210 research outputs found

    The reliability of the fetal magnetocardiogram

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    Meta-Modeling by Symbolic Regression and Pareto Simulated Annealing

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    The subject of this paper is a new approach to Symbolic Regression.Other publications on Symbolic Regression use Genetic Programming.This paper describes an alternative method based on Pareto Simulated Annealing.Our method is based on linear regression for the estimation of constants.Interval arithmetic is applied to ensure the consistency of a model.In order to prevent over-fitting, we merit a model not only on predictions in the data points, but also on the complexity of a model.For the complexity we introduce a new measure.We compare our new method with the Kriging meta-model and against a Symbolic Regression meta-model based on Genetic Programming.We conclude that Pareto Simulated Annealing based Symbolic Regression is very competitive compared to the other meta-model approachesapproximation;meta-modeling;pareto simulated annealing;symbolic regression

    The Meta-Model Approach for Simulation-based Design Optimization.

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    The design of products and processes makes increasing use of computer simulations for the prediction of its performance. These computer simulations are considerably cheaper than their physical equivalent. Finding the optimal design has therefore become a possibility. One approach for finding the optimal design using computer simulations is the meta-model approach, which approximates the behaviour of the computer simulation outcome using a limited number of time-consuming computer simulations. This thesis contains four main contributions, which are illustrated by industrial cases. First, a method is presented for the construction of an experimental design for computer simulations when the design space is restricted by many (nonlinear) constraints. The second contribution is a new approach for the approximation of the simulation outcome. This approximation method is particularly useful when the simulation model outcome reacts highly nonlinear to its inputs. Third, the meta-model based approach is extended to a robust optimization framework. Using this framework, many uncertainties can be taken into account, including uncertainty on the simulation model outcome. The fourth main contribution is the extension of the approach for use in integral design of many parts of complex systems.

    Inward continuation of the scalp potential distribution by means of the (vector) BEM

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    The vector Boundary Element Method (vBEM) is used for the calculation of a matrix that links the tangential components of the current density on the cortical and scalp surface. This so-called transfer matrix is compared to the transfer matrix that links the potential distribution on both surfaces. Forward and inverse calculations are performed to evaluate both types of transfer matrice

    The influence of fetoabdominal volume conduction on the fetal MCG

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    In this paper five volume-conductor models are compared to estimate its influence on the fetal MCG and to determine whether a standardized model can be used to reconstruct the heart vector. For example, near term about two thirds of the fetuses is lying in a left occipital lateral position and one third in the right. Hence, two models, one describing the fetus in a left occipital lateral position and one mirrored in the sagittal plane, may be sufficient to reconstruct the heart vector

    Robust Optimization Using Computer Experiments

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    During metamodel-based optimization three types of implicit errors are typically made.The first error is the simulation-model error, which is defined by the difference between reality and the computer model.The second error is the metamodel error, which is defined by the difference between the computer model and the metamodel.The third is the implementation error.This paper presents new ideas on how to cope with these errors during optimization, in such a way that the final solution is robust with respect to these errors.We apply the robust counterpart theory of Ben-Tal and Nemirovsky to the most frequently used metamodels: linear regression and Kriging models.The methods proposed are applied to the design of two parts of the TV tube.The simulationmodel errors receive little attention in the literature, while in practice these errors may have a significant impact due to propagation of such errors

    A Study of the Dynamics of Cardiac Ischemia using Experimental and Modeling Approaches

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    The dynamics of cardiac ischemia was investigated using experimental studies and computer simulations. An experimental model consisting of an isolated and perfused canine heart with full control over blood flow rate to a targeted coronary artery was used in the experimental study and a realistically shaped computer model of a canine heart, incorporating anisotropic conductivity and realistic fiber orientation, was used in the simulation study. The phenomena investigated were: (1) the influence of fiber rotation on the epicardial potentials during ischemia and (2) the effect of conductivity changes during a period of sustained ischemia. Comparison of preliminary experimental and computer simulation results suggest that as the ischemic region grows from the endocardium towards the epicardium, the epicardial potential patterns follow the rotating fiber orientation in the myocardium. Secondly, in the experimental studies it was observed that prolonged ischemia caused a subsequent reduction in the magnitude of epicardial potentials. Similar results were obtained from the computer model when the conductivity of the tissue in the ischemic region was reduce

    Coordination of Coupled Black Box Simulations in the Construction of Metamodels

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    This paper introduces methods to coordinate black box simulations in the construction of metamodels for situations in which we have to deal with coupled black boxes.We de.ne three coordination methods: parallel simulation, sequential simulation and sequential modeling.To compare these three methods we focus on .ve aspects: throughput time, .exibility, simulated product designs, coordination complexityand the use of prior information.Special attention is given to the throughput time aspect.For this aspect we derive mathematical formulas and we give relations between the throughput times of the three coordination methods.At the end of this paper we summarize the results and give recommendations on the choice of a suitable coordination method.simulation;simulation models;coordination;black box;metamodels