5,857 research outputs found

    Strategies for exchanging information in preschool

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    We have interviewed four parents and a teacher at a Swedish preschool to investigate the practices for spreading information in preschool. Our findings suggest that frequent presence in the premises of the preschool is important to get information, and that parents rely heavily on routines to make it work. When either of these points fail, breakdowns occur. Discrepancies in parents’ and teachers’ IT use also complicates the information exchange

    What can we get “help” to observe when it comes to mobile use and mobile user experience?

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    Mobile devices and mobile services have been around long enough for the research community to start thinking about the next step in studying them: larger user groups and longer periods of time. Strictly quantitative methods are not very useful when it comes to studying user experience so we need to find scalable ways to support our qualitative methods to be able to take this next step. This paper reflects on automatic gathering of context data as one such way

    Molecular biology techniques as a tool for detection and characterisation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis) is the causative agent of paratuberculosis, also known as Johne’s disease, a chronic intestinal infection in cattle and other ruminants. Paratuberculosis is characterised by diarrhea and weight loss that occurs after a period of a few months up to several years without any clinical signs. The considerable economic losses to dairy and beef cattle producers are caused by reduced milk production and poor reproduction performance in subclinically infected animals. Early diagnosis of infected cattle is essential to prevent the spread of the disease. Efforts have been made to eradicate paratuberculosis by using a detection and cull strategy, but eradication is hampered by the lack of suitable and sensitive diagnostic methods. This thesis, based on five scientific investigations, describes the development of different DNA amplification strategies for detection and characterisation of M. paratuberculosis. Various ways to pre-treat bacterial cultures, tissue specimens and fecal samples prior to PCR analysis were investigated. Internal positive PCR control molecules were developed and used in PCR analyses to improve the reliability and to facilitate the interpretation of the results. The sensitivity of the ultimate methods was found to be approximate that of culture and allowed detection of low numbers of M. paratuberculosis expected to be found in subclinically infected animals. Genomic DNA of a Swedish mycobacterial isolate, incorrectly identified by PCR as M. paratuberculosis was characterised. The isolate was closely related to M. cookii and harboured one copy of a DNA segment with 94% similarity to IS900, the target sequence used in diagnostic PCR for detection of M. paratuberculosis. This finding highlighted the urgency of developing or evaluating PCR systems based on genes other than IS900. A PCR-based fingerprinting method using primers targeting the enterobacterial intergenic consensus sequence (ERIC) and the IS900 sequence was developed and successfully used to distinguish M. paratuberculosis from closely related mycobacteria, including the above mentioned mycobacterial isolate. In conclusion, the molecular biology techniques developed in these studies have proved useful for accelerating the diagnostic detection and characterisation of M. paratuberculosis

    Seeing People and Knowing You: Perception, Shared Knowledge, and Acknowledgment

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    This article takes up the proposal that action and expression enable perceptual knowledge of other minds, a proposal that runs counter to a tradition of thinking that other minds are special in that they are essentially unobservable. I argue that even if we accept this proposal regarding perceptual knowledge, there is still a difference between knowing another person and knowing other things. I articulate this difference by pointing out that I can know another person by sharing knowledge with her. Such sharing is expressed in the use of the second-person pronoun. Thus, I argue, other minds are indeed special as objects of knowledge, but not in the way the tradition has supposed

    Changing my life one step at a time – using the Twelve Step program as design inspiration for long term lifestyle change

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    To explore how people manage and maintain life style change, we conducted interviews with eight members of different Twelve Step Fellowships with 2-23 years of recovery about how they maintain and develop their recovery in everyday life. They reported how identification, sharing, and routines are keys to recovery. Our lessons for design concerns how these concepts support recovery in a long term perspective: Sharing to contribute in a broader sense to the fellowship and to serve as an example for fellow members created motivation even after 20 years of recovery; reflecting over routines in recovery was essential since life is constantly changing and routines need to fit into everyday life; concrete gestures were helpful for some of the abstract parts of the recovery work, such as letting go of troubling issues. Design aimed to support maintenance of lifestyle change needs to open up for ways of sharing that allow users to contribute their experiences in ways that create motivation, and support users in reflecting over their routines rather than prompting them on what to do

    Online behavior from desktop and mobile devices are connected

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    Cell phones and other mobile devices are used to access the Internet even at home and at work where computers are easily available. They are no longer a mere backup to the computer. This means that it makes little sense to study Internet access from mobile devices separate from other Internet access. We need new methods that encompass online behavior from desktop computers and mobile devices as well as stationary and mobile online behavior

    Social Media for Lifestyle Change – social with whom, and why?

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    We have interviewed members of three different Twelve Step programs about how they manage their recovery in a long term perspective. This data also provides insight in the social aspects of the Twelve Step program. We believe that HCI could be inspired for design of social media for lifestyle change by looking more closely at the Twelve Step program. For example the focus on sharing practical experience, creating groups with strong sense of identification as well as personal mentor relations

    Changing Rules of Liability in Automobile Accident Litigation

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    Den svenska befolkningen blir allt äldre, och denna förskjutning av befolkningssammansättningen leder till ett ökat behov av vård och omsorg. Den utmaning som detta medför för samhället motiverar att närmare studera vad som påverkar hälsan specifikt hos målgruppen äldre. Studien utgår från ett nytt datamaterial från en omfattande enkätundersökning besvarad av äldre invånare i Linköpings och Norrköpings kommun. Med Grossmans hälsoekonomiska modell som ramverk ämnar studien med kvantitativ metodik analysera vilken påverkan modellens faktorer har på äldres hälsa. För att möta syftet valde författarna att i regressionsanalys tillämpa modellen ordered probit och skatta effekterna av socioekonomiska faktorer och levnadsvanor på individers självrapporterade hälsa. Studien omfattade tio förklaringsvariabler i ett datamaterial omfattande 6 300 objekt. Resultatet visar att i en reducerad modell finns indikationer på att högre inkomst och utbildning kan leda till bättre hälsa i äldre, vilket överensstämmer med Grossmans teori. Utbildning uppvisar dock ej statistisk signifikans efter att förklaringsvariabler för levnadsvanor – rökning, fetma, alkoholmissbruk och motionering – introducerats i modellen. Författarna presenterar hypotesen att resultatet kan förklaras av att både utbildning och levnadsvanor fångas upp av en bakomliggande variabel – individens tidspreferens. Vidare finner författarna att Linköpingsbor i överensstämmelse med tidigare jämförelser anger en högre hälsonivå än Norrköpingsbor. Variabeln kommuntillhörighet visar sig vara signifikant efter kontroll av samtliga av studiens förklaringsvariabler, vilket kan tyda på en underliggande skillnad mellan kommunerna med avseende på kultur och socialt arv bortsett från effekter av levnadsvanor, utbildning och inkomstnivå

    Saving Disgorgement from Itself: SEC Enforcement After Kokesh v. SEC

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    Disgorgement is under threat. In Kokesh v. SEC , the Supreme Court held that disgorgement—a routine remedy that allows the SEC to recoup ill-gotten gains from financial wrongdoers—is subject to a 5-year statute of limitations because it functions as a “penalty.” This ruling threatens to upend the traditional conception of disgorgement as an ancillary remedy granted by the court’s equity power, because there are no penalties at equity. With the possibility that Kokesh’s penalty reasoning could be adopted beyond the statute of limitations context, the future of disgorgement in federal court is in doubt. This Note proposes a way forward that allows for disgorgement’s continued viability. The SEC should moderate its use of disgorgement for three reasons: because of a trend of suspicion toward strong government enforcement power by the Supreme Court, because it has been improperly used punitively, and because the rise of other statutory schemes has displaced disgorgement’s original justification. At the same time, disgorgement should be saved because of the uncertain future of administrative disgorgement proceedings, the intuitive notion of recovering money from wrongdoers, and the much-needed ability to compensate victims. To save disgorgement, the SEC should limit its use only to restoring the status quo of injured investors, thereby ensuring a remedial—not penal—purpose

    The phone as a tool for combining online and offline social activity – teenagers’ phone access to an online community

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    We have analyzed two months of log data and 100 surveys on the phone use of a Swedish online community for teenagers to investigate the mobile use of an established online service. This shows that the phone use mostly takes place during times of the day when teenagers have social time and the use is not influenced by the availability of a computer. The phone makes the community access more private compared to the computer, but teens do share the use when they want to. The cell phone bridges the online and offline social communities and allows teens to participate in both at the same time. The online community is not only a place for social activity online, it is also a social activity offline that is carried out face-to-face with friends. The cell phone thus was a tool for the teens to combine their participation in the online and the offline world
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