58 research outputs found

    Cj0683 Is a Competence Protein Essential for Efficient Initialization of DNA Uptake in Campylobacter jejuni

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    C. jejuni is an important food-borne pathogen displaying high genetic diversity, substantially based on natural transformation. The mechanism of DNA uptake from the environment depends on a type II secretion/type IV pilus system, whose components are partially known. Here, we quantified DNA uptake in C. jejuni at the single cell level and observed median transport capacities of approximately 30 kb per uptake location. The process appeared to be limited by the initialization of DNA uptake, was finite, and, finalized within 30 min of contact to DNA. Mutants lacking either the outer membrane pore PilQ or the inner membrane channel ComEC were deficient in natural transformation. The periplasmic DNA binding protein ComE was negligible for DNA uptake, which is in contrast to its proposed function. Intriguingly, a mutant lacking the unique periplasmic protein Cj0683 displayed rare but fully functional DNA uptake events. We conclude that Cj0683 was essential for the efficient initialization of DNA uptake, consistent with the putative function as a competence pilus protein. Unravelling features important in natural transformation might lead to target identification, reducing the adaptive potential of pathogens

    SIMPATIQCO: A server-based software suite which facilitates monitoring the time course of LC-MS performance metrics on orbitrap instruments

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    While the performance of liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) instrumentation continues to increase, applications such as analyses of complete or near-complete proteomes and quantitative studies require constant and optimal system performance. For this reason, research laboratories and core facilities alike are recommended to implement quality control (QC) measures as part of their routine workflows. Many laboratories perform sporadic quality control checks. However, successive and systematic longitudinal monitoring of system performance would be facilitated by dedicated automatic or semiautomatic software solutions that aid an effortless analysis and display of QC metrics over time. We present the software package SIMPATIQCO (SIMPle AuTomatIc Quality COntrol) designed for evaluation of data from LTQ Orbitrap, Q-Exactive, LTQ FT, and LTQ instruments. A centralized SIMPATIQCO server can process QC data from multiple instruments. The software calculates QC metrics supervising every step of data acquisition from LC and electrospray to MS. For each QC metric the software learns the range indicating adequate system performance from the uploaded data using robust statistics. Results are stored in a database and can be displayed in a comfortable manner from any computer in the laboratory via a web browser. QC data can be monitored for individual LC runs as well as plotted over time. SIMPATIQCO thus assists the longitudinal monitoring of important QC metrics such as peptide elution times, peak widths, intensities, total ion current (TIC) as well as sensitivity, and overall LC-MS system performance; in this way the software also helps identify potential problems. The SIMPATIQCO software package is available free of charge

    Proteomic characterization of microdissected breast tissue environment provides a protein-level overview of malignant transformation

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    Both healthy and cancerous breast tissue is heterogeneous, which is a bottleneck for proteomics-based biomarker analysis, as it obscures the cellular origin of a measured protein. We therefore aimed at obtaining a protein-level interpretation of malignant transformation through global proteome analysis of a variety of laser capture microdissected cells originating from benign and malignant breast tissues. We compared proteomic differences between these tissues, both from cells of epithelial origin and the stromal environment, and performed string analysis. Differences in protein abundances corresponded with several hallmarks of cancer, including loss of cell adhesion, transformation to a migratory phenotype, and enhanced energy metabolism. Furthermore, despite enriching for (tumor) epithelial cells, many changes to the extracellular matrix were detected in microdissected cells of epithelial origin. The stromal compartment was heterogeneous and richer in the number of fibroblast and immune cells in malignant sections, compared to benign tissue sections. Furthermore, stroma could be clearly divided into reactive and nonreactive based on extracellular matrix disassembly proteins. We conclude that proteomics analysis of both microdissected epithelium and stroma gives an additional layer of information and more detailed insight into malignant transformation

    Proteomic alterations in early stage cervical cancer

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) allows the capture of cell types or welldefined structures in tissue. We compared in a semi-quantitative way the proteomes from an equivalent of 8,000 tumor cells from patients with squamous cell cervical cancer (SCC, n = 22) with healthy epithelial and stromal cells obtained from normal cervical tissue (n = 13). Proteins were enzymatically digested into peptides which were measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry and analyzed by "all-ornothing" analysis, Bonferroni, and Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. By comparing LCM cell type preparations, 31 proteins were exclusively found in early stage cervical cancer (n = 11) when compared with healthy epithelium and stroma, based on criteria that address specificity in a restrictive "all-or-nothing" way. By Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, 30 proteins were significantly up-regulated between early stage cervical cancer and healthy control, including six members of the MCM protein family. MCM proteins are involved in DNA repair and expected to be participating in the early stage of cancer. After a less stringent Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing, we found that the abundances of 319 proteins were significantly different between early stage cervical cancer and healthy controls. Four proteins were confirmed in digests of whole tissue lysates by Parallel Reaction

    Proteomics pipeline for biomarker discovery of laser capture microdissected breast cancer tissue

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based label-free proteomics offers an unbiased approach to screen biomarkers related to disease progression and therapy-resistance of breast cancer on the global scale. However, multi-step sample preparation can introduce large variation in generated data, while inappropriate statistical methods will lead to false positive hits. All these issues have hampered the identification of reliable protein markers. A workflow, which integrates reproducible and robust sample preparation and data handling methods, is highly desirable in clinical proteomics investigations. Here we describe a label-free tissue proteomics pipeline, which encompasses laser capture microdissection (LCM) followed by nanoscale liquid chromatography and high resolution MS. This pipeline routinely identifies on average ̃10,000 peptides corresponding to ̃1,800 proteins from sub-microgram amounts of protein extracted from ̃4,000 LCM breast cancer epithelial cells. Highly reproducible abundance data were generated from different technical and biological replicates. As a proof-of-principle, comparative proteome analysis was performed on estrogen receptor a positive or negative (ER+/-) samples, and commonly known differentially expressed proteins related to ER expression in breast cancer were identified. Therefore, we show that our tissue proteomics pipeline is robust and applicable for the identification of breast cancer specific protein markers

    Peptides from the variable region of specific antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients

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    Late diagnosis of lung cancer is still the main reason for high mortality rates in lung cancer. Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease which induces an immune response to different tumor antigens. Several methods for searching autoantibodies have been described that are based on known purified antigen panels. The aim of our study is to find evidence that parts of the antigen-binding-domain of antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients. This was investigated by a novel approach based on sequencing antigen-binding- fragments (Fab) of immunoglobulins using proteomic techniques without the need of previously known antigen panels. From serum of 93 participants of the NELSON trial IgG was isolated and subsequently digested into Fab and Fc. Fab was purified from the digested mixture by SDS-PAGE. The Fab containing gel-bands were excised, tryptic digested and measured on a nano-LC-Orbitrap-Mass- spectrometry system. Multivariate analysis of the mass spectrometry data by linear canonical discriminant analysis combined with stepwise logistic regression resulted in a 12-antibody-peptide model which was able to distinguish lung cancer patients from controls in a high risk population with a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 90%. With our Fab-purification combined Orbitrap-mass-spectrometry approach, we found peptides from the variable-parts of antibodies which are shared among lung cancer patients

    Cerebrospinal Fluid of Preeclamptic and Normotensive Pregnant Women Compared to Nonpregnant Women Analyzed with Mass Spectrometry

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific multiorgan disorder in which impaired placental functioning and excessive oxidative stress play an important role. We previously showed distinct differences between cerebrospinal fluid proteins in patients with preeclampsia and normotensive pregnant women. An additional group of nonpregnant women was included to study the presence of pregnancy-related proteins in normotensive and preeclamptic pregnancies and whether pregnancy-related proteins were associated with preeclampsia. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were tryptically digested and subsequently measured with a nano-LC-tribrid Orbitrap mass spectrometry system. Proteins were identified by shotgun proteomic analysis based on a data-dependent acquisition method. Proteins identified in preeclampsia, normotensive pregnant controls, and nonpregnant groups were compared to the Progenesis method according to the criteria as previously described and with a secondary analysis using a Scaffold method including Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. For preeclampsia, the Progenesis and the Scaffold method together identified 15 (eight proteins for both analyses with one overlap) proteins that were significantly different compared to normotensive control pregnancies. Three of these 15 proteins, which were elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of preeclamptic women, were described to be pregnancy proteins with a calcium-binding function. Using two analysis methods (Progenesis and Scaffold), four out of 15 differential proteins were associated with pregnancy, as described in the literature. Three out of the four pregnancy-related proteins were elevated in preeclampsia. Furthermore, the contribution of elevated (n = 4/15) and downregulated (n = 2/15) calcium-binding proteins in preeclampsia is remarkably high (40%) and needs to be elucidated further

    On the Infrared Exponent for Gluon and Ghost Propagation in Landau Gauge QCD

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    In the covariant description of confinement, one expects the ghost correlations to be infrared enhanced. Assuming ghost dominance, the long-range behavior of gluon and ghost correlations in Landau gauge QCD is determined by one exponent kappa. The gluon propagator is infrared finite (vanishing) for kappa =1/2 (kappa > 1/2) which is still under debate. Here, we study critical exponent and coupling for the infrared conformal behavior from the asymptotic form of the solutions to the Dyson-Schwinger equations in an ultraviolet finite expansion scheme. The value for kappa is directly related to the ghost-gluon vertex. Assuming that it is regular in the infrared, one obtains kappa = 0.595. This value maximizes the critical coupling alpha_c(kappa), yielding alpha_c^max = (4 Pi/Nc) 0.709 approx. 2.97 for Nc=3. For larger kappa the vertex acquires an infrared singularity in the gluon momentum, smaller ones imply infrared singular ghost legs. Variations in alpha_c remain within 5% from kappa = 0.5 to 0.7. Above this range, alpha_c decreases more rapidly with alpha_c -> 0 as kappa -> 1 which sets the upper bound on kappa.Comment: 22 Pages, 10 Figures, LaTeX2e, revtex4, some notes and references added in response to communication

    4-protein signature predicting tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent breast cancer

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    Estrogen receptor (ER) positive tumors represent the majority of breast malignancies, and are effectively treated with hormonal therapies, such as tamoxifen. However, in the recurrent disease resistance to tamoxifen therapy is common and a major cause of death. In recent years, in-depth proteome analyses have enabled identification of clinically useful biomarkers, particularly, when heterogeneity in complex tumor tissue was reduced using laser capture microdissection (LCM). In the current study, we performed high resolution proteomic analysis on two cohorts of ER positive breast tumors derived from patients who either manifested good or poor outcome to tamoxifen treatment upon recurrence. A total of 112 fresh frozen tumors were collected from multiple medical centers and divided into two sets: an in-house training and a multi-center test set. Epithelial tumor cells were enriched with LCM and analyzed by nano-LC Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS), which yielded >3000 and >4000 quantified proteins in the training and test sets, respectively. Raw data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD000484 and PXD000485. Statistical analysis showed differential abundance of 99 proteins, of which a subset of 4 proteins was selected through a multivariate step-down to develop a predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome. The 4-protein signature significantly predicted poor outcome patients in the test set, independent of predictive histopathological characteristics (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.17; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15 to 4.17; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.017). Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of PDCD4, one of the signature proteins, on an independent set of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissues provided and independent technical validation (HR = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.57 to 0.92; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.009). We hereby report the first validated protein predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent ER-positive breast cancer. IHC further showed that PDCD4 is an independent marker

    Quantification of Calcyclin and Heat Shock Protein 90 in Sera from Women with and without Preeclampsia by Mass Spectrometry

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    Purpose: The objective of present study is to determine serum levels and placental distribution of two interacting proteins calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 in preeclampsia. Experimental design: Maternal serum levels of calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 are compared throughout pregnancy from the first trimester till term among women with preeclampsia (n = 43) and age-matched normotensive pregnant controls (n = 46). A serum-based 2D LC-MS assay using Parallel Reaction Monitoring is applied to quantify both calcyclin and heat shock protein 90. Results: Serum levels of calcyclin are significantly lower in patients with preeclampsia in the second trimester of pregnancy as compared to controls (p < 0.05). Serum levels of heat shock protein 90 are significantly higher in patients with preeclampsia in the third trimester as compared to controls (p < 0.001). Conclusion and clinical relevance: Both interacting proteins calcyclin and heat shock protein 90 are notably changed in preeclamptic patients compared to controls. Calcyclin is already decreased before the onset of preeclampsia in the second trimester and HSP90 is strongly increased in the third trimester. This suggests that these proteins may play a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and ought to be investigated in large cohort studies as molecular biomarkers
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