concluding section points to the future: a third generation of nozzles designed for a new era of high speed civil transports to produce even greater advances in performance, to meet new noise rules, and to ensure the continuity of over two decades of NASA research

    Performance of an All-internal Conical Compression Inlet with Annular Throat Bleed at Mach Number 5.0

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    An all-internal conical compression inlet with annular bleed at the throat was investigated at Mach 5.0 and zero angle of attack. The minimum contraction ratio of the supersonic diffuser, coincident with a mass-flow ratio of 1.0, was determined to be 0.084 as compared with the isentropic contraction ratio of 0.04 at Mach 5.0. The over-all inlet performance was very sensitive to the amount of annular bleed at the throat because of the extensive boundary layer. For example, the critical recovery varied from 41 percent with 6-percent bleed to 59 percent with 25-percent bleed. Decreasing the spacing between the supersonic and subsonic diffusers increased the critical mass-flow ratio but reduced the range of subcritical mass-flow regulation. A constant-area section was required ahead of the subsonic diffuser in order to obtain reasonable performance. An inlet-engine net-thrust analysis indicated that the optimum performance occurred with from 20- to 25-percent bleed, depending on how the bypassed air was handled

    Friction and Pressure Drag of Boundary-Layer Diverter Systems at Mach Number of 3.0

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    An experimental investigation was performed at a Mach number of 3.0 to determine the friction and pressure drags of a pylon and a 20 deg- and a 40 deg-included-angle wedge diverter over a range of Reynolds number. The results indicated that the measured friction drag coefficients agreed reasonably with that predicted by flat-plate theory. The pressure drag coefficients of the 20 and 40 deg wedges agreed with those presented in the literature. The total drag coefficient of the pylon and the 20 deg wedge diverter was about 0.36, based on diverter frontal area, while the drag coefficient of the 40 deg wedge was about 0.47

    An inlet design concept to reduce flow distortion at angle of attack

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    Flow distortions were measured at the inlet face and diffuser exit of three axisymmetric inlets operating at angles of attack of 0 degree to 14 degrees and at a Mach number of 1.91